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Employment Registation of Foreign Workers in China 姓名: Name: 出生日期和地点: Date and place of birth: 国籍: Nationality: 婚姻状况: Marital status: 文化程度: Educational Attainment: 健康状况: Health condition: 性别: Sex: 照 片 Photo 职业技术特长: Special occupational skills: 是否懂汉语: Know Chinese or not? 来中国就业前原从事的职业、地点: The previous profession and name of the employer before the foreign worker came to China: 是否有在中国就业的经历: Has the foreigner worked in China before: 聘用单位全称和地址: Full name and address of the employing organization: 聘用单位负责人姓名和电话: Name and tel number of the head of the employing organization: 在中国从事的职业: Occupation to be engaged in by the foreigner in China: 护照号: Passport No.: 种类: Type of passport: 签发日期: Date of issue 有效日期: Valid until: 发照机关: Lssued by: 1

签 证 号: Visa NO.: 种 类: Type of visa 签 发 日 期: Date of issue 签证机关: Lssued by 有 效 日 期: Valid until: 现在中国住址和电话: Address and tel .number of the foreigner in China 在中国就业发生意外时,国内直系亲属的地址、电话: Address and tel number of the foreigmer’s domestic kins in case of emergency 许可证书号码: Employment License for Forigner NO.: 就业证号码: Employment License NO.: 劳动合同期限: Duration of the labour contract: 行业主管部门意见: Suggestion by the competent authority: 签字(盖章) Signature(seal) 年 月 日 yr mth day 签发日期: Date of issue: 有效期: Valid until: 外国人签字: Signature by the foreigner: 主管部门审批机关填写Filled by competent department and examine approve office 由

县以上劳动部门意见: Opinion of labour office at county above: 签字(盖章) Signature(seal) 年 月 日 yr mth day 审批部门意见: Opinion of examine and approve office: 签字(盖章) Signature(seal) 年 月 日 yr mth day The an application form one and the same fill in three Copies. 注:本申请表填写一式叁份。


