更新时间:2023-08-19 22:09:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
Compatible with any Spectrum Analyzeror Oscilloscope
Incl. High-End Preamplifier Ultra high gain (44dBi)
Runs with battery or power supplyCompact and sturdy design
Can be used in the lab and for open-fieldapplication
Made in Germany10 years warranty
Application examplesw
The HyperLOG X LogPer antenna series canbe used to locate extremely weak signals,thanks to the integrated preamplifier.
The antenna offers excellent directional cha-racteristics which can be optimized using theoptional Laser and Compass.
Using the optional, heavy aluminum pistolgrip significantly simplifies the rf bearing . It allows an easy adjustment of the polariza-tion planes in 45° steps.
The antenna can also be used in a passive-mode by removing the preamplifier.
Included in deliverywwwwww
HyperLOG®70 X active antenne
Typical calibration datas with up to 533calibration points (10MHz-steps)
Integrated preamplifier (removable)with integraded battery & power supplyAluminum transport case with protec-tion foam
Rugged, screwable pistol grip withmini tripod functionalityAaronia special SMA tool
Made in Germany
HyperLOG®7025 X:wDesign: active logper
wFrequency range: 700MHz-2,5GHz ww
HyperLOG®7040 X:wDesign: active logper
wFrequency range: 700MHz-4GHz w
HyperLOG®7060 X:wDesign: active logper
wFrequency range: 700MHz-6GHz wwwwwwwwwwww
(down to 50MHz with limited directivity)Preamp noise : linear“ increasing, 100MHz:3,5dB, 3GHz: 4dB, 6GHz: 4,5dB
Preamp gain (typ.): linear" falloff, 1MHz:40dB; 3GHz: 37,5dB; 6GHz: 35dBNominal impedance: 50 OhmVSWR (typ.): <1:2Gain (typ.): 44dBi
Calibration points: 183 (10MHz steps)RF-connection: SMA (f) or N (see optionaladapter)
Dimensions (L/W/D): (390x200x25) mmWeight: 400gr
Tripod connection: 1/4“
Interface: USB 2.0/1.1 (readout of calibrationdatas)
Warranty: 10 years(down to 50MHz with limited directivity)Preamp noise : linear“ increasing, 100MHz:3,5dB, 3GHz: 4dB, 6GHz: 4,5dB
Preamp gain (typ.): linear" falloff, 1MHz:40dB; 3GHz: 37,5dB; 6GHz: 35dBNominal impedance: 50 OhmVSWR (typ.): <1:2Gain (typ.): 44dBi
Calibration points: 333 (10MHz steps)RF-connection: SMA (f) or N (see optionaladapter)
Dimensions (L/W/D): (390x200x25) mmWeight: 400gr
Tripod connection: 1/4“
Interface: USB 2.0/1.1 (readout of calibrationdatas)
Warranty: 10 years(down to 50MHz with limited directivity)Preamp noise : linear“ increasing, 100MHz:3,5dB, 3GHz: 4dB, 6GHz: 4,5dB
Preamp gain (typ.): linear" falloff, 1MHz:40dB; 3GHz: 37,5dB; 6GHz: 35dBNominal impedance: 50 OhmVSWR (typ.): <1:2Gain (typ.): 45dBi
Calibration points: 533 (10MHz steps)RF-connection: SMA (f) or N (see optionaladapter)
Dimensions (L/W/D): (390x200x25) mmWeight: 400gr
Tripod connection: 1/4“
Interface: USB 2.0/1.1 (readout of calibrationdatas)
Warranty: 10 years
HyperLOG 70 X Antenna with miniature tripod (included)
The included transport case offers lots of spacefor optional accessories
The optional 150mW Laser mounted on the spe-cial adapter of the HyperLOG 6080X antenna
Recommended accessories for Aaronia Antennas
Frequency overview Analyzer & Antennas
Frequency Overview SPECTRAN Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency Overview HyperLOG and BicoLOG Antennas and Probes
User of Aaronia Antennas and Spectrum Analyzers (Examples)
Government, Military, aeronautic, astronautic
wNATO, BelgienwBoeing, USAwAirbus, Hamburg
wBund (Bundeswehr), Leer
wBundeswehr (Technische Aufklärung), Hof wLufthansa, Hamburg
wDLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, StuttgartwEurocontrol (Flugüberwachung), Belgien
wAustralian Government Department of Defence, AustralienwEADS (European Aeronautic Defence & Space Company)GmbH, Ulm
wInstitut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, KölnwDeutscher Wetterdienst, TauchewPolizeipräsidium, Bonn
wLandesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, HallewZentrale Polizeitechnische Dienste, NRWwBundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, Köln
BEV (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen)
Research/Development, Science and Universitys
wDeutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Kaiserslautern
wUniversität Freiburg
wIndonesien Institute of Sience, Indonesien
wMax-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz wLos Alamos National Labratory, USA wUniversity of Bahrain, BahrainwUniversity of Florida, USA
wUniversität Erlangen, ErlangenwUniversität Hannover, Hannover
wUniversity of Newcastle, GroßbritannienwUniversität Strasbourg, FrankreichwUniversität Frankfurt, Frankfurt
wUni München – Fakultät für Physik, GarchingwTechnische Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
wMax-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bad MünstereifelwMax-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, GarchingwMax-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg wMax-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf w
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
wShell Oil Company, USAwATI, USAwFedex, USA
wWalt Disney, Kalifornien, USA
wAgilent Technologies Co. Ltd., ChinawMotorola, BrasilienwIBM, Schweiz
wAudi AG, NeckarsulmwBMW, München
wDaimler Chrysler AG, BremenwBASF, LudwigshafenwDeutsche Bahn, Berlin
wDeutsche Telekom, WeidenwSiemens AG, Erlangen
wRohde & Schwarz, MünchenwInfineon, Österreich
wPhilips Technologie GmbH, AachenwThyssenKrupp, StuttgartwEnBW, Stuttgart
wRTL Television, Köln
wPro Sieben – SAT 1, UnterföhringwChannel 6, GroßbritannienwWDR, KölnwNDR, Hamburg
wSWR, Baden-Baden
wBayerischer Rundfunk, MünchenwCarl-Zeiss-Jena GmbH, JenawAnritsu GmbH, Düsseldorf wHewlett Packard, Dornach
wRobert Bosch GmbH, PlochingenwMercedes Benz, Österreich
wEnBW Kernkraftwerk GmbH, NeckarwestheimwAMD, Dresden
wInfineon Technologies, RegensburgwIntel GmbH, Feldkirchen
wPhilips Semiconductors, Nürnberg wHyundai Europe, RüsselsheimwSaarschmiede GmbH, VölklingenwWilkinson Sword, SolingenwIBM Deutschland, StuttgartwVattenfall, Berlinw
Fraport, Frankfurt
Visit us at Tradeshows/Conferences:
© Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany / Phone: ++49(0)6556-93033, Fax ++49(0)6556-93034 / URL:
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Aaronia USA, 651 Amberton Crossing
Suwanee, Georgia 30024 USA
Phone ++1 678-714-2000, Fax ++1 678-714-2092
Aaronia UK, Bellringer Road, Trentham, Lakes South,
Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8GB Staffordshire, UK
Phone ++44(0)1782-645190, Fax ++44(0)870-8700001
Aaronia Australia Measurement Innovation Py Ltd
Perth - Western Australia
Phone ++61 (8) 9437 2550, Fax ++61 (8) 9437 2551
URL: .au
Testpribor, Fabriciusa St. 30Moscow 125363 RussiaPhone ++7 495-225-67-37Email:
URL: Aimil Ltd, B-906, BSEL Tech Park, Opp. Vashi Rly Stn,
400705 Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India
Phone ++91 22 3918 3554, Fax ++91 22 3918 3562
URL: Aaronia Israel,Johanan Hasandlar St.
44641 Kfar-Sava, Israel
Phone ++972 72 2500 290, Fax ++972 9 7654 264
Made in Germany
Aaronia AG, Gewerbegebiet Aaronia AG, DE-54597 Strickscheid, Germany
Phone ++49(0)6556-93033, Fax ++49(0)6556-93034 URL:
Spectran®HyperLOG®BicoLOG®OmniLOG®Aaronia-Shield®Aaronia X-Dream®MagnoShield®IsoLOG
are registered trademarks of Aaronia AG
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