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OCCI编程 East Brother制作
前 言
开发基于Oracle数据库的应用程序,我们可以选择多种工具,不仅可以用一般的数据库开发技术,诸如ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)、ODBC(Open DataBaseConnectivity)等等,同时,也可以用Oracle公司提供的专门的开发工具,诸如Pro C_C++,OCI(Oracle Call Intedace),OCCI(Oracle C++ Call Intedace)等等。比较这几种方式,前者因为是通用技术,开发起来比较容易,但是有一个致命的弱点就是诸如ADO之类的通用技术的速度太慢,如果我们要开发管理海量数据的数据库,比如影像数据库,那么,这种速度我们是不能忍受的。而OCCI虽然开发起来难度大一些,但是它的速度极快,而且是一种底层接口,几乎可以操纵Oracle数据库的任何对象。
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OCCI编程 East Brother制作
目 录
前 言 ................................................................................................................................................. 2 目 录 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1、OCCI入门(INTRODUCTION TO OCCI) ............................................................................................ 5 1.1、OCCI综述(OVERVIEW OF OCCI) ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1、使用OCCI的好处(Benefits of OCCI) ................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2、建立OCCI应用程序(Building an OCCI Application) ........................................................................... 5 1.1.3、OCCI的功能(Functionality of OCCI) .................................................................................................... 6 1.1.4、程式化与非程式化的元素(Procedural and Nonprocedural Elements) .............................................. 7
1.2、SQL语句执行(PROCESSING OF SQL STATEMENTS) ............................................................................ 8 1.3、PL/SQL 概述(OVERVIEW OF PL/SQL) .............................................................................................. 8 1.4、特殊的OCCI/SQL条款(SPECIAL OCCI/SQL TERMS) ....................................................................... 8 2、安装和升级(INSTALLATION AND UPGRADING) ............................................................................ 8 3、编程相关(RELATIONAL PROGRAMMING) .................................................................................... 8 3.1、连接数据库(CONNECTING TO A DATABASE) ...................................................................................... 9
3.1.1、创建和终结一个环境(Creating and Terminating an Environment) ................................................... 9 3.1.2、打开和关闭一个连接(Opening and Closing a Connection) .............................................................. 10
3.2、共享数据库连接-连接池(POOLING CONNECTIONS) ...................................................................... 10
3.2.1、使用连接池(Using Connection Pools) ............................................................................................... 10、创建一个连接池(Creating a Connection Pool) ............................................................................................. 10、代理连接(Proxy Connections) ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2、无状态连接池(Stateless Connection Pooling) .................................................................................. 12 3.2.3、数据库常驻连接池(Database Resident Connection Pooling) ........................................................... 17、管理数据库常驻连接池(Administrating Database Resident Connection Pools) .......................................... 17、使用数据库常驻连接池(Using Database Resident Connection Pools) .................................................... 17
3.3、执行DDL SQL和DML语句(EXECUTING SQL DDL AND DML STATEMENTS) .................................... 17
3.3.1、创建一个Statement对象(Creating a Statement Object) ................................................................ 17 3.3.2、创建一个执行SQL命令的对象(Creating a Statement Object that Executes SQL Commands) ....... 17、创建一个数据库表(Creating a Database Table) ............................................................................... 17、往数据库表中插入数据(Inserting Values into a Database Table) ............................................. 18
3.3.3、重新使用一个Statement对象(Reusing the Statement Object) ...................................................... 18 3.3.4、终止一个Statement对象(Terminating a Statement Object) .......................................................... 18
3.4.1、标准语句(Standard Statements) ....................................................................................................... 19 3.4.2、参数化的语句(Parameterized Statements) ...................................................................................... 19 3.4.3、可调用语句(Callable Statements)..................................................................................................... 20、以数组作为参数的可调用语句(Callable Statements with Arrays as Parameters) ............................. 20
3.4.4、流化的读和写(Streamed Reads and Writes) .................................................................................... 21
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OCCI编程 East Brother制作、流模型中的绑定数据; SELECT/DML和PL/SQL(Binding Data in a Streaming Mode; SELECT/DML and PL/SQL) .............................................................................................................................................................. 22、在流模型中获取数据: PL/SQL(Fetching Data in a Streaming Mode: PL/SQL) ................................. 23、在ResultSet结果集流模型中获取数据(Fetching Data in Streaming Mode: ResultSet) ................... 24、和多重流一起工作(Working with Multiple Streams) .............................................................................. 24
3.4.5、行更改迭代(Modifying Rows Iteratively) .......................................................................................... 25、设置最大重复次数(Setting the Maximum Number of Iterations) ......................................................... 26、设置参数最大长度(Setting the Maximum Parameter Size) .................................................................. 26、执行一个迭代操作(Executing an Iterative Operation) ........................................................................... 26、执行迭代用法提示(Iterative Execution Usage Notes
) ...................................................................... 27
3.5、执行SQL查询(EXECUTING SQL QUERIES) ..................................................................................... 27
3.5.1、使用结果集(Using the Result Set) .................................................................................................... 27 3.5.2、特定查询(Specifying the Query) ....................................................................................................... 29 3.5.3、设置预处理事项优化性能(Optimizing Performance by Setting Prefetch Count) ............................ 29
3.6、执行动态语句(EXECUTING STATEMENTS DYNAMICALLY) .................................................................. 30
3.6.1、状态定义(Status Definitions) ............................................................................................................ 31、UNPREPARED .......................................................................................................................................... 31、PREPARED ............................................................................................................................................... 31、RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................... 31、UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE ........................................................................................................................ 32、NEEDS_STREAM_DATA ................................................................................................................................. 32、STREAM_DATA_AVAILABLE .......................................................................................................................... 33
3.7、提交事务(COMMITTING A TRANSACTION) ....................................................................................... 33 3.8、缓存语句(CACHING STATEMENTS) ................................................................................................. 34 3.9、异常处理(HANDLING EXCEPTIONS) ................................................................................................ 37
3.9.1、处理空的NULL和截断的数据(Handling Null and Truncated Data) ................................................ 38
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OCCI编程 East Brother制作
1、OCCI入门(Introduction to OCCI)
1.1、OCCI综述(Overview of OCCI)
OCCI是一个提供了C++应用程序使用ORACLE数据库中数据的API接口,OCCI能够使C++编程者最大限度利用ORACLE数据库的操作,包括SQL语句处理和对象处理 OCCI提供以下内容 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
通过有效的利用系统内存和网络连接使应用程序达到最高性能 可升级应用程序服务于不断增长的用户数和请求数
运用ORACLE数据库对象,包括客户端允许使用的数据库对象,全面支持应用开发 简单的用户验证和密码管理 n-tiered体系架构验证
对在two-tier clent/server环境中或者是multitiered环境中,采用一致的接口进行动态连接管理和事物管理
1.1.1、使用OCCI的好处(Benefits of OCCI)
OCCI提供其它访问ORACLE数据库所不具备的重要优势 ? ? ? ?
利用c++和对象导向编程范例 简单易用
1.1.2、建立OCCI应用程序(Building an OCCI Application)
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OCCI编程 East Brother制作
图 1–1 OCCI开发步骤
1.1.3、OCCI的功能(Functionality of OCCI)
OCCI提供下列功能 ? ? ? ?
为了象处理属性一样处理ORACLE类型,提供数据类型映射和处理函数 先进的消息管理队列
XA compliance for distributed transaction support Statement caching of SQL and PL/SQL queries
Connection pooling for managing multiple connections
Globalization and Unicode support to customize applications for international and
全面的Unicode支持国际化和区域化定制程序 事物类型翻译功能
Object Type Translator Utility
regional language requirement
Transparent Application Failover support
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1.1.4、程式化与非程式化的元素(Procedural and Nonprocedural Elements)
Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) enables you to develop scalable, multithreaded applications on multitiered architectures that combine nonprocedural data access power of structured query language (SQL) with the procedural capabilities of C++. In a nonprocedural language program, the set of data to be operated on is specified,but what operations will be performed, or how the operations are to be carried out, is not specified. The nonprocedural nature of SQL makes it an easy language to learn and use to perform database transactions. It is also the standard language used to access and manipulate data in modern relational and object-relational database systems.
Oracle C++ 调用接口(OCCI)允许你用程式化的C++和非程式化的具有强大数据操作能力的SQL引擎开发在多种多样架构平台上的可升级、多线程程序。在非程式化语言的程序中,结果集是特定的,但是操作执行或者抛出操作,是非特定的。非程式化的SQL使其容易学习和迎来执行数据库事务。它同时也是当前关系模型数据库和对象-关系模型数据库操作数据和产生数据的标准语句。
In a procedural language program, the execution of most statements depends on previous or subsequent statements and on control structures, such as loops or conditional branches, which are not available in SQL. The procedural nature of these languages makes them more complex than SQL, but it also makes them very flexible and powerful.
The combination of both nonprocedural and procedural language elements in an OCCI program provides easy access to an Oracle database in a structured programming environment.
OCCI supports all SQL data definition, data manipulation, query, and transaction control facilities that are available through an Oracle database server. For example, an OCCI program can run a query against an Oracle database. The queries can require the program to supply data to the database by using input (bind) variables, as follows:
OCCI通过一个Oracle数据库服务器支持所有SQL数据定义,数据控制。查新,事务控制能力。 例如,一个OCC程序可以执行一个Oracle数据库的查询。查询可以通过程序绑定变量为Oracle数据库提供数据,如下所示:
SELECT name FROM employees WHERE empno = :empnumber
In this SQL statement, empnumber is a placeholder for a value that will be supplied by the application.
在这条SQL语句中, empnumber是程序所提供数据值的一个占位符。
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In an OCCI application, you can also take advantage of PL/SQL, Oracle's procedural extension to SQL. The applications you develop can be more powerful and flexible than applications written in SQL alone. OCCI also provides facilities for accessing and manipulating objects in an Oracle database server. 在OCCI程序中,你也可以使用SQL的延伸PL/SQL,Oracle存储过程。这样你开发的程序将会比只使用SQL功能更强大和灵活。OCCI也提供了Oracle数据库服务器操作和控制事务的能力。
1.2、SQL语句执行(Processing of SQL Statements) 1.3、PL/SQL 概述(Overview of PL/SQL)
1.4、特殊的OCCI/SQL条款(Special OCCI/SQL Terms)
2、安装和升级(Installation and Upgrading)
3、编程相关(Relational Programming)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
连接数据库 共享数据库连接 执行SQL DDL和DML语句 在OCCI环境中SQL语句的类型 执行SQL查询 执行动态语句 提交事物 捕捉语句
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East Brother制作
3.1、连接数据库(Connecting to a Database)
3.1.1、创建和终结一个环境(Creating and Terminating an Environment)
Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment();
所有的OCCI对象都有createxxx 方法来创建(连接,连接池,声明)必须被明确的终止,适当的时候,你必须显示的终止环境,下面的代码示例如何终止一个OCCI环境 Environment::terminateEnvironment(env);
另外,一个OCCI环境应该有一个比下列对象类型有更大的范围,如Agent, Bytes, Date, Message, IntervalDS, IntervalYM, Subscription 和 Timestamp。这个规则不适用于BFile, Blob和Clob对象。这个规则的示例如下: const string userName = \const string password = \const string connectString = \
Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(); {
Connection *conn = env->createConnection( userName, password, connectString); Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement( \ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(); rs->next();
Blob b = rs->getBlob(1);
cout << \. . .
stmt->closeResultSet(rs); conn->terminateStatement(stmt); env->terminateConnection(conn); }
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? ?
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3.1.2、打开和关闭一个连接(Opening and Closing a Connection)
Environment实例,然后通过createConnection()方法能够让用户连接到数据库。 下面的代码示例创建了一个Environment实例,然后用它创建一个数据库连接,用户名为scott,密码tiger.
Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment();
Connection *conn = env->createConnection(\
你必须在工作完成以后用如下代码所示的terminateConnection()方法显示关闭连接。另外,OCCI环境也应该被 显示终止
你必须记住所有的对象(Refs, Bfiles, Produces, Consumers等等),在Connection终止前,那些内部范围的实例,必须被显示的终止。
3.2、共享数据库连接-连接池(Pooling Connections)
Creating a Connection Pool Stateless Connection Pooling
3.2.1、使用连接池(Using Connection Pools)
通过使用连接池特性,应用程序可以创建一个少量的连接应对大量的进程,这将有助于你更有效的利用数据库的资源。、创建一个连接池(Creating a Connection Pool)
virtual ConnectionPool* createConnectionPool( const string &poolUserName, const string &poolPassword, const string &connectString =%unsigned int minConn =0, unsigned int maxConn =1,
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unsigned int incrConn =1) = 0; 在上面的示例中可以使用下列参数: ? ?
poolUserName: 连接池的属主
poolPassword: 获得进入连接池的密码
onnectString:指定连接池与数据库服务关联的数据库名 nConn:连接池创建后开放的最少连接数
maxConn:连接池所能支持的最大连接数,当连接池中的连接数达到最大值时,一个OOCI方法需要一个连接时,必须等到有一个连接释放,除非在连接池中设置了setErrorOnBusy()错误调度 ?
incrConn:当所有的连接都处理忙碌状态时,又有新的请求需要一个连接,可以设置额外的连接数。这个增量只有在当所有的连接数小于最大连接数时,才会允许在连接池中打开。 下面的代码例子示范你如何创建一个连接池unsigned int maxConn = 5; unsigned int minConn = 3; unsigned int incrConn = 2;
ConnectionPool *connPool = env->createConnectionPool( poolUserName, poolPassword, connectString, minConn, maxConn, incrConn);
? ?
const string connectString = \
你当然也可以动态的配置这些属性。这允许你应用能够随时读取当前加载和适当的调整这些属性(打开连接的数量和忙碌连接的数量)。另外,你可以使用setTimeOut()方法,当空闲时间大于指定时间时使连接终止。OCCI会周期性的终止空闲连接来保持打开连接数为最合适的值。一个环境有几个连接池没有限制,在一个OCCI环境中可以有多个连接,这些连接可以指向一个或多个数据库,这将有助于开发需要负载平衡的应用。、代理连接(Proxy Connections)
If you authorize the connection pool user to act as a proxy for other connections, then no password is required to log in database users who use one of the connections in the connection pool.
A proxy connection can be created by using either of the following methods: 创建一个代理连接可以用下面方法中的任意一种:
ConnectionPool->createProxyConnection( const string &username,
Connection::ProxyType proxyType = Connection::PROXY_DEFAULT);
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ConnectionPool->createProxyConnection( const string &username, string roles[], int numRoles,
Connection::ProxyType proxyType = Connection::PROXY_DEFAULT);
The following parameters are used in the previous method example:
roles[]:The roles array specifies a list of roles to be activated after the proxy
connection is activated for the client
Connection::ProxyType proxyType = Connection::PROXY_DEFAULT:
The enumeration Connection::ProxyType lists constants representing the various ways of achieving proxy authentication. PROXY_DEFAULT is used to indicate that name represents a database username and is the only proxy authentication mode currently supported.
枚举类型 Connection::ProxyType 列举出了完成代理验证的所有方式。
PROXY_DEFAULT 用来表明 name 代表一个数据库用户和当前仅仅支持的代理验证模式。
3.2.2、无状态连接池(Stateless Connection Pooling)
Stateless Connection Pooling is specifically designed for use in applications that require short connection times and don't need to deal with state considerations. The primary benefit of Stateless Connection Pooling is increased performance, since the time consuming connection and authentication protocols are eliminated. Stateless Connection Pools create and maintain a group of stateless, authenticated connection to the database that can be used by multiple threads. Once a thread finishes using its connection, it should release the connection back to the pool. If no connections are available, new ones are generated. Thus, the number of connections in the pool can increase dynamically. 无状态连接池设计目的是为那些短时连接、步需要关系状态的应用程序服务的。无状态连接池的第一个好处是可以增加效率,因为连接时间消耗和验证协议是可以忽略不计的。无状态连接池创建一组可以被多线程使用的无状态的、已经验证的数据库连接。一旦一个线程完成了它所使用的连接,必须释放该连接到连接池。如果没有连接可用,一个新的连接将被创建。因此连接数在连接池中是动态增加的。
Some of the connections in the pool may be tagged with specific properties. The user may request a default connection, set certain attributes, such as Globalization Support settings, then tag it and return it to the pool. When a connection with same attributes is needed, a request for a connection with the same tag can be made, and one of several connections in the pool with the same tag can be reused. The tag on a connection can be changed or reset.
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Proxy connections may also be created and maintained through the Stateless Connection Pooling interface. Stateless connection pooling improves the scalability of the mid-tier applications by multiplexing the connections. However, connections from a StatelessConnectionPool should not be used for long transactions, as holding connections for long periods leads to reduced concurrency. 代理链接的创建和获取也可以通过无状态连接池的接口来实现。无状态连接池通过多元化连接提升了中间层应用程序的可升级性。尽管如此,一个来自于StatelessConnectionPool无状态连接池的连接还是不能用于长连接事务。因为长时间的把持一个连接会导致并发性降低。
There are two types of stateless connection pools: 有两种类型的无状态连接池:
A homogeneous pool is one in which all the connections will be authenticated
with the username and password provided at the time of creation of the pool. Therefore, all connections will have the same authentication context. Proxy connections are not allowed in such pools. 同性质的连接池
Different connections can be authenticated by different usernames in
heterogeneous pools. Proxy connections can also exist in heterogeneous pools, provided the necessary privileges for creating them are granted on the server. 混杂的连接池
Example 3–1 illustrates a basic usage scenario for connection pools.
Example 3–2 presents the usage scenario for creating and using a homogeneous stateless connection pool, while Example 3–3 covers the use of heterogeneous pools.
Example 3–1 演示了连接池基本用法的描述;
Example 3–2 介绍了创建和使用一个同性质连接池的用法; Example 3–3 报道了混杂连接池的用法。
Example 3–1 Usage Scenario for a StatelessConnectionPool
Because the pool size is dynamic, in response to changing user requirements, up to the specified maximum number of connections. Assume that a stateless connection pool is created with following parameters:
minConn = 5 incrConn = 2 maxConn = 10
Five connections are opened when the pool is created: 当连接池创建时5个连接已经被打开:
openConn = 5
Using get[AnyTagged][Proxy]Connection() methods, the user consumes all 5 open connection:
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用 get[AnyTagged][Proxy]Connection() 方法, 用户使用了全部的5个已打开连接:
openConn = 5 busyConn = 5
When the user wants another connection, the pool will open 2 new connections and return one of them to the user
openConn = 7 busyConn = 6
The upper limit for the number of connections that can be pooled is maxConn
specified at the time of creation of the pool. The user can also modify the pool parameters after the pool is created using the call to setPoolSize() method.
连接池中被轮询的连接数上限可以在创建连接池时通过 maxConn设定。在创建连接池后用户也可以通过setPoolSize()函数更改连接池参数。
If a heterogenous pool is created, the incrConn and minConn arguments are ignored. 如果创建的是混杂连接池,那么I incrConn 和 minConn 参数将被忽略。
Example 3–2 How to Create and Use a Homogeneous Stateless Connection Pool
To create a homogeneous stateless connection pool, follow these basic steps and pseudocode commands:
1. Create a stateless connection pool in the HOMOGENEOUS mode of the Environment with a
createStatelessConnectionPool() call.
创建 HOMOGENEOUS 性质的连接池需要调用Environment的createStatelessConnectionPool()函数。
StatelessConnectionPool *scp = env->createStatelessConnectionPool(
username, passwd, connectString, maxCon, minCon, incrCon, StatelessConnectionPool::HOMOGENEOUS );
2. Get a new or existing connection from the pool by calling the getConnection() method. 获取一个新的或者已经存在于连接池中的连接需要调用getConnection()函数。 Connection *conn=scp->getConnection(tag);
During the execution of this call, the pool is searched for a connection with a matching tag. If such a connection exists, it is returned to the user. Otherwise, an untagged connection authenticated by the pool username and password is returned.
Alternatively, you can obtain a connection with getAnyTaggedConnection() call that has been overloaded for heterogeneous pools. It will return a connection with a non-matching tag if neither a matching tag or NULL tag connections are available. You should verify the tag returned by a getTag() call on Connection.
Connection *conn=scp->getAnyTaggedConnection(tag);
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string tag=conn->getTag(); 3.使用连接(Use the connection).
4. Release the connection to the StatelessConnectionPool through the
releaseConnection() call.
通过releaseConnection() 释放 StatelessConnectionPool 中的一个连接。
scp->releaseConnection(conn, tag);
An empty tag, \Connection. 一个空的标记, \不标记Connection. You have an option of retrieving the connection from the
StatelessConnectionPool using the same tag parameter value in a getConnection() call. 你有这样的一个选择,使用相同的 tag 标记参数值,通过getConnection()来挽回StatelessConnectionPool中的一个连接。
Connection *conn=scp->getConnection(tag);
Instead of returning the Connection to the StatelessConnectionPool, you may wish to destroy it using the terminateConnection() call.
5. Destroy the pool through a terminateStatelessConnectionPool() call on the
Environment object.
Example 3–3 How to Create and Use a Heterogeneous Stateless Connection Pool
To create a heterogeneous stateless connection pool, follow these basic steps and pseudocode commands:
1. Create a stateless connection pool in the HETEROGENEOUS mode of the
Environment with a createStatelessConnectionPool() call. 创建 HETEROGENEOUS 性质的连接池需要调用Environment的createStatelessConnectionPool()函数。
StatelessConnectionPool *scp = env->createStatelessConnectionPool(
username, passwd, connectString, maxCon, minCon, incrCon, StatelessConnectionPool::HETEROGENEOUS);
2. Get a new or existing connection from the pool by calling the getConnection()
method of the StatelessConnectionPool that is overloaded for the heterogeneous pool option.
Connection *conn=scp->getConnection(username, passwd, tag);
During the execution of this call, the heterogeneous pool is searched for a connection with a matching tag. If such a connection exists, it is returned to the user. Otherwise, an appropriately authenticated untagged connection with a NULL tag is returned.
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Alternatively, you can obtain a connection with getAnyTaggedConnection() call. It will return a connection with a non-matching tag if neither a matching tag or NULL tag connections are available. You should verify the tag returned by a getTag() call on Connection.
Connection *conn=scp->getAnyTaggedConnection(username, passwd, tag); string tag=conn->getTag();
You may also wish to use proxy connections by getProxyConnection() or getAnyTaggedProxyConnection() calls on the StatelessConnectionPool. 你可能希望通过getProxyConnection()或者getAnyTaggedProxyConnection()来使用StatelessConnectionPool中的一个代理连接。
Connection *pcon = scp->getProxyConnection(proxyName, roles{}, nuRoles, tag, proxyType);
Connection *pcon = scp->getAnyTaggedProxyConnection( proxyName, tag, proxyType);
3. 使用连接(Use the connection).
4. Release the connection to the StatelessConnectionPool through the
releaseConnection() call.
通过releaseConnection() 释放 StatelessConnectionPool 中的一个连接。
scp->releaseConnection(conn, tag);
An empty tag, \Connection. 一个空的标记, \不标记Connection.
You have an option of retrieving the connection from the StatelessConnectionPool using the same tag parameter value in a getConnection() call.
你有这样的一个选择,使用相同的 tag 标记参数值,通过getConnection()来挽回StatelessConnectionPool中的一个连接。
Connection *conn=scp->getConnection(tag);
Instead of returning the Connection to the StatelessConnectionPool, you may wish to destroy it using the terminateConnection()terminateStatelessConnectionPool() call. 你可能希望通过销毁terminateConnection()它,而不是把连接放回连接池StatelessConnectionPool中。
5. Destroy the pool through a terminateStatelessConnectionPool() call on the
Environment object.
通过Environment实例调用terminateStatelessConnectionPool()来销毁连接池。 env->terminateStatelessConnectionPool(scp);
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3.2.3、数据库常驻连接池(Database Resident Connection Pooling)、管理数据库常驻连接池(Administrating Database Resident Connection Pools)、使用数据库常驻连接池(Using Database Resident Connection Pools)
3.3、执行DDL SQL和DML语句(Executing SQL DDL and DML Statements)
3.3.1、创建一个Statement对象(Creating a Statement Object)
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(); 创建一个对象执行SQL命令
3.3.2、创建一个执行SQL命令的对象(Creating a Statement Object that Executes SQL Commands)
executeUpdate(), executeArrayUpdate(), executeQuery()方法执行SQL命令,这些方法的目的分述如下:
? execute():执行所有的非特殊statement类型 ? executeUpdate():执行DML和DDL语句 ? executeQuery():执行一个查询
? executeArrayUpdate():执行复合DML语句、创建一个数据库表(Creating a Database Table)
用executeUpdate()方法,下面代码示例显示如何创建一个数据库表 stmt->executeUpdate(“CREATE TABLE basket_tab (fruit varchar2(30), quantity number)”);
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OCCI编程 East Brother制作、往数据库表中插入数据(Inserting Values into a Database Table)
同样,你可以通过调用executeUpdate方法执行SQL INSERT语句: stmt->executeUpdate(“insert into basket_table values(‘MANGOES’,3)”);
3.3.3、重新使用一个Statement对象(Reusing the Statement Object)
你可以使用一个Statement对象执行多次SQL语句。举例说明:用不同的参数执行相同的语句,通过Statement对象中的setSQL方法,你可以指定不同的参数。 stmt->setSQL(“INSERT INTO basket_tab values(:1, :2)”);
运用这个方法,你可以根据需要多次执行这个INSERT语句了。如果你希望执行另一个不同的SQL语句,只需简单的重设一下statement对象,举例说明: stmt->setSQL(“SELECT * FROM basket_tab where quantity >= :1”); 通过这种方法使用的OCCI对象和他们的资源不需要分配和释放,你可以在任何时间用getSQL()方法重新获取当前的statement对象
3.3.4、终止一个Statement对象(Terminating a Statement Object)
Connection::conn->terminateStatement(Statement *stmt);
3.4、在OCCI环境中的SQL语句的类型(Types of SQL Statements in the OCCI Environment)
在OCCI环境中允许使用三种类型的SQL语句 ? 用SQL命令和指定值的标准SQL语句 ? 带有参数或绑定变量的参数语句 ? 调用PL/SQL存储过程的请求语句
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3.4.1、标准语句(Standard Statements)
stmt->executeUpdate(“create table basket_tab (fruit varchar2(30), quantity number)”);
stmt->executeUpdate(“insert into basket_tab values(‘mangoes’, ‘3’)”);
这是标准语句中明确定义语句值的示例。所以,在这些例子中,建表语句指定了表名为basket_tab,插入语句约定了插入的值为(’mangoes’, 3)。
3.4.2、参数化的语句(Parameterized Statements)
这些语句参考参数化的语句,参数化的语句可以接受来自用户或程序的输入。 举例说明:假定你需要执行一个INSERT语句用不同的参数,你必须通过Statement对象中的setSQL()方法来指定语句:
stmt->setSQL(“INSERT INTO basket_tab values(:1, :2)”);
然后可以调用setxxx()方法指定特定的参数,xxx代表参数的类型。下面的例子中使用setString()和setInt()方法指定上面例子中的第一和第二个参数。 插入一条记录:
stmt->setString(1, “Bananas”); //第一个参数
stmt->setInt(2, 5); //第二个参数
stmt->setString(1, “apples”); //value for first parameter stmt->setInt(2, 9); //value for second parameter
If your application is executing the same statement repeatedly, then avoid changing the input parameter types because a rebind is performed each time the input type changes.
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3.4.3、可调用语句(Callable Statements)
PL/SQL stored procedures, as their name suggests, are procedures that are stored on the database server for reuse by an application. By using OCCI, a call to a procedure which contains other SQL statements is referred to as a callable statement.
PL/SQL 存数过程,顾名思义,就是存储在数据库服务器上的可以被程序重复的过程。通过OCCI,调用具有其他SQL语句的存数过程被称为一个callable statement
For example, suppose you wish to call a procedure countFruit(), that returns the quantity of a specified kind of fruit. To specify the input parameters of a PL/SQL stored procedure, call the setXXX() methods of the Statement class as you would for parameterized statements. 例如,假定你希望一个存储过程countFruit(),并让它返回一种特殊水果的质量。通过你想参数化的Statement类的setXXX()函数来敲定存储过程的输入参数。
stmt->setSQL(\int quantity;
stmt->setString(1, \
However, before calling a stored procedure, you need to specify the type and size of any OUT parameters by calling the registerOutParam() method. For IN/OUT parameters, use the setXXX() methods to pass in the parameter, and getXXX() methods to retrieve the results. 尽管如此,在调用存储过程之前,你需要你通过调用registerOutParam()方法来确定任何OUT输出参数。因为输入/输出参数,通过setXXX()来传入参数,通过getXXX()来获取参数值。
stmt->registerOutParam(2, Type::OCCIINT, sizeof(quantity)); // specify type and size of the second (OUT) parameter
You now execute the statement by calling the procedure: 现在你可以调用存储过程来执行相应的sql语句:
stmt->executeUpdate(); // call the procedure
Finally, you obtain the output parameters by calling the relevant getxxx() method: 最后,你需要通过调用getxxx()函数来获取输出参数:
quantity = stmt->getInt(2); // get value of the second (OUT) parameter、以数组作为参数的可调用语句(Callable Statements with Arrays as Parameters)
A PL/SQL stored procedure executed through a callable statement can have array of values as parameters. The number of elements in the array and the dimension of elements in the array are specified through the setDataBufferArray() method.
一个PL/SQL 存储过程的执行可能不要一组可调用语句的参数值。数组中的元素数量和元素模型通过setDataBufferArray()来确定。
The following example shows the setDataBufferArray() method: 下面展示了setDataBufferArray()方法:
void setDataBufferArray(
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unsigned int paramIndex, void *buffer, Type type, ub4 arraySize, ub4 *arrayLength, sb4 elementSize, ub2 *elementLength, sb2 *ind = NULL, ub2 *rc = NULL);
The following parameters are used in the previous method example: 下面的参数是前面方法中的用到的参数:
paramIndex: Parameter number 参数数目
buffer: Data buffer containing an array of values 数组的数据缓冲区 Type: Type of data in the data buffer 数据缓冲区中的数据类型
arraySize: Maximum number of elements in the array 数组中元素的最大数目 arrayLength: Number of elements in the array 数组中元素的数目
elementSize: Size of the current element in the array 数组中当前元素的大小 elementLength: Pointer to an array of lengths. elementLength[i] has the
current length of the ith element of the array
指向数组的大小. elementLength[i]表示数组中的第i个元素
ind: 消息指针 rc: 返回值
3.4.4、流化的读和写(Streamed Reads and Writes)
OCCI supports a streaming interface for insertion and retrieval of very large columns by breaking the data into a series of small chunks. This approach minimizes client-side memory requirements. This streaming interface can be used with parameterized statements such as SELECT and various DML commands, and with callable statements in PL/SQL blocks. The datatypes supported by streams are BLOB, CLOB, LONG, LONG RAW, RAW, and VARCHAR2.
OCCI支持流接口插入和检索巨大的列转换为一系列小的部分。这种方法最小化了客户端内存需求。流接口支持诸如SELECT等参数化了的语句和多种多样的DML命令,和可调用PL/SQL语句块。可被流支持的数据类型有BLOB, CLOB, LONG, LONG RAW, RAW, VARCHAR2。
A writable stream corresponds to a bind variable in a SELECT/DML statement or an IN argument
in a callable statement.
A readable stream corresponds to a fetched column value in a SELECT statement or an OUT
argument in a callable statement.
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A bidirectional stream corresponds to an IN/OUT bind variable.
Methods of the Stream Class support the stream interface: Stream Class流类的方法支持流接口:
The getStream() method of the Statement Class returns a stream object that supports reading and writing for DML and callable statements:
Statement Class的getStream()法返回一个支持DML读写的、可被调用的流对象:
For writing, it passes data to a bind variable or to an IN or IN/OUT argument For reading, it fetches data from an OUT or IN/OUT argument
写的时候,它传数据给一个绑定变量或者一个IN输入或者IN/OUT输入/输出出参数 读的时候,它从一个OUT输出或者IN/OUT输入/输出参数中获得数据。
The getStream() method of the ResultSet Class returns a stream object that can be used for reading data.
ResultSet Class的getStream()方法返回一个可用来读取数据的流对象。
The status() method of these classes determines the status of the streaming operation. 这些类的status()方法用来确定流操作的状态。、流模型中的绑定数据; SELECT/DML和PL/SQL(Binding Data in a Streaming Mode; SELECT/DML and PL/SQL)
To bind data in a streaming mode, follow these steps and review Example 3–4: 在一个流模型中绑定参数,参照下面的步骤并参阅Example 3–4:
1. Create a SELECT/DML or PL/SQL statement with appropriate bind placeholders.
2. Call the setBinaryStreamMode() or setCharacterStreamMode() method of the Statement Class for
each bind position that will be used in the streaming mode. If the bind position is a PL/SQL IN or IN/OUT argument type, this by calling the three-argument versions of these methods and setting the inArg parameter to TRUE.
对流模型中用到的任意一个绑定位置调用Statement Class的setBinaryStreamMode()或者
setCharacterStreamMode()方法。如果绑定位置是PL/SQL IN或者IN/OUT参数类型,通过调用这些方法的具有三个参数版本的方法并设置参数inArg的值为TRUE指出这种状况。
3. Execute the statement; the status() method of the Statement Class will return
执行语句; Statement Class的status()方法将返回NEEDS_STREAM_DATA。
4. Obtain the stream object through a getStream() method of the Statement Class.
调用Statement Class的getStream()方法获取流对象。
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5. Use writeBuffer() and writeLastBuffer() methods of the Stream Class to write data.
调用Stream Class的writeBuffer()或者writeLastBuffer()方法写入数据。
6. Close the stream with closeStream() method of the Statement Class.
调用Statement Class的closeStream()方法关闭流。
7. After all streams are closed, the status() method of the Statement Class will change to an appropriate
所有流关闭后,Statement Class的status()方法的状态值将更改至一个合理的值,例如UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE。
Example 3–4 How to Bind Data in a Streaming Mode Example 3–4如何在流模型中绑定数据
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(
\stmt->setCharacterStreamMode(1, 100000); stmt->executeUpdate();
Stream *instream = stmt->getStream(1); char buffer[1000];
instream->writeBuffer(buffer, len); //write data instream->writeLastBuffer(buffer, len); //repeat stmt->closeStream(instream); //stmt->status() is //UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(\//if the argument type to testproc is IN or IN/OUT then pass TRUE to //setCharacterStreamMode or setBinaryStreamMode stmt->setBinaryStreamMode(1, 100000, TRUE);、在流模型中获取数据: PL/SQL(Fetching Data in a Streaming Mode: PL/SQL)
To fetch data from a streaming mode, follow these steps and review Example 3–5: 在流模型中获取数据,请参照斜面步骤并参阅Example 3–5:
1. Create a SELECT/DML statement with appropriate bind placeholders.
2. Call the setBinaryStreamMode() or setCharacterStreamMode() method of the Statement Class for
each bind position into which data will be retrieved from the streaming mode.
对流模型中用到的任意一个获取数据的绑定位置调用Statement Class的setBinaryStreamMode()或者setCharacterStreamMode()方法。
3. Execute the statement; the status() method of the Statement Class will return
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执行语句; Statement Class的status()方法将返回STREAM_DATA_AVAILABLE。
4. Obtain the stream object through a getStream() method of the Statement Class.
调用Statement Class的getStream()方法获取流对象。
5. Use readBuffer() and readLastBuffer() methods of the Stream Class to read data.
调用Stream Class的readBuffer()或者readLastBuffer()方法读取数据。
6. Close the stream with closeStream() method of the Statement Class.
调用Statement Class的closeStream()方法关闭流。
Example 3–5 How to Fetch Data in a Streaming Mode Using PL/SQL Example 3–5如何用PL/SQL流模型获取数据
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(\//argument 1 is OUT type
stmt->setCharacterStreamMode(1, 100000); stmt->execute();
Stream *outarg = stmt->getStream(1);
//use Stream::readBuffer/readLastBuffer to read data、在ResultSet结果集流模型中获取数据(Fetching Data in Streaming Mode: ResultSet)
Executing SQL Queries and Example 3–7 on page 3-16 provide an explanation of how to use the streaming interface with result sets.
执行3-16页上的SQL查询,它说明了如何使用流接口在结果集中获取数据、和多重流一起工作(Working with Multiple Streams)
If you have to work with multiple read and write streams, you have to ensure that the read or write of one stream is completed prior to reading or writing on another stream. To determine stream position, use the getCurrentStreamParam() method of the Statement Class or the getCurrentStreamColumn() method of the ResultSet Class. The status() method of the Stream Class will return
READY_FOR_READ if there is data in the stream available for reading, or it will returnINACTIVE if all the data has been read, as described in Table 12–44. The application can then read the next streaming column. Example 3–6 demonstrates how to read and write with two concurrent streams.
如果你的工作中用到多重的读写流,你必须保证在读写另外一个流前读写一个流式完整的。确定当前流位置,用Statement Class的getCurrentStreamParam()方法或者ResultSet Class的
getCurrentStreamColumn()方法。如果流中依然有可读的数据,Stream Class的status()方法将返回READY_FOR_READ,否则如果数据已经读取,将返回INACTIVE,如Table 12–44所描述。这时程序就可以读取下一列数据了。Example 3–6演示了如何同时在两个流中读取和写入数据。
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Example 3–6 How to Read and Write with Multiple Streams
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(
\//longcol1 AND longcol2 are 2 columns inserted in streaming mode stmt->setBinaryStreamMode(1, 100000); stmt->setBinaryStreamMode(2, 100000); stmt->executeUpdate();
Stream *col1 = stmt->getStream(1); Stream *col2 = stmt->getStream(2);
col1->writeBuffer(buffer, len); //first stream ... //complete writing coll stream
col1->writeLastBuffer(buffer, len); //finish first stream and move to col2 col2->writeBuffer(buffer, len); //second stream //reading multiple streams
stmt = conn->createStatement(\ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(); rs->setBinaryStreamMode(1, 100000); rs->setBinaryStreamMode(2, 100000); while (rs->next()) {
Stream *s1 = rs->getStream(1)
while (s1->status() == Stream::READY_FOR_READ) {
s1->readBuffer(buffer,size); //process } //first streaming column done rs->closeStream(s1);
//move onto next column. rs->getCurrentStreamColumn() will return 2 Stream *s2 = rs->getStream(2)
while (s2->status() == Stream::READY_FOR_READ) {
s2->readBuffer(buffer,size); //process } //close the stream rs->closeStream(s2); }
3.4.5、行更改迭代(Modifying Rows Iteratively)
While you can issue the executeUpdate method repeatedly for each row, OCCI provides an efficient mechanism for sending data for multiple rows in a single network round-trip. To do this, use
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the addIteration() method of the Statement class to perform batch operations that modify a different row with each iteration.
To execute INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations iteratively, you must: 重复执行INSERT, UPDATE, 和 DELET操作,你需要:
Set the maximum number of iterations 设置重复执行的最大次数
Set the maximum parameter size for variable length parameters 设置长变参的参数最大长度、设置最大重复次数(Setting the Maximum Number of Iterations)
For iterative execution, first specify the maximum number of iterations that would be done for the statement by calling the setMaxIterations() method:
Statement->setMaxIterations(int maxIterations);
You can retrieve the current maximum iterations setting by calling the getMaxIterations() method.
你可以调用getMaxIterations()获取当前最大迭代次数、设置参数最大长度(Setting the Maximum Parameter Size)
If the iterative execution involves variable length datatypes, such as string and Bytes, then you must set the maximum parameter size so that OCCI can allocate the maximum size buffer:
Statement->setMaxParamSize(int parameterIndex, int maxParamSize);
You do not need to set the maximum parameter size for fixed length datatypes, such as Number and Date, or for parameters that use the setDataBuffer() method.
You can retrieve the current maximum parameter size setting by calling the getMaxParamSize() method.
setDataBuffer()方法的那些参数。你可以调用getMaxParamSize()方法获取当前参数最大值。、执行一个迭代操作(Executing an Iterative Operation)
Once you have set the maximum number of iterations and (if necessary) the maximum parameter size, iterative execution using a parameterized statement is straightforward, as shown in the following example:
stmt->setString(1, \
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stmt->setInt(2, 6); // value for second parameter of first row stmt->addIteration(); // add the iteration
stmt->setString(1, \stmt->setInt(1, 4); // value for second parameter of second row stmt->executeUpdate(); // execute statement
As shown in the example, you call the addIteration() method after each iteration except the last, after which you invoke executeUpdate() method. Of course, if you did not have a second row to insert, then you would not need to call the addIteration() method or make the subsequent calls to the setxxx() methods.
正如例子中所示,你可以在除最后一句的任何迭代语句后调用addIteration()方法,因为最后一句涉及到executeUpdate()方法。当然,如果你没有第二行参数插入,你必须要调用addIteration()方法或者调用setxxx()来调用子过程。、执行迭代用法提示(Iterative Execution Usage Notes )
Iterative execution is designed only for use in INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations that use
either standard or parameterized statements. It cannot be used for callable statements and queries. 迭代执行是只为INSERT, UPDATE和DELETE操作或者用标准的或者参数化的语句进行设计的。他不能用于可调用语句和查询。
The datatype cannot be changed between iterations. For example, if you use setInt() for
parameter 1, then you cannot use setString() for the same parameter in a later iteration. 在迭代中数据类型不可更改。例如,如果你用setInt()设置了参数1,这时你不能在以后的迭代中用setString()设置同样的参数。
3.5、执行SQL查询(Executing SQL Queries)
SQL query statements allow your applications to request information from a database based on any constraints specified. A result set is returned as a result of a query.
3.5.1、使用结果集(Using the Result Set)
Execution of a database query puts the results of the query into a set of rows called the result set. In OCCI, a SQL SELECT statement is executed by the executeQuery method of the Statement class. This method returns an ResultSet object that represents the results of a query.
ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(\
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Once you have the data in the result set, you can perform operations on it. For example, suppose you wanted to print the contents of this table. The next() method of the ResultSet is used to fetch data, and the getxxx() methods are used to retrieve the individual columns of the result set, as shown in the following code example:
cout << \while (rs->next()) {
string fruit = rs->getString(1); // get the first column as string int quantity = rs->getInt(2); // get the second column as int cout << quantity << \}
The next() and status() methods of the ResultSet class return Status, as defined in Table 12–37.
ResultSet类的next()和status()方法返回Status,正如表Table 12–37定义的那样。
If data is available for the current row, then the status is DATA_AVAILABLE. After all the data has been read, the status changes to END_OF_FETCH. If there are any output streams to be read, then the status is STREAM_DATA_AVAILABLE, until all the streamed data are read succcessfully.
Example 3–7 illustrates how to fetch streaming data into a result set, while section \and Writes\on page 3-11 provides the general backgound.
Example 3–7 演示了如何获取数据里到一个结果集中,在3-11页的\段提供了这个基本背景。
Example 3–7 How to Fetch Data in Streaming Mode Using ResultSet char buffer[4096];
ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery
(\rs->setCharacterStreamMode(2, 10000); while (rs->next ()) {
unsigned int length = 0; unsigned int size = 500;
Stream *stream = rs->getStream (2);
while (stream->status () == Stream::READY_FOR_READ) {
length += stream->readBuffer (buffer +length, size); }
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cout << \}
3.5.2、特定查询(Specifying the Query)
The IN bind variables can be used with queries to specify constraints in the WHERE clause of a query. For example, the following program prints only those items that have a minimum quantity of 4: 查询通过WHERE约束条款来敲定其输入变量。例如,下面的程序仅仅打印最小质量为4 的项:
stmt->setSQL(\int minimumQuantity = 4;
stmt->setInt(1, minimumQuantity); // set first parameter ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(); cout << \while (rs->next())
cout << rs->getInt(2) << \
3.5.3、设置预处理事项优化性能(Optimizing Performance by Setting Prefetch Count)
Although the ResultSet method retrieves data one row at a time, the actual fetch of data from the server need not entail a network round-trip for each row queried. To maximize the performance, you can set the number of rows to prefetch in each round-trip to the server.
You effect this either by setting the number of rows to be prefetched through the
setPrefetchRowCount() method, or by setting the memory size to be used for prefetching through the setPrefetchMemorySize() method.
If you set both of these attributes, then the specified number of rows are prefetched unless the specified memory limit is reached first. If the specified memory limit is reached first, then the prefetch returns as many rows as will fit in the memory space defined by the call to the setPrefetchMemorySize() method.
By default, prefetching is turned on, and the database fetches an extra row all the time.To turn prefetching off, set both the prefetch row count and memory size to 0.
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3.6、执行动态语句(Executing Statements Dynamically)
When you know that you need to execute a DML operation, you use the executeUpdate method. Similarly, when you know that you need to execute a query, you use executeQuery() method. 当你需要执行DML操作时,你可以用executeUpdate()方法。类似的,当你需要执行查询时,你可以用executeQuery()方法。
If your application needs to allow for dynamic events and you cannot be sure of which statement will need to be executed at run time, then OCCI provides the execute() method. Invoking the execute() method returns one of the following statuses:
While invoking the execute() method will return one of these statuses, you can also interrogate the statement by using the status method.
Statement stmt = conn->createStatement();
Statement::Status status = stmt->status(); // status is UNPREPARED stmt->setSQL(\
status = stmt->status(); // status is PREPARED
If a statement object is created with a SQL string, then it is created in a PREPARED state. For example: 如果创建的一个语句是SQL字符串,这时它创建的是PREPARED状态。例如:
Statement stmt = conn->createStatement(\Statement::Status status = stmt->status();// status is PREPARED status = stmt->execute(); // status is UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE
When you set another SQL statement on the Statement, the status changes to PREPARED. For example:
stmt->setSQL(\status = stmt->execute(); // status is RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE
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3.6.1、状态定义(Status Definitions)
This section describes the possible values of Status related to a statement object: 本届描述和语句实体相关的尽可能的状态值:
If you have not used the setSQL() method to attribute a SQL string to a statement object, then the statement is in an UNPREPARED state.
Statement stmt = conn->createStatement();
Statement::Status status = stmt->status(); // status is UNPREPARED、PREPARED
If a Statement is created with an SQL string, then it is created in a PREPARED state. For example: 如果语句实体通过一个SQL字符串来创建,那么它创建后将是PREPARED状态。例如:
Statement stmt = conn->createStatement(\Statement::Status status = stmt->status(); // status is PREPARED
Setting another SQL statement on the Statement will also change the status to PREPARED. For example:
status = stmt->execute(); // status is UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE stmt->setSQL(\、RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE
A status of RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE indicates that a properly formulated query has been executed and the results are accessible through a result set.
When you set a statement object to a query, it is PREPARED. Once you have executed the query, the statement changes to RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE. For example:
stmt->setSQL(\status = stmt->execute(); // status is RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE
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To access the data in the result set, issue the following statement: 获取结果集中的数据,参照下面的指令:
ResultSet *rs = Statement->getResultSet();、UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE
When a DDL or DML statement in a PREPARED state is executed, its state changes to UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE, as shown in the following code example: 当执行一个处于PREPARED状态的DDL或者DML语句,它的状态就转换为UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE,正如下面事例代码所示的那样:
Statement stmt = conn->createStatement(\Statemnt::Status status = stmt->status(); // status is PREPARED status = stmt->execute(); // status is UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE
This status refers to the number of rows affected by the execution of the statement. It indicates that: 这个状态设计到执行语句所影响的行数。它表明:
The statement did not include any input or output streams. 结果集不包含任何输入或者输出流 The statement was not a query but either a DDL or DML statement.
You can obtain the number of rows affected by issuing the following statement: 你可以使用下面的指令或者所影响的行数:
Note that a DDL statement will result in an update count of zero (0). Similarly, an update that does not meet any matching conditions will also produce a count of zero(0). In such a case, you cannot infer the kind of statement that has been executed from the reported status.
If there are any output streams to be written, the execute does not complete until all the stream data is completely provided. In this case, the status changes to NEEDS_STREAM_DATA to indicate that a stream must be written. After writing the stream, call the status() method to find out if more stream data should be written, or whether the execution has completed.
In cases where your statement includes multiple streamed parameters, use the getCurrentStreamParam() method to discover which parameter needs to be written. If you are performing an iterative or array execute, the getCurrentStreamIteration() method reveals to which iteration the data is to be written. Once all the stream data has been processed, the status changes to either RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE or UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE.
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This status indicates that the application requires some stream data to be read in OUT or IN/OUT parameters before the execution can finish. After reading the stream, call the status method to find out if more stream data should be read, or whether the execution has completed.
这个状态表明程序在执行完成前请求一些流数据被读入OUT 或者 IN/OUT参数。当读取完毕后,调用status函数会发现更多的流数据等待被写入,或者执行是否完成。
In cases in which your statement includes multiple streamed parameters, use the getCurrentStreamParam() method to discover which parameter needs to be read.
If you are performing an iterative or array execute, then the getCurrentStreamIteration() method reveals from which iteration the data is to be read.Once all the stream data has been handled, the status changes to UPDATE_COUNT_REMOVE_AVAILABLE. The ResultSet class also has readable streams and it operates similar to the readable streams of the Statement class.
3.7、提交事务(Committing a Transaction)
All SQL DML statements are executed in the context of a transaction. An application causes the changes made by these statement to become permanent by either committing the transaction, or undoing them by performing a rollback. While the SQL COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements can be executed with the executeUpdate() method, you can also call the Connection::commit() and Connection::rollback() methods.
所有的SQL DML语句在一个事务内容执行。一个程序通过这些语句引起的改变将在提交事务后变的稳定或者回滚事务后,不做更改。可以通过执行executeUpdate()方法来COMMIT提交和ROLLBACK回滚语句,你还可以通过调用Connection::commit()和Connection::rollback()方法。
If you want the DML changes that were made to be committed immediately, you can turn on the auto commit mode of the Statement class by issuing the following statement:
Once auto commit is in effect, each change is automatically made permanent. This is similar to issuing a commit right after each execution.To return to the default mode, auto commit off, issue the following statement:
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3.8、缓存语句(Caching Statements)
The statement caching feature establishes and manages a cache of statements within a session. It improves performance and scalability of application by efficiently using prepared cursors on the server side and eliminating repetitive statement parsing.
Statement caching can be used with connection and session pooling, and also without connection pooling. Please review Example 3–8 and Example 3–9 for typical usage scenarios.
语句缓存可以和连接池、对话池一起使用,也可以没有连接池。请查阅Example 3–8 和 Example 3–9的这种典型的情节。
Example 3–8 Statement Caching without Connection Pooling 没有连接池的语句缓存
These steps and accompanying pseudocode implement the statement caching feature without use of connection pools:
1. Create a Connection by making a createConnection() call on the Environment object.
Connection *conn = env->createConnection(username, password, connecstr); 2. Enable statement caching on the Connection object by using a nonzero size parameter in the
setStmtCacheSize() call.
调用setStmtCacheSize()并传入一个非0 size参数的值来使能Connection连接对象的语句缓存。
Subsequent calls to getStmtCacheSize() would determine the size of the cache,while
setStmtCacheSize() call changes the size of the statement cache, or disables statement caching if the size parameter is set to zero.
3. Create a Statement by making a createStatement() call on the Connection object; the
Statement is returned if it is in the cache already, or a new Statement with a NULL tag is created for the user.
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(sql);
To retrieve a previously cached tagged statement, use the alternate form of the createStatement() method:
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(sql, tag);
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4. Use the statement to execute SQL commands and obtain results.
5. Return the statement to cache.
conn->terminateStatement(stmt, tag);
If you don't want to cache this statement, use the disableCaching() call and an alternate from of terminateStatement():
If you need to verify whether a statement has been cached, issue an isCached() call on the Connection object.
如果你需要核实一个语句是否被缓存,可以是使用Connection连接对象的isCached()。 You can choose to tag a statement at release time and then re-use it for another statement with the same tag. The tag will be used to search the cache. An untagged statement, where tag is NULL, is a special case of a tagged statement.Two statements are considered different if they only differ in their tags, and if only one of them is tagged.
6. Terminate the connection. 关闭连接。
Example 3–9 Statement Caching with Connection Pooling 带有连接池的语句缓存
These steps and accompanying pseudocode implement the statement caching feature with connection pooling:
1. Create a ConnectionPool by making a call to the createConnectionPool() of the
Environment object.
ConnectionPool *conPool = env->createConnectionPool(username, password,connecstr,minConn, maxConn, incrConn);
If using a StatelessConnectionPool, call createStatelessConnectionPool() instead. Subsequent operations are the same for ConnectionPool and StatelessConnectionPool objects.
Stateless ConnectionPool *conPool = env->createStatelessConnectionPool( username, password, connecstr,minConn, maxConn, incrConn, mode);
2. Enable statement caching for all Connections in the ConnectionPool by using a nonzero
size parameter in the setStmtCacheSize() call.
调用setStmtCacheSize()并传入一个非0 size参数的值来使能Connection连接对象的语句缓存。
Subsequent calls to getStmtCacheSize() would determine the size of the cache, while
setStmtCacheSize() call changes the size of the statement cache, or disables statement caching if the size parameter is set to zero.
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3. Get a Connection from the pool by making a createConnection() call on the
ConnectionPool object; the Statement is returned if it is in the cache already,or a new Statement with a NULL tag is created for the user.
Connection *conn = conPool->createConnection(username, password, connecstr);
To retrieve a previously cached tagged statement, use the alternate form of the createStatement() method:
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(sql, tag);
4. Create a Statement by making a createStatement() call on the Connection object; the
Statement is returned if it is in the cache already, or a new Statement with a NULL tag is created for the user.
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(sql);
To retrieve a previously cached tagged statement, use the alternate form of the createStatement() method:
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement(sql, tag);
5. Use the statement to execute SQL commands and obtain results. 用statement来执行SQL命令并获
6. Return the statement to cache.
conn->terminateStatement(stmt, tag);
If you don't want to cache this statement, use the disableCaching() call and an alternate from of terminateStatement():
If you need to verify whether a statement has been cached, issue an isCached() call on the Connection object.
7. Release the connection terminateConnection(). conPool->terminateConnection(conn);
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3.9、异常处理(Handling Exceptions)
Each OCCI method is capable of generating an exception if it is not successful. This exception is of type SQLException. OCCI uses the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), so any exception that can be thrown by the STL can also be thrown by OCCI methods.
The STL exceptions are derived from the standard exception class. The exception::what() method returns a pointer to the error text. The error text is guaranteed to be valid during the catch block The SQLException class contains Oracle specific error numbers and messages. It is derived from the standard exception class, so it too can obtain the error text by using the exception::what() method.
In addition, the SQLException class has two methods it can use to obtain error information. The getErrorCode() method returns the Oracle error number. The same error text returned by exception::what() can be obtained by the getMessage() method. The getMessage() method returns an STL string so that it can be copied like any other STL string.
Based on your error handling strategy, you may choose to handle OCCI exceptions differently from standard exceptions, or you may choose not to distinguish between the two.
If you decide that it is not important to distinguish between OCCI exceptions and standard exceptions, your catch block might look similar to the following:
catch (exception &excp) {
cerr << excp.what() << endl; }
Should you decide to handle OCCI exceptions differently than standard exceptions, your catch block might look like the following:
catch (SQLException &sqlExcp) {
cerr < 版权所有 侵权必究 OCCI编程 第37页 共39页 OCCI编程 } East Brother制作 catch (exception &excp) { cerr << excp.what() << endl; } In the preceding catch block, SQL exceptions are caught by the first block and non-SQL exceptions are caught by the second block. If the order of these two blocks were to be reversed, SQL exceptions would never be caught. Since SQLException is derived from the standard exception, the standard exception catch block would handle the SQL exception as well. 在捕捉处理区,SQL异常应该放在首位,而非SQL异常放在第二位。如果这两者位置颠倒,SQL异常将不会被捕捉。因为SQLException继承自标准异常,表春异常捕捉将处理SQL异常。 3.9.1、处理空的NULL和截断的数据(Handling Null and Truncated Data) In general, OCCI does not cause an exception when the data value retrieved by using the getxxx() methods of the ResultSet class or Statement class is NULL or truncated. However, this behavior can be changed by calling the setErrorOnNull() method or setErrorOnTruncate() method. If the setErrorxxx() methods are called with causeException=TRUE, then an SQLException is raised when a data value is NULL or truncated. 事实上,OCCI通过调用ResultSet类的getxxx()方法来获取数据值将不会产生异常或者Statement是控制或者截除的。尽管如此,调用setErrorOnNull()或者 setErrorOnTruncate()将使行为产生改变。如果和causeException=TRUE一起调用setErrorxxx()方法,那么一个SQLException将在数据值为NULL时或者截除时抛出。 The default behavior is not to raise an SQLException. A column or parameter value can also be NULL, as determined by a call to isNull() for a ResultSet or Statement object returning TRUE: 默认的行为时不抛出一个SQLException。一列或者参数值均可以为NULL。可用调用ResultSet或者Statement独享的isNull()返回TRUE来确定。 rs->isNull(columnIndex); stmt->isNull(paramIndex); If the column or parameter value is truncated, it will also return TRUE as determined by a isTruncated() call on a ResultSet or Statement object: 如果一列或者参数是被截除的,那么调用ResultSet或者Statement类的isTruncated()方法 来确定将会返回TRUE。 rs->isTruncated(columnIndex); stmt->isTruncated(paramIndex); 版权所有 侵权必究 OCCI编程 第38页 共39页 OCCI编程 East Brother制作 For data retrieved through the setDataBuffer() method and setDataBufferArray() method, exception handling behavior is controlled by the presence or absence of indicator variables and return code variables as shown in Table 3–1, Table 3–2, and Table 3–3. 因为数据重新获取使用setDataBuffer()和setDataBufferArray()方法,异常处理行为被出席的或者缺席的指示器变量控制,并且返回的代码标量如Table 3–1, Table 3–2, Table 3–3所示。 In Table 3–3, data_len is the actual length of the data that has been truncated if this length is less than or equal to SB2MAXVAL. Otherwise, the indicator is set to -2. 在Table 3–3,data_len是实际的数据长度,如果这个长度小于或者等于SB2MAXVAL将被截除。否则,指示器将被设置为-2。 版权所有 侵权必究 OCCI编程 第39页 共39页
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