2018届高三英语二轮复习试题:专题三第一讲 细节理解题 题型突破 Word版含解析

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第一讲 细节理解题

题型1 直接信息理解类 [示例] (2017·全国卷Ⅰ,A)

Pacific Science Center Guide ◆Visit Pacific Science Center’s Store Don’t forget to stop by Pacific Science Center’s Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or souvenir to remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.

21.Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center? A.In Building 1. B.In Building 3. C.At the Laser Dome. D.At the Denny Way entrance. [解题思路]

第一步 确定题干中的关键词

本题题干的关键词是:Where;souvenir;Pacific__Science__Center 第二步 根据关键词定位信息句 本

to__pick__up__a__wonderful__science__activity__or__souvenir__to__remember__your__visit.__The__store__is__located(位于)__upstairs__in__Building__3 尝试解答 ____B____ [答题技巧] 1.识别题干关键

特殊疑问句形式表达:以when, where, what, which, who, how等疑问词开头引出问题。 2.“定位比对”判细节




题型2 间接信息理解类

[示例] (2017·浙江卷,B)How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age. Babies need a lot

of rest; most of them sleep about 18 hours a day! Adults need about eight hours. For most school-age children, ten hours is ideal(理想的). But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35% of 10- to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half of the surveyed kids said they do before bedtime? Watch TV. 26.How many hours of sleep do 11-year-olds need every day? A.7 hours. C.10 hours. [解题思路]

第一步 确定题干中的关键词

本题题干的关键词是:How__many;__11-year-olds 第二步 根据关键词定位信息句

本题的信息句是:For__most__school-age__children,__ten__hours__is__ideal(理想的). 第三步 对比信息句和选项,得出答案

根据信息句可知,对于上学年龄的孩子来说,睡眠十个小时是最理想的。11-year-olds属于school-age children。 尝试解答 ____C____ [答题技巧] 1.识别题干关键

(1)According to the author/passage... (2)The reason...,is that... (3)From...,we can learn... (4)Researchers have found that... 2.“同义互释”定选项

间接理解题答案选项的表述通常不是使用文章的原话,而是使用与文中同义或近义的词语来表达。考生需对原文信息进行加工处理,然后再进一步推理鉴别,也可运用排除法,将“无此细节”和“与此细节相反”的选项提前排除。 3.搞清正确选项特征


(2)词性或语态变化:对原句中关键词进行词性变化或对原句进行主被动变化; (3)语言简化:把原文中的复杂语言进行简化; (4)正话反说:把原文中的意思反过来表达。 题型3 数字计算类

[示例] (2015·四川卷,C)Across Britain,burnt toast will be served to mothers in bed this morning as older sons and daughters rush to deliver their supermarket bunches of flowers.But,

B.8 hours. D.18 hours.

according to a new study,we should be placing a higher value on motherhood all year.

Mothers have long known that their home workload was just as heavy as paid work.Now,the new study has shown that if they were paid for their parental labours,they would earn as much as £172,000 a year.

The study looked at the range of jobs mothers do,as well as the hours they are working,to determine the figure.This would make their yearly income £30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns.


38.How much would a mother earn a year if working as the Prime Minister? A.£30,000. C.£172,000. [解题思路]

第一步 确定题干中的关键词

本题题干的关键词是:mother;__the__Prime__Minister 第二步 根据关键词定位信息句 本

B.£142,000. D.£202,000.

①Now,__the__new__study__has__shown__that__if__they__were__paid__for__their__parental__labours,__they__would__earn__as__much__as__£172,000__a__year. ②



000__more__than__the__Prime__Minister__earns. 尝试解答 ____B____ [答题技巧] 1.识别题干关键

特殊疑问句形式表达:以when, in which year, how many/much等疑问词开头引出问题。 2.“列表推算”得数据





题型4 正误判断类

[示例] (2016·四川卷,D)A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night’s sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off—if it is milked from a cow at night.

Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.

The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night.

Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.

Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.

While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.

Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.

Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.

33.Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text? A.It’s been tested on mice for ten times. B.It can make people more energetic. C.It exists in milk in great amount. D.It’s used in sleeping drugs. [解题思路]

第一步 根据关键词找出相关信息句 A

Those__given__night__milk,__which__contained__10__times__the__amount__of__melatonin,__were__less__active__and__less__anxious__than__those__fed__with__the__milk__collected__during__daytime... B:Researchers__have__discovered__that“night__milk”__contains__more__melatonin(褪黑激素),__which__has__been__proven__to__help__people__feel__sleepy__and__reduce__anxiety. C:Researchers__have__discovered__that“night__milk”__contains__more__melatonin... D:...__taking__melatonin__drugs__has__been__suggested__to__those__who__are__struggling__to__fall__asleep__at__night. 第二步 对比选项与信息句,逐项击破

