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Unit 1


1. plan to do 计划做某事

2. go skiing 去滑雪

3. these days 如今

4. be famous for 因 而著名

5. be famous as 作为 而出名

6. be similar to 与 相似

7. look down on 俯视,鸟瞰

8. take part in 参加

9. with a difference 与众不同的

10. all / different kinds of 各种各样的

11. a warm welcome 热烈欢迎 23. sail away 驶走;漂走 24. millions of 很多, 上百万的 25. hope to do 希望做某事 26. one day 有一天 27. in the future 在未来 28. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 29. have a wonderful time 过得愉快 30. enjoy oneself 31. go abroad 出国 31. go abroad 出国 32. fruit and vegetables 蔬果 33. go sightseeing 观光

12. at first 起初 34. go /be on holiday 渡假

13. give a talk 演讲 35. from place to place 到处

14. according to 根据,按照 36. call sb. on the phone 打电话给某人

15. on one’s way (to) 在 的路上 37. by the way 顺便说说

16. interesting places 名胜 38. the top of 的顶端

17. on time 39. sail down the river 顺流而下

18. far away from 远离 40. order food 点菜 准时

19. get through 穿过 41. fall over 倒塌

20. next to 在 旁边 42. lean to 向 倾斜

21. in fact 事实上 43. be closed to the public 不对公众开放

22. keep out invaders 阻止侵略者


care (v. / n.) - careful (adj.) - careless (adj.) - carefully (adv.)

cross (v.) - across (prep.) crowd (v.) - crowded (adj.)

center (n.) - central (adj.) France (n.) - French (n. / adj.)

taste (v. / n.) - tasty (adj.) wonder (n.) - wonderful (adj.)

design (v.) - designer (n.) different (adj.) - difference (n.)

scenery (n.) - scenic (adj.) interest (v.) - interesting (adj.)

meet (v.) - meeting (n.) amuse (v.) - amusing (adj.) - amusement (n.)


1. what do you mean by (doing) ? 10. the number of & a number of

2. and, but, so 11. with 表带有

3.bring / show sb. sth. = bring / show sth. 12. 表达建议: why not ? / why don’t

4. arrive & reach & get to you ?

5. voice & noise & sound / what / how about doing ? / would

6. so that 6. find 的用法 13. such as & for example

7. spend & take 14. used to do & be used to doing

8. watch / see / hear sb. do / doing 15. until 5. one of + 复数名词+ 动词(单数)

9. (many) thanks for (doing) sth. 16. cross & across & through


17. though & but

18. it’s believed / shown (that)

19. work hard & hard work 20. 动名词作主语 & It’s + adj. + to do

Unit 2


1. protect the environment 保护环境 提供某27. feel about 对 有某种看法 物给某人 28. provide sth for sb= provide sb with sth

2. give out harmful gases 排放有害气体 = supply sb with sth =supply sth for/to sb)

3. on Earth=on the earth 在地球上 29. in the past 在过去

4. on earth 究竟 30. the answer to the question 问题的答案

5. come/be from 来自于 31. do/try one ’s best to do sth 尽力做某事

6. one another/each other 互相;彼此 32. start out small 从小事做起

7. collect some facts 收集信息 33. throw rubbish 扔垃圾

8. living things 生物 34. thrwo into/ onto 把 扔到 里

9. for example / such as 例如 (上) 35. both sides of 的双面

10. be useful for 对 有用 36. belong to 属于

11. warn sb. (not)to do sth.告诫某人(不)做某37. make our environmen

事 38. in the beginning 起初;刚开始的时候

12. know a lot about 对 知道很多 39. get /feel tired 感到疲惫

13. be in danger 处于危险之中 40. stop from doing sth. 阻止 做某事

14. be in trouble 处于困境之中;遇到麻烦 41. in one ’s opinion 在某人看来

15. be interested in 对 感兴趣 42. in order of 以 的次序

16. communicate with sb. 与某人进行交流 43. bring about 导致;引起 某人

17. do the job (of) 起 作用 44. blow away 吹走

18. pass sth to sb = pass sb sth 传递某物给 45. be caught in (a sandstorm) 遇上(沙尘暴)

19. cut down 砍掉;砍伐 46. take measures 采取措施

20. not at all 根本不

21. a little 一点

22. write an article 写文章

23. be worried about 对 担心

24. care about 关心;在乎

25. make noise 吵闹;制造噪音

26. give sb a hand= help sb 帮助某人

47. be washed away 被冲走 48. make a difference 造成差别 49. take care of 照顾 50. run out of 用完 51. even if 即使;纵然 52. realize the importance of 认识到 的重要性

二.词形转换 use (v./n.) -useful (adj.) - useless (adj.)

harm (v./n.) - harmful (adj.) - harmless (adj.) wonder (v./n.) - wonderful (adj.)

noise (n.) - noisy (adj.) rain (v./n.) - rainy (adj.)

health (n.) - healthy (adj.) condition (n.) - conditioner (n.)

contain (v.) - container (n.) fight (v.) - fighter (n.)

pollute (v.) - pollution (n.) communicate (v.) - communication (n.)

worry (v. ) - worried (adj.) nature (n.) - natural (adj.)

danger (n.) - dangerous (adj.) science (n.) - scientist (n.)

choose (v.) - choice (n.) appear (v.) - disappear (v.)


tire (v.) - tired (adj.) - tiring (adj.) important (adj.) - importance (n.)

environ (v.) - environment (n.) chemistry (n.) - chemical (adj.)

produce (v.) - product (n.)


1. few, a few, little, a little 9. for example & such as

2. join & take part in 10.without 的用法

3. talk, say, speak, tell 11. warn 的用法

4. voice, sound, noise 12. seem 的用法

5. living & alive 13. make sb. do & make sb. / sth. + adj

6. stop to do & stop (from) doing 14. or 在否定句中表并列

7. -ed & -ing 15. 的用法现在进行时与一般现在时

8. on over above 的区别 16. 基本的反意疑问句

Unit 3


belong to属于 because of因为

reception desk接待处 look for a job go 找一份工作

book a room订一个房间 go forward向前走

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 on the left / right 在 左/右边

lead sb. to 把某人带到 in the left-hand corner在左手(边)角落

fire exit 消防通道 next to在 的隔壁

safety first安全第一 welcome to欢迎来到

describe sth. to sb. 向某人描述 be able/unable to do不)能做某事

bark loudly(狗)大声吠叫 get the chance to do有机会做某事

wake up睡醒 hurt oneself弄伤自己

smell smoke闻到烟味 enjoy oneself过得愉快

fire alarm火警 be proud of 以 为荣

wet some towels湿了些毛巾 teach oneself =learn by oneself自学

lie on the floor躺在地板上 as fast as possible尽快

seem like似乎像 help oneself to 随便吃些

fire engine消防车 hear about 听说

music to one’s ears悦耳的声音 go past 经过

show up 出现 call for help 喊救命

seconds later 一会儿、几秒后 be on fire 起火,着火

against the rule(s) 违反规定 put out fire 灭火

a sense of smell / sight嗅觉/视觉 shout at 朝 大喊

/ hearing / taste / touch听觉/味觉/触觉 be close to 接近

keep one’s balance保持平衡 look out of 朝 外面

fall down跌倒 be full of充满

have a cold 感冒 be seriously hurt伤得很严重

construction worker建筑工人 decide to do 决定做某事

use for doing / to do用 来做某事 climb up the ladder 爬上梯

communicate with sb. 与 沟通 again and again 一次又一次地

in fact事实上 two more/another two 再多两个


quite a few许多,相当多 complain to 向 投诉/抱怨

perfume maker香水制造商 as well(句末)也

be useful for对 有用 all day整天


receive (v.) - reception (n.) listen (n.) - listening (n.)

explanation (n.) - explain (v.) build (v.) - building (n.)

construct (v.) - construction (n.) most (adj.) - mostly (adv.)

manage (v.) - manager (n.) loud (adj.) - loudly (adv.)

safe (adj.) - save (v.) - safety (n.) serious (adj.) - seriously (adv.)

sleep (v.) - asleep (adj.) able - unable (opp.)

die (v.) - dead (adj.) ability - disability (opp.)

use (v.) - useful (adj.) friendly - unfriendly (opp.)

see (v.) - sight (n.) with - without (opp.)

difference (n.) –different (adj.) fireman - firemen (复数)

hear (v.) - hearing (n.)


1. few, (quite) a few, little, (quite) a little 等

2. both 的用法

3. welcome 的用法

4. 不规则动词的过去式(lead, leave, wet, smell, put, lie 等)

5. seem 的用法

6. stop to do & stop doing

7. because & because of

8. 人称代词 & 反身代词

9. taste / smell 等的用法

10. two more & another two

11. the + adj. 表 一类人

12. thank you for / use for doing

Unit 4


a packet of 一盒 a pot of 一壶

in a way 在某种程度上 shake one’s head 摇头

change into =turn into 把 ..变成 be connected to 与 相连接

look foolish 看起来很愚蠢 in packets 用包装的形式

flow through 通过 流动 use sth to do sth 用 做

all kinds of 各种各样 make electricity 制电

a power station 发电厂 figure out 弄清;算出

for example 例如 pay special attention to (doing) sth 特别注意 electrical appliance/machine 电器 deal with sth 处理某事

glass/plastic container 玻璃/塑料容器 in our daily life 在我们日常生活中

pick sb. up 搭载人,带人走 seem to do 看起来像做

make our lives easier 使我们的生活更舒适 a series of 一系列;一套

help sb (to) do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 in numbers 用数字


difference between A and B A 和 B 的不同之处 make sth/sb adj 使某人/某物怎样

make sb do sth 使某人做某事 keep a diary 写日记

leave on 使 ..处于工作/使用的状态 by doing sth 以 方式

free from (doing) sth 使 ..从 中解脱出来 look through 通过 看;翻阅

be careful of/with sth 对 小心 put away 将 收起;把 放回原处 keep sth dry 保持某物干燥(keep sth/sb adj) answer the telephone 接电话

a piece of advice(不可数) 一条建议 lean out of 从 探出身

turn on/ switch on 打开 dress properly 着装得体

turn off/ switch off 关掉 around 11a.m. 早上 11 点左右

go out 熄灭 urn up/ turn down (音量)调大声/小声

(be) on the safe side 为了安全起见;以防万一 more and more crowded 越来越拥挤

make sure (that)确保 on one way or another 以这样或那样的方式 generally speaking 一般而言 shopping mall 大型购物中心

keep silent/ quiet 保持安静 play the guitar 弹吉他 play chess下棋

at first 起初 start a fire 引起火灾


fool (v. 欺 骗 ; n. 傻 瓜 ) - foolish ( adj )

careful(adj.)---carefully(adv.)---care(v.) safe (adj.)—safely(adv.)

explain (v.) –explanation (n.), servant (n.) ---serve (v.),

contain (v.)---container(n.), produce(v.)---product(n.),

different (adj.)--- difference (n.) battery---batteries,

housewife---housewives, move(v.)---movement(n.)

patient-impatient, unplug---plug,


1. Not a bad explanation.不错的解释 7. 动名词的用法

2. Can you get me ?你能给我买/拿 8. 情态动词:can, may, must

3. It is hard to imagine ..很难想象 9. 分数的表达:基数+序数(one tenth 十

4. like 的用法 v.& prep. 分之一;two tenths 十分之二)

5. with 的用法

6. how soon, how long, how often, how far

Unit 5


find interesting 觉得/发现 有趣 find it adj to do sth 觉得/发现做某事怎样

in our lives 在我们的生活中 be interested in 对 感兴趣

be on 上演;播放 miles and miles 好几英里

go to sleep = fall asleep 入睡;睡着 go to bed 就寝

all right 确实;好的 be similar to 与 相似

be different from 与 不同 keep lively 保持活力(keep+adj)

keep doing sth 一直/不停做某事 hate doing sth 讨厌做某事

hate being bored 讨厌烦闷 take care of = look after 照顾

live on 以 为生 describe sth/sb as 把某物/某人描述成

.keep as pets 养 作宠物 break the rules 破例;犯规

run in rings 绕圈跑 make sure 确保


knock on/at the door 敲门 get lost 迷路

fall down 掉下来 on one’s own=by oneself 独自;靠自己 stone deaf 完全聋的 的力量 mind doing sth 介意做某事

be pleased with 对 满意;喜欢 at work 在工作 46. be puzzled by 对 感到迷惑 a dull moment 寂寞的一刻 pay attention to (doing) sth 注意某事/做 ten miles away 十英里远 某事 in a mess 肮脏;一团糟

shout at sb.对某人大喊大叫 pick out 挑出;辨别出

talk with sb 与某人交谈 blow away 吹走

.in a friendly way 以友好的方式 many a week=many weeks 数周

be full of 充满/装满

rush out 冲出去

waste time on (doing) sth 浪费时间在某

win a prize 赢得奖项

win first prize 获得一等奖

go away 走开 56. pick up 捡起

in many ways 在许多方面

at the end of 在 的尽头

二、 词性变化 、肯定并否定:

interesting – uninteresting

generous - ungenerous



freeze (v.)-frozen(adj.)



1. there will be 句型

3. 代词 one & it,ones & them

5. find 的用法

7. keep/be/become/get/turn +adj.


brush one’s teeth 刷牙

pour into 涌入;倒进

look around 四处看

flow down 流下

clean up 把 洗干净

pump into 用泵把 抽到

in the first place 起初;一开始

remember not to dosth 记得不要做某事

shake one’s head 摇头

come out of 从 出来 an’t wait 迫不及待 make sth for sb 为某人做某事 lots of = a lot of 许多 事上/做某事 a crowd of 一群 have/take a shower 冲凉;沐浴 keep back 别往前走 right now = right away 马上;现在 cheerful - cheerless helpful- helpless mess (n.) – messy (adj.) fun(n.)-funny(adj) poem(n.)-poet(n.) calculate(v.)-calculator(n.) 2. whole & all 4. who, who’s, whose 6. keep/finish/enjoy/practice/mind +doing 8. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+n Unit 6 be on 开着 happen to 发生 drop into 使 落入 里. fall to 下降到 refer to 提到;查阅 keep warm (keep + adj)保持温暖 keep sth/sb adj 保持某物怎样 keep doing sth 继续/不断做某事 help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 drive crazy 让 抓狂


rise from 从 升起 on holiday 休假;度假

carry to 把 带到 tell story about 讲关于 故事 water treatment works 水处理厂 no problem 没问题

sewage plant 污水处理工厂 in charge of 负责;管理

ground water 地下水 ordinary people 普通人

fresh water 淡水 flow chart 流程图

drinking water 饮用水 bar chart 柱状图 in fact 事实上 fill up 装满;填满

die of(thirst, hunger) 死于(口渴,饥饿) believe it or not 信不信由你

in the end =at last= finally 最终 at least 至少

according to 根据 take a shower 冲澡(淋浴)

sound terrible 听起来很恐怖 take a bath 洗澡(坐浴)

be in a mess 一团糟 leave sth doing 使 处于某种状态 at the end(of)在 的末尾 instead of (doing)代替(做)

twice as much (as) 两倍(多) stop doing sth 停止做某事

turn into 变成 waste time doing sth 浪费时间做某事 be made up of 由 什么组成/构成 pick up 捡起

from the start of 从 的开始


mix(v.) –mixture(n.) drink(v.)- drinkable(adj.)---undrinkable

freeze--- froze---frozen break—broke--- broken

salt(n.)---salty(adj.) thirst(n) –thirsty(adj)

shine(v)---shiny (adj) possible(adj)---possibility(n)

treat(v.)---treatment final(adj.) --- finally (adv)


1. It is adj for sb to do sth & it is adj of sb to do

2. we need water for doing sth

3. It says that +从句

4. too to/ so that/ enough to do 7. 8.

5. remember to do & remember doing until 的用法

6. if 条件状语从句

Unit 7


in different ways 用不同的方式 take off 脱掉(衣服等)(飞机)起飞 ; have a good/great time=enjoy oneself 玩 do a survey 做调查 得开心/愉快 spend on sth /( in) doing sth 花 在上/做某事 come on 快点;赶快

have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难 plan to do sth 计划做某事

learn about 了解,知道 no wonder(+从句) 难怪;怪不得 eating habits 饮食习惯 feel hungry and tired 感到又饿又累 for example;such as 例如 stop doing 停止做某事

use sth to do sth= use sth for doing sth talk about 谈论 用 做某事 make sb do sth 使某人做某事 be sure to do sth 一定/务必做某事 find sth adj to do = find it adj to do sth 发现/觉得做某事怎样


have been to 曾经去过某地 at dinner 吃饭时

have gone to 去了某地 sit at the table 坐在桌子旁

have been in 呆在某地 get sth from 从 拿

a bit /a little + adj 有点怎样 a knife and fork 一副刀叉

a bit of +n = a little + n 一点 cut off 切掉;切下

thousands of 数千 in the middle of 在 中间

start /begin with 以 开始 many different kinds of 很多不同种类的 later in the meal 饭后 be dying 就要死了

at the beginning of 在 的开始 some more 再要一些

as soon as 一 就 different types/kinds of 不同种类的 be saved 获救 process sth into 把 加工成 according to 根据 be good for 对 有益

the majority of 大多数的 (not) far from 离 (不)远

in recent years 近几年(与现在完成时连用) the same as 和 一样 用)

tea with sugar 加了糖的茶 before/after + doing 做 前/后

way of doing sth = way to do sth 做 的方式 one more+n = another + n(单数)再(要)一个


serve(v.)-service(n.) host(n)-hostess(n.女) waiter(n.)-waitress(n.女)

save(v)-safe (adj)-safety(n.) smell(n.)-smelly(adj.)(类似的有:tasty, shiny, salty, thirsty,etc) die (v.) - dying (adj.) servant (n.) -- serve (v.)

true (adj.) -- truly (adv.) sleep (v.) – asleep (adj.)knife-knives


1. How do you feel about = What do you think of 你觉得 怎样

2. If, as soon as 时间状语从句, “主将从现”原则

3. It’s adj of sb. 某人怎样

4. 完成时的时间状语:already, yet, just, before, ever, never, since, for

5. What’s the matter/touble (with you)? = What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了

6. 用 how long 提问 for/since 的时间状语

7. It’s time for sth 的时间了 It’s time to do sth 该做 了

8. have been to, have gone to, have been in 的区别

9. since 的用法

