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Service& Support

为什么项目、程序块或硬件组态根本无法打开,或者打开时出现错误信息,或是显示“只读”?概述:本条目描述了在用 STEP 7打开或保存项目、程序块、硬件组态时需要注意的事项。如果根本不能打开项目、程序块或硬件组态,或者出现错误消息,或者只显示为“只读”,则可能是由于下列原因引起的。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.使用早先版本处理当前版本的 STEP 7项目。更新硬件目录。不兼容或者缺少可选软件包。用户权限。存储器需求。 STEP 7项目中存在有缺陷的文件。在资源管理器中从 S7Proj目录复制 STEP 7项目。打开位于服务器上项目中的程序块。在 Windows中设置的系统日期不正确。要打开的项目语言与 STEP 7语言或与当前 Windows语言不相符。访问保护功能激活。打开或恢复已删除的项目。

为了处理这样的项目,更改硬件组态或执行菜单命令“Save and d Compile”,我们建议采取下表中的措施。序关于处理 STEP 7项目的注意事项:号 1使用早期版本 STEP7处理当前新版本的 STEP 7项目例如,STEP 7版本 V5.3可以向下兼容 STEP 7版本 V5.2。在版本 V5.3中创建的项目可以在 V5.2版本中处理,前提是 V5.3项目中没有使用 V 5.2的 STEP 7版本不支持的组件和功能,例如新 CPU或新功能。 举例来说,如果要使用 STEP 7 V5.2处理一个 STEP 7 V5.3项目,则在 V5.3项目中只能使用版本 V5.2已知的模块订货号。如必要的话,应当使用“原有产品订货号”组态新模块。将来,在 STEP 7 V5.2和更高版本中,将能够“重载”新模块。

请参阅自述文件中第 6.6小节“Changing between the different versions of STEP 7”的内容“New modules in old versions of STEP 7”。如果您在 STEP 7 V5.2中打开或者解压缩一个在 V5.3或 V5.4中创建的项目,将会出现以下消息,然后只能读取硬件组态。 S7 Hardware Update options package not available. (S7硬件更新选件包不可用) The project includes objects of the"Hardware Update" options package that cannot be processed, because the options package is not installed or an obsolete version of it is installed..(项目中包含“硬件更新”选件包中无法处理的对象,因为该选件包未安装或者安装的版本为过期版本)


更新硬件目录建议安装缺失的更新包以更新硬件目录。在 Hardware Configuration中执行功能“Options> Install Hardware Updates...”。关于这方面的更多详情还可以参阅 Internet上以下条目号的 FAQ: “在 STEP 7 V5.2和 V5.3中如何更新 STEP 7模块目录?”,条目号:17581199.




Service& Support “不能直接访问 Internet


注意事项:在 Hardware Configuration的“Options> Install Hardware Updates...”下的“Install Hardware Updates”对话框中,您可以看到所列模块的技术规格以及可以将硬件更新安装到哪个版本的 STEP 7。

图 01 3不兼容或者缺少可选软件包查看创建 STEP 7项目时使用了哪些附加选件包。选中项目名称并右击鼠标,然后在打开的弹出菜单中选择“Object Properties”。随后,在“Properties - Project”对话框中,选择“Required Software Packages”标签页。该页向用户提供了处理该项目所需的软件包清单以及这些软件包是否已安装。

图 02安装缺少的所有选件包,例如样例中的 S7-HiGraph (图 02)。所需的软件包必须与安装的 STEP 7版本以及操作系统相兼容。查看兼容性列表,检查安装的选件包是否兼容,或者是否需要进行升级或更新。兼容性列表位于 Windows的以下路径: "Start> SIMATIC> Product Information> English> Compatibility List"

兼容性列表显示了根据已安装的 STEP 7版本和操作系统版本确定的所需选件包版本,例如 S7GRAPH (图 03)。如果相关选件包的版本与 STEP 7版本不兼容,必须相应地更新软件。

图 03条目:18734363包括 SIMATIC软件和 Microsoft Windows操作系统及 STEP 7 V5.3和 V5.4完整的兼容信息。 4用户权限请参阅自述文件第 3.1节“Runtime environment”,“User rights”部分的信息。在 Windows 2000/2003/XP和 STEP 7 V5.3 SP2中,必须至少作为是用户权限登录(不能作为客人)。对于 (填写文档类型:常问问题)



Service& Support所有的老版本 STEP 7,您至少需要标准用户权限。您需要管理员权限才能安装 STEP 7和选件包以及设置 PG/PC接口。 5存储器需求 STEP 7 V5.4需要大约 650 MB到 900 MB的空闲硬盘空间。 Windows操作系统支持在硬盘上(通常情况:C盘)使用额外的空间交换文件,其大小取决于可扩展的内存。应该保持至少两倍于主内存大小的空闲容量。(例如:主内存为 512 MB,则安装了 STEP 7之后,另外需要硬盘上有 1024 MB的空闲存储空间用于交换文件)。根据项目的大小,可能需要更大的交换文件空间,例如复制整个项目时(额外需要两倍于项目大小的硬盘空间)。如果为交换文件预留的空间太小,则可能会发生错误(甚至可能导致程序崩溃)。其它的与 STEP 7 V5.4同时运行的 Windows应用程序(例如 MS Word)也需要为交换文件保留额外的硬盘空间。更多关于在 Windows操作系统中设置虚拟内存的信息可参阅 FAQ “在 MS Windows XP/2000/ME/NT/9x中如何进行虚拟内存设置?”,条目号: 20440472。


STEP 7项目中存在有缺陷的文件通过“File

> Save as...”和选项“With reorganization (slow)”为您的项目制作一个副本。该操作同时也删除了程序中的空隙,对项目进行了压缩。数据存储得以优化且项目的存储空间需求降低。

图 04 7>7在资源管理器中从 S7Proj目录复制 STEP 7项目:在 SIMATIC管理器中,对于每个 STEP 7项目,在“<驱动器名 C或 D, ...>:\Programs\Siemens\STEP7\S7Proj”,中会创建一个项目文件夹用以保存项目数据。必须始终避免通过资源管理器从该目录中向其它驱动器或者向服务器复制 STEP 7项目。如果您从“S7Proj”复制项目目录,并非项目的所有部分和数据库的所有部分都能被复制,这样可能破坏项目。STEP 7项目应当总是: 通过“File> Save as ...”命令将它们保存在不同的驱动器或不同的目录中,或使用“File> Archive ...”进行备份。所创建的 ZIP文件可以被传送到其它的 PC并在那里用 STEP 7解压缩。


打开块所属的项目位于一个服务器上如果使用的是某个早期版本的 STEP 7 (V4.x,V5.0或 V5.1),连接其它计算机时必须指定驱动器盘符。为了与服务器建立连接,必须首先关闭所有的 STEP 7应用程序,在资源管理器中通过功能“Tools> Map Network Drive...”为服务器路径指定驱动器盘符,从而建立与服务器的连接。连接建立起来之后,便拥有项目的完整访问权限(读和写)。注意事项: (填写文档类型:常问问题) P3-8


Scroll down for English:

Why can projects, blocks or the HW Config either not be opened at all or only opened with error messages or only as "read only"?


This entry describes some of the properties that you should take into account when opening and saving projects and blocks, and with hardware configuration in STEP 7. If projects, the dialogs of the blocks and the hardware configuration cannot be opened at all, or can only be opened with error messages or only as "read only", then the following are probably the cause of this behavior.


Service& Support 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Using an earlier version to process a STEP 7 project of a current version. Updating of the hardware catalog. Incompatible or missing optional software packages. User rights Memory requirements Defective files in the STEP 7 project. Copying of the STEP 7 project in the Explorer from the S7Proj directory. Opening of blocks whose project is on a server. Incorrect setting of the system date in Windows. Opening a project that was created in only one operating system language that does not correspond to a STEP 7 and current Windows language 11. Access Protection activated 12. Opening or restoring deleted projects To process the project, make changes in the hardware configuration and execute the menu command"Save and Compile" we recommend the remedies in the following table. No. Notes on processing STEP 7 projects: 1 Using an earlier version to process a STEP 7 project of a current version STEP 7 version V5.3, for example, is downwards compatible to STEP 7 version V5.2. Projects created in version V5.3 can be processed in this version as long as no components and functions are used in a V5.3 project, which are not supported in earlier versions of STEP 7, like new CPUs or new functio

ns, for example. If a STEP 7 V5.3 project is to be process, for example with STEP 7 V5.2, then in the V5.3 project you can only used module order numbers that are known in version V5.2. If necessary, you should configure new modules with the"predecessor order number". As of STEP 7 V5.2 in future you will be able to"retroload" new modules.

Please also refer to the note in the readme file in section 6.6"Changing between the different versions of STEP 7","New modules in old versions of STEP 7". If you open or dearchive a project in STEP 7 version V5.2, which has been created in version V5.3 or V5.4, the following messages might be displayed and subsequently you can only read the hardware configuration. S7 Hardware Update options package not available. The project includes objects of the"Hardware Update" options package that cannot be processed, because the options package is not installed or an obsolete version of it is installed.

2 Updating of the hardware catalog We recommend that you install the missing updates for updating the hardware catalog. In the Hardware Configuration you execute the function"Options> Install Hardware Updates...". More information on this is also available in our FAQs in the Internet in the Entry IDs given below: "How do you update the STEP 7 module catalog in STEP 7 V5.2 and V5.3?", Entry ID: 17581199."How can you update the hardware catalog without direct Internet access?", Entry ID: 22374877

Note: In the"Install Hardware Updates" dialog in the Hardware Configuration under"Options> Install Hardware Updates...", you see the specifications of the modules listed and as of which version of STEP 7 you can install the hardware update.




Service& Support

Fig. 01 3 Incompatible or missing optional software packages Check which additional optional packages were used to create the STEP 7 project. Highlight the name of the project and right-click it. Then select"Object properties" in the pop-up menu that opens. Then, in the"Properties - Project" dialog, you select the"Required software packages" tab. This gives you a list of the software packages required for processing the project and whether or not they are installed on your PC.

Fig. 02 Install any options package that is missing, like S7-HiGraph in the example (Fig. 02). The software packages required must be compatible with the version of STEP 7 installed and the operating system. Check the compatibility list to see whether your installed options packages are compatible or whether you have to retrofit and upgrade or an update. The compatibility list is available in Windows under: "Start> SIMATIC> Product Information> English> Compatibility List"

The compatibility list shows for your installed version of STEP 7 and the operating system the version you require for the options package, e.g. S7-GRAPH (Fig. 03). If your version of the relevant options package is

not compatible with your version of STEP 7, you must upgrade your software accordingly.

Fig. 03 Entry ID: 18734363 includes a complete overview of the compatibility of SIMATIC software products with Microsoft Windows operating systems and with STEP 7 V5.3 and V5.4. 4 User rights Please also refer to the information in the readme file, section 3.1"Runtime environment","User rights". In STEP 7 V5.3 SP2 in Windows 2000/2003/XP you must log in at least as user (not as guest). For all earlier versions of STEP 7 you need at least standard user rights. You need administrator rights for installing STEP 7 and the options package and for setting up the PG/PC interface. 5 Memory requirements (填写文档类型:常问问题) P6-8


Service& Support STEP 7 V5.4 requires between about 650 MB and 900 MB of free memory on your hard disk. The Windows operating systems supported require additional memory on the hard disk (typically disk C:) for the swap file, depending on the memory expansion available. You should keep at least twice the size of the main memory free. (Example: with a main memory expansion of 512 MB you need another 1024 MB of free memory on the hard disk for the swap file after installing STEP 7). Depending on the project size you might need a larger swap file when copying an entire project, for example (twice the project size in addition on the hard disk). If the memory for the swap file is too small, errors might occur (or the program might even crash). Other Windows applications (e.g. MS Word) running simultaneously with STEP 7 V5.4 also require additional hard disk space for the swap file. More information on setting the virtual main memory in the Windows operating systems is available in our FAQ "How do you make the settings for the virtual memory in MS Windows XP/2000/ME/NT/9x?", in Entry ID: 20440472.

6 Defective files in the STEP 7 project Make a copy of your project with"File> Save as..." and the option"With reorganization (slow)". This also deletes the gaps in the program and compresses the project. Data storage is optimized and the project's memory requirement reduced.

Fig. 04 7 Copying of the STEP 7 project in the Explorer from the S7Proj directory: For each STEP 7 project in the SIMATIC Manager a directory is created for the project data on the drive via"<Drive name C or D, ...>:\Programs\Siemens\STEP7\S7Proj". You must always prevent STEP 7 projects being copied from this directory to another drive or to a server via the Explorer. If you copy the project directory from"S7Proj", not all parts of the project and not all parts of the database are copied and in this way the project can be destroyed. The STEP 7 projects should always be copied using"File> Save as ..." to save them on a different drive or in a different directory, or backed up using"File> Archive ...". The ZIP file created can then be transferred to another PC and dearchived there in STEP 7.

8 Opening of blocks whos

e project is on a server If you are working with one of the earlier versions of STEP 7 (V4.x, V5.0 or V5.1), you must assign a drive letter when connecting with another computer. In order to set up a connection to the server, you must first close all the STEP 7 applications and set up the link to the server by assigning a drive letter to the server path via the function"Tools> Connect network drive..." in the Explorer. Once you have set up this connection it is possible to have complete access (read and write) to the project. (填写文档类型:常问问题) P7-8


Service& Support Note: In STEP 7 V5.2 and higher the connection option is supported via the UNC path. 9 Incorrect setting of the system date in Windows Check the setting of the system date on your PC. In certain cases it might be the case that after dearchiving a STEP 7 project, error messages appear upon opening a block if the system date is set incorrectly. In this case we recommend that you close all the STEP 7 applications and the correct the system date in the Control Panel. Then reboot the PC and this behavior should be cleared. 10 Opening a project that was created in an operating language that does not correspond to the STEP 7 or current Windows language From STEP 7 version V5.3 SP2, for system-specific reasons, the message appears that the project can only be opened in the specified Windows language: in projects which have been newly created from STEP 7 V5.3 SP2 and which have been created in an operating system language which does not correspond to one of the STEP 7 languages or the current Windows language, and if the project has not been set to be language-neutral.

If you open a STEP 7 project that was previously created in an operating system with the language setting e.g. Russian, then you must set the language to Russian beforehand in the control panel of your operating system. If you wish to open your STEP 7 project or your library under any language setting, you have to mark your project as"language-neutral." Instructions and more information on this are available in our entry: Why does a message appear indicating that a foreign language has to be installed in the operating system when a project is opened from STEP 7 version V5.3 SP2? (in Entry ID: 22635865).

More information is available in the STEP 7 Online Help under"Use foreign language character sets". 11 Access protection activated If you activate the access protection for a project in the STEP 7 Version 5.4 ("Extras> Access protection> Activate"), you can no longer open this project with a previous version of STEP 7. In this case you must deactivate the access protection beforehand in the SIMATIC Manager of STEP 7 V5.4 ("Extras> Access protection> Deactivate"). In order to open a project with access protection in STEP 7 Version 5.4, you have to enter your user name, password and the domain in the"SIMATIC Logon Service" dialog. More information is avail

able in our Entry: "How do you activate access protection for a STEP 7 project and set up a user as project administrator?" (in Entry ID: 25470496).

12 Opening or restoring deleted projects You cannot restore deleted STEP 7 projects. Keywords: Archiver programs, Program abort, Multi-user systems, Multi-user mode, Multiprojects, Version conflict Entry ID:22809379 Date:2009-08-13



