DMD Implementation of a Single Pixel Camera Based on Compressed Sensing
更新时间:2023-08-31 06:44:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
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The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
DMDI mlempntaeiotn o f aSigln ePixelCam rae aBsdeo nCompessedrS eninsDgahmralp TkahrECaED partemnetR iec nUievrsti yds.rpie.cde/uc
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
srPesurs eis on iDgiatlS inalg Prcosesign ShanonnNyq/usi tasmpilg theorenm–onin fromaitn loso sf iewsam pleat 2 signal baxdnwdthi
DSP r veoluion: stampl fires atdn sakqu steonsi ltaer Incearsngi pesrureso nDSP h adrwaer,a gorlihmst––– ––––– e vref saetr asplimg andnpr coesisn ratge sevre algre rynadmicr nag ever elrager,igher-dihmensoinl aadatever l owe enrrgeyc onsmupton eiev srmlaler orm fafcorts mltu-noied, ditsrbuiedt, entworke opedatrin ordicallyanew se nsng iodmaliiet csmmuonicaito onevre er mvroe dfiicflutch aneln
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
Ssneisn by Sampgling Lon-egtsbliahsed arpaigm dfor igdialt dtaa cqaisuiiotn–sa pmel dtaa A(-otD-c onervte,rdi itgalc meara,…)– co prmssedat asi(ganld-epednnte,onnlinear–) bicr wkallto pe rormfacenof moedr naqcuisitoin ystsmesasmpelcompessrtrnamsit
psrsa wavelee ttrnasformrecevi
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
paSritsy Manysgianslc an eb parsesl repreysente di snom reperesntetaoin/abss (Fouriir, wevealts,…e
larg ewveaeltc ofeicieftsn
widbaed nsginalsamp lselareg Gbor aoecffciiets
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
in bygSamp lngi Long-stebailhsd paraeigm dof drgiitlad ta acaqisiuiont s–malpe dat a(-At-oD ocvertenr,digtail aceram…,–)c oprmses daa t(sgian-ledpednen,t noninealr)– br ckiwal lo terfpomancr oefmo drn acquisitieonsy tsesm
parss waveeel ttranfsomreceriv
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
sFor Sampmes to Measulementr Ssannhn/oNyuiqtssamp lin tgheorem– mut ssmpae lt 2a sxgnailb andwdth i to– opessmisitcif o rmay snigan llasses– wcosrtc sa bounedfo rnyab adnlimitedda ta C ompersivse ensisg (nCS )rpicnipel[Dnoooh;C anes,dR mboeg,r aTo;Rice,…]“sarps eisganlsta tsiits ccn ae recovbredef rom amasl nlmuebro fon-anaptdive lniar measurements e–––––– interaget ssnesig, ncopmrsseon,i procssing enealbse sb-Nyuqius t“eamsrunig”leevraesg ne wpasrs eadta rpeesertnaiotn sbsea do nnweu cernainty trincpilps tehtae txnedH isenebeg’sr efautes rradom nrpjectoino/msasueermnest sgian relcvorye vai ptomiziatino l(neiar proragmimng)
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
ncIohreetnBa ess pikeS asdns ien (sFuoirr)e (Hesenierb)g
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
Inohecernt asesB pSies kand r“anod basism”
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
Inochreetn aBess Sikpseand“andrm oseqeuncs”e(cod se
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
IncoehrnteB seas
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
Sensing y Sabmplngi Lo gnest-bliashedpar diagm or fdgitai dalt aaqucisition–sampe dalat (A-otD -cnvertoer digit,l caamear…), co–mrpes sdaat (igsal-nepeddnen,tn noineal) r–brickw lla tope formanrce o mfdore anqucistion sisytms
omprcssetanrsimtsprsea awelvettr anform
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
Coprmesise Sevnisgn M eaure linsaerpro ejtconi sontoi ncoheert bnais whser edta isan to psares– arnodm w“hte noise” ii usivnrsaleyl inocerhnt e–mild“o vr-esapmlign”
ercnotrustc Reoncsturt via cnnloin
earo ptimiatizno(liner aporrgmamni)
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
gS HaCllmakrs C Sc ahneg she rtluse o fte hatd acauiqsitoin agme–baest te hyqNiustlim t–i xeplois atp iroirsi ngl apsarisy tifonramtoi n–sloga n:s s“amplele s, csmpuoetmore”
Unverias–ls mae random proejctonsi/ ahdrawreca nb e uesd orf na yomprecsisbl segnalicla ss( gneeir)c
D emcraotci–– – e–cah emsuareemtn crairse he tsmea aount mf iofnomatirn siopmel enocdig robusn tto maseuemenrt oss ald qnuatinzation naurtla d“meisionnlity redauctino” or posifgnvi sin toska
s sAymemticra l(ost procmesins ag dtcodere) Rndao mprojceionstweak l yecnrptyd
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
/PSPDC S ameCrasiglne hotpnod etcteorrnaom pdatetn ro nDDMarrayimag reconseructtio
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
IDi itgal iMromcriorr Deviec(D D)M
LP D108p -0->1920 x 080 re1olstiuno
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
(seuPod R)naom OdptcialP rjectioosn B niay partertn saerloa dd ienotmi rorr arry:a–light erfletcde owardst het lne/sphtodiooed ()1 l–ihg rtfleceet eldsewehe (0r)– ixel-wisp proeudtc susmmde ybl es
n sPuedrandom onmber uegernatroo ututp smasueermnt beaiss vceotr s[Mtsumaoo/tisNihura, 199m] 7 MesenrenT iwster– inary Bseuqncee(0/ )1– eriPd o192937-
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
ge Slenso Camrrea
MDDMDDPtentiol faor: n we odmailitseebyod nwha ctnabe sesen dbyC D or CMOSC migares low co t slowp oewr
The ideas presented here can be used to illustrate the links between data acquisition, linear algebra,basis expansions, inverse problems, compression, dimensionality reduction, and optimization in avariety of courses, from undergraduate or graduate digital signal processing to statistics and appliedmathematics.
DS/PCS Ca emarObjce LEDt (lght souice)rPhotodide ocicuitrLen s2Lns e1 DDMA+LPBo rad
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