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Does Do 一般疑问句的教学

he ,she ,it, kiko we,they,KIKO and Jack, …and.. Does Do Do , does ,do , Do ,does, do ,

I do,you do, we do ,they do, KIKO and Jack do , do,do,do. He does, she does, it does, does, does, does. She likes to read storybooks.--- Does she like to story book?


Do Does she like the ball? Like the ball?

( Does he, Does it, Does Mary, Do we, Do they, Do you) (kiko speaks the sentences and ss choose the phrase on the lines.)

The person singular: have , has的教学

“Have “is a big house , in this house , there are many people, eg, we, they ,you, kiko and Jack, has is a small house, it is too small , only one people lives in this house, eg, He, she, it, kiko and so on…

he ,she ,it, kiko we,they,KIKO and Jack, …and.. He has a house. We have a house. She has a house. They have a house. ………. …………..

He is slim, she is slim, it is slim, s,s,s come, come, come.

We are fat, they are fat, you are fat , KIKO and Jack are fat, s, s, s, go away 一. 选择正确的词,并将正确的词填在横线上。 1. I ______ ( have has ) a dog .

2. She _______ ( have has) a new toothbrush . 3. We ________ ( have has ) a beautiful face . 4. You _______ ( have has) three books . 5. He ________ ( have has ) a nice cap. 6. My mother ________ ( have has ) a blue car. 7. She __________ ( have has ) a good teacher. 8. My parents __________ ( have has ) one daughter. 9. They _______ ( have has) many books. 10. Five birds _________ ( have has ) five names. 11. I _______ ( like likes ) the red sofa . 12. She ________ ( like likes ) pink .

13. Do you ________ ( like likes ) the apple . 14. He ___________ ( stand stands) up .

15. She _________ ( open opens) her eyes. 16. My father ________( sing sings) very well. 17. The pig _________ ( like likes) to sleep.

18. Mom __________ ( show shows) me her new books . 19. I _________ ( give gives ) you one pencil. 20. A cat _________ ( climb climbs) on the chimney. 二. 用适当的形式填空。

1. Winter _________ after autumn. ( come) 2. A dog __________. ( bark) 3. You _______ tired. ( look)

4. Everyone _______ mistakes. ( make) 5. Jack _________ in a department store.( work) 6. Judy ________ English very well. (speak ) 7. Tim’s knee _________ ( hurt ) . 8. Monkeys _________ bananas. ( like)

9. Kate always __________ sandwiches for lunch .( eat) 10. She _________ very fast ( type)

11. I always__________ to school with his brother. ( go) 12. You _________ the answer. ( know) 13. She __________ the answer , too.( know ) 14. This book ________ few drawings. ( have )

15. These books _________ lots of beautiful drawings. ( have ) 16. Anne ________ my sister. ( be )

17. Pat and Alice _________ good at English .( be)

18. A tiger ________ ( roar) 19. Our parents_________ us.( love) 20. Dad ________ listening to music. ( like) 21. Uncle Tom ________ his car everyday .( wash )

一般现在时中的肯定,否定形式 T: which fruit do you like? S1 : I like oranges.

T : (ask s2) Do you like oranges? S2: yes , I like oranges.

S3: No , I don’t like oranges.= I do not like oranges. Make a survey . Do you like…? likes Doesn’t like Lemons Grapes watermelons Exercise

一般现在时中的肯定句型练习 II. 用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1. The girl often______(go)to school by bus.

like Don’t like Oranges Apples tomatoes kiko Jack he Nina and Lucy You and I they 2. Tom______(not,speak)Chinese. He______(speak)English.

3. I______(be)a teacher. You______(be)a doctor. He______ (be) a student. 4. The girls often______(sing)in the playground. 5. My father often______(read)newspaper in the morning. Now he______(listen)to the radio. 6. Where______(be)you going? 7. Class______(begin) at 8:00 everyday. 8. ______(do)she play the piano? 9. Peter and I______(be) in the same class. 10. Now the poor______(be) rich.

三. 改错题:选出错误的一项,并改正过来。

1. We wants to be a good teacher. ( A B C D

2. They takes a bath in the bathroom. ( A B C D

3. Mark always go to school with my brother . ( A B C D

4. All birds lays eggs. ( A B C D

5. The twins often fights . ( A B C D 四. 翻译题:

1. 我们每天步行去上学。( walk) 2. 他跑得非常快。(run)


) ) ) )

3. 她跳的很高。( jump)

4. 你看起来很生气。( look , angry) 5. 我喜欢粉色。( like)


Fill in the blanks with do ,don’t ,does ,doesn’t. 1._____ you like pears? Yes, I _____.

2._____ your father like hamburgers? No,he _____. 3._______ your grandparents like tomatoes? Yes,they _____. 4.______ your friend like strawberries? Yes, she _____. 5.______ they like French fries? No, they____. II. 把下列句子变为否定句:(20%)

1. I get up at six in the morning. 2. She goes home at five.

3. We often play games after school. 4. He does his homework in the evening. III. 选择正确答案:(24%)

( )1. He lunch at home every day.


B. has

C. eat

( )2. Li Yan her homework in the evening.


B. has

C. does

( )3. My father get up at five every day.


B. doesn’t

C. isn’t

( )4. We go to school on Sundays.


B. doesn’t

C. aren’t

( )5. She doesn’t meat.


准备两个椅子在黑板两边, 一边表示对,一边表示错, 老师给出句子。老师给孩子编号, 学生判断对错,并改正。、


方法:把孩子分成两组并给好序号,在教室的前面放好椅子(一个上面放HAS, 一个放have)老师把每把椅子规定好内容,并给出要考的题目,然后老师说一个主语(如he),说开始,哪个孩子先完成跑坐到has椅子上,哪个赢, 大的孩子用造句,he has a doll. 小的孩子,则读出has. 注意:跑动性很大,孩子也不是很有分寸,所以老师一定要注意安全。 A.likes

B. like

C. liking


适合用于:①be 动词的用法 ②verb/verbs的用法 ③have/has 的用法


方法:自己制作两组A、B卡(也可以根据需要做A、B、C、D)如has,have,放在地上,把事先抄好的选择题,eg, They two sons. 粘在白板上,把孩子分好组并给好号码后,叫数字让孩子捡起地上的卡片,快速的粘在空缺处,并说出答案。


优点:趣味性强,减少了做题的枯燥,结合游戏和应试于一体。 适合用于:①任何语法项目




优点:小游戏,短小精悍,适合任意的语法或知识点。 适合用于:任何语法。




注意:孩子跑的过程中容易摔到,老师要注意。 优点:有紧张气氛,有趣。 适合用于:任何语法

互动:语法点:一般疑问句eg, Do you have a car? 教具:关于一般疑问句的陈述句

方式:一个人面对白板并念题,另一个人变成一般疑问句, 完成 后用不同的方式说bingo,哪组快,哪组赢


方法:自制五子棋盘,并把格中都标上数字,老师把要完成的语法项目写在小本上,孩子选好数字后让他来完成,看哪组能赢 注意:要问的问题可随意,孩子不会看到老师的小本。 优点:让孩子在无形中做很多题还不会觉得累 适合用于:任何语法项目。 游戏八:擦字游戏

小班: 老师说句子:I have a dog. Have, 学生擦掉have, 并读出:have,have, yeah*3 中班: 老师说句子: Have, 学生擦掉have, 并造句:I have a dog

has, have, plays, play, climb, has, have, plays, play, climb,

