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1.Exercise 1: Listen to the passage and answer each question by giving the best choice. 听力原文:

Global Unemployment Concerns Rise

As the latest U.S. corporate earnings reports start to come out, overseas markets are bracing for some difficult numbers.

Overall weak economic indicators coupled with depressed corporate data are seen as the main obstacles blocking a sustained rally in shares over the coming weeks and months. Asian markets down

In Asia, Japan?s market was closed Monday for a national holiday but elsewhere, there

was not much to be optimistic about.

Hong Kong?s Hang Seng index was down for a fifth straight day, dropping nearly three percent. The South Korean market lost two percent, dragged down by an announcement by carmaker Hyundai that it would cut production by at least 25 percent at its domestic plants.

Here in Europe, similar worries kept most shares on the downside with large energy stocks taking the biggest hits as crude oil fell below the $40-a-barrel mark. US unemployment rate also troublesome

Meanwhile, rising unemployment in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world is forcing some governments to act now. Here in Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged to spend at least $750 million to try to stem growing unemployment caused by the world

financial crisis.

“It is our determination that Britain can lead the world in showing what we can do to help those who become unemployed and what we can also do to create the jobs of the future. And I believe we can do it working in partnership. Britain works best when Britain works together and I believe that we can show this in the partnership to create jobs.” Brown determined to keep British jobless rate under control

Speaking at a meeting of British business and union leaders, Brown said he was determined to not let unemployment spiral out of control.

“We will be able to help 500,000 people into work or work-focused training over the next two years. Now, I believe that by acting together and working together, we can help families and businesses through the downturn and at the same time and by the same measures, we can also secure our future competitiveness as a global economy.” He reiterated that providing training now for the jobs of the digital future when the downturn is over is the correct way to proceed.

But not everyone here agrees with his spending plans. Opposition leader David Cameron says rapidly-rising government debt will unduly burden the next generation of taxpayers. 题目:1.Which country's market was closed Monday for a national holiday? 文本:

A) Japan B) China C) US D) Britain 你的答案: A 正确答案:

A 得分:


题目:2.How much has Prime Minister Gordon Brown pledged to spend to try to stem growing unemployment caused by the world financial crisis? 文本:

A) at least $750 million

B) at least $500,000

C) at least $75 million

D) at least $25 million 你的答案: A


A 得分:


题目:3.Opposition leader David Cameron believes next generation of taxpayers. 文本:

will unduly burden the

A) rapidly-rising unemployment

B) rapidly-rising bankruptcy

C) financial crisis

D) rapidly-rising government debt 你的答案: D 正确答案:

D 得分:


2.Exercise 2: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false, write T for true, F for false.


Global Unemployment Concerns Rise

As the latest U.S. corporate earnings reports start to come out, overseas markets are bracing for some difficult numbers.

Overall weak economic indicators coupled with depressed corporate data are seen as the main obstacles blocking a sustained rally in shares over the coming weeks and months. Asian markets down

In Asia, Japan?s market was closed Monday for a national holiday but elsewhere, there was not much to be optimistic about.

Hong Kong?s Hang Seng index was down for a fifth straight day, dropping nearly three percent. The South Korean market lost two percent, dragged down by an announcement by carmaker Hyundai that it would cut production by at least 25 percent at its domestic plants.

Here in Europe, similar worries kept most shares on the downside with large energy stocks taking the biggest hits as crude oil fell below the $40-a-barrel mark. US unemployment rate also troublesome

Meanwhile, rising unemployment in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world is forcing some governments to act now. Here in Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has pledged to spend at least $750 million to try to stem growing unemployment caused by the world financial crisis.

“It is our determination that Britain can lead the world in showing what we can do to help those who become unemployed and what we can also do to create the jobs of the future. And I believe we can do it working in partnership. Britain works best when Britain works together and I believe that we can show this in the partnership to create jobs.” Brown determined to keep British jobless rate under control

Speaking at a meeting of British business and union leaders, Brown said he was determined to not let unemployment spiral out of control.

“We will be able to help 500,000 people into work or work-focused training over the next two years. Now, I believe that by acting together and working together, we can help families and businesses through the downturn and at the same time and by the same measures, we can also secure our future competitiveness as a global economy.” He reiterated that providing training now for the jobs of the digital future when the downturn is over is the correct way to proceed.

But not everyone here agrees with his spending plans. Opposition leader David Cameron says rapidly-rising government debt will unduly burden the next generation of taxpayers. 题目:1.The South Korean market was dragged down by an announcement by

carmaker Hyundai that it would cut production by at least 25 percent at its domestic plants. 文本: 你的答案: T 正确答案:

T 得分:


题目:2.Brown believed they would be able to help 500,000 people into work or work-focused training over the next two years. 文本: 你的答案: T


T 得分:


题目:3.Hong Kong's Hang Seng index was down for a fifth straight day, dropping nearly two percent. 文本: 你的答案: F 正确答案:

F 得分:


题目:4.Brown reiterated that providing training now for the jobs of the digital future when the downturn is over is the correct way to proceed. 文本: 你的答案: T 正确答案:

T 得分:





1.Exercise 1: Listening for Specific Facts: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false, write T for true, F for false.

Experts Debate Merits of Spending to Boost US Economy

The president-elect said only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift the economy out of deep recession. In a January 10 radio address, Mr. Obama said his plan to inject billions of dollars into the economy will create from three to four million new

jobs over two years.

\are mainly public sector jobs we save, like the teachers, police officers, firefighters and others who provide vital services to our communities,\

The Obama stimulus plan will be a combination of government spending and tax cuts, proposals that will soon be debated in congress. A year ago the Bush administration and Congress implemented a much smaller $168 billion stimulus that did boost economic growth for a short time, before the economy resumed the slide that began in December 2007. That first stimulus plan, combined with big spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has pushed the government budget into deep deficit. Even before the planned Obama stimulus, the U.S. government was projected to be incurring a $1.2 trillion-dollar deficit in the current fiscal year. That is an amount equal to eight percent of economic output. Kevin Hasset, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, believes government spending is out of control.

\government when Bush was elected, in nominal dollar terms,\

Martin Baily, chief economist to former President Bill Clinton, worries whether foreigners will continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to fund the rapidly growing government deficit.

\where the economy is going. It is possible that it will turn around more quickly and strongly than, say, the current [Bush] administration's economic advisors think it will. In which case, the Fed [central bank] will be, you know, as scrambling like crazy. There's a sort of rein back in some of this money that it has put out there,\

At a conference about the stimulus plan on Monday, speakers including Hassett and Baily, expressed concern about the eventual inflationary impact of both greatly increased government spending and rapid increases in the money supply. Most economists, however, agree that the unprecedented severity of the credit squeeze and global slowdown requires extraordinary measures to maintain consumer purchasing power. 题目:1.According to Obama' plan, 90 percent of these jobs will be created in the

private sector. The remaining 10 percent will be in the public sector. 文本: 你的答案:

T 正确答案: T 得分:


题目:2.Bush administration and Congress implemented a much smaller $168 billion stimulus that did boost economic growth for a short time. 文本: 你的答案: T 正确答案:

T 得分:


题目:3.Kevin Hasset, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, believes

Obama's plan will be effective. 文本: 你的答案:

F 正确答案: F 得分:


题目: 4.Most economists agree that the unprecedented severity of the credit squeeze and global slowdown requires extraordinary measures to maintain consumer purchasing power. 文本: 你的答案: T 正确答案:

T 得分:


2.Exercise 2: Listening for Comprehensive Understanding: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions by filling the blank.

Experts Debate Merits of Spending to Boost US Economy

The president-elect said only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift the economy out of deep recession. In a January 10 radio address, Mr. Obama said his

plan to inject billions of dollars into the economy will create from three to four million new jobs over two years.

\are mainly public sector jobs we save, like the teachers, police officers, firefighters and others who provide vital services to our communities,\

The Obama stimulus plan will be a combination of government spending and tax cuts, proposals that will soon be debated in congress. A year ago the Bush administration and Congress implemented a much smaller $168 billion stimulus that did boost economic growth for a short time, before the economy resumed the slide that began in December 2007. That first stimulus plan, combined with big spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has pushed the government budget into deep deficit. Even before the planned Obama stimulus, the U.S. government was projected to be incurring a $1.2 trillion-dollar deficit in the current fiscal year. That is an amount equal to eight percent of economic output. Kevin Hasset, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, believes government spending is out of control.

\government when Bush was elected, in nominal dollar terms,\

Martin Baily, chief economist to former President Bill Clinton, worries whether foreigners will continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to fund the rapidly growing government deficit.

\where the economy is going. It is possible that it will turn around more quickly and strongly than, say, the current [Bush] administration's economic advisors think it will. In which case, the Fed [central bank] will be, you know, as scrambling like crazy. There's a sort of rein back in some of this money that it has put out there,\

At a conference about the stimulus plan on Monday, speakers including Hassett and Baily, expressed concern about the eventual inflationary impact of both greatly increased government spending and rapid increases in the money supply. Most economists, however, agree that the unprecedented severity of the credit squeeze and global slowdown requires extraordinary measures to maintain consumer purchasing power. 题目:1.What's Obama's plan? Obama's plan is to inject

into the

economy to create three to four million new jobs over two years. The Obama stimulus plan will be a combination of government spending and tax cuts. 文本: 你的答案:

billions of dollars 正确答案:

billions of dollars 得分:


题目:2.What's the outcome of Bush's stimulus plan? Bush's stimulus plan did boost deep deficit. 文本: 你的答案:

for a short time, but it also pushed the government budget into economic growth 正确答案:

economic growth 得分:


题目:3.What are Martin Baily's worries? Martin Baily worries whether foreigners will

continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to

the rapidly growing

government deficit. 文本: 你的答案:

fund 正确答案:

fund 得分:


3.Exercise 3: Focus-listening: Listen to the passage, and fill in the blanks with the missing information. The Obama 1 2 will be a combination of government spending and 3___. A year ago the Bush tax cuts, proposals that will soon be debated in administration and Congress implemented a much smaller $168 billion stimulus that did

4 6 economic growth for a short time, before the economy 5 _7_ that began in December 2007. That first stimulus plan, combined with big spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has pushed the government 8 into deep deficit. Even before the planned Obama stimulus, the U.S. government 9 10 was projected to be incurring a $1.2 trillion deficit in the 11 _. That is an amount equal to eight percent of economic output. Kevin Hasset, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, believes government spending is out of control. 题目:1.


Experts Debate Merits of Spending to Boost US Economy

The president-elect said only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift the economy out of deep recession. In a January 10 radio address, Mr. Obama said his plan to inject billions of dollars into the economy will create from three to four million new jobs over two years.

\are mainly public sector jobs we save, like the teachers, police officers, firefighters and others who provide vital services to our communities,\

The Obama stimulus plan will be a combination of government spending and tax cuts, proposals that will soon be debated in congress. A year ago the Bush administration and Congress implemented a much smaller $168 billion stimulus that did boost economic growth for a short time, before the economy resumed the slide that began in December 2007. That first stimulus plan, combined with big spending on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has pushed the government budget into deep deficit. Even before the planned Obama stimulus, the U.S. government was projected to be incurring a $1.2 trillion-dollar deficit in the current fiscal year. That is an amount equal to eight percent of economic output. Kevin Hasset, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, believes government spending is out of control.

\government when Bush was elected, in nominal dollar terms,\

Martin Baily, chief economist to former President Bill Clinton, worries whether foreigners will continue to buy the Treasury debt needed to fund the rapidly growing government deficit.

\where the economy is going. It is possible that it will turn around more quickly and strongly than, say, the current [Bush] administration's economic advisors think it will. In which case, the Fed [central bank] will be, you know, as scrambling like crazy. There's a sort of rein back in some of this money that it has put out there,\

At a conference about the stimulus plan on Monday, speakers including Hassett and Baily, expressed concern about the eventual inflationary impact of both greatly increased government spending and rapid increases in the money supply. Most economists, however, agree that the unprecedented severity of the credit squeeze and global slowdown requires extraordinary measures to maintain consumer purchasing power. 你的答案:

stimulus 正确答案:

stimulus 得分:

6.00 题目:2. 文本: 你的答案:

plan 正确答案:

plan 得分:

5.00 题目:3. 文本: 你的答案:

Congress 正确答案: Congress 得分:

5.00 题目:4. 文本: 你的答案:

boost 正确答案:

boost 得分:

5.00 题目:5. 文本: 你的答案:

resumed 正确答案:

resumed 得分:


题目:6. 文本: 你的答案:

the 正确答案:

the 得分:

5.00 题目:7. 文本: 你的答案:

slide 正确答案:

slide 得分:

5.00 题目:8. 文本: 你的答案:

budget 正确答案:

budget 得分:

5.00 题目:9. 文本: 你的答案:

current 正确答案:

current 得分:

5.00 题目:10. 文本: 你的答案:

fiscal 正确答案:

fiscal 得分:

6.00 题目:11. 文本: 你的答案:

year 正确答案:

year 得分:





1.Passage One Blank Filling: Listen to the passage, and fill in the blanks with the missing information. The mainland stock market _1. sharply yesterday.

_2. points in hectic trade.

The Shanghai Composite Index slid 2.93 percent to Data last week showed new yuan lending The banking _4. 3.

to a record 1.62 trillion yuan in January.

5. bill financing.

is investing the jump in

题目:1. 文本:

Stocks Slide 2.9% on Loan Probe Jitters

The mainland stock market fell sharply yesterday, with real estate shares leading the

drop, as reports that the banking regulator was investigating a jump in companies' bill financing made investors nervous.

The Shanghai Composite Index slid 2.93 percent to 2319.441 points in hectic trade. It had risen 2.96 percent to a five-month high on Monday, bringing its gains this year to 31 percent.

Turnover in Shanghai A shares remained very heavy at 168.8 billion yuan, though it was down from 177.5 billion yuan on Monday, when full-day turnover neared levels last seen during the stock market bubble of 2007.

Data last week showed new yuan lending soared to a record 1.62 trillion yuan in January. The news accelerated the stock market?s uptrend by fuelling hopes that economic growth might soon start to recover.

But 39 percent of the new loans were in the form of short-term discounted bill financing, up from an average 13 percent in 2008. Some analysts believe much of the money raised via bill financing went to chase short-term profits in the stock market, rather than into long-term investment in companies' operations as authorities hope.

The banking regulator is investigating the jump in discounted bill financing, fearing it could create excessive risks, China Business News reported on Monday.

Vanke, China's biggest listed property developer, tumbled 5.05 percent to 8.08 yuan amid concern that authorities could become less willing to cut interest rates further if they felt that the discounted bill and stock markets were overheating.

Hong Kong shares slid 3.8 percent yesterday, its biggest percentage drop in more than five weeks, after the Shanghai bourse broke its long-running rally.

Worries about slowing corporate earnings and likely capital raising weighed on shares across the board, with four stocks in the red for every one in the black.

The benchmark Hang Seng Index ended 510.48 points lower at 12945.40 with investors fretting over a likely weak start on Wall Street later. 你的答案:

fell 正确答案:

fell 得分:

12.50 题目:2. 文本: 你的答案:

2319.441 正确答案:

2319.441 得分:

12.50 题目:3. 文本: 你的答案:

soared 正确答案:

soared 得分:

12.50 题目:4. 文本: 你的答案:

regulator 正确答案:

regulator 得分:

12.50 题目:5. 文本: 你的答案:

discounted 正确答案:

discounted 得分:


2.Passage Two Blank Filling: Listen to the passage, and fill in the blanks with the missing information.

题目:1.Not on 文本:

payment, a whole house for a grand.

How about a House for a Thousand Bucks?

How about a house for a thousand bucks? Not on monthly payment, a whole house for a grand. It may sound unbelievable, but it's happening in some cities due to the explosion

T 得分: 4.00

题目:3.Scientists say the Nouth Asian land mass is still moving towards Sorth Asia at the rate of about two meters a year, making the area prone to earthquakes. 文本: 你的答案: F

正确答案: F 得分: 4.00

题目:4.Another earthquake-prone region is along the 1300 kilometer San Andreas Fault in America. 文本: 你的答案: T 正确答案: T 得分: 4.00

题目:5.Dr. Rundle says that several decades from now, one third of the world's population could live in seismically active regions. 文本: 你的答案: T

正确答案: T 得分: 4.00

2.Exercise 1 Part 2: Listen to the passage and answer each question by giving the best choice.

Computer Simulations Might Predict Future Earthquakes

Geologists say they knew a larger earthquake was coming in South Asia, but they did not know when.

The Himalayan Mountains were formed some 150 million years ago after the landmass that is now India broke off from Antarctica, drifted north and collided with the rest of Asia.

Scientists say the South Asian land mass is still moving towards North Asia at the rate of about two centimeters a year, making the area prone to earthquakes.

Harley Benz is a researcher at the U.S. Geological Survey earthquake information center.

Harley Benz: It's a broad zone of deformation, and across this zone that extends 1,000 kilometers, you have a whole series of faults and folds.

Another earthquake-prone region is along the 1300 kilometer San Andreas Fault in California.

It is here that John Rundle, a physics and engineering professor at the University of California at Davis, is testing his earthquake computer simulation.

John Rundle: You take these simulations, you turn them on, you run them and you do as good a job as possible in simulating or representing the past history of activity on the fault systems.

Dr. Rundle uses information from tools such as global positioning satellites to create a virtual reality model of

thousands of years of earthquake activity along the San Andreas Fault. He says that in the future, this computer model may be able to predict some earthquakes just as hurricane paths are now forecast.

John Rundle: Our goal is to be able to make forecasts on that kind of time scale and then to improve it to the point where we're actually able to see the preparation process in the months and year or two leading up to a large earthquake.

Dr. Rundle says that several decades from now, one third of the world's population could live in seismically active regions. He hopes that by then, the virtual reality software will help prevent the heavy loss of life caused by tragedies such as the South Asia earthquake.

Leta Hong Fincher, VOA news.

题目:1.When were the Himalayan Mountains formed? 文本:

A) some 50 million years ago B) about 150 million years ago C) about 105 million years ago D) some 150 billion years ago 你的答案: B


B 得分: 4.00

题目:2.According to the news, which one can be forecast now? 文本:

A) earthquake B) faults and folds C) volcanic earthquake D) hurricane paths 你的答案: D

正确答案: D 得分: 4.00

题目:3.What dose Dr. Rundle use to create a virtual reality model of thousands of years of earthquake activity along the San Andreas Fault? 文本:

A) information from tools such as global positioning satellites B) information from the past history of activity on the fault systems

C) information from physics and engineering D) information from geological survey 你的答案: A

正确答案: A 得分: 4.00

3.Exercise 2: Listening for Comprehensive Understanding: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions by filling the blank.

题目:1.What is the main idea of this piece of news? Possible Answer: Computer simulations might future earthquakes. 文本:

Computer Simulations Might Predict Future Earthquakes


Geologists say they knew a larger earthquake was coming in South Asia, but they did not know when.

The Himalayan Mountains were formed some 150 million years ago after the landmass that is now India broke off from Antarctica, drifted north and collided with the rest of Asia.

Scientists say the South Asian land mass is still moving towards North Asia at the rate of about two centimeters a year, making the area prone to earthquakes.

Harley Benz is a researcher at the U.S. Geological Survey earthquake information center.

Harley Benz: It's a broad zone of deformation, and across this zone that extends 1,000 kilometers, you have a whole series of faults and folds.

Another earthquake-prone region is along the 1300 kilometer San Andreas Fault in California.

It is here that John Rundle, a physics and engineering professor at the University of California at Davis, is testing his earthquake computer simulation.

John Rundle: You take these simulations, you turn them on, you run them and you do as good a job as possible in simulating or representing the past history of activity on the fault systems.

Dr. Rundle uses information from tools such as global positioning satellites to create a virtual reality model of

thousands of years of earthquake activity along the San Andreas Fault. He says that in the future, this computer model may be able to predict some earthquakes just as hurricane paths are now

John Rundle: Our goal is to be able to make forecasts on that kind of time scale and then to improve it to the point where we're actually able to see the preparation process in the months and year or two leading up to a large earthquake.

Dr. Rundle says that several decades from now, one third of the world's population could live in seismically active regions. He hopes that by then, the virtual reality software will help prevent the heavy loss of life caused by tragedies such as the South Asia earthquake.

Leta Hong Fincher, VOA news. 你的答案:

omputer simulations might predict future earthquakes 正确答案: predict 得分: 0.00

题目:2.According to Dr. Rundle, several decades from now, what will be the contribution of the virtual reality software? Possible answer: Dr. Rundle hopes that virtual reality software will help people make timely preparation, and the heavy loss of life caused by tragedies such as the South Asia earthquake.

文本: 你的答案:

Dr. Rundle hopes that the virtual reality software will help people make timely preparation, and prevent the heavy loss of life caused by tragedies such as the South Asia earthquake 正确答案: prevent 得分: 0.00

4.Exercise 3: Focus-listening: Listen to the passage and fill in blanks with the missing information.

I.It's a broad _1 of deformation, and across this zone that 2 1,000 kilometers, you have a whole 3 faults and folds.


II.Dr. Rundle uses information from 4 such as 5_ 6 _7_ to create a virtual reality 8 of thousands of years of earthquake activity along the San Andreas Fault. He says that in the future, this computer model may be able to predict some earthquakes just as hurricane paths are now _9 .

III.Dr. Rundle says that several 10 11 12 , one third of the world's population could live in seismically active 13 . He hopes that by then, the virtual reality 14 will help prevent the heavy loss of life caused by 15_ such as the South Asia earthquake.



Computer Simulations Might Predict Future Earthquakes

Geologists say they knew a larger earthquake was coming in South Asia, but they did not know when.

The Himalayan Mountains were formed some 150 million years ago

