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Section one EssaysUnit 1 Outline
Unit 1 Outline Writing
learn to write an outline for an essay Points
to Emphasize:
write an outline according to the generally accepted format
Unit 1 OutlineⅠ Why do we need to learn writing outline?An outline is essential for writing any paper, esp. for course papers, term papers and thesis. It is the skeleton of an essay. So it can help the writer to organize his ideas. It can make others have an orderly overview of the essay.
Ⅱ How to write an outline 1. Two main types of outlinesSentence outline: Complete sentences Correct punctuation More detailed overview Easier and faster to write the final essay Topic outline: Words and phrases No punctuation Brief and clear overview Easier and faster to write the outline
Unit 1 Outline An
outline must start with thesis statement.
Unit 1 Outline2. Analysis of two samples
Compare the following two outlines for a paper on foreign trade.
Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.Ⅰ. Introduction: the utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills form the foundation of foreign trade
Ⅱ. Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations. A. No nation has all the commodities it needs. B. A nation may not have enough of certain commodities. C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit. D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.Ⅲ. Exchange of services between nations (invisible trade) is part of foreign trade. A. Nations compete in providing transportation for foreign trade. B. Prudent exporters purchase insurance for their cargoes. C. Tourism brings a nation huge profits. D. Technology is also exported and imported. Ⅳ. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade is to earn money for necessary imports.
Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations. Ⅰ. Introduction: the foundation of foreign trade
Ⅱ. The necessity of visible trade A. Lack of certain commodities B. Insufficiency of particular items C. Comparative advantage in certain items D. Latest innovations and different styles of commoditiesⅢ. The necessity of invisible trade---exchange of services between nations A. Transportation B. Insurance C. Tourism D. Technology Ⅳ. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade
Unit 1 Outline3. The following are a few rules for writing outlines: 1):
Avoid single subdivisions. If there is a major point marked “Ⅰ”, there must be at least another marked “Ⅱ”; if there is an “A”, there must be a “B”, and so on.
Unit 1 Outline 2):
Avoid mixing types. A topic outline is written in phrases, and a sentence outline in sentences. Do not mix these two types.
Unit 1 Outline
3): Use parallel structures for the headings of the same rank. Make sure subheads of like rank are of equal importance
and are related to the heading and arranged in logical order.
Unit 1 Outline
4): Make sure the thesis statement is a complete sentence in the affirmative; do not use a question, a phrase or a dependent clause.
Ⅲ Exercises: outline Thesis: Some twins are identical and others are not. Ⅰ. Identical twins A. born together B. are of the same sex C. look exactly the same Ⅱ. Fraternal twins A. born together B. are not always of the same sex C. do not look exactly the same Ⅲ. Further features about identical twins and fraternal twins A. Monzygotic twins 1. born from the same egg 2. have the same genetic characteristics B. Dizygotic twins 1. come from different eggs 2. have different genetic characteristics Ⅳ People’s attitude to twins A. people in the past: afraid of twins B. scientists now: particularly interested in studying twins
Unit 1 Outline
Write an outline (sentence or topic) according to the title “Should Private Cars Be Encouraged?”
Suggested outline Thesis: Private cars shouldn’t be encouraged. Ⅰ Introduction: a sign of modernization
Ⅱ Three reasons 1. the most populous country 2. air pollution and sound pollution 3. various kinds of trouble a: high maintenance fees b: petrol fees c: traffic accidents
Ⅲ Conclusion: government policy
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