
更新时间:2023-05-03 09:44:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



现在要实现双击toccontrol中的某一层的symbol调出symbol选择对话框.vb中有示例实现了类似于arcmap中的symbol选择对话框,用到了ISymbolSelector接口. 你看的是AO 的例子,在ENGINE中是没有这个接口的,不过这个例子转换成C#的代码如下:

private void axTOCCtl_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.TOCControl.ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)


IBasicMap map = null;

object pOther = null;

object index = null;

if (e.button==1)


m_TOCControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref m_TocItem, ref map, ref m_TocLayer, ref pOther, ref index);

System.Drawing.Point pos=new System.Drawing.Point(e.x,e.y);

if (this.m_TocItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)


ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ILegendClass pLC=new LegendClassClass();

ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.ILegendGroup pLG=new LegendGroupClass();

if(pOther is ILegendGroup)





ISymbol pSym;


ESRI.ArcGIS.DisplayUI.ISymbolSelector pSS=new ESRI.ArcGIS.DisplayUI.SymbolSelectorClass();

bool bOK=false;



if (bOK)
























'‖返回:输出的FeatureClass,nothing - 失败


Public Function TrimFeatureClass2ShpFile(pFC As esriGeoDatabase.IFeatureClass, pPolygon As esriGeometry.IPolygon, strShpFileName As String, bShowProgress As Boolean) As esriGeoDatabase.IFeatureClass

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set TrimFeatureClass2ShpFile = Nothing

Dim i As Long

Dim pos As Long

Dim pFeatureCursor As esriGeoDatabase.IFeatureCursor

Dim pFeature As esriGeoDatabase.IFeature

Dim pNewFeatureCursor As esriGeoDatabase.IFeatureCursor

Dim pTopologicalOperator As esriGeometry.ITopologicalOperator

Dim pGeometry As esriGeometry.IGeometry

Dim pFeatureBuffer As esriGeoDatabase.IFeatureBuffer

Dim pFeatureCount As Long

Dim pTrimedFeatureClass As IFeatureClass

Dim nOldPercent As Integer


Dim pSpatialFilter As esriGeoDatabase.ISpatialFilter

Set pSpatialFilter = New SpatialFilter

Dim pFeatureLayer As esriCarto.IFeatureLayer

With pSpatialFilter


Set .Geometry = pPolygon


.GeometryField = pFC.ShapeFieldName


.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelIntersects


.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrderSpatial

End With


pFeatureCount = pFC.FeatureCount(pSpatialFilter)


If pFeatureCount = 0 Then

Set pSpatialFilter = Nothing

Exit Function

End If


Set pTrimedFeatureClass = CreateNewShapefile(pFC, strShpFileName)


If pTrimedFeatureClass Is Nothing Then


Set pSpatialFilter = Nothing

Exit Function

End If


Set pFeatureCursor = pFC.Search(pSpatialFilter, False)

Set pSpatialFilter = Nothing


Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature

nOldPercent = 0


Set pNewFeatureCursor = pTrimedFeatureClass.Insert(True)


Do While Not pFeature Is Nothing


Set pFeatureBuffer = pTrimedFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer

If pFC.ShapeType = esriGeometryPolygon Then

' 若实体类型为面,则做相交

Set pTopologicalOperator = pPolygon

Set pGeometry = pTopologicalOperator.InterSect(pFeature.Shape,


ElseIf pFC.ShapeType = esriGeometryPolyline Then


Set pGeometry = PolygonIntersectPolyline(pPolygon, pFeature.Shape) ElseIf pFC.ShapeType = esriGeometryPoint Then

' 若实体类型为点,则全是

Set pGeometry = pFeature.Shape

ElseIf pFC.ShapeType = esriGeometryMultipoint Then

' 若实体类型为多点

Set pGeometry = PolygonIntersectMultiPoint(pPolygon, pFeature.Shape) Else

MsgBox "不做任何裁剪!"

' 若实体类型为除点、线、面外的类型,不做裁剪

Exit Function

End If


If Not pGeometry Is Nothing Then

If Not pGeometry.IsEmpty Then


Set pFeatureBuffer.Shape = pGeometry

For i = 0 To pFeature.Fields.fieldCount - 1

' 因shape字段最长只能为10位,故只比较前10位

pos = pFeatureBuffer.Fields.FindField(Left(pFeature.Fields.field(i).Name, 10))

If pos >= 0 Then


If Not pFeatureBuffer.Fields.field(pos).Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry And _

Not pFeatureBuffer.Fields.field(pos).Type = esriFieldTypeOID And _

pFeatureBuffer.Fields.field(pos).Editable And _

Not IsNull(pFeature.value(i)) Then


pFeatureBuffer.value(pos) = pFeature.value(i)

End If

End If

Next i


pNewFeatureCursor.InsertFeature pFeatureBuffer

End If

End If


Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature

If bShowProgress Then

With frmProgress


.ProgressBar1.value = .ProgressBar1.value + 1

If Int(.ProgressBar1.value * 100 / .ProgressBar1.Max) > nOldPercent Then

.Statuslbl1.Caption = "正在导出" & pFC.AliasName & "层,请稍候..." & Format(.ProgressBar1.value / .ProgressBar1.Max, "###%")

nOldPercent = Int(.ProgressBar1.value * 100 / .ProgressBar1.Max)



End If

End With

End If



Set TrimFeatureClass2ShpFile = pTrimedFeatureClass

Exit Function


Debug.Print Err.number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "TrimFeatureClass" End Function




:MapInfo平台(基于MapXtreme 2004/2005、MapXtreme For Java开发)





'''''by kisssy

'''''Kriging 以克里金插值为例

''''strName1:A string that represents your FeatureClass Path

''''strName2:A string that represents the FeatureClass Name

''''sFieldName:the field for Interpolation

Public Function Kriging(strName1 As String, strName2 As String,sFieldName As String) As IRasterLayer '克里金


Dim pInterpolationOp As IInterpolationOp

Set pInterpolationOp = New RasterInterpolationOp


Dim pEnv As IRasterAnalysisEnvironment

Set pEnv = pInterpolationOp

'''''add shape for setting mask , this is optional

Dim pFlayer As IFeatureLayer

Set pFlayer = addShp(App.Path + "\Data\BaseDB\JiChuDiLi\city", "大同") 'your shp 'path

Dim pGeoDB As IGeoDataset

Set pGeoDB = pFlayer.FeatureClass

Dim pEnvelop As IEnvelope

Set pEnvelop = pGeoDB.Extent

pEnv.SetExtent esriRasterEnvValue, pEnvelop

Set pEnv.Mask = pGeoDB

''''set cell size

pEnv.SetCellSize esriRasterEnvValue, 600 '600:cellsize


Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass

Set pFClass = OpenFC2(strName1, strName2)

Dim pFDescriptor As IFeatureClassDescriptor

Set pFDescriptor = New FeatureClassDescriptor

pFDescriptor.Create pFClass, Nothing, sFieldName


Dim pRadius As IRasterRadius

Set pRadius = New RasterRadius

pRadius.SetVariable 12 'your variant


Dim pOutputRaster As IRaster

Set pOutputRaster = pInterpolationOp.Krige(pFDescriptor, esriGeoAnalysisSphericalSemiVariogram, pRadius, True)

'esriGeoAnalysisSphericalSemiVariogram is 'esriGeoAnalysisSemiVariogramEnum


Dim pOutRasLayer As IRasterLayer

Set pOutRasLayer = New RasterLayer

pOutRasLayer.CreateFromRaster pOutputRaster


UsingRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer pOutRasLayer

Set Kriging = pOutRasLayer

End Function

Public Function addShp(strPath As String, strFcname As String) As IFeatureLayer ''''Open WorkSpace

Dim myFWKS As IFeatureWorkspace

Dim myWKSF As IWorkspaceFactory

Set myWKSF = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory

Set myFWKS = myWKSF.OpenFromFile(strPath, 0)

If Not myFWKS Is Nothing Then


Dim myFC As IFeatureClass

Set myFC = myFWKS.OpenFeatureClass(strFcname)

Dim myDS As IDataset

Set myDS = myFC

Dim myFLayer As IFeatureLayer

Set myFLayer = New FeatureLayer

Set myFLayer.FeatureClass = myFC

fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70 = fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70

Set addShp = myFLayer

End If

End Function

Public Function OpenFC2(strPath As String, strFcname As String) As IFeatureClass ''''Open WorkSpace

Dim myFWKS As IFeatureWorkspace

Dim myWKSF As IWorkspaceFactory

Set myWKSF = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory

Set myFWKS = myWKSF.OpenFromFile(strPath, 0)

If Not myFWKS Is Nothing Then


Set OpenFC2 = myFWKS.OpenFeatureClass(strFcname)

End If

End Function

Public Sub UsingRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer(pRlayer As IRasterLayer)

' ' We're going to create StatsHistogram

Dim pRaster As IRaster

Set pRaster = pRlayer.Raster

Dim pStatsHist As IStatsHistogram

Set pStatsHist = New StatsHistogram

Dim pCalStatsHist As IRasterCalcStatsHistogram

Set pCalStatsHist = New RasterCalcStatsHistogram

fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70puteFromRaster pRaster, 0, pStatsHist

' ' and then classify this data

Dim pClassify As IClassify

Set pClassify = New EqualInterval

Dim pClassMaxMin As IClassifyMinMax

Set pClassMaxMin = pClassify

pClassMaxMin.Maximum = pStatsHist.Max

pClassMaxMin.Minimum = pStatsHist.Min

Dim Classes() As Double

Dim ClassesCount As Long

Dim numDesiredClasses As Long

'pClassify.Classify numDesiredClasses

pClassify.Classify 8 'class count Classes = pClassify.ClassBreaks

ClassesCount = UBound(Classes)

'Create classfy renderer and QI RasterRenderer interface

Dim pClassRen As IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer

Set pClassRen = New RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer

Dim pRasRen As IRasterRenderer

Set pRasRen = pClassRen

'Set raster for the render and update

Set pRasRen.Raster = pRaster

pClassRen.ClassCount = ClassesCount


'Create a color ramp to use

Dim pRamp As IAlgorithmicColorRamp

Dim pColor As IColor

Set pColor = New RgbColor

Set pRamp = New AlgorithmicColorRamp

pRamp.Size = ClassesCount

pColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255) 'your color

pRamp.FromColor = pColor

pColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

pRamp.ToColor = pColor

pRamp.Algorithm = 1

pRamp.CreateRamp True

'Create symbol for the classes

Dim pFSymbol As IFillSymbol

Set pFSymbol = New SimpleFillSymbol

'loop through the classes and apply the color and label Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To pClassRen.ClassCount - 1

pFSymbol.Color = pRamp.Color(i)

pClassRen.Symbol(i) = pFSymbol

pClassRen.Break(i) = Classes(i + 1)

Next i

'Update the renderer and plug into layer


Set pRlayer.Renderer = pClassRen

Set pRaster = Nothing

Set pRasRen = Nothing

Set pClassRen = Nothing

Set pRamp = Nothing

Set pFSymbol = Nothing

End Sub


Inverse Distance to a Power(反距离加权插值法)


Minimum Curvature(最小曲率)

Modified Shepard's Method(改进谢别德法)

Natural Neighbor(自然邻点插值法)

Nearest Neighbor(最近邻点插值法)

Polynomial Regression(多元回归法)

Radial Basis Function(径向基函数法)

Triangulation with Linear Interpolation(线性插值三角网法)

Moving Average(移动平均法)

Local Polynomial(局部多项式法)



距离倒数乘方格网化方法是一个加权平均插值法,可以进行确切的或者圆滑的方式插值。方次参数控制着权系数如何随着离开一个格网结点距离的增加而下降。对于一个较大的方次,较近的数据点被给定一个较高的权重份额,对于一个较小的方次,权重比较均匀地分配给各数据点。计算一个格网结点时给予一个特定数据点的权值与指定方次的从结点到观测点的该结点被赋予距离倒数成比例。当计算一个格网结点时,配给的权重是一个分数,所有权重的总和等于1.0。当一个观测点与一个格网结点重合时,该观测点被给予一个实际为 1.0 的权重,所有其它观测点被给予一个几乎为 0.0 的权重。换言之,该结点被赋给与观测点一致的值。这就是一个准确插值。距离倒数法的特征之一是要在格网区域内产生围绕观测点位置的"牛眼"。用距离倒数格网化时可以指定一个圆滑参数。大于零的圆滑参数保证,对于一个特定的结点,没有哪个观测点被赋予全部的权值,即使观测点与该结点重合也是如此。圆滑参数通过修匀已被插值的格网来降低"牛眼"影响。







多元回归被用来确定你的数据的大规模的趋势和图案。你可以用几个选项来确定你需要的趋势面类型。多元回归实际上不是插值器,因为它并不试图预测未知的 Z 值。它实际上是一个趋势面分析作图程序。使用多元回归法时要涉及到曲面定义和指定XY的最高方次设置,曲面定义是选择采用的数据的多项式类型,这些类型分别是简单平面、双线性鞍、二次曲面、三次曲面和用户定义的多项式。参数设置是指定多项式方程中 X 和 Y组元的最高方次。













放一个text用来显示比例尺1:xxxx, 每次地图放大缩小后, 比例尺都自动更新, 有没有类似的例子, c#和vb都可以, 多谢


Dim dblMapScale As Double

Dim pMap As IMap

If Not pMap Is Nothing Then

dblMapScale = pMap.MapScale

text.Text = "1:" & Format(dblMapScale, "#0.000")


End If



How to use:

拷贝代码到你的VB 或者VBA 程序里.


Public Sub CreateShapefile()

Const strFolder As String = "D:\Data"

Const strName As String = "MyShapeFile" ' Dont include .shp extension

Const strShapeFieldName As String = "Shape"

' Open the folder to contain the shapefile as a workspace

Dim pFWS As IFeatureWorkspace

Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory

Set pWorkspaceFactory = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory

Set pFWS = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(strFolder, 0)

' Set up a simple fields collection

Dim pFields As IFields

Dim pFieldsEdit As IFieldsEdit

Set pFields = New esriCore.Fields

Set pFieldsEdit = pFields

Dim pField As IField

Dim pFieldEdit As IFieldEdit

' Make the shape field

' it will need a geometry definition, with a spatial reference

Set pField = New esriCore.Field

Set pFieldEdit = pField

fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70 = strShapeFieldName

pFieldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry

Dim pGeomDef As IGeometryDef

Dim pGeomDefEdit As IGeometryDefEdit

Set pGeomDef = New GeometryDef

Set pGeomDefEdit = pGeomDef

With pGeomDefEdit

.GeometryType = esriGeometryPolygon

Set .SpatialReference = New UnknownCoordinateSystem

End With

Set pFieldEdit.GeometryDef = pGeomDef

pFieldsEdit.AddField pField

' Add another miscellaneous text field

Set pField = New esriCore.Field

Set pFieldEdit = pField

With pFieldEdit

.Length = 30

.Name = "MiscText"

.Type = esriFieldTypeString

End With

pFieldsEdit.AddField pField

' Create the shapefile

' (some parameters apply to geodatabase options and can be defaulted as Nothing)

Dim pFeatClass As IFeatureClass

Set pFeatClass = pFWS.CreateFeatureClass(strName, pFields, Nothing, _

Nothing, esriFTSimple, strShapeFieldName, "")

End Sub




Private Sub TOCLayer_OnMouseDown(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

If button = 1 Then

Dim pMap As IMap

Dim pLayer As ILayer

Dim pLegendGroup As ILegendGroup

Dim pItem As esriTOCControlItem

Dim pIndex As Variant

Set pSelSymLayer = Nothing


TOCLayer.HitTest x, y, pItem, pMap, pLayer, pLegendGroup, pIndex

If pLayer Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

If pItem = esriTOCControlItemLayer Then


If TypeOf pLayer Is IAnnotationSublayer Then Exit Sub

Set pSelSymLayer = pLayer

ElseIf pItem = esriTOCControlItemLegendClass Then


If TypeOf pLayer Is IFeatureLayer Then


ElseIf button = 2 Then

'传出的参数pItem,pLayer, pLegendGroup, pIndex

m_pTocControl.HitTest x, y, pItem, pMap, pLayer, pLegendGroup, pIndex m_pMapControl.CustomProperty = pLayer


If pLayer Is Nothing Then GoTo err0

If TypeOf pLayer Is IAnnotationSublayer Then Exit Sub


Set pSelSymLayer = pLayer



End Sub

Private Sub TOCLayer_OnMouseMove(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

Dim pMap As IMap

Dim pLayer As ILayer

Dim pOther As IUnknown

Dim pItem As esriTOCControlItem

Dim pIndex As Variant


If (button = vbLeftButton) Then

TOCLayer.HitTest x, y, pItem, pMap, pLayer, pOther, pIndex

End If

If pItem <> esriTOCControlItemNone Then

Set TOCLayer.MouseIcon = LoadResPicture("move", vbResCursor)

Me.TOCLayer.MousePointer = esriPointerCustom

End If

End Sub

Private Sub TOCLayer_OnMouseUp(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

Dim pMap As IMap

Dim pLayer As ILayer

Dim pOther As IUnknown

Dim pItem As esriTOCControlItem

Dim pIndex As Variant

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

Dim bUpdataToc As Boolean

Me.TOCLayer.MousePointer = esriPointerArrow


If (button = vbLeftButton) Then

TOCLayer.HitTest x, y, pItem, pMap, pLayer, pOther, pIndex

End If

If pItem = esriTOCControlItemLayer Or esriTOCControlItemLegendClass Then

If (pLayer Is Nothing) Or (pSelSymLayer Is Nothing) Or (pSelSymLayer Is pLayer) Then Exit Sub

If (button = vbLeftButton) Then

For i = 0 To fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70yerCount - 1

Dim pLayTmp As ILayer

Set pLayTmp = fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70yer(i)


If pLayer Is pLayTmp Then Exit For

Next i


TreeRedraw Me.TOCLayer.hwnd, False

On Error Resume Next

pActiveMap.MoveLayer pSelSymLayer, i

On Error GoTo 0

TreeRedraw Me.TOCLayer.hwnd, True

End If

End If

End Sub


非常感谢water blue,:)。但是出现一个问题,就是拖动图层的时候,刷新的特别厉害(不断的刷新),我看你那里用了一个TreeRedraw,不知道如何避免刷新的,请求赐教,谢谢!

不要在mousemove中实现pActiveMap.MoveLayer pSelSymLayer, i



Public Sub TreeRedraw(ByVal lHWnd As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean)

SendMessage lHWnd, WM_SETREDRAW, bRedraw, 0

End Sub







Sub MyMacro()

Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument '地图文档

Set pMxDocument = Application.Document '获取当前应用程序的文档

MsgBox fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70 '显示当前地图的名称

End Sub


Sub MyMacro()

Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument '地图文档

Dim pMaps As IMaps '地图集

Dim pMap As IMap '地图

Set pMxDocument = Application.Document '获取当前应用程序的文档

Set pMaps = pMxDocument.Maps '获取当前地图文档的地图集

If pMaps.Count > 1 Then '如果该地图集的地图数大于1

Set pMap = pMaps.Item(1) '获取该地图集中的第一幅地图

MsgBox fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70 '显示该地图的名称

End If

End Sub


Sub MyMacro()

Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument '地图文档

Dim pMap As IMap '地图

Dim lCount As Long

Dim lIndex As Long

Set pMxDocument = Application.Document '获取当前应用程序的文档

Set pMap = pMxDocument.FocusMap '获取当前地图

lCount = 0

For lIndex = 0 To (fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70yerCount - 1)

If TypeOf fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70yer(lIndex) Is IFeatureLayer Then '如果当前地图的第lIndex层的类型是IFeatureLayer

lCount = lCount + 1 '计数器加1

End If

Next lIndex

MsgBox "Number of the feature layers " & _

"in the active map: " & lCount '显示当前地图的要素层的总数

End Sub


Sub MyMacro()

Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument '获取当前应用程序的文档

Dim pMaps As IMaps '地图集

Dim pMap As IMap '地图

On Error GoTo SUB_ERROR '错误处理

Set pMxDocument = Application.Document '获取当前应用程序的文档

Set pMaps = pMxDocument.Maps '获取当前地图文档的地图集

Set pMap = pMaps.Item(1) '获取该地图集中的第一幅地图

MsgBox fc37a53ab84ae45c3b358c70 '显示该地图的名称

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description '显示错误数和错误信息

End Sub

