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Welcome enquiries of contact us through the following: 地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区光谷大道特一号国际企业中心华新水泥股份有限公司



联系电话:027- 87806060转682210

传真:027- 87773992


网址:8db9077bb8f67c1cfad6b8e0 Add: Huaxin Cement, Tower 5, T1 International Enterprise Center, Guanshan #2 Road, Wuhan Hubei 430073Contact: Zhang Li Phone: 027- 87806060- 682210Fax: 027- 87773992E- mail: zhangli_hq@8db9077bb8f67c1cfad6b8e0

Web: 8db9077bb8f67c1cfad6b8e0



This report is compiled based on “Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Reporting Guidelines for Sustainable Development” and the State “Guidance on Central Corporate Fulfilling Social Responsibility”. Data disclosed mainly refer to 2014, with a brief supplement to the information disclosed in 2013.

We will regularly issue corporate social responsibility reports, to provide a platform for communication and for external supervision.





Forward by the CEO



Company Profile


Corporate Governance


Environmental Protection




People Development


Supporting Local Communities










Enterprise is both the creator of social wealth and the undertaker of social responsibility.

As one

of the few century old enterprises in our country, Huaxin has committed to providing the best

quality building materials to customers, creating wealth for the society and aiming at becoming the world excellent and respectable enterprise, performing social responsibility comprehensively.

In 2014, our country’s economy entered into a new “inflection point”. Facing new situation, we continuously implemented reform and innovation, cooperated together and made concerted efforts, sustained the steady growth of performance under the background of slowdown in domestic economic growth.

We hold the mission “To clean our living environment while providing reliable building materials”, promote clean production and take advantage of cement kiln co-processing to provide safe and reliable environmental service to the society. In the appraisal of the eighth “Chinese Baogang Environment Reward”, Huaxin got the title of “Enterprise Environmental Protection Excellent Reward”, becoming the only enterprise in domestic building material industry and Hubei province that got this reward.

We pay high attention to employees’ occupational health and safety, trying to build a safe production culture. Huaxin implements safety production responsibility system and safety responsibility accountability system, enhance exposure and punishment to safety risks and rules violation behaviors, enhance safety production awareness of frontline employees, compile safety operation regulation for repair operation, and perfect safety management system and regulation step by step.We advocate Huaxin create talents, treat employees as human resources, guarantee employees legal rights by regulation, and guide employees development by mechanism. Through carrying out diversified and customized training we improve employees’ quality rapidly; implement KPI management innovation, adjust payment structure, and share development results.

We won’t forget to return society. A plant built should benefit the people living around. Huaxin plants are not only local large taxpayer which push forward local economic development, but also carry out volunteer activities such as donation to contribute to harmonious society contribution.

We focus customers’ needs, trying to create value for customers. Through building the electronic commerce platform that is first in domestic cement enterprises, we linked together the plants, customers and retail stores, which realized online shopping cement by ordinary people.

“A beautiful world starts from us”! That is our promise, and also the target and more the spur. The year 2015 is full of challenges and opportunities. We will continue the road of sustainable development, explore new ways to return society, and make greater contribution to build more harmonious and beautiful world. 总裁 李叶青

CEO Li Yeqing






Initially established in 1907, Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of building materials in China, mainly engaged in businesses of cement, ready- mixed concrete, aggregate, cement equipment and project engineering, etc.

The Company listed its A- shares and B- shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1994, and then in 1999 established a strategic partnership with Holcim headquartered in Switzerland, one of the largest cement manufacturers in the world.

At present, Huaxin has over 100 plants of different types in 10 Chinese provinces and overseas. Total assets reaches 26 billion RMB, contributing 16 billion sales revenue. The staff is 14000 in total. The company ranks among the China Top 500 Manufacturers and the Fortune China Top 500.


Huaxin Cement put carps in fishpond to celebrate 108 birthday


In 2014, facing the pressure of excess capacity of cement industry and fierce competition, Huaxin actively coped with it and fitted in with the new economic development circumstances. In the whole year, Huaxin realized cement and clinker sales of 51.3363 million tons, aggregate sales of 5.11 million tons, environmental business waste treatment of 0.71 million tons, ready mix concrete sales of 5 million cubic meters. Throughout the year the company achieved operating income of 15.996 billion RMB, total profit

of 1.993 billion RMB, net profit belonging to shareholders of the parent company is 1.222 billion RMB.


2014 Contribution to the Economy


2014 Company Awards


营业收入(单位:亿元) Revenue (100 Million RMB)

税收实现额(单位:亿元) Taxes paid (100 Million RMB)

支付员工工资总额(单位:亿元)Total salary paid (100 Million RMB)


China Association of Listing Corporation, Chinese Securities Investors Protection Fund Co. Ltd and China Securities Association, Chinese Securities Investment Fund Industry Association jointly organized the “investors most respected listing companies selection activity” Huaxin won the “2014 most respected listing company by investors Award



CEO Mr. Li yeqing was elected the President of the Hubei Provincial Building Materials Association.


Heads of China and Tajikistan together witnessed the signing of investment agreement between Huaxin Cement and Tajikistan.


Huaxin was listed in 2014 China Top 500 by Fortune China.


In the “Evaluation of Enterprise Credit Assessment” work organized by China Enterprise Association and China Entrepreneur Association, Huaxin was again awarded AAA credit enterprise.



Huaxin was listed in the 11 China Top 500 Valuable Brand, in the 98 place.


The National People's Congress, Human Resources Committee of CPPCC, Ministry of Environmental Protection all together 11 ministries jointly conferred Huaxin the title of “Enterprise Environment Protection Chinese Baogang Environment Excellence Award”, which becomes the only enterprise that got this honor in domestic building materials industry and Hubei province in 2014.



Chinese Enterprise Evaluation Association and Tsinghua University Social Science Institute jointly launched the“2015 China corporate social responsibility of the top 500”

list. Huaxin is in the 85 place.


公司年度股东大会暨投资者公开接待日Annual shareholders meeting and investors open reception day 投资者公开接待日Investors open reception day


Enhance Internal Control


In March 2014, PWC Zhongtian CPA firms issued standard and unqualified audit report on our 2013 internal control.

2014年3月,公司完成了控股股东豪瑞公司的内部控制体系在环保业务的推广实施,并在稳定运行三个月后对其执行情况进行现场检查,总体有效性达92%;2014年8- 9月,将五部委及豪瑞内控规范推广实施至包装及装备业务。至此,纳入内控实施范围单位资产总额占公司合并财务报表资产总额的91%。

In March 2014, Huaxin completed implementation and promotion of its shareholder Holcim Co.’s internal control system in environment business, and conducted onsite inspection on its implementation after it functioned for three months stably, general effectiveness reached 92%; August to September, 2014, we popularized five ministries and Holcim internal control standard to Bag and Equipment businesses. Till now, total assets included into the internal control implementation range accounts for 91% of the total assets of the company's consolidated financial statements.


Kick off meeting of building internal control system in Huaxin Enping Co.


Concrete and Finance Shared Center go- live

截至2014年底,共有38家分子公司纳入财务共享范围,业务覆盖销售结算、采购结算、费用及总账、资金收付、月结、财务报表等方面。自从财务共享服务中心(FSSC)上线一年以来, 通过流程的规范化及业务的集中化处理,发现及


Till the end of 2014, totally 38 subsidiaries were included into financial share scope. The business covers sales settlement, procurement settlement,expense and general ledger, receipt and payment of funds, monthly statement financial statements. Since financial share service center(FSSC) go- live for one year, many business compliance problems have been found and solved through procedure standardization and business concentrated treatment, which lowered financial and tax risks; Concrete business problems communication and discussion meeting is held twice in a month, and set finance shared service center answering email to solve various internal customers problems.

Meanwhile, Huaxin also started feasibility research of comprehensive business sharing.


Supplier Collaborative Platform go- live



In 2014, Suppliers Collaborative Platform went - live successfully. Through online business treatment, online information inquiry, online transmission and printing contract, order, invoice, purchasing audit, we promoted effective communication between the two sides, reduced the circulation cost and time, improved work efficiency; Through joint procurement, supplier bidding and negotiation, we ensured material price competitiveness, realized a transparent and fair procurement. 45 joint negotiations were carried out in 2014, realized HQ control material procurement cost saving 16.8 million RMB.


Realize procurement control in whole procedure through Supplier Collaborative Platform



In 2014, we carry out shared service operation practice through concrete and finance share service center pilot project, realized concrete business financial data concentrated management, financial procedure standardization, to better play the role of concentrated control of finance and enhanced effect; the successful go- live of suppliers’ collaborative platform ensured transparent and fair procurement.


Strengthen Risk Prevention


The benefit of Shared Service Center

The building of Shared Service Center can help corporate to improve management level from the angle of strategy, value, quality and efficiency, bringing more benefit to corporate, specific targets includes:



risks effectively










撑平台 ,提level

Reduce expense

Reduce needed operation fund

Reduce system 更低的服务成本




the rules of the company, improving the accuracy,

timeliness and reality of business operation,

making risks.

and can reduce control rules violation



Lower pollutant discharge


Huaxin takes new cement industry atmosphere pollutant emission standard as the benchmark to plants, promote the pollutant treatment level in plants and realize compliance in advance.


In 2014, all Huaxin’s kiln plants have installed SNCR (selective non catalyst reduction) system, to realize NOx reduction target at terminal; meanwhile, Huaxin holds the concept of clean production, starts from production process reform, explore cement kiln staged combustion technology, lower NOx generation from source.


NOx treatment


Dust treatment


Through preventive repair, Huaxin guarantee dust filters function in the best status, and implement regular clean regulation to lower dust emission.

SO 2治理

SO 2 treatment

公司使用低硫煤,并通过监控生料含硫量从源头上控制SO 2的产生来源;对于SO 2排放较高的工厂,通过新上脱硫设施,降低SO 2排放对环境的影响。

Huaxin use low sulfur coal and monitor the sulfur content in raw meal to control SO 2 generation from source; as to plants with high SO 2 emission, new desulfurization facilities are installed to reduce SO 2 emission impact to environment.



In 2014, Huaxin continue d to implement package system fugitive emission control. 85% cement package lines have been installed high efficiency roller cleaning machine, and reached internal fugitive emission control standard. We also explore loading platform fugitive emission control technical method in Hefeng,

Xiangcheng, and Yunxian subsidiaries.


Fugitive emission control


率,窑头粉尘排放浓度稳定控制在30mg/m 以下。

Huaxin (Yichang) Co. enhances process control, improve filter efficiency, kiln head dust emission

thickness is controlled under 30mg/m .


Huaxin (Fulin) Co. adopt advanced and mature limestone- gypsum wet desulfurization process, making use of the limestone powder collected by kiln rear waste heat boiler added with water to be an absorbent to absorb the SO 2 from smoke, the byproduct gypsum is used for cement grinding material.


Huaxin (Hefeng) Co. installed loading dust filter system to collect 70% dust during package, largely lowered dust fugitive emission impact to environment.


Before reform


After reform


Huaxin sticks to the idea of corporate

development and environment protection, ecological benefit priority

and social and economic benefits, social responsibility and sustainable development, carry out rehabilitation to exploited quarry in plots and sections according to the principle “who exploit should rehabilitate”.


Quarry rehabilitation


Huaxin (Tibet) Co. quarry before rehabilitation


Huaxin (Tibet) Co. quarry after rehabilitation





Respond to climate change


In order to alleviate greenhouse gases impact to environment, Huaxin implement carbon asset management, energy saving and emission reduction meanwhile improve alternative fuel availability to lower greenhouse gases emission.

公司出台碳资产管理办法,定义下属各生产单位的CO 2排放量核算准则,提前为全国碳交易做准备。

Huaxin issued carbon asset management method, define CO 2 emission amount accounting standard for subsidiaries to prepare for national carbon trade.


Implement carbon asset management

2014年公司下属工厂积极参与湖北省、重庆市、广东省的碳交易试点工作,并以碳交易为契机,全方位的实施节能降碳。基于CSI(水泥可持续倡议组织)的水泥行业温室气体核算指南,2014年公司直接CO 2排放总量较2013年下降2%。

In 2014, subsidiaries actively participated in carbon trade pilot work in Hubei, Chongqing, and Guangdong provinces, taking carbon trade as the opportunity to implement energy saving and carbon reduction. Based on CSI (Cement Sustainability Initiative Organization)cement industry greenhouse gases accounting guideline, Huaxin’s direct CO 2 emission in 2014 decreased by 2% compared with that in 2013.


Advance carbon trade pilot

2014年,累计处置生活垃圾50万吨,三峡漂浮物50万方,间接减少CO 2排放约33万吨。

In 2014, totally 0.5 million tons living wastes and 0.5 million cubic floating wastes in Three Gorges were treated, indirectly reduced CO 2 emission about 0.33 million tons.


Improve alternative fuel efficiency

通过降低熟料烧成热耗、水泥粉磨电耗,优化余热发电运行,提升发电效率等提升能源利用效率,降低单位产品CO 2排放。

By reducing heat consumption of clinker burning, power consumption of cement grinding, optimization of WHR operation, and improve power generation efficiency to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO 2 emission per unit product.

Continue to push forward energy efficiency improvement project



Huaxin (Xiangyang) Co. was rated as emission reduction demonstration enterprise in building material industry


Performance Indicators


Unit cement energy consumption



Environment Service


The CEO Mr. Li Yeqing said: “In the past, we produced cement while protecting environment, but now we protect

environment while producing cement. In the future, Huaxin’s cement exists for environment protection need.



工厂余热发电量占工厂总耗电量的百分比Percentage of power from waste heat


Consumption of industrial byproducts


Power consumed in RDF production

单位:万吨/年 Unit:10,000t/y

单位:度/吨 Unit: kwh/t


Now Huaxin has 20 environment plants in operation and construction, the capacity of co-processing wastes by cement kiln has reached 5.48 million t/y, totally treated 0.5 million tons living wastes, 0.1 million tons industrial hazardous wastes, 0.15 million tons municipal sludge, 0.5 million tons polluted soil, 0.5 million cubic water floaters for

the society. In 2014, Huaxin wastes treatment amount increased 42% year on year, environment business sales revenue (exclude RDF alternative revenue) broke through 120 million, increased 13% year on year, which showed good growth.





Huangshi Sludge Treatment Plant 2.武汉陈家冲生活垃圾处置工厂

Wuhan Chenjiachong Living Waste Treatment Plant 3.湖南株洲生活垃圾处置工厂

Hunan Zhuzhou Living Waste Treatment Plant


Project building


In 2014, Huaxin built Chenjiachong phase Ⅱ and Ezhou, Yingcheng, Nanzhang, Xinyang, Youxian, Zhuhai totally 7 environment protection projects; in which Xinyang and Ezhou projects are put into production; In 2014, there are 3 environment protection projects of Shiyan, South Taizi Lake, and Changshankou began construction.


2014年,华新环保商务合作模式有了新的突破和进展。In 2014, Huaxin environmental protection business cooperation mode has new breakthrough and progress.



Business model innovation


Business development


Huaxin has basically completed environment protection development layout in Hubei, development outside the province is also in order. In 2014, environment protection new projects are five: Loudi living wastes treatment project, Zhaotong living wastes treatment project, Huangmei living wastes treatment project, Suzhou polluted soil treatment project, Hangzhou polluted soil treatment project. The successful implementation of Suzhou and Hangzhou polluted soil business marked the substantial breakthrough development in Yangtze River Delta area, lay a good foundation for Huaxin to expand polluted soil business in Fuzhou, Nantong, Tianjin and other places, provide powerful support to future environmental protection business growth.


With ten years accumulation, Huaxin environment protection research group’s capacity is obviously improved. The successful application of the second generation environmental technology marked the ripe time for widely promotion of Huaxin’s environmental technology.



Technical research


In 2014, Huaxin “living wastes ecological pretreatment and cement kiln co-processing technical innovation and practice”passed scientific and technological achievements appraisal by China Building Materials Association. Experts agreed that: “The overall technology reached the international advanced level, we should speed up the popularization and application”; 26 national patents obtained 20; published 3 international papers, 2 domestic influential papers; and won the China Baogang Environmental Award “Corporate Environmental Excellence Award”and first prize for scientific and technological progress by China Building Materials Association.


Based on making full use of cement production sites and local government public resources to obtain orders, combine with the situation of wastes treatment outside the province, borrow third party resource and advantage and local cement kiln resource to conduct business, broke the regional barriers of depending on own cement lines for wastes treatment, expanded business operation scope and wideness.


Performance Indicators


2014 Environmental treatment capacity


2014 Environment signed projects list



2014 Environment protection projects list


Case Studies



In the morning of December 9 , 2014, Huaxin

Environmental Engineering (Ezhou) Co. living wastes

ecological treatment project started trial production. Ezhou Municipal Standing Committee, the committee secretary Hu Yunxing with related leaders from Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Bureau of Living Building, Sanitation Bureau, and Echeng region to carry out

onsite investigation of trial production. Wang Huanzhong, general manager of Huaxin’s Environment Protection BU and related people accompanied the investigation.

鄂州市生活垃圾生态处理项目位于鄂州市燕矶镇百洪村,项目总投资约8000 万元,占地46亩,设计日处理生活垃圾500吨。该项目利用华新水泥窑协同处理城市生活垃圾的特有生产工艺,具有处置过程“稳定化、无害化、资源化”优势,将改善城市生活环境和提高居民生活质量。

Ezhou living wastes ecological treatment project is located in Baihong village Yanji town, Ezhou city. Total investment of the project is about 80 million RMB, covers an area of 46 acres, designed capacity is 500 tons/day of living wastes. The project take advantage of the special production process of cement kiln co-processing of city wastes, h a v i n g a d v a n t a g e “s t a b i l i t y , h a r

m l e s s n e s s , resourcefulness” in treatment course, which will improve city living environment and living quality of residents.


Huaxin Ezhou living wastes ecological treatment project started trial production


The gate of Huaxin Ezhou Municipal Solid Waste Ecological Treatment Plant




In the morning of September 30 , 2014, Huaxin signed

“Loudi Downtown Area Living Wastes Treatment Agreement” with Loudi Urban Management Bureau, which is the third cement kiln co- processing of city wastes project in Hunan province after Zhuzhou county and Youxian county.



Loudi city’s deputy director Zhao Yingliang, municipal government deputy secretary Lin Youliang and heads of relevant departments, and Huaxin’s assistant vice president Mei Xiangfu attended the signing ceremony. It is reported that Loudi living wastes project daily treatment scale is designed 600 tons, the annual wastes treatment is about 0.2 million tons after completion of the

project. 100% of Loudi’s living wastes will get harmless, resourceful, and thorough treatment, which will quicken “youthful Loudi, ecological Loudi, and health Loudi” building pace.


Huaxin cement kiln co- processing of Loudi living wastes project signing ceremony


August 18 , 2014, vice president Ke Youliang represented Huaxin and Zhaotong Zhaoyang District People’s Government to sign “Huaxin Cement Zhaotong City Living Waste Ecological Treatment Project Cooperation Agreement”, which marked Huaxin’s first city living waste treatment environment project settled in Zhaotong.


Zhaotong Environment Protection Plant designed daily capacity is 1000 tons of living waste, built in two phases (phase Ⅰ500 tons, phase Ⅱ500 tons), total investment 130 million RMB, in which phase Ⅰ investment is 81 million RMB. The project will adopt Huaxin Cement city living waste ecological treatment technology and cement pre-calciner kiln co- process treatment process, providing “reduction, harmless, and resourceful” plan for Zhaotong living waste treatment, realized economic, social, and ecological sustainable development.


Huaxin’s first “City Living Waste Ecological Treatment Project” in Yunnan settled in Zhaotong


th 公司摘得中华宝钢环境奖“企业环保类优秀奖”

The company won the China Baogang Environmental Award "Corporate Environmental Excellence Award"


Environmental Protection BU g e n e r a l m a n a g e r W a n g

Huanzhong (third from left)


The eighth “China Baogang Environmental Protection Award” ceremony organized by National People’s Congress, the CPPCC National Human Resources Committee and Ministry of Environmental Protection was

held on May 13 in the Great Hall of People in Beijing, Huaxin

Cement got the title of “Enterprise Environmental Protection

China Baogang Environmental Excellence Award”, becoming the only enterprise that won the honor in domestic building material industry and Hubei province.



China Baogang Environment Prize” is the highest award in the field of social comprehensive environmental protection in China. The selection work was officially started from May 2013, the title is “promoting green recycle, and build a beautiful China”. China Cement Association recommended 5 cement enterprises to participate in the “enterprise class” selection, and finally Huaxin came out on top from the many participants, successfully nominated for this award. Huaxin’s assistant vice president and general manager of Environment BU Wang Huanzhong accepted the reward on

behalf of the company. After the ceremony Wang Huanzhong accepted interview from major medias. Sina micro- blog broadcasted the whole ceremony.




Anhong project assessment meeting


Yangxin Co. FPE matrix project score chart


Wuxue Co. carry out isolation & lockout before maintenance


Implements “Anhong” project, “fatality prevention element matrix (FPE matrix)” project and isolation & lockout project


In 2014, aimed at concrete aggregate business and environment treatment business different from cement business, Huaxin organized special personnel to compile “concrete aggregate position safety pamphlet”, “environment protection business position safety pamphlet”, to guide new business employees recognize safety risks, reduced safety accident during operation.

2014年公司开展了设计安全和建筑结构安全检查评价工作(DSCQP),针对矿山、混凝土建筑物、钢结构物的安全风险进行了一次系统检查,共检查出了高风险70 条,中等风险154 条,并有针对性制订了相应的整改和控制措施。截止到2014年底,有57条高风险经整改和控制后已消除或降低了风险等级。

In 2014, Huaxin carried out design safety and building structure safety inspection and assessment work (DSCQP), carried out a systematic inspection on safety risks in quarry, concrete building, and steel structure, totally found out 70 high risks, 154 middle risks, and made corresponding rectification and control measures. By the end of 2014, 57 high risks have been eliminated or lowered risk level after rectification and control.


Safety Management


Do well safety in cement production business, meanwhile do well safety work in other business units.

According to the feature that safety accident is easy to happen in repair job, Huaxin promoted the implementation of “Anhong” project, which is the compile of repair and maintenance safety operation standard, totally made 712 maintenance lists of mechanical, electrical and process professions, carrying

out identification and prevention of safety risks in repair and maintenance, the project result filled the blank of repair job safety management work.


In 2014 Huaxin consulted Holcim’s fatality prevention element (FPE) to develop “vehicle and traffic safety pamphlet”(FPE3) and “electrical safety management pamphlet”(FPE4). Huaxin also carried out FPE safety matrix pilot extension work to contain happening of major accident.


真正掌握在员工自己手上。目前已有 73 家工厂实施了隔离加锁制度,有 11家工厂正在进行采购锁具、培训等实施前的准备工作。

In 2014, Huaxin widely implemented isolation & lockout system, changed from the original stop power hang plate system to more advanced and safe isolation & lockout

system, making safety really held in employees’ own hands. Now 73 plants have implemented isolation & lockout system, 11 plants are procuring locks and doing training to prepare for implementation.


a set of INX safety management system based on Huaxin’s existing system platform, to enhance implementation of safety measures through this safety management system, improve the transparency of safety information, help management personnel of each level to carry out safety management, improve analysis and report quality. The system go-live formally in October, now the operation is good.


INX system diagram:

employees participated in the training. The training rate reached 100%. The average training time reached 10 minutes/person·week.


Huaxin HQ send weekly safety moment in emails to share accident cases in the whole company, which play the role of safety warning and safety training, totally issued 37 safety moments in the

whole year.


行总经理、生产副总经理、矿山部长、安全部长、专职安全员等安全管理人员的培训共278 人次。

Huaxin carries out safety qualification training and safety management training regularly to improve ability and quality of safety management personnel, totally 278 people including

executive manager, production manager, head of quarry department, head of safety department, and full-time safety personnel have received training in a year.


Safety management training is held regularly


Performance Indicators


Accident rate per million work hours


Safety investment (10 thousand RMB)工亡事故数据(人)Fatalities (person)


PPE investment (10 thousand RMB)


Case Studies


In recent years, Huangshi Branch always take safety production as the biggest welfare to return employees, and the lifeline of production and operation, adhere to the policy of “safety first, prevention crucial, comprehensive treatment”, pay close attention to safety production from strengthening target management, safety supervision, safety details, risks investigation, emergency response management, safety education, safety input, and carry out safety propaganda. Meanwhile, safety committee of the company hold work meeting every year beginning to assign tasks, and summary work quarterly, and regular analysis and research of major safety production problems, and organize safety production

inspection of different

forms and contents, eliminated hidden risks in time, to ensure continued, healthy and steady

development of production, getting the title “Hubei production safety red flag unit” for four consecutive years.

黄石分公司荣获“湖北省首届十佳安全生产示范企业” 荣誉称号

Huangshi Branch got the title of “Hubei first top ten safety production demonstration enterprise”




In the afternoon of November 17 , “Hubei first top ten safety

production demonstration enterprise” large public welfare activity announced the selection result, Huangshi Branch got the Hubei’s first “top ten safety production demonstration enterprise” title.



The selection activity is jointly organized by the Hubei Provincial Work Safety Supervision

Bureau, the General Union, Coal Supervision Bureau, Hubei Daily Media Group, and Hubei TV Broadcasting, through recommendation from grass- root, checked by relevant departments, primary publication, media publicity, social voting, expert group and review group voting to determine the final result.




Hubei Cement BU pay attention to the safety of sales personnel, actively carry out “Xiangying Safety Lock” project


Xiangyang Company held occupation health and safety lecture to enhance self-protection awareness of staff


Xiangyang Co. invited expert to give occupational health training



In order to improve staff’s recognition and self- protection awareness of occupational health and safety, prevent and reduce

occupational diseases, in May 28 2:00pm, Xiangyang Company

invited Zhao Yinguo, director of Xiangyang Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment Hospital to give occupational health and safety knowledge lectures to frontline employees. Totally 50 frontline employees from quarry branch, clinker branch, cement branch and repair department participated the learning.





Director Zhao Yinguo taught employees occupational health and safety policys and laws, basic knowledge of main dangerous items, preventive measures for common dangerous jobs, self- help and mutual help of common occupational disease, emergency response plan, and did scientific and deep analysis according to the occupational disease harm of different positions in Xiangyang Company. Meanwhile he requires that frontline departments should cooperate closely to enhance on- site inspection, eliminating occupational disease risks from source, asking employees to do well routine

protection and building group prevention mechanism. Employees concentrated their attention and made notes in the training, obtained good training effect. Finally, participants also received on- site testing to enhance understanding and grasp of the knowledge.


The training is an important move to reflect people-oriented, caring employees’ mental and physical health that got praise in consensus. The staff fully recognized the importance and necessity of occupational health protection during operation, meanwhile improved self - protection awareness, strengthened the safety production protection fortress, and promoted sustainable and healthy development.


Hunan Cement BU “Xiangying Safety Lock ”Project listed safety regulation of sales personnel, especially traffic safety into the routine assessment for the first time, carried out safety lockout to four aspects of safety equipment, before driving, in driving, and after parking, take the way of general survey in plant and spot check in BU to assess salesman’s safety sales work, giving punishment once find violation, bringing safety management into the routine management of sales personnel.


The project received support from HQ OH&S department, Xiangtan Traffic Police Brigade and Xiangtan Evening News. Hunan BU marketing director and safety director published the sample result in pilot work meeting, and said that in 2014 after trial operation in Xiangtan Iron and Steel and Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan area, safety awareness of sales personnel is greatly improved. Each salesman is well equipped with fire extinguisher, reflective warning signs, safety helmet, and safety shoes in the car before the trip, strictly comply with “Traffic Safety Commitment” and national new traffic safety law, to show good enterprise image.


Hunan Cement BU will also summarize the experience and deficiency from trial operation of “Xiangying Safety Lock” Project, comprehensively promote the

project in 2015, to effectively protect the safety of sales personnel.



Salary & Benefit


In 2014, Huaxin continued to implement performance management innovation, use the best operation indicator in history as the target value for performance assessment, motivate staff to create the best performance, meanwhile provide better welfare to them.






Attach importance to existing staff welfare system. Continue to pay “Five social insurances and one housing fund” for staff, and accidental injury, s u p p l e m e n t a r y m e d i c a l a n d supplementary endowment.


Enjoy communication allowance, driving allowance, single child subsidy, and

female employee health care subsidy according to company regulation.


In 2014, labor union of Huaxin carried out employees relaxation activity in Z h u h a i R e c r e a t i o n C e n t e r , 540

employees were received there in 26 batches.

规范工资总额考核: 按产能规模将窑线进行划分,确定差别单价;取消利润奖励;明确了工资总额考核涵盖的范围;详实的数据模拟,根据2011- 2013年的实际业绩完成情况,区分不同的工厂类型,进行详细的数据测算。

Regulate total salary assessment: classify kiln lines according to capacity scale, decide difference unit price; cancel profit incentive; make clear the scope covered by total salary assessment; detailed data simulation, distinguish different plant types, and measure data in detail according to actual performance completion of 2011- 2013.


Make clear grade promotion condition, implement annual grade adjustment.


Employees salary adjustment follows the principle of grade combined with base salary and performance evaluation, salary adjustment is combined with total salary increase and salary structure conversion. Salary adjustment is more clear; meanwhile pay more attention to low- income employees salary adjustment.


On the basis of personal KPI index annual assessment, carry out

annual ranking for long- term inventive.


Performance Indicators


Total staff number

2014年华新员工性别比例Gender 2014年华新员工知识结构比例

Level of education





