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师大汇文专接本权威奉献 专接本官方 http://www.shidedu.com 0311—85854407 欢迎参加汇文寒暑假专接本公共课辅导 师大汇文各大名师简介 专接本辅导就看专业师资 公共课辅导----六位顶级教授简介:

黄沙、祁老师: 黄沙师大数学系教授,曾任数学系研究生导师和系领导,其很多学生弟子现在多数成为教授和博士,黄

教授在中国科学最高权威“中国科学”、“数学学报”等杂志或核心期刊多次发表多篇学术论文,全国闻名。曾“获河北省科技奖”和“曾宪梓优秀教师奖” 80年代开始任教河北省自考和专接本数学高数一、二,据全国学术界统计,其辅导的学生过级率全国最高,深受学生欢迎。祁老师、铁道学院教授,其课程特点是通过一道题突破一个考点,从而会做题一大片。课程深入实用。

尹老师、初老师: 河北经贸大学专接本命题组专业讲师,多年来研究专接本命题,掌握了一整套考试技巧和题型,其辅


陈喜文、张老师: 陈喜文06年政治阅卷组组长,全程授课老师,河北地区最有影响力与最具号召力的政治辅导专家,



英语专业:师大康文中 燕大初老师 计算机专业:师大叶霖、李俊红 会计专业:经贸贾老师、张老师 机械设计制造:科大王老师、谢老师 土木工程:铁道学院李老师、董老师 电气自动化:师大物理学院赵老师 国贸:经贸张老师、王老师 法学:经贸王老师、赵老师 临床医学:医大王切、王老师




2、东区报名地点:师大本部西侧91中院内101汇文办公室 电话:0311-- 86040812

3、 西区报名地点:红旗大街与南二环交叉口古韵广场B座529室 电话:85698839

4、 北区报名地点:政法学院对面绿源小区2号楼2单元201汇文办事处 电话:85287536

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师大汇文专接本权威奉献 专接本官方 http://www.shidedu.com 0311—85854407 欢迎参加汇文寒暑假专接本公共课辅导

师大汇文总结发放给各个讲座学员 英语模拟试题


1.With regarding to this model of color TV sets,the home-made ones are by no means_____ those

made in Japan.

A.less inferior to B.less inferior than C.Inferior than D.inferior to 2.Don?t put off till tomorrow____you can do today A.that B.what C.when D.whethe

3.The three boys were given work according to their______abilities. A.respectful


D. responsible

C. respective

4.It is____for her to wear a formal suit at the homely little party. A.out ot order C.out of place

B. outof question D.out of practice

5.The electnc shaver needs____ before it can be used. A.repairing

B.to repair D.to be repairing

C.being repaired

6.John Is the only one of the students who_____to France. A.has been B. have been C.had been D. has being 7.It is____he is determined.

A.buying a new car that B. to buy a new car that C.to buy a new car what D.buying a new car which 8.After a whole day?s heavy work,the old worker returned home,_____. A. hungry and felt exhausting

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师大汇文专接本权威奉献 专接本官方 http://www.shidedu.com 0311—85854407 欢迎参加汇文寒暑假专接本公共课辅导

B.hunger and exhausted C.hungry and exhausted

D.hungry and having been exhausted

9. The last half of the nineteenth century_____ the steady improvement in the means of travel. A.has witnessed

B.was witnessed

C.witnessed D.is witnessed 10. She____ in the feet on her way home from work. A.was huring

B.is hurt

C.hurts D.got hurt

11. Without computers,we____ the tremendous medical advancement in the last few decades.

A.would not make C.could not make

B.will not have made

D. couldn?t have made

12.Maggle ran back to the kichen,eggs_____ carefully in her hands. A.to be held B.held C.were held D.holding 13.Even if it_____ this afemoon,I will go there. A.has rained B.will rain C.rains D.Will have rained 14.The tree,the branches_____are almost bare,is a very old one. A.whose B.in which C.of which D.which

15.It is the director, and not the members of the board,_____the most. A.who worry B.whom worry C.to whom worry D.who worries

16.We find such shrubs____ will best stand up to(抵御)hard weather. A.which C.what

B.as D.who

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师大汇文专接本权威奉献 专接本官方 http://www.shidedu.com 0311—85854407 欢迎参加汇文寒暑假专接本公共课辅导

17. Mrs. Douglas unknowingly left a package____on the shop counter. A.laying C.laid

B.to lie D.lying

18.____that called this morning?

A.Who was B.Who it was C.Who was him D.Who was it

19.Earthworms occur_____adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found. A.and


C.however D.wherever

20. None of the soldiers was allowed to open fire unless heavy loss was shown to be___ inevitable.

A.nonetheless B.otherwise C.hence D.therefore 21.On the giant plane there are___ the jet needs.

A.twice engines than B.twice as engines as C.as twice many engines as D.twice as many engines s

22.when we have difficulty desired objects or reaching desired goals we experience negative enotions such such as grief and anger.

A.at obtaining B.In obtaining C.on obtaining D.with obtaining

23.The name Of television comes from the Greek word tele and the Latin word videre,_ “far”and “to see”,respectively

A.meaning B.meant

C.are meant D.have the meaning of

24.By lip reading or watching the movements of the speaker s lips,a deaf person can actually see the person at the other telephone is saying. A.that B.how C.what D.where 25.If he had listened to me,he earlier.

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师大汇文专接本权威奉献 专接本官方 http://www.shidedu.com 0311—85854407 欢迎参加汇文寒暑假专接本公共课辅导

A.might arrive B.had arreved C.might be arriving D.might have arrived

26.By the time she is 50 years old,she an inmate of the prison for over half of her life. A.would have been B.will be C.will have been D.would be 27.The girl won?t have her lunch before she her homework. A.will finish B.finishes C.had finished D.finished

28.The issue at the conference is very important and it will create a sensation nationwide. A.discussed B. being discussed C.is being discussed D. has been discussed 29.Undoubtedly, wins the election Is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet. A.anyone B.who C.whoever D.everyone

30.If they had sent a check to the telephone company last week,their telephone out lf service at this moment.

A.will not be B.will not have been C.would not be D.would not have been

31.Millions of Americans flock to their drugstore to buy vitamins and minerals,______ that these pills can help to pfCvent senous illnesses.

A.convincing B.convinced

C.to convince D.to be convinced 32.We were heartedly arguing about the financial matter,the telephone rang unexpectedly.

A.while B.as

C.when D.as soon as

33.They lost their Way in the forest,and made matters worse was night began to fall.

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