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1.Thanks to our ________ schedule,we got our task accomplished ahead of time.

A.active B.flexible C.positive


解析 句意:多亏了我们灵活的时间表,我们才能提前完成了任务。此句要用flexible表示“灵活的”。active“积极的”;positive“肯定的”;fixed“固定的”。

答案 B

2.(2007·山东高考)I’ve offered to paint the house ________ a week’s accommodation.

A.in exchange for C.by means of

B.with regard to D.in place of

解析 句意:我主动提出粉刷这所房子,以作为这一周供我吃住的回报。空白处要用in exchange for表示“作为??的回报”。with regard to“关于”;by means of “凭借??手段”;in place of “代替”。

答案 A

3.The earth’s resources are being ________at a great rate,so we should take care of them now.

A.used out

B.run out

C.given out D.run out of

解析 句意:地球的自然资源正以惊人的速度耗尽,所以我们现在应当珍惜现在的资源。run out和give out不用被动语态;run out of是及物动词短语,在此句中要用被动形式。

答案 D

4.—Where shall we go to spend the weekend? —Nowhere________,anywhere you like. A.in all C.in case

B.in general D.in particular

解析 句意:“我们在哪儿度周末?”“没有什么特别的地方,你愿意去哪儿就去哪儿吧。”此句要用in particular表示“特别的”。in all“总共”;in general“总的来说”;in case“以防”。

答案 D

5.John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to ________all his trousers to his measure.

A.let out

B.give away D.make up

C.bring in

解析 句意:最近,约翰的体重增加得太快,他妈妈只好把他所有的裤子根据他的尺寸都放宽了。此句要用let out“放大”。give away“赠送;泄露”。bring in“引进”;make up“构成”。

答案 A

6.(2011·郑州市第二次质量预测)Peter likes doing sports

________ his brother prefers listening to music.


B.for D.and


解析 题干是“Peter”和“his brother”在爱好方面的对比,所以此处的意思应该是“而”。

答案 C

7.—Isn’ t that Ann’s husband over there?

—No,it ________ be him—I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses. A.can’t C.won’t

B.must not D.may not

解析 句意是“那边那个人不是安妮的丈夫吗?”“对,不可能是他——他肯定不戴眼镜。”。can’t用于否定的猜测,意为“不可能”;must not不用于猜测;won’t表示将来的时间概念,意为“不会”;may not表示的语气没有把握。

答案 A

8.He visited Shanghai________he went to China. A.at the first time C.for the first time

B.the first time D.at the first time when

解析 the first time为名词型的从属连词,可用于引导时间状语从句。for the first time只作时间状语,不引导从句。

答案 B

9.________it is true that a successful businessman or inventor

will usually become rich,many other people who are outstanding in their field take little notice of personal possessions.

A.While C.Unless

B.Since D.If

解析 句意:虽然一位成功的商人或发明家通常会变得富有,但另外许多在自己的领域中杰出的人对于个人财富并不太关心。此题要用While引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然??但是??”。

答案 A

10.—How nice it tastes!

—In fact,this delicious cake is not difficult________. A.making

B.made D.to make

C.to be made

解析 此题考查动词不定式的语态。句意:“这蛋糕尝起来真好吃。”“事实上,这种美味的蛋糕做起来并不难。”虽然主语cake与make是被动意义,但是difficult决定了它要用主动形式。

答案 D

11.If we have illegal immigrants ________ in,many local workers will lose their jobs.


B.coming D.having come

C.to come

解析 此题考查非谓语动词作补足语。句意:如果我们允许非法称包进来的话,许多当地的工人就会失业。此句要用have sb.doing


答案 B

12.—It’s many years since I saw you last,I ________ you at all. —I wouldn’t have,either,if someone________you by the name. A.didn’t recognize;hadn’t called B.didn’t recognize;didn’t call C.haven’t recognized;didn’t call D.recognized;had called

解析 此题考查带条件句的虚拟语气。根据主句中的wouldn’t have,可知条件状语从句中用hadn’t called。意为“如果没有人叫你的名词,我也不会认出你来”。这是一个与过去事实相反的愿望。

答案 A

13.________every student aware of the importance of study,they would study efficiently.

A.Were C.May

B.Should D.Had

解析 句意:如果都明白学习的重要性的话,学习就有效率了。非真实条件中的aware是形容词,所以要用were。be aware of是固定短语,意为“明白”。另外,这也是一个部分倒装句。

答案 A

14.Facts________that the Beijing Olympics belongs to not only the Chinese people,but also people all over the world.

