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Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Why Is It Difficult to Find a Job?” You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 目前大学毕业生就业形势越来越严峻;

2. 造成这种现象的原因; 3. 你对毕业生的建议。

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

■ Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

If you were as clever as an elephant you could communicate with your friends without a cellphone or iPod or any other fancy electronic gadget. All you would have to do is speak, quite 地震波) across 48 distances.

Caitlin O Connell-Rodwell discovered this ability of elephants while working in Africa more than a decade ago, and she it because she had seen similar clues in insects she had studied years earlier at the University of Hawaii.

Today she is a scientist in behavioral ecology at Stanford University, and the

research she 52 now suggests that many animals 53 through subtle shock waves that travel along the earth s surface.

The work lends some scientific credence (可信性) to the idea that some animals may even be able to 54 earthquakes because of weak precursors that arrive before the main shock wave. That belief has been supported by anecdotal evidence, and scientific validation has been hard to come by, but this work suggests that skeptics who scorned the idea may have 56 to a premature judgment.

That, however, remains to be seen, but what is clear at this point is that a number of animals, especially elephants, have some communication skills that eclipse those possessed by humans.

A) considerate B) recognized C) largely

D) frequently

I) loudly J) pioneered

K) specializing L) invented M) considerable N) predict O) studying

E) cooperate F) communicate G) amazing


H) leaped

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Well-intentioned parents have unwittingly left their kids defenseless against failure. The current of millennials (born between 1980 and 2001) grew up playing sports scores and performance were downplayed (轻描淡写) because “everyone’s a winner”. And their report cards had more statements than an AIG (美国国际集团) press release. , Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them the “overpraised generation”. Fortunately, once you understand the situation, there’s some quick corrective 71 that can be taken. And even if you re well past your child-rearing years, her advice will help you when confronted setbacks.

Dweck has been studying how people 73 failure for 40 years. Her research has led her to identify two mind sets that dramatically influence how we react it. Here s how they work:

A fixed mind set is — you’re a born artist, point guard, or numbers person. The fixed mind set believes it’s to success without much effort and 78 failure as a personal affront (侮辱). When things get 79 , it s quick to blame, withdraw, lie, and even avoid future challenge or risk.

, a growth mind set assumes that no talent is heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everything possible. Because the ego isn t on the line as much, the growth mind set sees failure as opportunity rather than . When challenged, it s quick to reassess, 83 , and try again. In fact, it enjoys this process.

We are all 84 with growth mind sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn t be able to survive in the world.) But parents, coaches, and teachers often push us into fixed mind sets by

85 certain behaviors and misdirecting praise. Dweck s book, Mindset: The New

Psychology of Success, and online instructional program, , explain this in . But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to guarantee that your kids, grandkids, and even you never get ruined by failure.

67. A) age B) time

C) generation 68. A) where C) which

69. A) negative C) neutral C) Moreover 71. A) action C) behavior 72. A) with

D) period B) when

D) that B) positive D) aggressive B) Therefore D) Nevertheless B) function D) operation B) to

70. A) However


C) for D) by

73. A) deal C) handle 74. A) similar C) distant 75. A) with C) on

76. A) based C) adopted 77. A) inclined C) entitled 78. A) regards C) imagines 79. A) easy

B) cope D) react B) alternative D) distinct

B) at D) to B) grounded D) stemmed B) addicted D) qualified B) guesses D) releases B) successful D) tough B) Likewise D) Conversely B) entirely D) especially B) disappointment D) injury B) adapt D) abandon B) provided D) born B) punishing D) condemning

C) disappointing 80. A) Similarly C) Constantly 81. A) partially C) permanently 82. A) insult C) chance

83. A) withdraw C) adjust 84. A) given C) granted

85. A) enjoying C) rewarding 86. A) time C) depth

B) space D) width

Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 87. Martin is not good at sports, but ______________(若论数学), he’s the best in the class. 88. Nowhere else in the world ________________ (你能发现更美的景色) than in China. 89. The residents have been involved, one way or another, in _____________ (社区举办的活动).

90. The flood ________________ (使这个小村庄与外界隔绝) for more than two weeks. 91. ____________________ (很明显) that she is trying to apply to the company for that position.


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “False Advertisements”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:


1. 虚假广告在近年来大量出现; 2. 虚假广告带来很大的危害; 3. 有效的解决办法。

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) ■ Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

If, by chance, you’ve received a message from a “friend” in the last few days saying that you’ve been caught on tape, it’s not true. The malicious (恶意的) software attempts to 47 users with messages such as “You’ve been caught on hidden camera.” The messages contain a link that takes users to a Web page that looks like YouTube. There the page invites visitors to view the video, so they need to click on another link to 49 and install updated software. Those who fall for the scam (欺诈) are installing malicious software. The worm, called Koobface, turns computers into “zombie” machines that can be used in other types of online attacks. The malicious software may also include keylogger software, which can record a computer user s keystrokes — and grab passwords when they are entered on a computer.

Alexander Gostev, senior analyst at computer security firm Kaspersky Lab, said that this type of attack could be a successful one for hackers. “Users are very trusting of messages left by friends on social networking sites. So the 54 of a user clicking on a link like this is very high,” he said.

Facebook has also been users to a trick message claiming that the site is overpopulated and that some accounts soon will be deleted. Facebook s security page a few common-sense suggestions for those worried about security. “If a link or a message seems weird, don t click on it,” is one of them.

A) promised B) attract C) potentially D) offers E) virus F) unsuspecting G) obviously H) infection Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

I) alerting J) shocking K) affords

L) compromised M) actually N) likelihood O) download


It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance you re got to work hard. However, hard training you down and makes you weaker. It is rest that makes you stronger.

Improvement only occurs during the rest period hard training. This adaptation is accomplished by improving 69 of the heart and certain systems within the muscle cells. During recovery periods these systems build to greater levels to compensate for the stress that you have

70 . The result is that you are now at a higher level of .

If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, between excess training and inadequate rest will occur, and performance will decline. The “overtraining syndrome ” is the name given to the of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms due to overtraining that has for weeks to months. It is marked by exhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.

The most common symptom is fatigue. This may limit and may be present at rest. The athlete may also become moody, easily 77 , have altered sleep patterns, become depressed, or lose the competitive desire and for the sport. Some will report decreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent soreness, incressed frequency of viral illnesses, and increased of injuries.

The treatment for the overtraining syndrome is rest. The longer the has occurred, the more rest required. 82 , early detection is very important. If the overtraining has only occurred for a short period of time then interrupting training for 3-5 days is usually sufficient for rest. It is important that the factors that lead to overtraining be and corrected. Otherwise, the overtraining syndrome is likely to recur. The overtraining syndrome should be considered in any athlete who symptoms of prolonged fatigue and whose performance has or decreased. It is important to any underlying illness that may be responsible for the fatigue.

67. A) turns C) breaks

B) makes D) hands B) followed D) following B) efficiency D) enforcement B) adapted D) aroused D) perception B) inaction D) incapacity B) situation D) collection B) persevered D) embodied

68. A) follows C) follow 69. A) beating C) rate 70. A) applied C) approached

71. A) concentration B) performance C) perfection 72. A) imbalance C) impediment 73. A) statement

C) structure 74. A) persisted C) insisted


75. A) cultivable C) correlative 76. A) standards C) workouts 77. A) interrupted C) disregarded

B) cumulative

D) conceivable B) characteristics D) relationships B) misunderstood

D) irritated B) evaluation D) enthusiasm

B) neural D) lumbar B) accidence D) accidents B) overexposing D) overtraining

78. A) attention C) optimism 79. A) muscular C) digestive 80. A) incidence C) incidents

81. A) overacting C) overflowing

82. A) Nevertheless B) Therefore C) However D) Moreover 83. A) suspended C) identified 84. A) alleviates C) interprets

85. A) leveled off C) calmed down 86. A) exclaim C) expedite

B) sustained D) arrayed B) manifests D) distinguishes B) slowed down D) pulled up B) excerpt D) exclude

Part VI Translation

(5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

87. I have explained it in detail, _______________ (可他就是糊涂得不懂这个理).

88. I know a lot of people ________________ (迫不及待地想要出国), but I prefer to stay in my own country.

89. You d better take some more tablets with you _______ _______________ (以防在旅行的路上生病).

90. Not until I was betrayed by Joe _________________ (我才明白我一直把他错当成亲密的朋友).

91. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives ________________ (起着不可或缺的作用) in raising children.


Part I Writing (30 minutes)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Are Electric Bikes a Must for Middle School Students?” You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 越来越多的中学生开始骑电动车并享受电动车给他们带来的便利;

2. 但是电动车在给同学们带来便利的同时,对他们的安全也造成了威胁;

3. 我认为,电动车

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

■ Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage. In the United States, public schools are either school districts, which are

special-purpose governments, or dependent school systems, which are under the 12 of state or local governments. A school district is a legally separate body corporate. School districts are local governments with similar to those of cities or counties including taxation and

eminent domain. Its governing body, which is elected by direct popular vote but may be

by other governmental officials, is called a school board, board of trustees, school committee, or the like. This body appoints a superintendent, usually an experienced public school administrator, to as the district s chief executive for carrying out day-to-day decisions and the policy implementation. The school board may also exercise a quasi-judicial function in serious employee or student discipline matters.

Not all school systems constitute school districts as distinct bodies corporate. A few states have no school systems independent of county or municipal governments. One example is Maryland, where all school systems are run at the county or, in the case of Baltimore City, the county-equivalent level. Other states, as New York, have both independent school

districts and school systems that are 19 to cities. The Hawaii State Department of Education functions as a single state-wide school district. This is among the states, but the Puerto Rico Department of Education operates all schools in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, thus also functioning as a single school district.

A) such B) subordinate C) function D) so E) rarely

I) independent J) unique

K) powers L) dominated N) control O) important

M) appointed

F) typically G) dependent H) prominent

Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

You’ve probably seen someone texting (发短信) while driving. In fact, some of you have


done it. It’s dangerous.

Technology has us to multitask, but that doesn t mean we do it well. In fact, the research 32 that most of us don t.

University of Utah psychology professor David Strayer, who has studied the of using a cellphone or text messaging while driving, 34 , according to Time Magazine, that “only 2 percent of people are able to safely multitask while driving”.

Strayer told Time Magazine that those same few people who can send a text while operating a vehicle would also make good jet pilots. So 36 we want to restrict texting while driving only to Top Guns (top jet pilots), we should the practice completely.

The House of Delegates Select Committee on Infrastructure is working on a(n) that would make text messaging while driving a secondary 39 . That means you could not be pulled by the police for texting, but you could be if the police stop you for another offense and find you were sending messages while driving.

Granted, there isn’t much chance that happening, but, like seat belt laws, the ban would be a deterrent (威慑力). Most people don’t want to the law.

Some want the Legislature to go 45 and include a ban on cellphone use. That s more controversial, so many of us use cellphones while driving. In addition, the is that talking on a cellphone is not as distracting as texting.

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute placed in vehicles for a year to learn more about distracted drivers. They found that motorists were a greater risk of having an accident while texting or dialing a cellphone number than those who were 50 talking on the phone.

31. A) persuaded C) enabled

32. A) thinks C) shows 33. A) purposes C) advantages 34. A) found C) saw 35. A) luckily C) finally 36. A) when C) unless 37. A) allow C) conduct

B) forced D) asked B) means D) hopes

B) effects D) contents B) felt D) heard

B) effectively

D) hopefully B) while

D) until B) support

D) ban B) operation

D) bill B) success D) offense B) over D) down

B) questioned

38. A) contract C) agreement 39. A) danger C) request

40. A) up C) off 41. A) stopped


C) ticketed 42. A) of C) to 43. A) texting C) testing 44. A) obey C) learn

45. A) ahead C) further 46. A) if

D) reminded B) about D) in

B) driving D) sending B) break B) away D) back B) though D) because B) perception D) determination B) lights D) earphones B) for

D) face

C) but 47. A) regulation C) ambition 48. A) cameras C) radios 49. A) at

C) with 50. A) rarely C) perfectly

D) on B) simply D) entirely

Part V Translation

(5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 51. What I want to see is __________________ (你能否尽快解决这个问题).

52. _________________________ (很多人成功的秘诀) is to have a kind heart and a strong will.

53. Anna broke up with Jack because he ______________ (从未认真考虑过安娜的担忧).

54. _____________________ (一想到自己的所作所为), Sophia could not control her feelings any more.

55. Action movies should be regarded as a kind of art __________________________ (而不是一种纯粹的娱乐形式).


Part I Writing

(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “To Take a Job or to Be a Postgraduate”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 很多在校大学生认为本科生毕业时应当报考研究生; 2. 而另外一些大学生认为应当先找份工作; 3. 作为在校大学生,你的看法与打算。

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) ■ Section A


Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.

Clay is found almost everywhere in the world. It is formed by the of wind and water on rocks over thousands of years. Clay is important because it is used around the world to make of all kinds. Potters add water to the clay. This makes it easier to form into shapes by hand or by machine. Then it is in an extremely hot stove. The result is a container with a hard surface that will last for many years.

In many countries, clay was from volcanoes. This kind of clay usually contains many . So the fires to make containers from volcanic clay must be hotter than those used for non-volcanic clay. The fires may be as hot as 1,400 degrees Celsius.

It is also important to dry the clay containers . This means that the highest temperature should not be reached too fast.

You can add materials to clay to gain results. For example, you can add sand to prevent tiny breaks or lines from forming in the finished product. But you should not use sand from the coasts of oceans. Instead, you should use sand from rivers or from other areas of land that are not near the .

You can usually find good clay in low areas of islands or land, especially if volcanoes helped form the land. Clay often exists in fields with some water. The clay will be found about one meter below the ground. River banks often also have clay about one meter or less under the surface.

A) function B) sea

I) action J) containers K) covered L) decorated M) slowly

C) formed D) fired E) minerals F) quickly G) soften H) computers

N) hired O) desired

Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “To Take a Job or to Be a Postgraduate”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 很多在校大学生认为本科生毕业时应当报考研究生; 2. 而另外一些大学生认为应当先找份工作; 3. 作为在校大学生,你的看法与打算。


Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

(15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

From Birth, Engage Your Child with Talk

I recently stopped to congratulate a young mother pushing her toddler in a stroller. The woman had been talking to her barely verbal daughter all the way up the block, pointing out things they had passed, asking questions like “What color are those flowers?” and talking about what they would do when they got to the park.

“This is a rare occurrence in my Brooklyn neighborhood,” I told her. All too often, the mothers and nannies I see are tuned in to their cellphones, BlackBerrys and iPods, not their young children.

There were no such distractions when my husband and I, and most other parents of a certain age, spent time with our babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Like this young mother, we talked to them. We read to them and sang with them. And long before they became verbal, we mimicked their noises, letting them know they were communicating and we were listening and responding. (And we ve done the same with our four grandsons, all born after the turn of this wireless century.)

I am not the only one alarmed by modern parental behavior. Randi Jacoby, a speech and language specialist in New York, recently told me in an e-mail message, “Parents have stopped having good communication with their young children, causing them to lose out on the eye contact, facial expressions and overall feedback which are essential for early communication development.

“Young children require time and one-on-one feedback as they struggle to formulate utterances in order to build their language and cognitive skills. The most basic skills are not being taught by example, and society is falling prey to the quick response that our computer generation has become accustomed to.

“Parents need to be reminded of the significance of their communicative model.” Communication Starts Early

Not all parents, of course, are routinely tuning out their young children. Two of my female friends in their 30s have toddlers talk to them, and with them, incessantly.

One, a former Spanish teacher, speaks to her three little boys only in Spanish; her husband and almost everyone else in their lives speak to them in English. The oldest, now 3, is fluently bilingual and readily translates into English what has been said to him in Spanish. If I ask him something in Spanish, he responds to me in English (he quickly recognizes my limits with Spanish) and even corrects my mispronunciations of Spanish words.

So much for the notion that learning two languages simultaneously delays a child s language development.

Ms. Jacoby s general advice to parents: “Reward your little one s communicative attempts with your heightened attention to his / her conversation. Be prepared to put down your cellphone and look them squarely in the eye as they share their thoughts with



Communication begins as soon as a baby is born. The ways you touch, hold, look at and talk to babies help them learn your language, and the different ways babies cry help you learn their language — “I m wet”, “I m hungry”, “I m tired”, “I hurt”, “I m overwhelmed” and so forth.

“Talk to your baby whenever you have the chance,” the American Medical Association advises parents. “Even though he / she doesn t understand what you re saying, your calm, reassuring voice is what he / she needs to feel safe. Always respond to your newborn baby s cries — he / she can t be spoiled with too much attention.”

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association urges parents to reinforce communication efforts by looking at the baby and imitating vocalizations, laughter and facial expressions.

“Talk while you are doing things,” the association suggests. “Talk about where you are going, what you will do once you get there, and who and what you ll see.” You might say things like, “Now we re going to put on your socks”, “We re going in the car to see Grandma”, or, “When we get to the playground, I ll push you on the swing.”

And you can t introduce books too early. I remember my niece at 3 months paying rapt attention as her mother “read” picture books to her, pointing out objects, their colors and what the characters were doing.

Likewise for the toddler. Advice from the speech experts: “Talk while doing something and going somewhere. When taking a walk, for example, point to familiar objects and say their names. Use simple but grammatical speech. Expand on words. For example, if your child says car , you respond by saying, You re right! That is a big red car. ”

Not Verbal, but Understanding

Keep in mind that preverbal children understand far more than they can say. One of my grandsons was a late talker. When he wanted something to drink or eat, he went to the refrigerator or pantry and pointed. Our job was to ask, “Do you want water, milk or juice, cereal or raisins?” and wait for his response. When we guessed right, we reinforced the verbal message by saying, “Oh, you want cereal.”

Avoid “baby” words, which can confuse a child who is learning to talk. Teach your child the correct words and names for people, things, places and body parts. If your child uses a baby word (“din-din”, for example), you can repeat it but also use the correct one (“dinner”).

Play word games like “This Little Piggy” or “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and encourage your child to do the accompanying motions and perhaps some of the words.

Count the steps as you go up or down. My twin grandsons math skills flourished long before they could speak in sentences because they live in a third-floor walk-up. At whatever age your children start talking, let them know you are interested in what they are saying by repeating and expanding upon it and asking them to repeat what they said if at first you do not understand them.

Ask questions that require a choice, like “Do you want milk or juice?” or “Do you want to walk or ride in the stroller?” (An important aside: Too many city children are


transported in strollers well beyond the time they can safely walk and run. Young children need to exercise their bodies as well as their minds. The theft of our stroller when our twins were 19 months old was probably the best thing that happened to them.)

Help expand your child s vocabulary by talking about what is done with various objects or why a particular food helps to build healthy bodies.

Sing songs and recite nursery rhymes, and encourage your child to fill in the blanks. When reading a book together, which should be a daily activity, ask your child to name or describe the objects or talk about what the characters are doing.

Avoid verbal frustration. When your children try to talk to you, give them your full attention whenever possible. And before you speak to them, make sure you have their attention.

1. Why did the author stop to congratulate the young mother? A) The young mother was beautiful.

B) The young mother had a lovely kid.

C) The author regarded her behavior as a rare occurrence.

D) The author didn t have a child.

2. What does the underlined part “such distractions” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A) Many young mothers pushing their toddlers in strollers. B) Distractions from cellphones, BlackBerrys and iPods.

C) Many nannies asking questions like “What color are those flowers?” D) People talking about what they will do when they get to the park. 3. What is the passage mainly talking about?

A) Parents should communicate more with their children. B) The essential factors in grasping early cognitive skills. C) Parents lack of time to communicate with their children. D) Children s lack of opportunity to build their language skills.

4. The example of the 3-year-old boy is used to show that ___________________. A) learning two languages together speeds a child s language development

B) it is possible for young children to learn two languages from their family members C) talking to children at an early age is beneficial to their language development D) young children are quicker at learning a foreign language than adults 5. The underlined word “reassuring” most probably means “___________”. A) question-asking B) problem-solving

C) care-offering D) confidence-giving

6. The speech experts suggest parents do the following EXCEPT _________________. A) introduce books to them as early as possible B) expand on words

C) use simple but grammatical speech

D) point to familiar objects and saying their names

7. What s the main idea of the paragraphs under the subtitle “Not Verbal, but Understanding”?

A) Counting the steps is a necessary way to train babies math skills. B) Reading books together should be a daily activity.


C) Strollers are needed to exercise babies bodies as well as their minds.

D) Preverbal children understand far more than they can say.

8. To reinforce communication efforts, parents should look at the baby and imitate vocalizations, laughter and ________________________.

9. Parents should avoid “baby” words because that may _____________ when they are learning to talk.

10. When your children try to talk to you, you should ___________________________ whenever possible.

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) ■ Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.

Clay is found almost everywhere in the world. It is formed by the of wind and water on rocks over thousands of years. Clay is important because it is used around the world to make of all kinds. Potters add water to the clay. This makes it easier to form into shapes by hand or by machine. Then it is in an extremely hot stove. The result is a container with a hard surface that will last for many years.

In many countries, clay was from volcanoes. This kind of clay usually

contains many 16 . So the fires to make containers from volcanic clay must be hotter than those used for non-volcanic clay. The fires may be as hot as 1,400 degrees Celsius. It is also important to dry the clay containers 17 . This means that the highest temperature should not be reached too fast.

You can add materials to clay to gain results. For example, you can add sand to prevent tiny breaks or lines from forming in the finished product. But you should not use sand from the coasts of oceans. Instead, you should use sand from rivers or from other areas of land that are not near the 19 .

You can usually find good clay in low areas of islands or land, especially if

volcanoes helped form the land. Clay often exists in fields with some water. The clay will be found about one meter below the ground. River banks often also have clay about one meter or less under the surface.

A) function B) sea

I) action J) containers K) covered L) decorated M) slowly

C) formed D) fired E) minerals


F) quickly N) hired

G) soften H) computers

■ Section B

O) desired

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

It s no secret that the world is watching the rapidly developing mainland Chinese consumer market with envy and awe. And two reports released this week by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) are hoping to shed a little light on what makes the average Chinese consumer tick and spend.

In June last year, the HKTDC polled 1,050 middle-class consumers living in the major Chinese cities Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Dalian and Wuhan.

The results revealed 85 percent said they would spend on clothes, cosmetics, fitness training or even plastic surgery if it were to improve their appearance.

Despite a common perception that mainland consumers are suckers for major brands, 77 percent of respondents claimed personal taste was more important — and most of them also viewed themselves as trendsetters.

The average household income for the survey was near 10,000 yuan (1,000 euros) per month and 63 percent said they had paid off mortgages on their homes.

According to the HKTDC, many said they now own cars, international brand-name mobile phones and take holidays overseas.

“Middle-class families in the mainland have a high disposable income and strong purchasing power,” HKTDC deputy chief economist Pansy Yau told a press conference. “The survey results can help companies position their products and devise appropriate marketing strategies.”

The HKTDC s other report can also help in that regard.

The “Consumer Survey of Home Furnishing on the Mainland” revealed that 90 percent of those who had bought and moved into new homes in the past year had decorated them when they moved in — and of those, 93 percent had full-scale decoration work done.

The HKTDC said that in the surveyed cities, the average spent on decorating a new home was 61,121 yuan (6,154 euros) — nearly twice that spent on decorating an old home (31,795 yuan or 3,200 euros).

And the respondents said that the sitting room and the bedroom were the rooms they added a personal touch — so they were willing first to spend money on “superior-quality sofas and beds”.

Finally, among the upholstered products that new home owners rushed out to buy, curtains and bedding accounted for 71 percent and 70 percent of new purchases,



21. Why did the HKTDC poll the middle-class consumers? A) They are suckers for new brands. B) They have good personal taste. C) They are the main consumer group. D) They are the most cooperative people.

22. According to the passage, 85% of the respondents will spend on the following, EXCEPT _____________.

A) coats and trousers B) make-up

C) body shaping D) electronic products

23. What is the purpose of the survey for companies?

A) They can find which country has the most powerful consuming potential.

B) It may give a prediction about what products will be the most popular next year. C) It may give the respondents an idea of what they should buy and what they shouldn t. D) They can make plans according to different consumer trends.

24. The average spent on decorating a new home was _________________. A) 6,154 yuan

B) nearly double that spent on decorating an old home C) nearly half of that spent on decorating an old home D) 31,795 yuan

25. The underlined part most probably means “________”. A) they decorated by themselves B) they didn t use C) they couldn t touch D) they liked to touch

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood called distracted driving a serious epidemic with more than 5,800 annual U.S. traffic deaths tied to motorists who failed to keep their eyes on the road.

LaHood opened a two-day conference exploring research on cellphone use and text messaging while driving, as well as other topics that can divert the attention of motorists. Figures released at the conference by the National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration showed more than 5,800 distracted driving deaths and 515,000 injuries last year.

The fatality figures released by the government on distraction did not break down crashes by specific driver behavior. Broadly, safety officials identified cellphone use, texting, eating, talking to passengers and manipulating radio or vehicle controls as distractions.

The proportion of deadly accidents tied to distracted driving climbed from 11

percent in 2004 to 16 percent in 2008, according to the figures culled from police reports. By comparison, drunk driving accounted for roughly 30 percent of all fatalities.


Drivers under 20 years old were involved in 16 percent of distracted-driver fatal crashes. Those from 20 to 29 accounted for another 12 percent.

The figures were significant but may not show the full problem since identifying distraction as a cause of crashes, especially in fatal accidents, can be difficult, transportation officials and safety experts acknowledged.

“We re all trying to look at this as carefully as possible,” said Adrian Lund, president of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. “There are some questions we need to answer.”

For instance, Lund s group, which is funded by insurance companies and analyzes vehicle safety performance and other trends, said there is little overall information specifically on cellphone use and crashes — a major target of state and federal officials.

There are also general safety contradictions as overall U.S. highway fatalities have declined. Police reports on crashes, an indicator of serious accidents, and auto-related property claims have also gone down.

“We re just uncertain how big the problem is,” Lund said.

A separate survey released by the Transportation Department showed 6 percent of drivers, or 812,000 people at any one time, used hand-held cellphones while driving in 2007. One percent used other hand-held devices to send text messages or read.

Auto manufacturers, the wireless industry, lawmakers and other groups support state and local efforts to ban texting while driving, but outlawing cellphone use behind the wheel has less support. Congress is also considering legislation to ban texting while driving.

26. Why was distracted driving called “a serious epidemic”? A) It caused 5,800 annual U.S. traffic deaths. B) Motorists failed to keep their eyes on the road. C) Motorists used cellphones while driving.

D) It was a big threat to society and was getting worse.

27. The fatality figures released by the government on distraction _____________. A) were an effective warning for motorists

B) did not have any impact on the specific driver behavior C) did not bring crashes by distracted driving under control

D) showed a decreasing tendency of distracted driving

28. Which group of people caused the most distracted- driver fatal crashes? A) Those over 29 years old. B) The elderly. C) Those from 20 to 29.

D) Those under 20 years old.

29. What does Lund mean by saying “We re just uncertain how big the problem is”? A) He thinks distracted driving is not a serious problem. B) He doesn t believe the figures released by the government.

C) He thinks distracted driving is even worse than people have predicted.

D) It is important to know the real relationship between cellphone use and crashes. 30. What proposal about distracted driving has won less support?


A) To ban texting while driving. B) To ban cellphone use while driving. C) To ban drunken driving.

D) To ban talking to passengers.

Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

If you travel by bus in Sao Paulo, Brazil these days, your vehicle may be powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The city s urban transportation system recently the first of up to five hydrogen buses. The hydrogen with oxygen to produce electricity and water.

The bus uses a hybrid system that the hydrogen fuel cells with high power batteries. It can be driven three hundred kilometers on the hydrogen cell and a(n) 34 fifty kilometers on its batteries.

The bus carries passengers in communities Sao Paulo. The United Nations Development Program, the World Bank and other private, public and international groups 36 the project.

Project official Carlos Zundt says the bus is the first of its

in Latin America. Mr. Zundt says the vehicle only water vapor and is “totally clean”. buses that run on diesel fuel release harmful carbon dioxide and other 40 . Most buses around the world run on diesel fuel. Mr. Zundt says diesel vehicles are the main of air pollution in Sao Paulo.

The cost of the bus has not been . Hydrogen fuel cell buses cost more than traditional buses. But Mr. Zundt says reducing air pollution and acid rain will reduce illnesses for people in the city. In addition, the new bus is very and does not produce noise pollution. Mr. Zundt says a hydrogen bus will last an average of twenty years,

a diesel bus can be used for five to eight years.

Sao Paulo has almost twenty million people. Almost half of them ride buses every day. Brazil has a large, modern and bus industry. It is one of the top producers in the world. The project hopes to 47 hydrogen fuel cell buses in the future. A Brazilian report says that Brazil is one of five countries that have developed such buses. are China, the United States, Germany and Japan.

But not everyone sees the hydrogen fuel cell bus 49 the hope of the future. Critics note the high of producing hydrogen. And they say other kinds of energy choices can provide power for buses.

31. A) postponed B) abandoned C) launched 32. A) acts C) connects

D) sold B) operates D) reacts


33. A) combines C) binds 34. A) limited C) superb 35. A) from C) over

36. A) reduced C) supported 37. A) brand C) variety

38. A) sends C) gives 39. A) Modern C) Traditional 40. A) gases C) wastes 41. A) cause C) origin 42. A) identified C) announced 43. A) skin C) gastric 44. A) quiet C) small 45. A) or

B) provides D) associates B) additional D) remaining B) to D) around B) added D) opposed B) kind D) standard B) releases D) consumes B) Present D) Other B) pollutants D) oxides B) reason D) part B) realized D) noticed B) kidney D) respiratory B) simple D) flat B) when

C) and D) while

46. A) competitive B) recognizable C) available 47. A) import C) export 48. A) The other C) Others 49. A) as C) above

D) supportive B) rent D) borrow B) Another D) The others B) with D) under

50. A) potential B) cost C) profit D) risk

Part V Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

51. ______________ (我们不知道谁首先想出的主意) to construct a tall building with a steel frame.

52. The neighbor denied __________________________ (向警方提供任何有用信息).


53. ____________________________ (如果你早点把他的病情告诉我), he could have been cured.

54. ________________________________ (不管工作多么艰巨), no complaint ever passed her lips.

55. He took away my dictionary without permission, _____ __________________ (这使我非常生气). 2010年大学英语四级考试备考练习第32期 Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Studying Abroad”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 有些人支持出国留学,因为 2. 有些人反对出国留学,因为 3. 你的看法。

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

■ Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.

The focus on upgrading skills has meant that more adults are going to school than ever before, in all fields. Many educational institutions are trying to the unique demands of non-traditional students, by offering fast-track programs, night classes and online educational programs. Students can often complete certification programs in a matter of months, as 12 to the years it takes to complete a bachelor s degree, which helps for the emergence of more career-training institutions and the explosion of online education.

the additional time and cost needed up front, research proves the monetary benefit of higher education for individuals who invest the needed time and effort. Data from the US Census Bureau shows that a high school graduate on 15 earns about $1.2 million over his or her lifetime. An associate s degree holder earns about $1.6 million and a bachelor s degree holder earns about $2.1 million — 16 twice as much as a high school graduate.

The possibility of increased salary is a powerful motivator for many students, even amidst a recession, confirms online instructor Chris Cozzolino from Everest University Online. “Our students recognize that education

is the best investment they can make. They are to invest the time and effort needed to get a certification or degree that is necessary to find a career.”

A) average

I) Despite J) potential K) stable L) general

B) account C) willing D) However


E) truly

M) hardly N) explain O) objected

F) almost G) meet H) opposed Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Do you picture yourself one day standing in front of dozens of kids, filling the brains of students of various ages with the information they will need to graduate from high school and go on to a productive, fulfilling life? If 31 young minds is your dream, you may be able to get federal help in making that aspiration

Jobs will always be available in the field of education, and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that demand

teachers will grow by an 12 percent over the next eight years. Most job openings will 35 the need to replace the large number of teachers 36 to retire during the next decade, according to the BLS.

In order to help the need for new teachers, the federal government created the

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant program offering undergraduate and graduate students up to $4,000 per year for tuition. Students who receive the TEACH grants sign an agreement to serve 38 a full-time teacher for four years at a low-income school in a high-need field they ve completed their educational program. To for a TEACH grant, you must be a US citizen or

41 non-citizen and enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student in an educational institution that is in the TEACH grant program.

“This grant only became available this year, and we already have 267 students taking advantage 44 it,” reports Dr. Cindy Knott, dean of GCU s College of Education. “The students are high quality and their careers — there is that this program is going to have a major 47 on the quality of teachers over the next decade.”

the TEACH grants of $2000 per semester, GCU and many colleges and universities offer scholarships to high academic achievers classes on campus. Other financial aid may be available for online students.

31. A) mold B) molding C) molded 32. A) reality C) realities 33. A) to C) for

D) being molded B) a reality D) really B) at D) from B) estimated D) estimation

34. A) estimate C) estimating 35. A) result in C) result from 36. A) expect

B) be resulted in D) be resulted from B) to expect

