新概念英语第二册笔记 - 第69课

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Lesson 69 But not murder 【Text】

I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.

The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, Just one more thing, Mr. Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet.

I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly, Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward. The examiner looked at me sadly. Mr. Eames, he said, in a mournful voice, you have just killed that child!' 【课文翻译】

我第3次接受驾驶执照考试。按照要求在车辆拥挤的路上驾驶,我圆满地完成了。在接到把车开出城的指令后,我开始有了信心。确信我已通过考试,所以我几乎开 始喜欢起这次考试。主考人对我的驾驶想必是满意的,因为他微笑着说:“埃姆斯先生,只剩1项了。让我们假设一个小孩子突然在你前面穿过马路。我一敲车窗, 你必须把车停在5英尺之内。(车得立即停下来)”


New words and expressions 生词和短语

murder n. 谋杀

instruct v. 命令,指示

acquire v. 取得,获得

confidence n. 信心

examiner n. 主考人 suppose v. 假设 tap v. 轻敲 react v. 反应 brake n. 刹车 pedal n. 踏板 mournful adj. 悲哀的


1. murder n. 谋杀,谋杀案

e.g. six murders in one week 一周之内的六起谋杀案

be guilty of murder犯谋杀罪。 commit murder进行谋杀

v. murder sb with sth 用--谋杀某人 e.g. He murdered his wife with a knife.


糟蹋:murder a piece of music 糟蹋了一首乐曲 murderer 谋杀犯,凶手 murderess 女凶手

Kill:(v.)---“杀”,“杀死”。普通用语。指任何一种致死行为。 Assassinate(v.)---“暗杀”。指出于政治目的进行的暗杀行为。 Murder(v.)---“谋杀”,“凶杀”。指非法地有目的的杀害他人。

Slaughter(v.)---“屠杀”。尤指为肉食而屠杀;还指错杀或残酷地杀死很多人。 e.g. Two people were killed in a car accident.


e.g. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.

肯尼迪总统于1963年在达拉斯被暗杀。 e.g. It is said that one person was murdered on the beach.


e.g. Tens of thousands were slaughtered on the battlefields of Macedonia.


2. instruct 及物动词 vt.

1) 指示,命令,吩咐

e.g. He instructed me to deliver it to a customer. 他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。 2) 教授;训练;指导[(+in)]

e.g. My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英语。 3) 通知,告知

e.g. My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150. 我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。 4) 【律】委派,委托

3. acquire

1)v. 取得,获得,学到(知识、技术、语言等),养成(习惯等)

e.g. Mary acquired a good knowledge of Chinese in five years' time.

acquire a habit of doing sth. 养成……的习惯 e.g. Tom acquired a habit of smoking.

acquire confidence 获得信心

V.1. (正式)购得,(尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西)

e.g. The museum has managed to acquire an important work by Dali.


2) 掌握,获得(知识、技能等);(因自己的能力而)赢得(名声). e.g. I look on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.

我把这当做是一次学习新技能的机会。 e.g. The team has acquired a fearsome reputation.

这支队伍赢得了令人生畏的名声。 Acquire a taste for 开始喜欢上。。。

e.g. This beer isn’t bad. I’m beginning to acquire a taste for it.


4. confidence

名词 n.

1. 自信,信心,把握[U][(+in)][+to-v][+that] e.g. He lacks confidence in himself. 他缺少自信。

2. 信赖,信任[U][(+in)]

e.g. We have confidence in the mayor. 我们信任这位市长。

to have/lose confidence in sb。 lack of confidence缺乏信心

e.g. I have much confidence in him


in confidence 当作秘密

e.g. I am telling you this in confidence

我现在告诉你的这件事情是个秘密 (strict confidence 绝密) confident adj.

confident of sth/that

e.g. He is confident of victory 他对胜利充满信心 e.g. a confident smile一个自信的微笑

5. examiner 名词 n.

1. 主考人;检查人;审查员[C]

6. suppose 及物动词 vt.

1) 猜想,以为[+(that)]

e.g. I suppose he is still in town. 我想他还在城里。

2) 期望;认为必须,认为应该

e.g. You're not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去。 3)必须以...为前提

e.g. Every effect supposes a cause. 任何事的产生都必然有其原因。 ★ 句法运用

1) be supposed to do sth. (尤指因为规定或掌权者的指示)被期望做;应该。 e.g. You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.



e.g. The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we’ve had to postpone it.

这个会本应该星期二举行,但我们不得不把他推迟了 2) be supposed to be sth. 被相信是。,被认为。。。 e.g. The castle is supposed to be haunted.

人们相信这座城堡闹鬼。 3)认为;料想;猜想;假定

Suppose (that)...

e.g. What makes you suppose (that)we’re going to sell the house?

你凭什么认为我们准备把这房子卖掉 4) (正式)假定,预期;以。。。为条件 e.g. The company’s plan supposes a steady increase in orders.


5) I suppose 我想,我认为 (用于认为某事真是,但不敢肯定)

e.g. I suppose he could have shot himself, but where would he have got the gun?

我想他可能是开枪自杀的,但他是从哪里得到的抢的? 我想(尤用于表示勉强同意某人做某事)I suppose so.

e.g. Can we come with you? Oh, I suppose so.

我们可以跟你一起来吗?哦,我看可以吧 我猜想(用于猜测)

6) suppose /supposing 假设,假定(用于要某人设想如果某情况存在会发生什么事) e.g. Look, suppose you lost your job tomorow, what would you do?

哎,假设你明天丢掉了工作,你会怎么办呢? 7) I don?t suppose


e.g. I don’t suppose you’d give me a lift to the station?



8) what?s that supposed to mean?这是什么意思?(用于表示对某人刚说的Conj. 假设,假定(用于假设某事发生后带来的后果

e.g. It’s not worth the risk, suppose your mother found out?

(非正式)让。。(用于提出建议) e.g. Suppose we try to sort this out before we go. 咱们尽量在出发前把这些东西整理好吧。


及物动词 vt.

1) 轻拍,轻叩,轻敲

e.g. He tapped me on the shoulder. 她轻轻地拍拍我的肩。 2) 轻轻敲出(或敲掉)[O]

e.g. He tapped the ashes out of his pipe. 他轻轻地将烟斗里的烟灰敲出来。 3) 补鞋底

4) 【美】指定,选定

e.g. Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner. 史密斯先生被指定为警察局长

话感到恼火) Suppose这个单纯呢很重要努力去读懂每句例句,把握这个单词在句中所展现的意思和含义。 5) 装上塞子(嘴子)

e.g. They tapped a barrel of beer. 他们打开桶塞放出啤酒。 6)在(树)上刻痕取液

e.g.They worked on the farm, tapping rubber trees. 他们在这农场做割胶的工作。 7)接通(总电源,总水源等)

e.g. They tapped the water main to supply the new residential quarters. 他们接通了总水管为新住宅区供水。 8)在...装窃听器

e.g. I guess our telephone has been tapped. 我猜想我们的电话被窃听了。 9)开发,开辟

e.g. The scientists are thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy. 科学家正在设想一种新的利用太阳能的方法。 名词 n. [C] 1) 龙头,阀门

e.g. He left the tap open to fill the kitchen sink with water. 他将水龙头开着让厨房的水槽注满水。 (酒桶等的)塞子,栓子 (电流)分接头

(电话)搭线窃听;窃听器 e.g. They put a tap on his telephone and recorded all his calls.


8. react

不及物动词 vi.

1) 作出反应,反应[(+to)]

e.g. How did she react to the news? 她对这个消息反应如何? 2) 影响,起作用[(+on/upon)]

e.g. The two react upon each other. 这两者互相影响。

3) 抗拒,反抗[(+against)]

e.g. Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。 4) 起反作用,回过来起作用[(+on/upon)]

e.g. Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人往往有恶报。

5) 【化】起化学作用;【物】反应[(+with/on)] e.g. How do acids react on metals? 酸对金属会起怎样的化学反应?

e.g. An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸和碱反应会产生盐。 6)【军】反攻,反击

9. brake 刹车 n. brake light刹车灯 及物动词 vt. 1) 煞住(车)

e.g. He braked his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。

e.g. The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.

那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上,司机猛踩刹车。 2)抑制,约束

e.g. There is little the government can do to brake inflation. 政府没有多少办法抑制通货膨胀。


名词 n. [C] 1) 踏板;脚蹬

e.g. He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。 2) 管风琴的脚踏键

11. mournful 形容词 a.

1) 忧伤的;悲切的;凄惨的

e.g. the mournful howling of the wind 凄厉的风号声

e.g. a mournful expression on her face 她脸上忧伤的神情 e.g. a mournful story 一个令人悲伤的故事 2) 悲观的,意气消沉的

e.g. take a mournful view of human affairs 对世事抱悲观态度 【课文讲解】

1. I was being tested for a driving license for the third time.

第一个for 表示目的;第二个for表示次数 driver’s licence 驾照

practice licence 营业执照 test

1)v. 测验,检查

I’d better have my eyes tested. 我最好是检查一下眼睛

2)n. 考试,试验,检查, have a test drive 试车 test match国际锦标赛


动名词做定语说明所修饰名词的用途;现在分词做定语,表示所修饰名词进行的动作。 a walking stick 拐杖(动名词, a stick for walking) a sleeping car 卧铺车厢(动名词, a car for sleeping) the rising sun 正在升起的太阳(现在分词) the changing world 变化中的世界(现在分词)

2. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. heavy adj. 大量的,多的,密集的 heavy traffic 交通流量很大,交通拥挤 e.g. Traffic is heavier on this road than on the other one.

这条路的交通比另一边的拥挤。 traffic jam堵车

traffic lights, traffic signals 红绿灯 heavy adj.

e.g. He had a heavy, sullen face.


e.g. He dumped the heavy suitcases by the door.

重的 e.g. I felt so full after that heavy meal.

<食物> (因油腻而) 难消化的

3. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. 现在完成时被动形式;Having been+过去分词(介词短语作时间状语,主从句的主语一致时,可简化从句。) 这句话等等与After I had been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence.

4. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examiner must

have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, must have been表示对过去的事情的猜测 be pleased with 对……满意 eg: He was pleased with my progress.


Eg: She seemed very pleased that he had come.


performance n. 表现,表演,履行实行

eg: He is excellent in the performance of his duties.


Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. 在句首中省略了being,这个分词结构在句中是状语,表原因。 eg: - Worried about his child, he didn’t sleep last night.

=As he was worried about his child, he didn’t sleep last night.

5. Just one more thing, Mr. Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the

road in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet.' Let us suppose that… 让我们假设……

eg: Let us suppose that there is a forest fire.

让我们假设有一起森林火灾。 Within prep. 不超过,在。。之内 eg: She returned within an hour. 她不到一小时就回来了

eg: We are now within sight of the shore.


6. I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly. Though the

sound could be heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. It takes sb some time to do sth…

Eg: It took me 10 minutes to persuade her to call back later.


Can be heard …情态动词的被动语态 Eg: The mistake could be avoided. 这错误可以被避免。

7. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward.

The examiner looked at me sadly. 'Mr. Eames,' he said, in a mournful voice, 'you have just killed that child!?

in a … voice 以……的声调 in a mournful/angry/sad/cheerful voice

eg:He told them the news in a sad/excited voice. 他用悲伤的声音告诉了他们那个消息 be in good voice 嗓音好 lose one’s voice 嗓子哑了 raise one’s voice 提高声调 with one voice异口同声 give voice to 说出意见

eg: Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but then finally gave voice to her opinions about the subject.

玛丽在讨论的初期阶段沉默不语,不过最后她发表了对该问题的看法。 the voice of reason理性的呼声


1. driving licence 2. heavy traffic

3. acquire confidence 4. be pleased with

5. let us suppose that

【Key structure】

6. within five feet

7. press the brake pedal 8. in a mournful voice

一 被动语态的构成:

1. 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以do为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。 一般现在时:am/is/are+done 一般过去时:was/were+done 一般将来时:will/shall be+done

现在进行时:am/is/are being+done 过去进行时:was/were being+done 现在完成时:have/has been+done 2. 被动语态的特殊结构形式

1)带情态动词的被动结构。其形式为:情态动词+be+过去分词。 例The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter.

2) 有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾语。

例 His mother gave him a present for his birthday.

可改为 He was given a present by his mother for his birthday.

3)在使役动词have, make, get以及感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to。

例Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. 可改为A stranger was seen to walk into the building.

He made the boy work for two hours yesterday.

可改为The boy was made to work by him for two hours yesterday. Mother never lets me watch TV .

改为I am never let to watch TV by mother.

4) 在被动语态中还可以用介词+动名词结构。介词(after,before,on)+动名词这个结构通常相当于一个


After having been instructed to drive out of the town, I began to acquire confidence. 在接到把车开出城的指令后,我就开始有信心了。 The man called the police after being robbed. 那人遭抢劫后给警方打了电话

He killed a child before being arrested 他在被捕前杀死了一个孩子

On/After being told that her mother was seriously, she hurried back to England. 她得知母亲病重后连忙回到英国。



a) 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空。

1. Many stars can _____ (see) at night.

2. The report is _____ (write) by one of the best students. 3. Upon _____ (rob), the man called the police at once. 4. He killed a child before _____ (arrest).

5. On _____ (tell) that her mother was seriously ill, she hurried back to England. 6. She was sent abroad to _____ (train).

7. The huge bridge _____ (damage) before the World WarⅡ.

8. He _____ (hear) to move about in her room upstairs last night.

9. After _____ (cheat) by a client, he changed his way of doing business. 10. The driver must _____ (punish) by the police, he looked so unhappy.

二 过去进行时was almost beginning

1 过去进行时主要表示过去某个时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作,常和表示过去时间的状语then,at this(that) time, yesterday,at nine,last night等连用。但在不少情况下,没有表示时间的状语,这时需要通过上下文来表示

Eg: What were you doing at nine last night?

昨晚九点时,你在做什么? Eg: I called you yesterday afternoon but there was no answer.

昨天下午我打电话给你,但是没有人接电话。 Eg: I was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon.


2 当两个一长一短的动作在过去某时间同时发生时,用过去进行时表示较长的动作。过去进行时可用于主句,也可用于从句.

Eg:It was raining hard when I left my office.

当我离开办公室时,雨下得正大。 Eg: When you called,I was eating.


Eg: When I was cleaning the windows, my brother was sweeping the floor.


Eg: Some students were playing football,while others were running round the track.


3. 过去进行时表示过去将来的动作

现在进行时可以表示将来的动作,同样,过去进行时也可以表示从过去某时间看来将要发生的动作。常用在间接引语中。 Eg: She went to see Xiao Li. He was leaving early the next morning.

她去看小李。他第二天一早就要离开此地了。 Eg: She asked him whether he was coming back to lunch.


【Special Difficulties】 1. Practice and Advice

practice n.(反复的)练习,实践,实行 practise vt.& vi. 练习,经常做

eg: Jimmy used to practise (playing) football every afternoon. eg: She practises on the piano for three hours every day.

eg: He still needs a lot of practice. eg: He practises the piano every day.

advice n. 忠告, 劝告, 建议(不可数名词)

eg:She gave me some good advice / a piece of advice about jobs.

advise vt.& vi. 劝告,向……提供提议

eg:She advised me against going to the party.

她建议/劝我不要去参加聚会 eg:I want to give you some advice. eg:What do you advise me to do? 2. Enjoy, Entertain and Amuse

enjoy vt. 欣赏,喜爱,享受……之乐(后跟名词、 动名词,用于主动语态) eg:I enjoy swimming in summer. eg:We’re really enjoying ourselves.

entertain vt. 款待,招待,请客;使……快乐,给……娱乐(=amuse) eg:We often entertain friends at weekends.

eg:Uncle Sam entertains/amuses the children for hours at a time. 萨姆叔叔一连好几小时地逗孩子们乐。 eg:My children can entertain/amuse themselves for hours with telling stories to each other. amuse vt. 逗乐,逗笑(常用于被动语态) eg: She was amused by her father’s funny stories. eg: His story amused the children very much.

