1-接机前的准备 Preparations for Meeting a Buyer

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接机前的准备 Preparations for Meeting a Buyer



S: Brian, Ms. Mitchell will be arriving in Taiwan for the first time this morning. I'd like you to pick her up and help her get settled in. B: Can do, Mr. Sun. Which hotel is she booked at?

S: Howard Plaza. Everything has been arranged, under her name. B: Shall I take one of the company cars?

S: No. Because we're negotiating such a large purchase from Northern Reflections, it’s in our best interest to show her around in style. We've rented a limo. B: Good idea. I'd better be on my way.

S: Uh, Brian, do you have a jacket and tie at the office today? B: Yes. Why do you ask?

S: I know it is very humid, and the dress code is pretty casual here. But I think it's important to look professional when a client is visiting.

B: I understand. I'll have my suit jacket and tie on when I meet Ms. Mitchell. S: Fine. And I think it would be proper if you leave your jacket on, unless Ms. Mitchell takes hers off first, or mentions how hot it is.

B: I follow you. Then I can suggest that she take off her jacket, then follow suit. S: Yes. It's important that we pay attention to detail. B: Will she visit our office today?

S: She'll probably have jetlag, so nothing's scheduled today. B: I'll take her right to the hotel then, so she can get some shuteye.

S: Good. And please remind her that dinner is optional tonight, if she's not too tired. Otherwise, we have a meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.

B: Yes, sir.


S: Brian,Mitchell女士会在今天早上到台湾,她是第一次来。我希望您去接她,顺便帮她安顿好。

B: 没问题,孙先生。她订那一家旅馆?

S: 福华饭店,一切都以她的名字安排好了。

B: 我开公司的车吗?

S: 不。既然要和Northern Reflections谈这么大笔买卖,风风光光地带她逛逛,会对我们有好处。我们租了一辆豪华轿车。

B: 好主意,我最好上路了。

S: Brian,您今天西装和领带有没有放在办公室?

B: 有啊,有什么事吗?

S: 我知道天气闷热潮湿,而且公司对穿着一向不太要求。但我想有客户来的时候,还是得穿得正式。

B: 我了解。接Mitchell女士时我会把外套穿上,领带打好。

S: 很好,我想您还是穿着外套,除非Mitchell女士先把外套脱掉或喊热。

B: 我懂。所以我会建议她脱外套,之后再跟进。

S: 好。对小节也不能马虎,这是很要紧的。

B: 她今天准备来公司吗?

S: 她可能还没适应时差,所以今天没有排定任何节目。

B: 那我直接带她去饭店,让她睡一会儿。

S: 很好,请提醒她要是不太累的话,可以一起吃晚餐。不然,就明天早上10点整会面。

B: 好的。


get settled in(to) 安顿


The salesman decided to get settled into his hotel before he went out to eat. 推销员决定在吃饭前,先到旅社安顿好。

under one's name 以某人之名义

这词组字面上是说‘在某人名下’,引申为某人将承担责任,或将享有利益。 This contract was signed under the director's name. 合约是以主任的名义签的。

in one's best interest 对某人最有利


I think it is in our best interest not to give the boss such a bad profit report while he is in such a bad mood.


in style 高级地


Most salesmen like to entertain in style, in order to impress their customers. 为留给客户深刻的印象,大多数的业务员喜欢风风光光地待客。

follow suit 有样学样


It doesn't mean you have to follow suit just because the boss smokes smelly cigars. 不必因老板抽难闻的雪茄,你就一定要学他。

pay attention to detail 留意细节、不放过小节


A good dresser always pays attention to detail, to make sure he looks professional. 好的服装师连小处也不马虎,才能看起来具有专业水准。



A. It would be proper if you leave your jacket on. B. It will be proper if you leave your jacket on. C. 以上皆对 D. 以上皆错



A. I can suggest that he take off his jacket. B. I can suggest that he takes off his jacket.



A. I'll take him right to the hotel then, so he can get some shuteye.

B. I'll take him right to the hotel then, therefore he can get some shuteye.

答案是(A)。因为\是连接词,用以连接两独立的句子,\前面使用的标点是逗号。\则为转折副词,不能连接两独立句子。而逗号不同于分号,有连接句子的功能,因此(B)句为错误的句子,要改为\can get some shuteye.\。


A. Will I take one of the company cars?

B. Shall I take one of the company cars?

(B)是对的。虽然在将来时态,第一人称代名词可用\和\,但在表达‘请示、建议’时,却不用\而要用\。例如,想替别人买书却不知对方意下如何时,可说\I buy the book for you?\。




1.请问穿着大礼服(full dress)参加国宴时,以下那一种配件比较不常用? (1)燕尾服外套 (2)皮带

(3)百叶式白色衬衫 (4)白色横式领结

大礼服(full dress),通常是在特别盛大隆重的场合,例如国宴的时候所穿着。所以您在穿着的时候,需要注意以下的一些重点:

外套:通常是指燕尾服的外套,英文叫做 swallow tail或是tail coat。

长裤:外侧的缝边需要滚上黑色的缎带,穿着 的时候,通常是使用吊带 (suspenders),较不建议您使用皮带。

衬衫:硬胸或百叶式的白色衬衫。 领结:白色横式领结(white tie)。

2.请问穿着小礼服(tuxedo)参加婚礼时,以下那一种配件比较不常用? (1)普通西装外套 (2)皮带

(3)普通白衬衫 (4)白色横式领结

小礼服(tuxedo),通常是在下午四点之后的活动,例如宴会、婚礼、歌剧、颁奖等等的场合所穿着的。您需注意的穿著重点有: 外套:普通西装外套(jacket)款式比较保守。

长裤:类似大礼服之吊带裤,但是近来有以 皮带取代吊带的趋势。 衬衫:与大礼服同,或普通白衬衫亦可。 领结:黑色横式领结(black tie)。

3.请问穿着办公服(business suit)开会时,以下那一种配件比较不常用? (1)西装外套(jacket) (2)百叶式的白色衬衫 (3)吊带


办公服(business suit),这是在业务上接见宾客或是在开会等等的场合所穿着的,为西方社会正式之办公服饰。您在穿着正式的办公服时,需要注意的穿着重点有: 外套:普通西装外套(jacket)以保守为原则。 长裤:一般的西裤,剪裁较保守。 衬衫:普通衬衫,颜色、款式较保守。 领结(领带):一般领带,款式较倾向保守。

3.请问穿着办公服(business suit)开会时,以下那一种配件比较不常用? (1)西装外套(jacket) (2)百叶式的白色衬衫 (3)吊带


办公服(business suit),这是在业务上接见宾客或是在开会等等的场合所穿着的,为西方社会正式之办公服饰。您在穿着正式的办公服时,需要注意的穿着重点有: 外套:普通西装外套(jacket)以保守为原则。 长裤:一般的西裤,剪裁较保守。 衬衫:普通衬衫,颜色、款式较保守。 领结(领带):一般领带,款式较倾向保守。

