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On the e-commerce business management ideas under

The face of rising prices, challenges snowstorms, earthquakes, such as the subprime mortgage crisis, China's e-commerce has always been difficult, but actively maintained a forward momentum. In such a Web2.0 'experience economy' Times, word of mouth marketing network seem more useful.

2008 is the Chinese year of opportunities and challenges. Faced with rising prices, challenges snowstorms, earthquakes, the subprime mortgage crisis, China's e-commerce has always been difficult, but actively maintained a forward momentum. According to iResearch statistics, the first half of the online shopping market transactions reached 53.15 billion yuan, close to last year's 56.1 billion yuan scale. Paper format. The 2007 total B2B trade with China reached 24.5 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 17.8% in 2006, 69.3% of which comes from international trade. According to iResearch forecasts 2008-2012, but because China's economy will continue to maintain an upward trend in the next five years, China's total B2B trade still remains more than 12% annual growth rate in 2012 will exceed 52.4 trillion yuan .

Even in the wave of the global financial crisis is still rapid development of e-commerce, e-commerce to enable enterprises to conduct business in a wide range around the world, but in the creation of a large number of e-commerce opportunities for enterprises, but also changed the way traditional business activities of enterprises, enterprises are facing new living environment, in order to adapt to the new living environment, business management is challenged a lot of new ideas, management mechanisms must be more perfect, management tools must also be more advanced.

1. Innovation is the fundamental survival in the network in the network market, 'only the first, there is no second', 'The Winner Take All' (winner takes all) theory is the law of e-commerce industry, the Internet is always the first a market.

In the Internet, communications technology enables communication between people easier and more extensive range of network technology has greatly improved the speed of information transmission, any new products, information and services will be very easily spread to competitors Once the new developments will soon be over, soon to be imitated competitors,


e-commerce and business activities make a more direct, more frequent, faster speed fittest beyond people's imagination, the competitive model requires constant innovation. So any business at all times and only constant innovation in the Internet, in order to establish the differences between competitors, enhance their core competitiveness. Therefore, in the era of e-commerce, innovation is fundamental, no innovation will be eliminated.

Google, EBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Facebook, Alibaba is a pioneer in the Internet, their innovative use of the Internet has changed people's habits, but also a winner on the Internet. google world's largest search engine company, from its founding innovative product after another, such as GoogleAdwords, Google-Adsense, Google Earth, Google Blogger, Google Frooger, Google Reader, Google Suggest, Google Toolber, Google Sites, etc.

Thus, innovation is in the e-commerce environment based on the fundamental. In the e-commerce environment, who innovative new business models, innovation needs of the consumers, who changed consumer habits, who quickly occupy the market, who is the winner of the Internet.

2. E-commerce environment, organizations will be flat, networking, e-commerce by means of information communication technology, network technology and computer technology support, replacing the traditional online transaction information transfer and trade. Online marketing so that the distance between enterprises and customers getting closer, corporate communication with customers more convenient, easier to collect business to customer preferences, provide personalized customer service. So in the face of e-commerce allows businesses to customer needs, must be kept sharp and rapid response, can rapidly organize corporate resources for production.

Traditional organizational structure due to more middle management levels, poor road information, it is difficult to adapt to the requirements of e-commerce requires fast response, and e-commerce systems by means of information technology, through information sharing, sharing rules, methods, and sharing of experience sharing and fast operation and control of intelligent automation to improve, to achieve the automatic flow of information, and greatly reduce the organizational level to achieve the appropriate information.

In the age of electronic commerce, enterprise organizational structure should be conducive to high-speed transmission and exchange of information, to be able to achieve the integration of


internal resources and information, and can take advantage of corporate external resources to achieve the organization's network. In short, the traditional organizational pyramid-style management system no longer exists reasonable, flat, network, network-based organization is more conducive to the rapid implementation of appropriate business e-commerce.

3. Strengthen the management of e-commerce logistics services so that information flow, capital flow and logistics coordination to integrate third-rate guarantee transactions convenient implementation. Logistics as a business process, an important link between the raw material provider bears and product manufacturers, distributors and customers between physical distribution services, and efficient logistics system is to give full play to the advantages of e-commerce guarantee. However, the important role of logistics in stark contrast is lagging behind its own management, so that as a constraint to the development of e-commerce 'bottleneck.' Lack of appropriate levels of logistics support system, operational efficiency of e-commerce will be greatly reduced. Paper format. In addition to logistics management has become a payment authentication, security of e-commerce development problems to be solved.

In addition, e-commerce, communication between businesses and customers are virtual, and only after the customers get the product, after contact with the company's logistics staff will have real feelings, so a direct impact on the logistics company's reputation. Enterprise logistics service out of advanced management methods, should also greatly improve the quality of logistics services personnel in transit to ensure product quality, and properly solve the 'last mile problem', while ensuring the quality and speed of logistics services.

4. To strengthen the development of eCRM management ideas and methods of use of the Internet and e-commerce, the function and value of customer relationship management are raised to a new level. Enterprises with a variety of advanced Internet tools and tools to create and deliver substantial dynamic customer calling environment, resulting in comprehensive coverage of automated customer response mechanism of the channels, the ability to integrate a full range of business and real-time coordination of operations, to expand and improve customer pay household level. eCRM can have both internal and external to provide customers with self-service system, but also take the initiative to deal with customer service requirements, not only saves manpower, reduce operating costs, but also to meet the customer's real-time needs.


The most significant advantages of the Internet is to achieve the customer's 'personal' and 'interactivity', so in the e-business environment, enterprises should make full use of advanced Internet communication technologies and methods to fully understand and access to customer preferences and personality, meet customer needs.

5. good business network in W eb2.0 a public relations 'experience economy' era, the word of mouth marketing network seem more useful. Popularization and application of Web2.0 ideas networks, so that consumers get 'word of mouth' greatly broaden the scope extends from the side of a small circle to countless Internet users. Before buying something, not only to check the Internet user rating for commodities, but also take the initiative to go to some forum posting, more users for comments, the public right to speak. As the famous American scholar Lazarsfeld's 'multi-polar communication theory': Under the influence of the network economy, the impact of the audience between them is often greater than the influence of traditional media audiences. 'Internet word of mouth marketing' has become the most fashionable business concepts and opportunities.

However, word of mouth marketing network is double-edged sword, good word of mouth publicity can get screen name recognition, and any negative news can spread like a virus as quickly, the long-term accumulation of the brand instantly becomes wasted. So in the prevalence of word of mouth marketing network, enterprises need to establish their own positive image, good PR, but also need to give attention to the network environment, to monitor, to create a good network platform, standardize the behavior of word of mouth marketing.

6. Strengthening the network brand building similar to traditional markets, online brand for online market also has a very big influence. Paper format. Low trust of Internet users on the network, especially in the e-commerce process, the quality of online goods, the security of online payment transactions are skeptical, and online brand image is the only guarantee of online sales by brand a lot of influence.

It is worth noting also need online brand and the brand has a very different tradition, traditional brands are not necessarily no necessary link between the online brand advantage, brand and site traffic, online advantage therefore need to re-creation of the brand planning and investment, so the company to be successful in the Internet, must not expect to rely on traditional brand.


E-commerce business has opened up a new way to change the traditional marketing companies, has changed the business of traditional sales channels, as well as traditional business management concepts, so that e-commerce enterprises are facing globalization, standardization and efficiency of the challenge. E-commerce companies to give the opportunities and challenges, which requires companies to properly examine the e-commerce environment, the rapid adjustment of the focus of corporate management, development of management mechanisms for e-commerce development.





2008年是中国年,机遇与挑战并存。面对物价上涨、雪灾、地震、次贷危机等严峻的挑战,我国电子商务却始终艰难但踊跃的保持着向前的发展势头。根据艾瑞咨询统计数据,今年上半年网购市场交易规模达531.5 亿元,接近去年全年561 亿元的规模。论文格式。而2007年中国的B2B贸易总额达到24.5万亿元,较2006年增长17.8%,其中69.3%来自国际贸易。根据艾瑞咨询的预测,2008-2012年,但由于中国经济将继续保持上升的态势,未来5年中国的B2B贸易总额仍然将保持12%以上的年增长率,2012年将突破52.4万亿元。



在网络市场中“只有第一、没有第二”,“The Winner Take All”(赢者通吃)的理论是电子商务业界的法则,互联网永远是第一的市场。




Adsense、Google Earth、Google Blogger、Google Frooger、Google Reader、Google Suggest、Google Toolber、Google Sites等。




传统企业组织结构由于中间管理层次较多,信息道路不畅,很难适应电子商务所要求的快速相应要求,而电子商务系统借助于信息技术,通过实现信息共享、规则共享、方法共享和经验共享,以及操作自动化和控制智能化程度的提高,实现了信息流的自动畅通 ,并大大减少了组织层次,实现了信息的快速相应。










在W eb2.0这样一个“体验经济”时代,口碑营销网络上显得更有用武之地。网络的普及以及Web2.0思想的应用,使消费者获得“口碑”的范围大大拓宽,从身边的小圈子扩展到无数网民。买东西之前,不但可以先上网查询用户对商品的评价,还可主动去一些论坛发帖,征集更多网友的意见,大众掌握话语权。正如美国著名学者拉扎斯菲尔德的“多极传播理论”:在网络经济的影响下,受众彼此间的影响往往大于传统媒体对受众的影响。“网络口碑营销”已成了最时髦的商业概念和机会。






