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Let me offer you some useful advice. You probably think you will never be a top student. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants. Here is how. Plan your time carefully.

Make a list of the things that you have to do. After making the list, you should make a schedule(时刻表) of your time. First,arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, et. Then decide a good regular time for studying. Don't forget to spare some time for your hobbies. Find a g place to study.

Look around the house for a good study area. It may be a desk, a corner of your room, free of everything but study things.

Make good use of your time in class.

Listen to everything the teacher says. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. Study regularly

When you get home from school, go over your notes. Reviewing the important points will help you understand the next class.

Never give up if you don't pass a test.

The purpose of a test is to show what you've learnt from a book or a subject. It helps you remember new knowledge. Don't be too worried. The world won't end if you don't pass a test. Title: To Be a 1____________ Student Make a 2________ plan of your time. Make a list of 3________ you have to do. Remember to spare some time for your hobbies. Be a good 7________ in class. Take notes carefully. 9________ your notes when coming back home Find a good place for your 4________. Keep 5________ but study things within your reach. Use your time 6________ in class. Study 8________ Never give up if you 10________ in a Don't take your test results too seriously. test Better careful everything/what study nothing well listener regularly Review fail



Did you sleep the day away on March 21? Well, you should have done because it was World Sleeping Day, This is the day of the year when people around the world care about their sleep and ask themselves a lot of questions about sleep.

Why do we need sleep? Nobody has yet can give a perfect answer to this question. However, tests have shown that lack(缺少) of sleep over about four weeks leads to a strong drop in body temperature, great weight loss and finally, sickness.

Different people need different amounts of sleep, Eight hours a night is considered the average(平均的) amount of sleep. For teenagers, the least number of sleeping hours advised by doctors are, ten hours for primary school students, nine for junior highs and eight for senior highs. Some people seem to get along just fine with very little sleep at night, but some people need more sleep. Here are some of the most useful suggestions for good night's sleep: * Go to bed regularly.

*Use your bed only to sleep.

*Don't exercise in the evening.

*Keep the bedroom dark and quiet. * Drink a glass of milk before sleep.

*Stop looking at the watch while you can't sleep! Main idea: having enough sleep is important. Nobody can answer the question 1________. Why do we need sleep? The 2________ of lack of sleep lies in a strong drop in body temperature, great weight loss and sickness. The amounts of sleep are 4________ from people to people. How 3________ sleep do people Junior highs are advised to spend at least nine hours need? 5________. On the average, primary school students need two 6________ of sleep more than senior highs. Go to bed at the 8________ time. 7________ can you get a good Exercise in the evening won't promise you a 9________ night's sleep? sleep. A glass of milk will 10________ you with your sleep. perfectly influence much different sleeping hours How regular good help 3

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Once there was a young man called Terry Fox in Canada, who was sporty. But unluckily, he had bone cancer in 1977 and one of his legs had to be cut. At that time he was only 18 years old. As he knew he would leave the world soon, he decided to do something useful to help others, especially the people who have cancer. He decided to run across the country with a man-made leg to raise money for cancer research. He began his Marathon of Hope Run on April 12, 1980 in St. John's Newfoundland. He ran forty-two kilometres each day. Soon thousands of people heard about it and started to support him. However, he had to stop after he had completed a total of 5,373 kms after more than 143 days because the cancer from his leg went to his lungs. He passed away in June 1981. But it was a journey that Canadians will never forget. What he did has inspired(鼓舞) millions of people. Every year people hold Terry Fox Run to memorize him and raise money to help the people in need. They chant “Terry Fox! Terry Fox! Terry Fox!…\ when they run. People regard him as one of the greatest heroes in Canada. Terry Fox His illness The 5________ of his run He is a 1________ young man who was 2________in sports but 3________ from cancer a lot. Because of the bone cancer, he had to 4________ one of his legs cut. He tried to run across the country to 6________ money for the people having cancer. even 8________. But millions of people have been inspired so far. He passed away at the age of 22. People think of him as a 10________ hero. Process and result of his He 7________ in running across the country because his cancer got run Age when he 9________ People's opinion of him Canadian interested suffered have aim raise gave worse died great


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In 1896, Einstein, an American scientist went to Zurich to study physics. There he met a girl from Hungary. They studied in the same class and the same interest in physics brought them together and they became good friends. Before long they fell in love. In 1903 when Einstein was 24, he married Marits, who was 4 years older than him.

After their marriage, Einstein devoted himself to the research of the great theory. To give her husband more help, Marits gave up her own work, and became a good wife and assistant. She tried her best to encourage him whenever possible. She was sure that her husband would success. They often discussed the theory while walking outside or sitting together in the room. They even did that in their letters when one of them was away from their home.

In 1914, Einstein moved to Berlin and settled down there. At that time his theory proved to be correct and he had become famous all over the world. But it was not long before the First World War broke out. Marits as well as her two sons, who were on holiday in Switzerland, couldn’t come back to Berlin any more. The war not only stopped Einstein’s work but also broke up the warm happy family.

In 1919, Einstein and Marits had to get divorced(离婚). Character Nationality(国籍) Their common 2__________ In 1903 After their marriage Einstein 1__________ Physics Marits married Einstein, 4 years 3__________ than her. She 5__________ her work to He 4__________ on the 6__________ him because she believed in research of great theory. her husband’s 7__________. He In 1914 In 1919 for She was in Switzerland 9__________ Berlin, where he became her sons. world-famous. Einstein and Marits ended up their 10__________. 8__________ Marits Hungary America interest older focused dropped help success moved with marriage


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China has decided to take action to stop the use of free plastic bags since June 1st, 2008. Supermarkets, shops and outlets(经销点) in China are not allowed to offer plastic bags to customers and all carriers must be clearly marked with prices.

The reason we give up offering quick and useful service to customers is that the plastic bags have caused serious pollution and waste of energy as well. People in the country use up to 3 billion plastic bags a day and the country has to refine 5 million tons of crude oil(原油) every year to make plastics used for packaging , according to a report on the website of China Trade News. Every year , people use too many plastic bags and at be same time we fail to deal with them in a right way, wasting valuable oil and littering the country , the State Council said in a notice posted on the central government website (www. gov. cn). So the government encourages people to return to carrying cloth(布) bags, using baskets for their vegetables.

Stop offering free plastic bags Government's 1__________ 2__________ free plastic bags are allowed to be offered to customers. Customers have to 3__________ for plastic bags. Places where 4__________ plastic bags Supermarkets, shops and outlets. can't be offered. Reasons 5__________ stopping the use of Plastic bags cause serious 6__________ and waste free bags 7__________. Advantages of plastic bags 9__________ of plastic bags What we should do Offering 8__________ and useful service. Wasting valuable oil and littering the country. 10__________ with cloth bags or use baskets for our vegetables. 1.decision (Action) 2. No 3. pay 4. free 5. Reason 6. pollution7. energy 8.quick 9. Disadvantage 10. Shop



Thomas Edison was a great American inventor. He was born on February 11th in 1847 at Milan, Ohio and died on October 18, 1931. When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas. One day when he was five years old, his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked him why he was doing that. Tom did not answer. Instead, he asked his father, \Why can't I?\

Young Tom was in school for only three months. During those three months he asked a lot of questions. Most of these questions were not about his lessons. His teacher did not understand him. The boy had so many strange questions that the teacher could hardly answer all of them. So he wanted to send Tom away from school. He told Tom's mother that Tom was not clever, and he asked her to take the boy out of the school.

So Tom's mother took him out of school, and taught him herself. She taught him to read and write, and she found him a very talented student. He learnt very fast Even before he was ten he became very interested in science. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory in the cellar(储藏室) of his home in 1857.

Thomas Edison was awarded 1, 368 separate and different patents(专利)during his lifetime.

His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868. 1876-1877, invented the photograph.

1891, invented and patented the motion picture camera.

1897, invented the first commercially practical incandescent (白炽的) electric lamp.

1900—1910, invented and perfected the steel alkaline (碱性) storage battery. Title: A Great Inventor Name Year of 1__________ Year of 2__________ His Learning Thomas Edison 1847 1931 Tom had only three-month school 3__________. Then his mother taught him at home 4__________ to read and write In 1857, Tom 5__________ a laboratory in the cellar of his home. -1876-1877 His 6__________ -1891 -1897 -1900-1910 -All the life The 7__________ was invented by him He invented the picture 8__________. The 9__________ incandescent electric lamp was invented. He invented the storage battery. Edison 10__________ 1,368 different patents. birthday death study how built achievements photograph camera practical received 7

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Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English easier and more interesting.

The first step is to feel confident about learning English. If you believe that you can learn well, you will learn well. Be patient. You don't have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks.

The second step is to practice your English. For example, keep a diary or make notes every day. You will be used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English After several weeks, you will see' that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English

The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your diary. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these achievements in your diary.

You must have confidence about learning English and believe that you can do it. It's important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will have more confidence in yourself. Main idea: how to be a successful English 1________? Step 1 Feel confident about English 2________ in yourself and you will make it. Don't be 3________ of making mistakes. To 5________ your writing, form a good 6________ of keep a diary or making notes. To communicate well in English, speak English as much as 7__________ Think about your 9________ in the English class Write your achievements in you diary. Step 2 4________ your English Step 3 8________ your language. Conclusion, confidence, belief and practice are equally 10________ in English learning. learner Believe afraid Practise improve habit possible Record performance important 8

阅读下面短文,根据文中的信息完成文后表格。 (每空一词) Zheng He, the Columbus of the East, was an amazing man.

He was born in 1371 and, 11 years later, was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and

