
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:56:58 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



本人是14级的,英语能力渣,现在考过了,帮自己当时准备的资料给可能需要的人,现在考试的题型越来越活了,书信、漫画、图表等都考过了,这里图表的没准备,但本人在4月考试遇到,希望得到重视。书信类,我认为可能会考的,罗列了一些,漫画类的,都是之前考过的,其中网络最经常考。这些素材都来自于王江涛的考研英语或者来自于网上,经过本人修改一点,能力很渣,介意的请忽略,还是希望各位根据自己的写作习惯来进行内化,水平测试的作文,还是得多背,因为机批还是看错误率的。 希望各位都能过

书信类 1、称呼

Mr.(男士) Ms.(女士) 例如:Dear Ms. Wang,

2、首段(自我介绍+写作目的) 自我介绍: I am a sb from your/the 写作目的: I am writing this/the letter for the purpose for (+doing sth) for sth (例如 conveying my thanks for sth/expressing my concern about sth)

I am writing this/the letter to (express my sincere ( thanks/gratitude/regret...) for sth/express my concern about sth)

I am writing the letter to inform you that (+句子) 3、尾端(表感谢+期待回信)

Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.

I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience 4、署名

Your sincerely Li Ming

感谢信 写作方法


主体(高度评价对方给予的帮助,表达感受或感情) 尾端(再次表感谢,希望有机会报答对方的好意和帮助)

好句: 首段:I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the kind assitance you render me.

I am writing this/the letter to express my sincere appreciation that

I am writing this/the letter to express my sincere gratitude. I referring to that

尾端:Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you. I hope that I would have the opportunity of reciprocating.

Please accept my most cordial thanks for (your timely help, which I will never forget) 范文

Dear Judy

I am writing the letter for the purpose of conveying my sincere thanks for your warm reception

during my recent visit to your country.

Your friendly warmth made it possible that I have a pleasant time in American. And it was your generous help that allowed me to have chance to learn about American culture better.I consider it is an honor for me to make friends with you.

I hope that you would visit our country in due course(适当的时候)so that I could enjoy the opportunity to reply your kindness and refresh our friendship. Please accept my sincere thanks. Wish you all best.

Your sincerely

Li Ming 道歉信 写作方法



尾端(再次表示歉意,表明愿意补救,提出建议或安排) 好句

首段:I am writing this/the letter to express my regret/apology for what I have done has caused many conveniences to you.

尾端:Please accept my cordial and humblest apologies for sth.

或 Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 范文

Dear Bob

I am writing the letter to inform you that I wish to express my sincere apology to you.

To begin with, I take this opportunity to extend my heart appreciation for the kind assistance you render me during my stay in Canada. What's more,

To solve the problem, I would like to do sth. Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences that I have caused. I hope the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.

Your sincerely

Li Ming

建议信 写作方法


主体(提出具体建议,肯定优点,再写改进内容) 尾端 (总结建议,注意礼貌) 好句

首段:I want to ask for your attention to

I am writing to you to make some suggestions on

It is my great pleasure to offer you several pratical suggestions 中间:I wonder whether

I hope/believe it would be useful to (make a rule...) In addition, it would be much better if

尾端:I hope you will find these suggestion/proposal helpful/useful.Word fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude for your attention.I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience


Dear Mr.President

I am a student in the university, and I want to ask for your attention to the physical condition of the students here.

I have noticed that many of my classmates have become fatter and weaker. These changes are not good for their health. I wonder whether the unversity can do something for them. I believe it would be useful to make a rule that any student failing a PE subject cannot graduate. In addition, it would be much better if there are more facilities for physical training, such as badminton halls, swimming pools, and so on.

I believe that with these improvements our students’physical condition can be largely improved.

Your sincerely

Li Ming

邀请信 写作方法


主体(具体交代邀请原因,邀请内容:活动性质,时间,地点,日期) 尾端(再次盛情邀请,希望尽快答复)


首段: It is my great pleasure/ a great honor for me to invite you to... 尾端: I really hope that you will accept my invitation 范文 Dear Sir

An English speech contest will be held on the next weekend. I hereby invite you to be a judge for the contest.

In the contest, every contestant will go through three sections: a prepared speech of three minutes, an impromptu speech for about two minutes, and a QA for five minutes.

you would be asked to rate each contestant according to his/her performance in all three sections. All the contestants and the judges will take a group photo at the end.

I believe you will have an enjoyable time, and I really hope that you will accept my invitation.


Dear Michael

As one of your closest friend, I am writing the letter in purpose of recommending one of my favorite movies to you-Around the world in Eighty Days.

The primary factors of my recommendation are as follow. For one thing, this is a movie of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentlemen,

who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. For another, it gives us a vivid description of the many diffculties and incidents which happen on his journey.

Wish you enjoy the movie. Looking forward to your reply.


Two hundred volunteers are wanted for the international conference on globalization next month. Anyone from our university who has a good command of at least one foreign language and is good at communication is welcomed. There are no inquirements of gender, major, grade, or previous volunteer experience. All candidates will have a seven-day training before

being assigned specific tasks, and of course, food and accommodation are provided. If you want to be one of us, please send a resume within a week to the following email address: 漫画



2、挖掘细节词,联结成句 3、文字说明

1.It is vividly described/depicted/illustrated in the picture that

The past several years have witnessed a phenonmenon that (过去几年出现了一种现象) 3.The caption indicates/read,

And below the drawing, there is a caption which says: 主体

1、主题句(象征寓意) 2、论证 3、小结

1.The purpose of the picture/drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to (我们应该充分重视...)

The purpose of the picture/drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to 2.With the speedy social and economic development There is no denying the fact that

According to the recent survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, 3.Briefly Speaking,

结论段,建议措施 1、结论句

2、两点建议或两句评论 3、包装结尾,展望未来

1.In my opinion,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to (reverse the disturbing trend illustrated in the pictures)

From the preceding discussion, it is readily apparent that (从上述讨论中可以得到一个显而易见的结论)

2.The goverment can introduce new policies to ... (改变现状/遏制行为) The legislature can establish new laws to ... (打击某种行为/维护利益) (relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who)

Public media can put up advertisements to ... (弘扬正气 to promote uprightness /倡导行为) (we should cultivate the awarness of the young that) 社会价值观 social core values Educators can give lectures to ... (鼓励人们/建议人们) The whole of society should attach importance to 3.Only in this way can we solve the problem.

It is high time that we placed great emphasis on this phenomenon 酒驾 范文1

The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a mass of reports on deaths and injuries caused by drunken driving is all over the news.

在过去的几年中, 出现了一个现象, 即大量关于酒后驾车造成的死亡和受伤的报道都是新闻报道。

The purpose of the picture is show to us that utmost importance should be attached to Drunken driving. There is no denying the fact that Drunken driving Will give rise to severe consequences if we turn a blind eye to it. In the first place, it will put the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians under threat by causing traffic accidents, injuries or even death.After that, it means a mournful waste of time and money to treat the injured and fix the crashed cars. In addition, the irresponsible behaviors of the drunken drivers may lead to the destabilization of the society.

图片的目的是告诉我们, 最重要的是应重视醉酒驾驶。不可否认的事实是, 酒后驾车会引起严重后果, 如果我们视而不见。首先, 它会使司机、乘客和行人的安全受到威胁, 造成交通事故、受伤甚至死亡。在那之后, 这意味着对受伤和修理撞车的汽车的时间和金钱的悲哀浪费。此外, 醉酒驾车者的不负责任行为可能导致社会的不稳定。

In my opinion, it is imperative for us to take Prompt and effective measures to reduce drunken driving before things get worse. On the one hand, the legislature can establish news laws and regulations to impose heavy penalty on those who violate the rules. On the other, public media can put uo advertisements to arouse public consciousness, such as propagating the bad influence of drunken driving. Only in this way can drunken driving be reduced.

我认为, 在事态恶化之前, 我们必须采取迅速有效的措施, 减少酒后驾车。一方面, 立法机关可以制定新闻法规, 对违反规则的人处以重罚。另一方面, 公共媒体可以通过宣传广告来唤起公众意识, 比如传播酒后驾车的不良影响。只有这样, 酒后驾车才能减少。

