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新版新目标八下Unit3 Could you please clean your room?同步导学案

What chores can you help with? Check them. If you find some new words, try to guess the meaning with your partners’ help. □1.make the bed □2.clean the bedroom and living room □3.clean the windows □4.do some shopping □5.do the laundry □6.do the washing □7.do the washing up □8.do the dishes □9.do the cooking/make meals □10.help out around the kitchen □11.take out the trash □12.sweep the floor □13.fold the clothes □14.make tea □15.make coffee □16.wash the car □17.put away things □18.set the table for dinner □19.clean the windows □20.clear the table/clear the dishes from the table □21.do some sewing □22.water the plants □23.clear the toilet/toilet bowl □24.feed the pet/take care of the pet 1. After meals, you need to _________________.

Complete the sentences. And then see when you should do the chores. 2. After the clothes are dry, you need to _______________. 3. When the dustbin is full, you have to _________________.

4. When there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to ___________________. 5. After you get up, you need to ______________.

6. When your clothes are dirty, you need to ______________.

7. When your bike is dirty, you have to _____________.

8. I s_________ the floor and t________ out the trash yesterday morning. The room is pretty clean and tidy now.

9. After he g______ up, he m________ the bed, p______ on his clothes and w________ to school.

Complete the dialogue. See if Tom and Lucy like doing chores. Tom: ______________________________________________?

Lucy: I sweep the floor every day. Sometimes I do the dishes. Tom: Do you like doing chores? Lucy: ________________. Tom: ________________?

Lucy: As you know, I have too much homework to do and it makes me very tired._______________________?

Tom: I like doing some of the chores. I often help my mom clean the floor and take out the trash. When I have time, I help my mom cook meals. I want to make her happy.__________________________________________________. From the dialogue, we know:

Lucy helps his parents to __________________ and __________________. She doesn’t like doing the chores because she _______________________ and it _____________________.

Tom likes doing some of the chores like ___________________, ____________________ and _____________________. He wants to _______________________________.

After that, ask your partner what chores he can help with and if he or she likes doing them.

What chores do you often do at home? When do you usually do the chores?

What chores do you like/ What chores don’t you like? Why? Report like this: Tom likes buying vegetables and meat because he can use the rest of the money剩下的钱 to buy snacks. He usually does some shopping by himself on Sunday. He is good with kids, so he often babysits his cousin when he visits his uncle. He thinks it is interesting enough. He doesn't like cleaning the floor because he isn't careful enough. But his mother asks him to clean the floor every day... About my partner:


________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ After listening to 1b, get the students to think about the following question; When your mom wants you to buy vegetables and meat, what should she say? How to make requests politely: 1. Could you please buy some vegetables and meat? Yes (, I can)./OK./All right/Sure./Certainly./Of course. / No problem! /With pleasure. OK, but I want to wash the show first. OK. I'll do it right now. Sorry, I can't./I'm sorry I can't./I'm afraid I can't./I'd love to, but/ I have to do my homework. I'm going to meet my uncle at the station. I need to study for the coming exam. I'm (busy) doing my homework. 2. Could you please not play computer games? OK/Sure/Sorry, I won't. Some other ways to make requests politely: Could/would you please buy some vegetables meat for dinner? Would you like to do the dishes? Please put away your things. Do/Would you mind feeding the dog? You'd better make the bed after you get up. It's better to cook dinner before I come back. You need to finish your homework first. Don't forget to bring your CD player to me. Suppose you’re e the monitor. Your job is to ask your classmates to do the following things. put the bags into the desks clean the blackboard sweep the floor take out the trash turn off the lights lock the door take out the trash turn off the lights clean the blackboard close the windows put away things on your desk fetch去取 the books help carry the water

What should you say when you see you dad watch TV until late at night:

What should you say when the living room is in a mess乱码七糟:

What should we say when we see someone step on the grass:

What should we say when someone makes noises in the cinema:

What should we say when we see others fighting:

What should we say when we see someone smokes in public在公共场合:

What should we say when someone plays the music loudly:

Peter’s parents are going to Beijing on business出差 today. Suppose you're Peter's dad. Write a note to tell Peter to do these things. 1. make the bed Dear Peter, 2. cook meals 3. do the dishes 4. sweep the floor 5. water the flowers 6. feed the dog 7. take out the trash 8. walk the dog Your mom and I are going to Beijing on business. Please help with the chores and look after yourself well when we are out. Please _________________________________. Could you please ________________________? After meals, you'd better _________________________. Would you like ______________________________________? You need to __________________________ and __________________________. Don't forget _____________________________________________. We'll be back in four days.

Dad You will go to France on vacation this summer with your parents. Write a note to ask your friend Jimmy to take care of your pet Mimi. take care of, take for a walk, feed and give some water, play with him, clean Dear Jimmy, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Ming

After listening to 2a/2b, fill in the blanks.

Peter wanted to ______________tonight. But his father didn’t want him to _____________because Peter would have ____________ the next day. His father would go to __________ by car and could give him ________________.

Ask if you ask your father if you can play computer games, what should you say? How to ask for permission politely: Could I play computer games? Yes (you can)./OK./Sure./Certainly./Of course. /No problem! /I think so. /I guess so. /Yes, please. / Sorry, you can't./I'm sorry you can't./I'm afraid you can't./ Sorry, but/ You have to do my homework. You're going to meet my uncle at the station. You need to study for the coming exam. I'm working on the computer. Answer and answer. Give the exact reason. A: Could I use your computer? B: Sorry. I’m going to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, you can. But you have to clean your room first.

