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评分标准 两篇作文的原始分分别为10分和20分,不过最后的成绩单上出现的会是等级(Band),Band 5为最高级,Band 0为最低级。等级和分数之间的对应关系是:Band 5对应第一篇文章的9~10分,第二篇文章的18~20分;Band 4对应第一篇的文章7~8分,第二篇文章的14~16分;Band 3对应第一篇文章5~6分,第二篇文章的10~12分。Band 3为及格分。另外需要大家注意的是,考纲中专门有一个Band 0的评分标准。其中很重要的三个评判标准分别是:文不对题;字数少于规定字数的25%;字迹不清。下面我们来详细分析一下评分标准下的各项评分要求:






第一章格式问题 1. 格式问题:





段落从定格开始,段落之间的行距为两行(但在考试中由于受答题卡限制,请同学们酌情考虑) 写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方

2. 称呼和结束礼词的注意事项:


Dear Sir or Madam 写信给某一公司,不确定具体的收信人

Dear Sir 对男士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名

Dear Madam 对女士,但是你不知道他的具体姓名

Dear Mr Smith 对男士

Dear Ms Smith 对已婚或未婚的女士

Dear Mrs Smith 对已婚女士

Dear Miss Smith 对未婚女士

Dear John (此处John 为英语中常用男名) 对朋友或你比较熟悉的人(通常为多年生意伙伴)


Dear Sir or Madam Yours faithfully

Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Smith Yours sincerely

Dear John Best wishes


Dear Mr John

Dear Mr John Smith

3. 日期:

在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。所以某些特别的时期容易引起误解。例如:12 06 2003



因此日期要写成:12 June 2003

注释:在bec考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。但是12 06 2003 的用



在使用恩波推荐的用法时,要记住月份使用大些字母开头。天后不必写th、rd、nd或者st。此外,能够使用缩写的月份是:January February August September October November 和December。



1. 信件的开头: We are writing to enquire about

We are writing in connection with

We are interested in and we would like to know


You want to know the prices of some air conditioners.

We are interested in your air conditioner and we would like to know the prices of some air conditioners.

You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further information.

We are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday.

You want to know if the company you are writing to organizes holidays to Africa.

We are writing to inquire about the holidays to Africa that your company organizes.

2. 回信的开头:

Thank you for your letter of (date)

We have received your letter of (date) asking if

enquiring about




A company wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers.

Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.

A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company. He also sent his curriculum vitae.


We have received your letter of 18 December, enclosing your curriculum vitae.

A company sent you a fax on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to the marketing conference in London.

Thank you for your fax of 3 June, asking if I was going to the marketing conference in London.

A woman telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 had arrived. Thank you for your telephone call this morning concerning the order No. 599.

3. 信件的结尾:


I look forward to receiving your reply/order/products/ect.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


I hope that this information will help you.

Please contact me if you need any further information.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Please let me know if you need any further information.

4. 引入主题: With reference to

Further to

With regard to

I am writing in connection with

注:引入主题的句子可以被写在信件的开头,但with regard to 不能用于信件的开头。

环境:(how would you start a letter about each of the following?) an invoice (No. 679) for a photocopier

With reference to Invoice No. 679, we regret to tell you that the product arrived in bad condition.

a meeting you had with the addressee on Jan. 16th

Further to the meeting on 16 January, I am delighted to tell you that we are now able to give you a special offer for our Peach Series computer. an advertisement in the times newspaper

I am writing in connection with the advertisement in the times newspaper yesterday.

an application for a post as secretary in your company


I am writing in connection with your application for a post as secretary in our company.

a fax order for six computers that you received today

with reference to your fax order for six computer, I regret to tell you that they are out of stock at present.

5. 告知好、坏消息:


I am pleased


happy to tell


advise you that


I regret

am sorry to tell


advise you that

We regret that

6. 说明你所能做的和不能做的:

We are unable to

We are able to

We have been forced to


You cannot lower your prices.

We regret that we are unable to reduce out prices.

You have had to raise your prices because the government has increased the sales tax.

We have been forced to raise our prices because the government has increased the sales tax.

However, you can give them a discount of 5% if their order is for more than $8,000.

We are able to give you a discount of 5% if your order is more than $8,000. With regard to their second question, you cannot accept payment in Egyptian pounds but you can accept US dollars or Euros.


We are sorry that we are unable to accept payments in Egyptian pounds but we are able to accept US dollars or Euros.

7. 说明原因: This is owing to

due to a result of

because of 注:owing to 通常用于不好的消息。如果想在原因中使用动词,请加上the fact that的从句。

环境: increase prices --- fall of the dollar

We have been force to increase our prices. This is owing to the fall of the dollar.

Delay the delivery of the goods --- strike by airline pilots

We have been forced to delay the delivery of the goods. This is owing to the strike by airline pilots.

Increase all salaries by 10% --- rise in sales

We are able to increase all salaries by 10%. This is the result of a big rise in sales.

Cut all salaries by 10% --- fall in sales

We have been forced to cut all salaries by 10%. This is due to the fact that there has been a fall in sales in the past ten months.

Cannot deliver your new order --- we have not received your payment fro the last order

We regret that we are unable to deliver your new order immediately. This is owing to the fact that we have not received your payment for the last order.

Cancel the meeting --- a lot of staff have been ill


We have been forced to cancel the meeting. This is because some members of our staff have been ill.

8. 请求采取行动: Please could you

We would be grateful if you could

We would be appreciate it if you could as soon as possible. without delay. immediately.

注:please could you 是最直接的方式。在要求一些一般性的事情时,可以使用这种表达。


You have seen an advertisement in the newspaper for a post as office manger. You want an application form.

I would appreciate it if you could send me an application form. The photocopier in your office has broken down. You want to have it repaired, quickly.

We would be grateful if you could send a repairman to fix our photocopier as soon as possible.

You have moved your office and you want the post office to forward your letters to your new address.

Please could you forward my letters to my new address.

You want the telephone company to put another telephone in your office. You need it urgently.

We would appreciate it if you could put another telephone in our office immediately.

You have written to a company and you want them to reply quickly. I would be grateful if you could give us a reply quickly.

9. 抱歉:

We must apologize for We apologize for We are extremely sorry for





Please accept our apologies once again. We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience. With apologies once again.


10. 要求提供信息: Please could you We would be grateful if you could We would appreciate it if you could give us further details about ..

inform us (about/if) let us know ( about/if ) e would like to know ( about/if )

注:如果需要特别重要的信息,可以在以上句型前使用:in particular。 环境:

You wrote a letter to someone and they haven’t replied. You want to know if they received the letter.

We would be grateful if you could let us know if the letter has reached you.

A businessman is going to your country. He wants you to get a visa for him. You need all the details about his passport (his nationality, date of birth, where his passport was issued, and when it expires).

Please could you give details about your passport. I would like to know your nationality, date of birth, where your passport was issued and when it expires.

You want to know about the same businessman’s flight (flight number, date and time of arrival).

In particular, I would like to know your flight number, date and time of arrival.

11. 轻度抱怨:

Unfortunately, + 表示 something is wrong 的句子


A company has sent you a bill for the wrong goods.

Unfortunately you sent us a bill for the wrong goods. Please could you send us a correct bill as soon as possible.

Your new photocopier has broken down. You have to write to the company who sold it to you.

Unfortunately our new photocopier has broken down. Please could you send a repairman to fix it for us as soon as possible.

Two temporary secretaries do not speak English. You have to write to the agency who sent them to you.

Unfortunately two temporary secretaries you recommended to us do not speak English. We would be grateful if you could recommend two more who could speak English.

You keep receiving letters for someone else. You have to write to the post



Unfortunately I keep receiving letters for someone else. Please could you make the address clear before you deliver letters every day.

12. 提醒某人对某事的注意: I should like to draw your attention to (the fact that)

I should like to point out that


I should like to remind you that

I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that

环境: One of your staff keeps parking his car in front of the main door, the space which is reserved for the MD.

I should like to remind you that the space in front of the main door is reserved for the MD.

Someone is interested in purchasing a large quantity of your simplex cameras. Tell him about 25% discount for large orders.

I should like t draw your attention to the fact that we offer about 25% discount for larger orders.

One of your staff arrives half an hour late for work every day. (She should start at 9.30.)

I hope that it is not necessary to remind you that work start at 9: 30 every day.

Someone is interested in your products. Tell him that you guarantee that your prices are the largest in the country.

I should like to point out that we guarantee that all prices are the lowest in the country.

13. 要求某人采取行动:

We must insist that DO (DO指动词原型)



We must insist that you deliver the goods immediately.

14. 警告:

Unless If (not) We will be forced to

环境:(What warnings would you give these people?)

A company that has not paid your bill

Unless you pay the bill, we will be forced to take legal actions.


Another company that is using your company’s car park

If you do not move your car away from our park, we will be forced to turn to the police.

An employee who always arrives late for work

Unless you come to work on time, we will be forced to fire you.

A builder who has left a lot of their tools in your office

If you do not take your tools from our office, we will be forced to throw them away.

15. 强烈抱怨: 注:强烈抱怨遵循以下步骤:

a. 阐述发生的问题:it is now over nine months since we placed this order and we are still waiting for the cabinets.

b. 使用句型12:I should like to point out that we have already paid for these cabinets.

c. 使用句型 13:we must insist that you deliver them immediately.

d. 使用句型14:unless we hear from you within 7 days we will take legal action.

第三章检查(包括图表写作和report) 检查的四个主要方面:



:“” 《》。

2.拼写: 双写辅音 y改成复数 3.语法:主谓一致 冠词次序介词 时态 漏词


太长的段落 太长的句子 运用不常使用的词汇 一次包含太多的信息 信息不完整 信息顺序混乱。

