最新人教版小学英语六年级下册PPT课件Unit3 Where did you go Pa

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Unit 3 Where did you go?

Part AWhat happened to you?绿色圃中学资源网 绿色圃中学资源网

go— went see— saw eat— ate fall— fell do— did win— won


ran— run came— come said— say bought— buy were— are wore— wear

Before we eat, it is green.

When we eat, it is red. But what we spit out (吐出)is black.

water(水) + melon(瓜)


fell off从 上跌落



fell over摔倒

fell on掉落在…上

Practice Happened happened what happened to you? Fell off fell off I fell off my bike.

PracticeHappened happened what happened to you? Fell over fell over I fell over.

PracticeHappened happened what happened to you? Fell on fell on I fell on the watermelon.

Practice What happened to you? I was hungry, so(所以) I bought a watermelon. I was…, so I…hungry 饥饿的 applebanana

thirsty 口渴的 watermelonorange juice 橘子汁



had a rest Came to hospital 休息 … …

Read and give the sound:

Hello! I’m a cat. My name is Tommy. I have a good friend. Her name is Pat. Typhoon Meiling came last week. The wind blew away my hat. I was mad. I didn’t go out and play with Pat. I was sad. I took a nap at home at last(最后). What a bad day!

What happened to Japan ?

There was an earthquake and Tsunami. They were very sad.

Love boundaries(爱无国界)英国诗人约翰.多恩说:“没有谁能像一座孤岛,在大 海里独踞,每个人都像一块小小的泥土,连接成整个陆 地……无论谁死了,都是自已的一部分在死去,因为我 包含在人类这个概念里。因此我从不同丧钟为谁而鸣, 它为我,也为你。” No man would like an island in the sea, alone among everyone like a little earth, to connect to the whole land... No matter who died and was himself a part of the dead, as I am contained in the human concepts. Therefore, I'm from different for whom the bell tolls; it for me, and for you. 让我们为他们祈祷。Let us pray for them.


Write an article!

What happened to you last weekend?

