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1 系动词

系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟


He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。) He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。



He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)


用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand。例如: He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。

This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。


用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look。例如:

He looks tired. 他看起来很累。

He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。


感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste。 例如:

This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。

This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。


这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run。例如:

He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。

She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。


表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达"证实","变成"之意。例如:

The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。

The search proved difficult. 搜查证实很难。

His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)

5.2 助动词


He doesn't like English. 他不喜欢英语。


2) 助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用,可以用来:

a. 表示时态。例如:

He is singing. 他在唱歌。

He has got married. 他已结婚。

b. 表示语态。例如:

He was sent to England. 他被派往英国。

c. 构成疑问句。例如:

Do you like college life? 你喜欢大学生活吗?

Did you study English before you came here? 你来这儿之前学过英语吗?

d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句。例如:

I don't like him. 我不喜欢他。

e. 加强语气。例如:

Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。

He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。

3) 最常用的助动词有:be, have, do, shall, will, should, would等。

5.3 助动词be的用法

1) be +现在分词,构成进行时态。例如:

They are having a meeting. 他们正在开会。

English is becoming more and more important. 英语现在越来越重要。

2) be + 过去分词,构成被动语态。例如:

The window was broken by Tom.. 窗户是汤姆打碎的。

English is taught throughout the world. 世界各地都教英语。

3) be + 动词不定式,可表示下列内容:

a. 表示最近、未来的计划或安排。例如:

He is to go to New York next week.. 他下周要去纽约。

We are to teach the freshmen. 我们要教新生。

说明: 这种用法也可以说成是一种将来时态表达法。

b. 表示命令。例如:

You are to explain this. 对此你要做出解释。

He is to come to the office this afternoon. 要他今天下午来办公室。

c. 征求意见。例如:

How am I to answer him? 我该怎样答复他?

Who is to go there? 谁该去那儿呢?

d. 表示相约、商定。例如:

We are to meet at the school gate at seven tomorrow morning. 我们明天早晨7点在校门口集合。

5.4 助动词have的用法

1)have +过去分词,构成完成时态。例如:

He has left for London. 他已去了伦敦。

By the end of last month, they had finished half of their work. 上月未为止,他们已经完成工作的一半。

2)have + been +现在分词,构成完成进行时。例如:

I have been studying English for ten years. 我一直在学英语,已达十年之久。

3)have +been +过去分词,构成完成式被动语态。例如:

English has been taught in China for many years. 中国教英语已经多年。

5.5 助动词do 的用法


Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英语测试吗?

Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗?

2)do + not 构成否定句。例如:

I do not want to be criticized. 我不想挨批评。

He doesn't like to study. 他不想学习。

In the past, many students did not know the importance of English.


3) 构成否定祈使句。例如:

Don't go there. 不要去那里。

Don't be so absent-minded. 不要这么心不在焉。

说明: 构成否定祈使句只用do,不用did和does。


Do come to my birthday party. 一定来参加我的生日宴会。

I did go there. 我确实去那儿了。

I do miss you. 我确实想你。


Never did I hear of such a thing. 我从未听说过这样的事情。

Only when we begin our college life do we realize the importance of English. 进了大学以后,我们才认识到英语的重要性。

说明: 引导此类倒装句的副词有never, seldom, rarely, little, only, so, well等。


---- Do you like Beijing? --你喜欢北京吗?

---- Yes, I do. --是的,喜欢。(do用作代动词,代替like Beijing.)

He knows how to drive a car, doesn't he? 他知道如何开车,对吧?

5.6 助动词shall和will的用法


I shall study harder at English. 我将更加努力地学习英语。

He will go to Shanghai. 他要去上海。

说明:在过去的语法中,语法学家说shall用于第一人称,will 只用于第二、第三人称。现在,尤其是在口语中,will常用于第一人称,但shall只用于第一人称,如用于第二、第三人称,就失去助动词的意义,


He shall come. 他必须来。(shall有命令的意味。)

He will come. 他要来。(will只与动词原形构成一般将来时。)

5.7 助动词should, would的用法

1)should无词义,只是shall的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,只用于第一人称。例如: I telephoned him yesterday to ask what I should do next week. 我昨天给他打电话,问他我下周干什么。

比较:"What shall I do next week?" I asked. "我下周干什么?"我问道。


2) would也无词义,是will的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,用于第二、第三人称。例如: He said he would come. 他说他要来。

比较:"I will go," he said. 他说:"我要去那儿。"变成间接引语,就成了He said he would come。原来的will变成would,go变成了come.。

5.8 短语动词


Turn off the radio. 把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)


1)动词+副词,如:black out;

2)动词+介词,如:look into;

3)动词+副词+介词,如:look forward to。构成短语动词的副词和介词都统称为小品词。

5.9 非谓语动词



否定形式: not +不定式, not + 动名词, not + 现在分词


1. 1.If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ a football match.

a. have b. will have c. has d. shall has

2. 2.When he was at school, he ______ early and take a walk before breakfast.

a. will riseb. shall riseb. should rise would rise

3. 3.In the past 30 years China ______ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction.

a. has madeb. have madec. had maded. having made

4. 4.I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work.

a. don’t/hadb. didn’t/have c. didn’t/had d. don’t/have

5. 5.______ you think he ______ back by dinner time?

a. Do/have comeb. Did/will have come c. Does/will come d. Do/will have come

6. 6.He said that he dropped his bag when he ______ for the bus.

a. was runingb. was runningc. were runningd. is running

7. 7.No sooner ______ he arrived home than he ______ to start on another journey.

a. has/was askedb. have/were askedc. had/is askedd. had/was asked

8. 8.“______ you give me a room for the night?” I asked on arriving at the hotel.

a. Shouldb. Canc. Mightd. May

9. 9.There are nine of them, so ______ get into the car at the same time.

a. they may not at all b. all they may notc. they can’t all d. all they can’t 10.10.“We didn’t see him at the lecture yesterday.” “He ______ it.”

a. mustn’t attendb. cannot have attended

c. would have not attendedd. needn’t have attended

11. 11.“You realize that you were driving at 100 mph, don’t you?”

“No, officer. I ______. This car can’t do more than 80.”

a. didn’t need to beb. may not have beenc. couldn’t have been d. needn’t have been

12. 12.he was a good runner so he ______ escape from the police.

a. mightb. succeeded toc. would d. was able to

13. 13.If they ______, our plan will fall flat.

a. are co-operating b. had not co-operated c. won’t co-operate d. didn’t co-operate

14. 14.I hoped ______ my letter.

a. her to answer b. that she would answer c. that she answersd. her answering

15. 15.He ______ live in the country than in the city.

a. prefers b. likes toc. had better d. would rather

16. 16.______ to see a film with us today?

a. Did you likeb. Would you likec. Will you liked. Have you liked

17. 17.I’m sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply ______ what I did.

a. must dob. had to doc. ought to have done d. have to do

18. 18.“Time is running out,______?”

a. a. hadn’t we better got start b. hadn’t we better get start

b. b.hadn’t we better get started d. hadn’t we better not started

19. 19.No one ______ that to his face.

a. dares sayb. dares saying c. dare say d. dare to say

20. 20.The students in the classroom ______ not to make so much noise.

a. needb. ought c. must d. dare

21. 21.You ______ last week if you were really serious about your work.

a. ought to comeb. ought to be comingc. ought have come d. ought to have come

22. 22.The elephants ought ______ hours ago by the keepers.

a. to be fedb. to feed c. to being fed d. to have been fed

23. 23.“I wonder why they’re late.” “They ______ the train.”

a. can have missedb. could missc. may have missed d. might miss

24. 24.“Tom graduated from college at a very young age.”

“He ______ have been an outstanding student.”

a. a. mustb. couldc. shouldd. might

25. 25.You ______ the examination again since you had already passed it.

a. needn’t have taken b. didn’t need to takec. needn’t taked. mustn’t take

26. 26.He is really incompetent! The letter ______ yesterday.

a. a. should be finished typing b. must be finished typing

b. b.must have finished typing c. should have been finished typing

27. 27.The boy told his father that he would rather ______ an astronaut.

a. become b. to become c. becoming d. became

28. 28.When we reached the station, the train had still not arrived; so we ______.

a. a. needed not to hurryb. needn’t have hurried

b. b.need not to have hurried d. didn’t need to hurry

29. 29.Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend,_____ you like to have dinner with

us tonight?

a. willb. won’tc. wouldn’t d. do

30. 30.He was afraid what he had done ______ a disastrous effect on his career.

a. might have b. could be c. have beend. shall be

31. 31.He ______ hardly say anything more, since you know about it.

a. don’t need to b. needn’t c. needs d. need

32. 32.You ______ the look on his face when he won the prize.

a. would have seenb. should have seenc. must see d. can be seeing

33. 33.Some people think the stock market will crash, but ______.

a. a. I wonder if it happens b. I doubt if it will happen

c.I am afraid it wouldn’t happend. I doubt if it does happen

34. 34.“Whatever has happened to George?”“I don’t know. He ______ lost.”

a. can have gotb. may have gotc. might getd. could get

35. 35.He has no idea what the book is about. He ______read the book.

a. couldn’tb. couldn’t have c. mightn’t have d. shouldn’t have

36. 36.New studies show that two of Saturn’s rings ______ longer than the 4.5 billion years since

the birth of the Solar System.

a. could have lasted b. should have lastedc. would have lastedd. must be lasting

37. 37.Take the telescope with you in case you ______ it in your expedition.

a. will needb. would need c. should need d. could need

38. 38.Need he come at once? Yes, he ______.

a. must b. must not c. need d. may

39. 39.Please answer the phone. It ______ be by your father. If it is, would you tell that I want

to see him?

a. will b. should c. would d. could

40. 40.We’ll never give in whatever they ______ say or do.

a. may b. will c. shall d. should

41. 41.With all this work on hand, he ______ to the cinema last night.

a. mustn’t go b. wouldn’t go c. oughtn’t go d. shouldn’t have gone

42. 42.Everyone ______ the cake because there wasn’t even a small piece left.

a. must likeb. must have liked c. must have been liking d. had liked

43. 43.I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?

a. a. would I b. may I c. may not I d. can I

44. 44.I ______ think he will ______ dare the risk.

a. not/ ..b. do/not c. ../not d. don’t/..

45. 45.If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it ______ be active.

a. may notb. must c. might d. is not

46. 46.You ______ your seats today if you want to go to the game.

a. a. had better to reserveb. had better reserve

c. had to better reserved. had to reserve better

47. 47.I ______ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.

a. a. would rather not haveb. would not rather had

b. b.rather would not have d. rather not would have

48. 48.Many scientists ______ their own eyes and ears than the theories of the ancients.

a. a. would rather to believe b. would rather believe

c.rather would believed. will rather believe

49. 49.To travel from England to Scotland you ______ a passport.

a. haven’t gotb. mustn’t have c. needn’t d. don’t need

50. 50.One of the statements ______ to be untrue.

a. is turned out b. has turned out c. have been turned out d. have turned out

51. 51.I don’t know whether it will rain or not, but if it ______ rain, I shall stay at home.

a. willb. did c. does d. shall

52. 52.“You’d like some tea,______?”

a. wouldn’t you b. shouldn’t youc. hadn’t you d. didn’t you

53. 53.“May we take the books out?”

a. No, you may not b. No, you can notc. No, you can’td. Please don’t

54. 54.“I would have come sooner, but I ______ that you were waiting.”

a. didn’t knowb. hasn’t knownc. hadn’t know d. haven’t known

55. 55.If you don’t want to, you ______ to get there with us.

a. mustn’tb. can’tc. don’t haved. have not

56. 56.I would go to visit them but I ______ think they are anxious to see me.

a. haven’t b. don’tc. doesn’t d. didn’t


高中英语语法 动词种类及系动词用法


1 表示________和________的词叫做动词。

2 根据在句中的功能,动词可分为四类:ABCD

3 AB



一、用get、turn、become、be、taste、seem、appear ,fall ,look、smell、feel、sound, make, remain的适当形式填空

1. The weather ______warmer and the days _______longer in spring.

2. What are you going _______when you grow up.

3 .Her face__________red.

4. You_______ worried.What's wrong﹖

5. She________a famous nurse.

6. The pie _______delicious.I want to eat another one.

7. The rose _______sweet.

8. It _______strange,but it is true.

9. He ______to be right.

10 .They were tired but______ happy.

11. The trees_______ green.

12 .She_____like her mother.

13. He______better.

14 .The Christmas tree with lights _____beautiful.

15 .The story________ interesting.

16.The village _____deserted and not even a dog was to be seen.

17.17. The engine _____all right to me in factI think it is running very smoothly

18.18. At the age of 18 months she _____ deaf and blind

19.19. When they heard the news the group suddenly _____ silent.

20.20. When he was caught by the police he_____crazy and shouted and fought

21.The house will_____ another century.

22.The noise from the crowd _____louder and louder.

23.The news of our trip must ______a secret for a little

24.The idea of writing down her memories of him _____a good one.


1. The story sounds ____. (NMET 89) A. to be true B. as true C. being true D. true

2. These oranges taste ____. (NMET 91) A. goodB. well C. to be good D. to be well

3. --Do you like the material? --Yes, it ____ very soft. (NMET 94)

A. is feeling B. felt C. feelsD. is felt

4. I love to go to the seaside in summer. It____ good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea. (NMET 96) A. does feels C. getsD. makes


5.We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it ______ very well.(NMET2001,26)

A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on

6. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge ?It will ______fresh for several days .(03)A. be stayed B.stay C. be staying D. have stayed

7. We don’t care if a hunting dog smells _______ , but we really don’t want him to smell_____.

A. well….we.. B. bad….badC. well…badlyD. badly …bad (95上海)

8. —Are you feeling_______ (NMET92)--Yes I'm fine now .

A. any well B. any betterC. quite good D. quite better

9. —How are you today ? --Oh I______ as ill as I do now for a very long time. (NMET2000)

A. didn't feel B. wasn't feeling C. don't feel D. haven't felt

10. –You don't look very______ .Are you ill ? --No I'm just a bit tired.(北京春招2003)

A. good B. well C. strong D. healthy

11. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if______ whether he was going in the right direction. (2003春招)

A. seeingB. having seenC. to have seenD. to see

12–How long _____ each other before they ______married --For about a year.(NMET93) A. have they known get

B. did they know were going to get C .do they know are going to get D .had they known got

13Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____by the hour.(NMET98) A. payB. payingC. paid D. to pay14As we joined the big crowd I got ______from my friends.(NMET2001) A. separatedB. spared C. lost D. Missed

15Be careful when you cross this very busy street .If not you may ______ run over by a car.(北京春招2002) A. have

B. get C. become D. turn

16---How are the team playing ?--They are playing well but one of them ______hurt.(2002春招) A .gotB. gets C. are D. were

17Having a trip a broad is certainly good for the old couple but it remains ______whether they will enjoy it.(NMET2002) to seeB. to be seenC. seeing D. seen

18–MummycanI put the peaches in the cupboard ?--No dear . They don't ______well .Put them in the fridge instead.(2002北京春招)

keepB. fit C. get D .last

19Do let your mother know all the truth .She appears ______everything.(2001上海) A. to tellB. to be told C. to be tellingD. to have been told


1. 以她的年龄而言,她看起来很年轻。

2. 天色渐黑,咱们回家吧。

3. 他好象匆忙的样子。

4. 为什么他感到悲伤?

5. 我祖母的头发变白了。

6. 约翰成了一名好学生。

7. 1995年我哥哥成了一名解放军战士。

8. 他来看我时,我在生病。

9. 整天工作后,汤姆感觉又饿又累。

10. 听到这个好消息时,她的脸色变红。

11. 他的答案似乎正确。

12. 别喝这牛奶,它已经变酸了。

13. 别出声,请保持安静。 14 那听起来是个好主意。






动词为纲“滚雪球” 难易编组 抓循环同类归纳印象深 图示介词最直观混淆多因形音义 反义词语成对念

目1、英语26字母记忆歌谣 2、英语的词类 3、语序歌

4、肯定句变一般疑问句 5、肯定句变否定句 6、名词的所有格 7、名词变复数

8、时间名词前所有介词的速记 9、介词用法歌 10、介词顺口溜 11、be的用法歌 12、动词的时态 13、动词形式的变化

14、动词不定式不带to的动词 15、非谓语动词 16、非谓语动词的一些特殊用法后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词 些常用特殊谓语动词 17、其他非谓语动词



A像小人中间立,宝塔尖尖顶破天. B像兄弟葫芦娃,一根棍儿靠耳边. C像鱼钩弯又弯,一笔下来画半圈. D像半张香香饼,一刀切下剩半边. E像山川横着走,竖折在见横在后. F像一面小红旗,先竖后折有秩序. G像鱼儿咬上钩,C上添个小尾巴. H像把登天梯,左竖右竖中间连. I像线轴把布织,从上至下有顺序. J像伞把儿雨中立,一竖弯到左边去.

构词方法不可忘 习惯用语集中练词不离句法最好 课外阅读莫间断 录

19、基数词变序数词(之二) 20、There be的位置和用法 21、be going的用法 22、have+got



25、只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词: 26、定冠词用法小结口诀: 27、倒装口诀: 28、省略口诀:

29、直接引语变间接引语的人称变化: 30、英语分数巧记 31、巧记lie和lay

32、巧记以-o结尾加-es的词 33、巧记48个国际音标

34、动名词在句中的功能及其它 35、分词做定语的位置及其它

36、分词做状语在句子中所表示的意义37、独立主格结构 38、英语四种时态心诀

K像椅子坐上去,墙上板儿飞双镖. L像笔灯下照儿,竖折一笔最容易.

M像骆驼背双峰,两笔写完不用多. N像门儿屋上建,前竖头连后竖尾. O像鸭蛋圆又圆,从左至右画一圈. P像气球空中飘,直线上面绑圆圈. Q像蝌蚪水中游,鸡蛋上面长个把儿. R像小孩捉迷藏,一竖半圈加一点儿. S像一条小蚯蚓,从右起笔拐两弯. T像锤子咚咚敲,先竖后折立的稳. U像杯子盛满水,小嘴一张便是它.


V像花瓶插满花,倒看小门就是它. W像锯利无比,M是它好姐妹. X像义字少一点,它和错号一个样. Y像弹弓射猎物,一根棍儿分两杈. Z像弹簧弹得高,把N放倒就是它. 以上字母斜着写,大写要比小写高


句子要由词组成, 英语词类有十种: 句中成分用实词,

名、代、动、副、数、形容: 冠、介、连词和感叹, 虚词附加或沟通。 词类功能掌握了, 造句之时好运用。 3、语序歌

主、谓、宾、表同汉语, 定语有同也有异。 状语位置更特殊, 不能全和汉语比。 4、肯定句变一般疑问句 have和be提句首,(句子中有have got或has got的要把have或has提句首,有系动词)

其它助词Do开头。 时间、人称由do变, 动词只把原形留。 谓语助词有几个, 第一助词提句首。 5、肯定句变否定句 否定词语加not, 放在be和have后。 其它要加动词do, do的后面加not, 时间、人称由do变, 动词原形总保留。 谓语若是助词多, not紧跟第一个。 6、名词的所有格 名词只变数, 不分主宾格。 人和动物类, 可变所有格。 撇(’)后加s,


时间、距离等, 也变所有格。 7、名词变复数

单数变为复数式, 加上“s”统言之。 下列结尾名词后, 要加“s”先加“e”: 发音[∫][t∫][s]和[z], 或是辅音加“o”时。 有些名词变复数, 词尾变化要注意: “y”前字母是辅音, 一律变“y”为“ie”; 遇到“f / fe”, 有时需要变“ve” 少数名词不规则, 特别情况靠硬记。

8、时间名词前所有介词的速记 年月周前要用 in, 日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用“on”, 上午下午又是“in”。 要说某日上下午, 用 on 换 in 才能行。 午夜黄昏用 at, 黎明用它也不错。 at 也在时分前, 说“差”用 to, 说“过”要用 past。 9、介词用法歌 介词加宾语, 才能有实意。

表、定、状、宾、补, 词组在句里。 10、介词顺口溜 in 在??里, out 在??外,

在旁边的是 beside, 靠近的为 by。 on 在??上, under 在??下, above 在上头, below 在底下。


11、be的用法歌 (一)

动词be,变化大, “I”用“am”“You”用“are” Is用于它(it)、他(he)、她(she) 复数一定要用“are”, 切莫用错闹笑话。 (二)

我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 12、动词的时态

四种时间各四式, 联想对比便于记。 时间现在和过去, 各自还有将来时。 一般、完成、进行式, 完成进行是四式。 四四共有十六种, 看来复杂掌握易; 除去have / be以外, 动词变化有规律。 13、动词形式的变化 动词根本是原形, 变化形式有四种: 原形词尾加“s”, 现在第三单人称; 过去原形加“ed”, 过去分词也相同; 原形加上“ing”, 现在分词或动名。 原形词尾加“s”, 如同名词复数式。 若加“ed / ing”, 以下情况要注意: 词尾有 ie 只加 d, Ing去掉无声 e ; 词尾 ie 变成 y , 然后再加 ing ; 辅音之后y结尾, Y要变 i 加 ed; 现在分词不变y,

直接加上ing; 词尾重读闭音节, 结尾辅音都双写, r 做结尾也一样, 重读音节 r 双写; 结尾字母若是“t”, 不是重读也双写。 过去分词过去式, 不按规则也有些。


四看(notice,observe,see,watch), 三使役(have,let,make), 二听(hear,listen to), 一感觉(feel)。 按:在上述动词后做宾语补语用的不定式不带to。 15、非谓语动词

动词不做调话用, 不定、分调与动名。 to 加原形不定式, 词组可做名、副、形。 分调现在和过去, 相当副词和形容。 原形加上“ing”,

动词具有名词性。 16、非谓语动词的一些特殊用法后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词 动词后,不定式,want, hope和wish, agree, decide, mean, manage, promise, expect, pretend,且说两位算在此, 要记牢,要记住,掌握它们靠自己。


一些动词要掌握,have, let和make,

此三动词是使役,“注意”“观察”“听到”see,还有feel和watch,使用它们要仔细, 后接“宾补”略去“to”,此点千万要牢记 除此之外,还可以掌握“八字言”,

一感feel,二听hear, listen to, 三让have, let, make,四看see, look at, observe, watch 分词做定语的位置及其它

“定分”位置有二条,词前词后定分晓。 单个分词在词前,有时此规有颠倒。 分词短语在词后,“定从”和它互对照。


“现分”动作进行时,“过分”动作完成了。 (注:“定分”:做定语的分词;“定从”:定语从句;“现分”:现在分词;“过分”:过去分词。) 分词做状语在句子中所表示的意义 分词做状语,概有七意义。“

时间”和“原因”,“结果”与“目的”。 “方式”加“伴随”,“条件”常出席。 且谈其主语,谓语头前的*。 欲要记住它,必须常练习。(*指句子的主语) 词尾加上-ed(fourth,sixth) 一、二、三,特殊例,

结尾字母t,d,d(first,second,third) 八去t,九去e,(eighth,ninth) ve要用 f替;(fifth,twelfth) ty将y改成i, th前面有个e。 若是碰到几十几, 前用基来后用序。


独立结构要认清:名、代之后副或形。 或是分词或“介短”,with结构不可轻, 名代二词是其“主”,句子结构必分明。 独立结构好掌握句中作用只一个: 千变万化皆做“状”,其中意义也不多。 “时间”“条件”和“原因”,“方式”“伴随”没别的。

“状从”和其前三个,可以互变不难学。 17、其他非谓语动词


动词后,不定式,want, hope和wish,agree, decide, mean, manage, promise,expect, pretend,且说两位算在此,要记牢,要记住,掌握它们靠自己。后接动词不定式做宾语补足语省略不定式符号“to”的一些常用特殊动词

一些动词要掌握,have, let和make,此三动词是使役,“注意”“观察”“听到”see,


一感feel,二听hear, listen to, 三让have, let, make,四看see, look at, observe, watch后只接动名词做宾语的一些常用特殊动词


18、基数词变序数词歌(之一) 基变序,有规律

分开“一段时间”, some time表示“一段时间”;


“几次”分开带s,some times表示“几次,次数”。

19、基数词变序数词(之二) 第一、二、三要全变,① 其余“th”加后边,② “th”里有例外, 你需格外记明白: 八减 t,九减 e,③ 字母 f 代ve,④ ty 变 tie。⑤

① one-first,two-second,three-third。 ② four-fourth,seven-seventh,hundred-hundredth。.

③ eight-eighth ,nine-ninth。 ④ five-fifth,twelve-twelfth。

⑤ twenty-twentieth,sixty-sixtieth。 20、There be的位置和用法 说明何时何地有, there be在主语前。 随着主语第一个, be的形式做变换。 21、be going的用法

be going 是助动词, 后跟加 to 不定式。 说明“准备”或“就要”, 时间人称只变 be。 22、have+got

have 作为动词“有”, 情态动词 have; have got 惯用语,


got 可有也可无。 若变否定疑问, 去掉 got 再加 do; 或把 have 提句首,

按:有些同学常把-or结尾的词误拼为-er结尾的词。初中课本1-6册只有六个以-or结尾的词。它们是:doctor n.医生(第一册);monitor n班长(第二册);conductor n.售票员(第四册);mirror n镜子(第五册);castor n蓖麻(第六册);professor n教授(第六册)。 24、以f(e)结尾的名词复数


妻子持刀去宰狼, 小偷吓得发了慌; 躲在架后保己命, 半片树叶遮目光。 按:顺口溜中的黑体字是中学阶段学过的九个以上-f(s)结尾的名词:wife(妻子),knife(小刀),wolf(狼),thief(小偷),shelf(架子),self(自己),life(生命),half(一半),leaf(树叶)。这九个词变复数时,都是改-f(e)为ve再加-s。由self构成的复合词,其变化与self相同(如myself→ourselves;yourself→yourselves;himelf,herself,itself→themselves)。

25、只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词: 建议冒险去献身,忍受期待不停顿; 放弃延期悔失去,坚持欣赏实践成; 注意原谅避反对,考虑要求不自禁; 允许习惯不介意,价值开始想动名。

如:建议:advise,suggest,冒险:risk,献身:devote oneself to



the Red Sea,the Pacific Ocean,the Persian Gulf, the Yangtze River

not 加在 have 后。 23、以or结尾的词

售票员班长(照)镜子, 蓖麻教授(找)医生。

The Great Lakes(五大湖);Lake Erie(伊利湖) 2.有球无星:地球,月亮用the;行星不用the: Mars,Venus;

3.有山无峰:The Huangshan Mountains(黄山);Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰); Mount(or Mt.) Tai(泰山)

4.有独无欧(偶):独一无二的,the earth,the moon,the sun用the; 欧洲等七大洲不用the. Europe,Africa,Asia,North America,South America,Antarctica,Oceania

5.有(足)族无球(运动):种族用the:the Indians(印第安人);球类运动 :baseball,basketball


The Constitution(宪法); chapter one

7.学而不专:学校放在词组的前面时用the;专有名词放在词组的前面时不用the; The University of Fudan; Fudan University 27、倒装口诀:

副词开头要例装,人称代词则如常。 only修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装。 否定意义副连词,“既不…也不”须倒装。 表语前置主语长,衔接自然常倒装。 such代词做表语,引起主谓要倒装。 Not only开头句,前一分句须倒装。

had,were,should虚拟句,省略if半倒装。 28、省略口诀:

回答问题要简洁,并列重复须省略。 祁使主语必省略,比较than后须省略。 宾从表从that省略,主从that勿省略。 前后出现同一词,惯用习语常省略。

英语中有些动词跟不定式作宾语补足语时省去了to,其中诀是:一感二听三让四观看。 一感:feel

二听:hear、listen to 三让:let、have、make

四观看:observe、see、watch、look at 直引若是一般问,变间ifwhether连。语序变为陈述式,时态人称相应变。


