2018CIC集中大检查MARPOL VI 20180803
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2018 Concentrated Inspection Campaign MARPOL Annex VI
Ship based air pollution contributes to overall air quality in many areas and can impact the natural environment and human health
Establish the level of compliance of Annex VI. Awareness amongst ship crews and owners regarding the importance of compliance with MARPOL Annex VI
建立遵守公约附则六的标准,船员与船东内部意识到共同遵守MARPOL 附则六重要性
Items and Guidance检查项目及指导如下: Question 1项目一(硫氧化物SOX)
Are bunker delivery notes, with details of fuel oil for combustion purposes, kept available on board for the required period of 3 years?
包含燃烧数据详细资料的燃油交接单,是否按照要求在船保留三年 Annex VI, regulation 18.5 and 18.6 法规依据:附则六,条款18.5及18.6 Deficiency code: 14604 – Bunker delivery notes. 缺陷代码:14604 – 燃油交接单 ?Suggested action taken: 17. 纠正代码:17
Q1 - What to inspect 检查内容
Presence of bunker delivery notes (BDN) from the past three years correctly filled in and below the limit. If BDN not in compliance with Sulphur content and the declaration of fuel conformity, search for the notification of the master in charge of the bunker operation to the ship’s flag Administration with copies to port authorities under whose jurisdiction the ship did not receive the required documentation (a copy should be retained on board ships too) 出示的近三年内的燃油交接单,填写正确且低于界限值。如果交接单不符合硫含量要求以及申报不符,负责燃油操作的船长应向船旗国当局通知,并且抄送给港口当局让其确定船舶未收到符合要求的文件(拷贝件也应保留在船)
Question 2项目二(硫氧化物SOX)
Do bunker delivery notes indicate that fuel oils delivered and used on board are not exceeding
the maximum allowed sulphur content, as appropriate?
燃油交接单是否表明交接给船舶使用的燃油,不超出允许的最大硫含量 Annex VI, regulation 14.1.2 and 14.4.3 法规依据:附则六,条款14.1.2和14.4.3
Deficiency code: 14617 – Sulphur content of fuel used. 缺陷代码:14617 – 所用燃油的硫含量 Suggested action taken: 17 纠正代码:17 Grounds for detention. 可作为滞留的理由
Q2 - What to inspect 检查内容
Whether the quality of fuel oil used on board the ship has a Sulphur content of 3.50% m/m or below, or 0.10% depending on the sailing area
船上使用的燃油硫含量是否不高于3.5%mm,或者根据航行区域不高于0.1% Correspondence between the BDN and the ship’s Oil Record Book in accordance with MARPOL Annex I Regulations 17.2.5 and 17.4
燃油交接单与油类记录簿是否遵守MARPOL 附则一第17.2.5和17.4条款
Question 3 项目三(硫氧化物SOX)
Do ships which are using separate fuel oils to comply with the maximum sulphur content of 0.1% m/m in fuel oil while operating in SOx emission control areas, have a written procedure showing how fuel oil change-over is to be done for achieving compliance with the above requirements when entering SOx emission control areas?
对于在硫排放控制区内行驶需要使用分舱存放的最高含硫量0.1%燃油的船舶,是否有燃油更换的书面程序以确保船舶进入硫排放控制区时遵守上述规定 Annex VI, regulation 14.6 法规依据:附则六,条款14.6
Deficiency code: 14615 – Fuel change-over procedure. 缺陷代码:14615,燃油更换程序
Suggested action taken: If the vessel is in an ECA or will enter an ECA within 14 days – 17, 16. If the vessel is outside the ECA and will not enter the ECA within 14 days – 16 纠正代码:如果船舶在排放控制区,或者14天内进入排放控制区,代码17,16.如果船舶不在排放控制区或者不要在14天内进入排放控制区,代码16 Q3 - What to inspect 检查内容
That a written procedure is readily available on board 船上有立即可用的书面程序
Tick the N/A tick box in case the ship never enters an ECA 如果船永远不进入排放控制区,勾选N/A项
Question 4 项目四(硫氧化物SOX,适用于装有脱硫装置的船舶)
Are alternative arrangements, (e.g. scrubbers) installed on board according to regulation 4.1 approved by flag State?
是否有船旗国许可的诸如洗涤器等替代装置,安装在船舶以符合规则4.1的要求 Annex VI, regulation 4.1 法规依据:附则六,条款4.1
Deficiency code: 14699 – Other (MARPOL Annex VI). 缺陷代码:14699 – 其他(MARPOL附则六) Suggested action taken: 17, 16 纠正代码:17,16 Grounds for detention. 可作为滞留的理由
Q4 - What to inspect 检查内容
If the ship’s Administration has allowed an alternative arrangement that may be equivalent to the standards in MARPOL Annex VI, regulations 13 and 14
船舶主管机关是否允许可替代的装置来等同于MARPOL 负责六条款13和14的标准? If such an alternative arrangement has been communicated to the Organization/IMO 该可替代装置是否传递给当局或IMO
Question 5 项目五(硫氧化物SOX)
Do ships which are using separate fuel oils to comply with the maximum sulphur content of 0.1% m/m in fuel oil and entering or leaving SOx emission control areas, record detailed information showing that the ship has completed/initiated the change-over in the logbook prescribed by the Administration?
对于进出硫排放控制区需要使用分舱存放的最高含硫量0.1%燃油的船舶,是否按照航海要求在航海日志内详细记录了船舶开始和完成更换的流程 Annex VI, regulation 14.6 法规依据:附则六,条款14.6 Deficiency code: 14612 – SOx records 缺失代码:14612 – 硫排放记录
Suggested action taken: 17/99 – Master to amend records to the satisfaction of the flag Administration before departure.
Q5 - What to inspect 检查内容
Completion of recorded information on fuel change-over 燃油更换的记录信息完成情况
If the recorded dates, times and ship’s positions match the information to be found in the deck- and/or engine room logbooks
If the volumes of low Sulphur fuel oils recorded at entering and exiting the ECA match the consumption figures of fuel oil as recorded in the engine room logbooks or other relevant documents
记录的进入和离开排放区所用低硫油量,是否符合轮机日志或其他文件记录的消耗数量 Tick the N/A tick box in case the ship never enters an ECA 如果船永远不进入排放控制区,勾选N/A项
Question 6 项目六(消耗臭氧层物质ODS)
Do ships which have rechargeable systems containing ozone-depleting substances (refer to the supplement to the IAPP Certificate, item 2.1), have the ozone-depleting substances record book maintained?
对于使用含消耗臭氧物质的再充注系统的船舶,是否保有《消耗臭氧物质记录簿》 Annex VI, regulation 12.6 法规依据:附则六,条款12.6 Deficiency code: 14611 缺陷代码:14611
Suggested action taken: 17, 99 纠正代码:17/99
Q6 - What to inspect 检查内容
The ship has an ozone-depleting substances record book 船舶有《消耗臭氧物质记录簿》
There are effectively implemented maintenance procedures for the equipment containing ozone-depleting substances
If the master or crew is familiar with the procedures to prevent emissions of ozone-depleting substances
船长与船员,是否熟悉防止消耗臭氧物质排放的程序 There are no deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances 无故意排放消耗臭氧物质
Question 7 项目七(氮氧化物NOX)
Where an Approved Method in accordance with Annex VI, regulations 13.7.1-13.7.5 (refer to the supplement to the IAPP Certificate, item 2.2.1) is installed, has such an installation been confirmed by a survey using the verification procedure specified in the Approved Method File, including appropriate notation on the ship’s International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate of the presence of the Approved Method?
如果符合附则六,条款13.7.1-13.7.5(参考IAPP证书补充部分2.2.1)某认可的方法安装在船,该安装是否在认可方法文件内有经过使用验证程序检验确认,包括在IAPP证书内有该方法的相应符号? Annex VI, regulation 法规依据:附则六,条款13.7.1.1 Deficiency code: 14613. 缺失代码:14613
Suggested action taken: 17, 16 纠正代码:17,16
If diesel engines, with a power output > 5,000 kW and a per cylinder displacement ≥ 90 liters are installed on a ship constructed between 01/01/1990 and 01/01/2000 and an Approved Method for that engine has been certified by an Administration and was commercially available
If there is one of these engines for which an Approved Method is not installed after the first renewal survey specified in Regulation 13.7.2
The Approved Method File 相关认可方法的文件
If the master or crew is familiar with the proper operation and maintenance of the diesel engines, in accordance with their T-Approved Method file, as applicable, with due regard being paid to NOx Emission Control Areas
Question 8 项目八(焚烧炉)
For ships equipped with a shipboard incinerator or thermal waste treatment device installed as an alternative arrangement, is the ship’s crew responsible for the operation of the equipment
familiar with, properly trained in, and capable of implementing the guidance provided in the manufacturer’s operating manual?
对于有安装焚烧炉,或者作为其替代设施的热废物处理设备的船舶,负责操作该设备的船员是否熟悉,正规受训,且能够执行厂家操作手册内提供的指导 Annex VI, regulation 16.8 法规依据:附则六,条款16.8
Deficiency code: 14608 – Incinerator incl. operations and operating manual. 缺陷代码:14608 – 焚烧炉,包括操作及手册 Suggested action taken: 17. 纠正代码:17
Q8 - What to inspect检查内容
If the crew responsible for the operation of the incinerator is familiar with the guidance and instructions given by the manufacturer.
Question 9 项目九(挥发性有机化合物VOC,适用于液货船)
Are the master and crew familiar with essential shipboard procedures in the approved VOC Management Plan relating to the prevention of air pollution from ships?
船长与船员是否熟悉为防止船舶对大气污染而认可的《挥发性有机化合物管理计划》内的基本船舶程序 Annex VI, regulation 15. 6 法规依据:附则六,条款15.6
Deficiency code: 14609 – Volatile Organic Compounds in tankers. 缺失代码:14609 – 挥发性有机化合物 Suggested action taken: 17 纠正代码:17 Grounds for detention. 可作为滞留的理由
Q9 - What to inspect 检查内容
If the master and the crew are familiar with essential shipboard procedures in the approved VOC Management Plan
Question 10 项目十
Does the ship keep on board a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)? 船上是否有船舶能源有效管理计划
Annex VI, regulation 22.1 法规依据:附则六,条款22.1 Deficiency code: 01328 缺陷代码:01328 Suggested action taken: 17 纠正代码:17
Q10 - What to inspect 检查内容 The general availability of the SEEMP 船舶能源有效管理计划的总体执行情况
Please note that within the scope of the CiC, the PSCO is not supposed to check the content of the plan. The SEEMP might be in a language not understood by the PSCO.
Question 11 项目十一
Was the ship detained as a result of the Inspection Campaign?
1. 请大家备好近三年的BDN,确保其包含的数据准确,需要随时拿出来接受检查。 2. 轮机部人员,一定要了解公司体系关于换油的程序规定,并能够熟练操作。 3. 驾驶员与轮机员,要懂得贵轮抵达SECA区更换低硫油的时间,驾驶员准时通知,轮机员准时按照流程开始换油操作。
4. 通知与操作要在DECK 和 ENGINE LOGBOOK内准确记录,包括时间、船位、ROB等等,注意数据的一致性。
5. 请参考IAPP证书SUPPLEMENT部分对破坏臭氧层物质、主机与发电机与焚烧炉的规定,找出对应的文件备查,确保设备状态良好。
6. 请确认船舶SEEMP存在何处,每月报表的制作和记录,PSCO都会询问及查询。
2018CIC集中大检查MARPOL VI 2018080305-19
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