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8B Unit 1 (综合练习1)



1. One of the ____________(优势) of living in the country is that you can have fresh air, open space and clean water.

2. Mr. Green is pleased with his _________ (婚姻) with Mrs Green.

3. We must protect our _________________ (环境),or it will become worse. 4. I had an______________(采访)with Lily‘s grandpa yesterday. 5. The title is about changes in Beijing over the past ________(世纪) 6. Bird‘s nest has been in u__________ for nearly 2 years.

7. Have you r_____________ the importance of learning English? 8. The poor dad is trying to r______________ the family's expenses. 9. We always have a p____________ chat during the break.

10. There will be an exhibition of the d_________________ of Nanjing next week. 二、根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。 1. 谁拿走了我的书,刚才在桌子上的。

Who ________ _________ away my book? It ______ on the desk a moment ago. 2. 我太累了,我不想再打球了。

I‘m very ________. I _________ _________ to play basketball ______ _______. 3. 吃饭前不洗手是不健康的。

It‘s ___________ to eat meals without ___________________ hands. 4. 南京在过去的几年里变化很多。

Nanjing _________ _________ ________ __________ over the past few years. 5. 你愿意把你的字典借给我吗?

Would you like to _______ your __________________ _________ me? 6. 从某方面来说,如今的生活要比从前好多了。

________ ___________ ___________, life _______ much _____________ now than ________.

7. 太多的汽车导致了更为严重的空气污染。

_______ _________ cars have ________ more serious ________ ____________. 8. 恐怕我不能像以前一样到学校那么早了。

I am afraid I can‘t come to school _______ ____________ _______ __________. 9. 我很长时间没有看电视了。

I ___________________ ___________ films for a long time. 10. 你没看过那部电影,对吗?

You haven‘t seen the film, ____________ ___________? 【阅读训练】客观阅读

When I was in the seventh grade, I helped take care of the sick people at a hospital in my town. Most of the time I spend there was with Mr. Green. He never had any visitors and nobody seemed to care about his condition. I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine though he was in a coma(昏迷).


I left for a one-week holiday with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Green was gone. I didn‘t dare to ask any of the nurses where he was.

Several years later, I was a student in high school. One day when I was at a bus station. I noticed a familiar (熟悉的) face. When I realized who it was, my eyes were filled with tears. I asked him if his name was Mr. green and if he had been in a coma about five years ago. With an unsure look on his face, he replied ‖yes‖. I explained how I knew him, and that I had spent many hours taking with him in the hospital. His eyes were also full of tears and he gave me the warmest hug(拥抱) I had ever received.

He began to tell me about his story. He said he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time. He thought it was an angel, not a person, who was here with him. Mr. Green believed that it was my voice and my touch that kept him alive.

Although I haven‘t seen him since, he fills my heart with joy every day. I know that I made a difference in his life. More important, he has made a big difference in my life.

( ) 1. The writer went to look after Mr. Green because ________________. A. he offered to help the sick B. he was a nurse C. Mr. Green paid him for that D. they were friends

( ) 2. When the writer was back from holiday, he thought Mr. Green __________. A. was taken back by his family B. wouldn‘t be his friend C. had already left the world D. had moved to another hospital ( ) 3. Who was really an angel in the story, the writer or Mr. Green? A. Both of them. B. Neither of them. C. Only the writer. D. Mr. Green, not the writer. 4. 摘抄本文的生词、短语或句子:




1. 今天你出门了吗?记得在路上见过什么英文词汇或句子吗?没有出门的话在电视或网略上看到什么新词了吗,请把它们写下来作为词汇积累吧。


2. 每天查阅2句你喜欢的名人名言(英文)并牢牢记住给自己打气。

_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8B Unit 1 (综合练习2)



1. Tony is only nine years old, so I think he should be in a _____________ (初级的) school.

2. I‘ve just read an article about Hong Kong‘s past and p_____________. 3. I‘m afraid this old watch needs r_______________ again.

4. It is only a w______________ of time to speak to her for she never listens to anyone.

5. Fujian is a _______________ city in China. (南部的)

6. The Qinhuai River has been p_____________ by waste products from the factory. 7. Open the window and let in some f___________ air.

8. Many football players‘ w____________ went to South Africa to watch their husbands play.

9. I‘ve only ________________ started learning French. (最近的)

10. His illness was more ___________ than the doctor first thought. (严重的) 二、同义句转换。

1. There are many trees on both sides of the road.

There are many trees on _______ ______of the road. 2. Miss Li wants to learn English by herself.

Miss Li wants to _____________ _________ English. 3. That‘s not true, I believe.

I __________ believe ________________ true. 4. Many children got ill because of the cold weather.

Many children got ill ______________ the weather ________ cold. 5. We can‘t believe our ears.

We can‘t believe ____________ we ____________. 6. He didn‘t understand it until the teacher said it again.

He ___________ it ________________ the teacher said it again. 7. The boy became interested in swimming two years ago.

The boy ___________ __________ interested in swimming ________ two years. 8. The story sounds like fun.

The story sounds ________________. 三、词汇解析,选择正确的短语填空。 和way有关的短语

A. in one way 在某点上 B. in some ways 在某些方面 C. on the way 在路上

D. by the way 顺便问一下,说一下 E. in the way 挡道,妨碍某人 F. show/tell the way指路 G. lose one‘s way 迷路H. in this way 用这种方法 1. He lost his ticket __________________ to the cinema. 2. Tell the boy not to stand ___________________.

3. _________________, do you live with your parents or have a place of your own? 4. ____________________, civilization (文明) does not seem to have progressed (进步)much in the last century.


5. Could you please ____________me ____________ to the railway station? 6. ________________, I agree with you.

7. The tourists _____________________ and had to ask the police for directions. 8. It‘s easy for us to solve the math problem ___________________.


There are four people in my family. Every day my parents are very busy t____1____ to make money in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me. They hardly say ―I love you‖ or send f______2_____ to each other. Besides, my father has a bad temper (脾气). It is easy for him to lose his temper w_____3_____ he‘s very tired from the hard work. I didn‘t know whether there was love between them u____4____ one spring. At that time, my father suddenly got badly sick. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very w______5_____ as if both of them had had a serious illness.

After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every day in the morning and dusk(黄昏). H_______6_______, after two months my father still couldn‘t walk by h_____7___. All of us were worried about him.

― Dad, how are you f______8______now?‖ I asked him one day.

―Susan, don‘t worry about me.‖ He said i____9_______ a low voice. ―I just walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.‖ Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother very much.

Once I thought love m_____10_____ flowers, presents and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is inside, making life strong and warm. 1. ____________2.______________3._____________4.____________5.__________ 6.____________7.______________8._____________9.____________10._________

What is ―love‖ according to the passage?____________________________________ 生词摘抄:___________________________________________________________ 【拓展提高】


1. 暑假期间抽点时间关注下上海世博会的英文用词、用句。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 试写下让你张口就能唱的英文歌词3-5句。



8B Unit 1 (综合练习3)



A. sometimes adv. 有时

B. some times 几次 D. some time一段时间

C. sometime 某日 (过去或未来)

1. I hope to see you again ________________ next year.

2. It took me __________________ to understand what I had heard. 3. ___________________ I have lunch at school.

4. The boy is so careless that he makes the same mistake for ___________________.

一点儿 a bit / a little + adj. / adv

a little + (不可数名词)/ a bit of sth.(不可数名词), a few + 可数名词

5. 6. 7. 8. Don't you think the radio's _________________ loud? These trousers are _____________ tight.

The dog found __________________meat left on the bone. He spent ______________ months on his history project.

pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,主语通常是sth., or doing sth

/ 主语为人时,修饰的是人的品质,礼貌而有好的。

pleased adj. 愉快的,主语通常为sb.

pleasure n. (U) 愉快、乐事

My pleasure. 不客气(用来回答别人说“谢谢”的答句)= Not at all.=You are welcome. With pleasure. 愿意效劳,愉快地接受、同意(用来回答别人请求的答句)

9. We spent many hours in a ___________________conversation. 10. Peter is so __________________ that everyone likes him. 11. He listened with _____________ to the beautiful music. 12. —It‘s nice of you to help me with the hard work.


13. The professor was ________________ with their warm welcome. 14. —Could you please lend me your car?

—___________________________. 二、同义词词组、单词。 1. 景点:____________________, ___________________, ____________________ 2. 不时地:____________________, __________________, ___________________ 3. 采访某人:_______________________, ________________________________ 4. 以前:______________________, _______________________________ 5. 投入使用:__________________________, ______________________________ 6. 离…不远:__________________________, ______________________________ 7. 经过:______________________, __________________________ 8. 事实上:___________________, _______________________ 【阅读训练】任务型阅读

In the past, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they would be different in many ways ---the buildings, the food, the national dresses and so on. At present, however one large city is similar to another. They all have their Hilton


or Sheraton Hotels everywhere. They all have their McDonald‘s their KFCs and their Pizza Huts. Office buildings look the same everywhere, and most city centers are full of office buildings. And of course, people are driving the same brands(牌子) of Japanese or European(欧洲的) cars.

Then what is the foreign travel for? What do tourists hope to experience in a foreign country that they cannot experience at home? The answer could be that people are very interested in the past. It is a nation‘s history and culture that are the main attractions(吸引). Most people travel overseas to find out what foreign countries, history and cultures used to be like, not what they are like today. Tourists try to learn the history and culture of foreign countries by visiting different kinds of museums.

Every country also has its own beautiful places for tourists to visit. Their own special scenery( 风景)would certainly attract tourists from other countries.

Finally, there is perhaps a country‘s attraction: its people. A country is not just its old buildings, its works of art or beautiful places, it‘s also the people who live in it. This is why a country such as Thailand attracts millions of people. The tourists come mainly because of the friendliness of the people there. It is why the Pacific islands are also so popular. The friendly, smiling people make visitors feel welcome. The 1.________________________________of Tourism In the past People traveled to foreign countries to see buildings, food and dresses which were different from those of 2._________________________________________________________ At present 1. The large cities in different countries look almost 3. __________________. 2. People travel to foreign countries to learn their 4_______________________________, to visit beautiful places and 5.______________________________________. 【拓展提高】


1. 写下你今天经历的事情或心情,3-5句。

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 世界杯正在如火如荼的举行,你最希望哪个球队夺冠,最喜欢哪个球星,你的理由?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8B Unit 1 (综合练习4)




E.g. I didn‘t know him, did I? / I know nothing about him, do I?

否定句还分部分否定和完全否定。如:seldom, never, nothing, hardly, no 祈使句的反义疑问句,后半句都为肯定的问句,表示请求或建议。 E.g. Let’s go shopping, shall we? Let me go home, will you? Let us try once more, will you? Don’t do that again, will you? 反义疑问句,前半句为否定句的回答,前半句是事实的说No, 前半句不是事实的说Yes. E.g. I have never been to Hong Kong, have I?

Yes, I have. 不,我去过。 No, I haven’t. 是的,我没去过。

1. Open the window, __________________?

2. Let‘s discuss the question together, ________________? 3. I have no money, __________________? 4. I can hardly give you help, ______________? 5. Don‘t make any excuses, _______________?

6. There was no good news today, ______________? 二、翻译句子。

1. 你不会打牌,是吗?是的,我不会。/ 不,我会。

_________________________________________________________________ 2. 你曾经搬过家吗?不,从来没有。

_________________________________________________________________ 3. ---我觉得这些年南京的变化很棒。 ---我有相同的感受。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ---校园生活真的很棒。 ---是的,我同意。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ---我喜欢口渴时吃冰激凌。 ---我也是。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【阅读训练】完形填空

I finished my cooking course in a college at the age of 21. I thought I was going to 1.__________ a world famous cook. I hoped people would travel from over the world just to get a 2.___________ of my food. But three months later, I knew I was 3._________. Since nobody was traveling to taste my food. I decided I should travel to taste theirs.


4.___________ my travel, I visited many different countries, such as Japan and France, where different kinds of food 5. _____________ my eyes. I especially loved the experiences in Italy and China.

When in Italy, I learned how to 6.____________ pizza and salads. We had long lazy lunches in the sun and evening meals where the 7.___________ went on long into the night.

In China, I loved the hot Sichuan food and 8.___________ the delicious Beijing snacks. I also discovered the joys of making dumplings with good friends …

My year of travel came to an end all too 9.___________, but I has decided what I should do for the 10. ___________ of my life. I want to bring the fantastic food of the world into my kitchen in New York. ( ) 1. A. invite B. become C. follow D. remember ( ) 2. A. smell B. sight C. taste D. feel ( ) 3. A. free B. right C. wrong D. angry ( ) 4. A. After B. Until C. Beyond D. During ( ) 5. A. covered B. opened C. closed D. wounded ( ) 6. A. try B. send C. make D. show ( ) 7. A. films B. stories C. introductions D. conversations ( ) 8. A. enjoyed B. served C. offered D. fetched ( ) 9. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. suddenly ( )10.A. rest B. part C. half D. quarter



1. 写下你自己由初二向初三的心情转变或行动转变 (before/ now)。

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. 制定一张你暑期英语学习的计划表。包括时间和内容。


8B Unit 1 (综合练习5)



1. Dalian has a lot of beautiful parks and _________(开阔的) places. 2 He lives _________(独自),but he doesn‘t feel _________(孤独). 3. They got _________(结婚) in 2002.

4. Has the area _________(变成) into a park?

5. Jim likes all kinds of meat, _________________(特别) beef.

6. _____________ (既然) you have no time, let‘s go there next Sunday. 7. Don‘t _________(扔) your books away carelessly. 8. Sometimes seeing is not _______________ (相信). 二、选择填空。

( ) 1. Don‘t get off the bus ______ it has stopped.

A. after B. when C. if D. until ( ) 2. It‘s very _________to play ______ Chinese chess with them.

A. pleasure, a B. pleased, the C. pleasant, / D. necessary, an ( ) 3. The Greens moved to Nanjing _________.

A. last week ago B. a week before C. a week ago D. in a week ( ) 4. It‘s more than two years since I _________ a middle school student.

A. become B. have become C. became D. becomes ( ) 5. Did you _________ the fire at a shopping mall last yesterday?

A. hear B. hear about C. listen D. listen to 三、词汇解析,选择正确短语填空。

for example与such as的用法及区别 such as用来列举事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。多个举例。一般不宜与and so on连用。

E.g. The farm grows many kinds of crops, such as wheat(小麦),rice and corn(玉米). for example举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的\一个\为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。

E.g. I know many women who have a career and a family. Mrs. White, for example.

1. You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas,_______________.

2. In this paragraph there are many nouns, _______________ boy, girl, and book.

in the end 最后 at the end of sth. 在…末端、尽头

by the end of 到…为止, 截止到,不迟于

3. After many years of hard work, he won the award ____________________. 4. We'll have an exam in English _________________________ of January. 5. The task should be done ______________________this weekend. 借进:borrow … from 借出:lend … to

翻译句子:1. 我能问你借块橡皮吗? / 你能借我块橡皮吗?

6._________________________________________________________________ 7._________________________________________________________________ 【阅读训练】主观阅读


Every scientist has a childhood dream. A scientist in China once had a dream. He wished to grow a new type of rice. This new type of rice would be as big as peanuts. This person is Yuan Longping ---―Father‖ of Hybrid rice(杂交水稻).

Yuan Longping was born in 1930. He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural(农业) University in 1953. He came up with an idea for a Hybrid rice in the 1960s. Since then, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties. In 1973, together with other people, he succeed in the development of hybrid rice. This made China a worldwide leader in rice production. In 1980, the technology(技术)for hybrid rice was introduced to the United States. Now his ―super rice‖ has been introduced to more than 20 other countries.

Because of Professor Yuan‘s hard work, China now produces enough rice to feed her people every year. Last November an online survey showed that most Chinese believed that Yuan deserved (应得) a Nobel Peace Prize.

In his spare time, Yuan longping loves playing the violin and listening to music. Every night, he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep. He likes swimming, too. It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China. But he cares about nothing but his research.

1. What was Yuan Lonping‘s childhood dream?

__________________________________________________________________ 2. What are Yuan Longping‘s hobbies?

__________________________________________________________________ 3. The underlined word ―her‖ in 4th paragraph means ________________________ 4. Seven years after the successful development of Hybrid rice, it was introduced to _________________________.

5. Guess the Chinese meaning of ―varieties‖: _________________________.



1. 初三学习进入钟阜路校区,五天下来你觉得和以前比生活有什么变化?喜欢还是不喜欢?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 初三学习你最需要加强的功课是哪一门,你的理由和解决方法?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


8B Unit 2(综合练习1)



1. Many people like to go ___________ (观光) because it is good for their health

2. I enjoy my trip to Guilin very much. That was a happy ___________ (经历) and I will never

forget it.

3. Don‘t worry. I have _________ (订购) tickets to Hong Kong next Monday. 4. How ___________ (极好的) the dress is and I love it so much.

5. I had an _________ with my principal to talk about my future this morning. (meeting between

two people to discuss important things.) 6. – Do you know something about the film?

-- Let me give you an __________ of this film. (a general description)

7. When my sister saw these characters, she shouted with great ___________ (being excited) 8. The g________ is not expensive, but it is __________. (有意义的) 9. Of all the gifts, his flowers are ___________ (mean) to her.

10. Mrs. Zhang keeps us _________ (read) English for half an hour every morning to improve our speaking English.


1. 昨天这个时候你在干什么?我在和朋友聊天。

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 尽管我们要等两个小时才能进屋,但我还是很激动

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 世界之窗(window of the World)是深圳的一个著名的主题公园 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.我的父母不全是医生 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.我从未看过如此美丽的景色

___________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我妈妈已经去过丹麦很多次了

___________________________________________________________________________ 7.法国足球队已经回家一个多月了 ___________________________________________________________________________ 8.他兴奋了以致于忘记整理行装 ___________________________________________________________________________ 9.带你的小狗外出一段时间是很有必要的 ___________________________________________________________________________


Gilbert joined the Science Club last summer. One day he was handed a piece of paper, a block of wood and four wheels: he was told to go home and ____1____ them all to ―dad‖. However, Gilbert‘s mom knew that his dad wasn‘t good at making things and decided that she would read the ____2____ and let Gilbert do the work. A few days later the block of wood was turning into a car that Gilbert ____3____ named ―Blue Lightning‖. Then he and his mother went to a car race together. But when they


____4____ there, Gilbert found that his car was the only one that had not been made by a ―father-son‖ partnership.

The race began. One by one the cars were knocked out until it ____5____ to the final between Gilbert and Jimmy. Just before the race, Gilbert asked ____6____ they could stop for a minute so that he could make a wish. After a long minute, Gilbert said that he was ____7____.

People cheered as the race began. Jimmy stood with his father and watched their car racing down the road while Gilbert was surprised at the great ____8____ of his car as it rushed over the finishing line less than a second _____9_____ Jimmy‘s. Gilbert jumped up and down with ____10____.

Soon the club manager came over and asked him. ―So, Gilbert, your wish was to ____11___, right?‖ ―Oh no, Sir,‖ he replied. ―I just wished that I wouldn‘t cry if I lost.‖

Children sometimes _____12____ adults with unexpected ideas. When Gilbert first saw the other cars, he didn‘t cry out, ―not fair! Other children had their fathers‘ help.‖ Gilbert didn‘t wish for victory in the race; instead he wished for courage. 1. A. send B. return C. lend D. give 2. A. instructions B. passage C. message D. explanations 3. A. easily B. carefully C. proudly D. kindly 4. A. lived B. got C. met D. passed 5. A. ran B. moved C. came D. rushed 6. A. whether B. why C. when D. where 7. A. sure B.ready C. tired D. sorry 8. A. effort B. energy C. speed D. value 9. A. past B. over C. after D. before 10. A.excitement B. enjoyment C. agreement D. achievement 11. A. change B. break C. leave D. win 12. A. satisfy B. surprise C. please D. encourage


今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 2(综合练习2)



1. These years it seldom snows in _________ (冬季) in Nanjing

2. Suan usually has some pieces of ___________ (面包) and a bottle of milk for breakfast. 3. One of the _________ (获胜者) is my cousin. He is the pride of our school.

4. About ten ___________ (千) people left their hometown because of the terrible sandstorm. 5. He must be ___________ (阻止) from crossing the street when the lights are red. 6. Sandy and her parents all had a d___________ time in Japan. 7. They spent the w___________ day in Sanrio Puroland.

8. Our history teacher always makes her class interesting and gives __________ to us. (great

pleasure, joy)

9. The elephant uses its ___________ to carry things. (the very long round nose of an elephant) 10. Sandy saw Hello Kitty dancing so well that she couldn‘t stop ________ (clap) her hands. 二.根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。 1. 千里之行始于足下 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我认为这个项目不应该如此匆忙地进行试验

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 越运动,越健康

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. 这个表演者表演得很出色,所有的游客都尖叫起来 ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. 在回家的路上,他停下来买了些报纸 ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. 他兴奋了以致于难以入睡 ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. 吃得太多对身体是有害的 ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. 时间太短,完成这么重要的工作一点希望也没有 ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. 他经常帮助我做家务,我很感激他。 ___________________________________________________________________________


No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression(印象)from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day in a new job:

① First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can


wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.

② Get to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.

③ Pay attention to introductions. You may be introduced to your workmates. They will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.

④ Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If you are not told your duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.

⑤ Never be the first one to leave. Watch what others do at the end of work hours. It does not look good for you to be eager(急切的) to leave.

( ) 31. What does the writer think you should do on your first-day work ? A. We should dress in a right way.

B. We should learn how to introduce ourselves.

C. We should know our duties.

D. We should know our workmates well.

( ) 32. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. You should be the first one to arrive at work. B. You should ask your workmates for your duties.

C. You should not be eager to go back home at the end of work hours. D. You are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier.

( ) 33. From the passage, your supervisor is most likely your _______________. A. visitor B. teacher C. workmate D. leader ( ) 34. What does the writer think about the first impression of a person? A. He thinks it is interesting.

B. He thinks it is important. C. He thinks it is necessary. D. He thinks it is worrying.

( ) 35. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Getting a new job B. Tips on How to Work

C. The First-day Work D. The Importance of Workmates 【拓展提高】


___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8B Unit 2(综合练习3)



1. There are all kinds of __________ (文具) in the shop.

2. How beautiful the girl is today! She is wearing a ___________ (闪闪发光的)pink silk dress. 3. After they got __________ (结婚) three years ago, they moved to a _________ (南方的) city. 4. He has ever studied __________ (国外) for three years.

5. The sea is ___________ (无尽的), but I can see the sky at the end of the sea _________ (清


6. The _____________ (delight) music regales our ears in Lang Lang‘s piano concert. 7. Wang Fei sang the song so ___________ (beautiful) that all the audience clapped. 8. Sanrio Puroland is a famous indoor t________ park in Tokyo.

9. My father gave me a computer as my birthday _________. (present)

10.The elephant uses its ___________ to carry things. ( the very long round nose of an elephant) 二.根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。

1. 那些饼干看起来如此地漂亮以致于我不想把它们吃掉。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我已经给你买了一个可爱的钱包。我相信你一定会喜欢它。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sandy一打开盒子,小猫就跳了出来。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 看上去想让这只鹦鹉说话是没有希望了。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我昨晚上网查信息的。你那时在干什么? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. .即使你不说,我也猜到它的意思。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. 你到过多少个中国的名胜。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. 我似乎没有希望按时到达。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. 后来我发现他正在网上搜索信息。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. 当我们赢得比赛时是一天中最好的时候 ___________________________________________________________________________


Who's building the new China? It's not the factory owners or the business men and women of China. It's someone else. It's the people who have left their homes to follow their dreams, the dream of a better life.

We see them every day, on every street corner, on every construction site(建筑工地) in cities. They work day and night in the terrible working conditions and weather. They build the roads, the theaters, the cinemas, and the supermarkets. They even clean up our rubbish. They are China‘s migrant workers(民工). Young and old, these men and women are building the new China


from the ground up.

More than 140 million workers have left their homes in the countryside to look for jobs in big cities all over China. They hope to be rich, but they realize they have many difficulties in making enough money for their family. And the biggest difficulty that these workers have is the pride and discrimination ( 歧视) from the people in cities. When night falls, everywhere I look I see the sad faces of the migrant workers. We can see them playing cards along the streets. Many are living far away from those whom they love. I can sometimes feel their pain(痛), knowing exactly what it feels like to live so far away from home in a city where they walk a different walk and talk a different talk. Yes, they dress differently, they speak differently, and they have different habits, but they work hard to make money. The people in cities consider them as outsiders, and some local governments refuse to give them medical care and public schooling for their children.

If China hopes to move into the future, many things need to be changed. The first is discrimination! We need to stop our discrimination against the migrant workers of China! They may not make as much money as some people in cities, they may not have everything we have, but they are good honest people just trying to survive this game of life. These workers are very important to China's economic (经济的) development and have become an important force ( 力量) for the change of Chinese society. They are building the new China, so we should lend our hands and help them.

62. Who does the writer think are building the new China?


63. What should China do first according to the passage if it hopes to move into the future ? ________________________________________________________________ 64. How many people in the countryside have come to big cities all over China for jobs? ___________________________________________________________________

65. Translate the underlined sentence ―I can sometimes feel their pain, knowing exactly what it feels like to live so far away from home in a city where they walk a different walk and talk a different talk.” into Chinese.

___________________________________________________________________________ 66. What does the article mainly tell us?



今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 2(综合练习4)


一 根据汉语或所给英文写出单词的正确形式。

1. I will have several __________________(三明治) instead of rice for lunch today. 2. There are about two (千)students and teachers in our school. 3. Would you like to have a talk with me (今晚)?

4. You can read English newspapers every day to (提高)your English.

5. It‘s hard to (想象)how you worked out the problem in such a short time. 二 根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。 1. 我从来没有看过如此多的大象。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我太激动以致不能停止鼓掌 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 旅行社会为你计划一切的. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 当表演者穿过公园时你在干什么 ___________________________________________________________________________


Good communication is vital in modern society. We know that much of the communication is unspoken. Consiciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. Your good qualities can make good communication. The personal qualities include: physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expressiveness of eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of others.

What should we do so that our communication will be effective? Here are my suggestions.

Firstly, you should be yourself. The trick is to be consistently yourself, at your best. The most effective people never change character no matter which situation they are in. They‘re the same whether they‘re having a converstaion with their close friends, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being.

Secondly, whether you‘re talking to one perosn or one hundred, always remember to look at them. Don‘t avoid eye contact while talking. As you enter a room, move your eyes comfortably, and then look directly at those in the room and smile. This shows clearly that you are at ease. Smiling is importnt. The best type of smile and eye contact is gentle and comfortable, not forced.

Thirdly, you should also absorb other people before showing yourself. You can‘t learn anything when you talk. When you attend a meeting, go to a party or have an interview, don‘t immediately start throwing your opinions. Stop for a second. Absorb what‘s going on. What‘s other people‘s mood – are they down, up, happy or expectant? Are they eager to learn from you, or do they show resistance? If you can sense what is happening with them, you will be more capable of reaching them. So,


listen before you talk.

The fourth suggestion is that you focus your energy. How do you get your energy up? Before the meeting, collect thoughts about the goal of the meeting – yours and others‘ once you go through the doorway, no longer think about yourself. Focus on the people you are meeting to find out what they are interested in. Properly collected energy comes across when we sincerely believe something. When you speak with energy, you are involved with your audience and your message. You create an air of certainty. The audience may disagree with you, but they can‘t question your belief.

Lastly, I would like to remind you that you should lighten up. Take a good hard look at yourself. Do you say ―I‖ too often? Do you only concentrate on your own problems? Do you complain frequently? If you answer yes or even one of these questions, you need to be more relaxed. How to communicate _____________ Suggestions Dos Don‘ts Be yourself Always be the same and Change character in communicate with your __________ situations. whole being Use your eyes and smile Make direct eye contact Avoid eye contact Present a gentle and __________ yourself to comfortable __________ simle Listen before_________ Stop for a short time to Begin your talk know others‘ mood and immediately. what is happening with them. Focus your _______ Think clearly and carefully Think about yourself before the meeting Speak energetically to the audience ot prevent your belief from being_______ Lighten up Try to be more _______ Say ―I‖ too often Concentrate on your own probrlems. Make to many _________ Conclusion Good communication _______ on good personal qualities. 【拓展提高】 三. 今天你看了哪些英语文章或电影,请你仔细回味,写出自己的(读/看)




8B Unit 2(综合练习5)


一 根据汉语或所给英文写出单词的正确形式。

1. Have you _________ (意识) the mistake you made? 2. Millie has an _________ (采访) with this pop star. 3. --Will they lend their _________ (字典) to us? --Yes. They are very kind.

4. It‘s a famous theme park, _________(包括) four different areas.

5. There are many _________ (旅行者) coming to Beijing because of the Olympic Games. 6. My father will _________ (到达) our school the day after tomorrow. 7. This area should be _________ (做标记) in red and it‘s easy to find it.

8. This charity show was a _________(成功) and plenty of _________(企业) took part in it 9. My cousin really likes this house but he isn‘t rich enough _________(负担) it.

10.My father _________ (ride) to work three years ago. But now he is afraid of _________ (ride) when he becomes older.

二 根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。

1. 坐飞机去那儿花了我们大约三个半小时 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.我们捐赠了许多衣物给贫困地区的孩子 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.他是如此优秀的一位老师以至于班上所有的学生都喜欢他 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.环境没有以前好 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.坐飞机去加拿大要多长时间 ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.看起来完成这项工作是没有希望了 ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.你介意我在这儿抽烟吗? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8.我们吃饭而不吃土豆 ___________________________________________________________________________ 9.大多数病人没钱前往就医 ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.说实话,我对汤姆的学业有几分担心 ___________________________________________________________________________ 11.如果不是水尽粮绝,我们将不会停止宿营。

___________________________________________________________________________ 12.这首歌使我想起了我的童年时光

___________________________________________________________________________ 13.所有参展的东西我都感兴趣。

___________________________________________________________________________ 14.大多数肥胖症能够预防或治愈。


___________________________________________________________________________ 15.如果我是你的话,我会向你的朋友谈谈吸烟的害处



Do you enjoy climbing mountains? I‘d like to tell you a true story about John and Peter. They were b 1 mountaineers(登山者). As John was experienced, he was always asking Peter to copy his example. ―Would you like to stand on the t 2 of the world, Peter?‖ ―Of course. It has already b 3 my dream,‖ Peter answered.

On a sunny morning, the two men started for the top of Mount Qomolangma. After they climbed over one of the most d 4 slopes(斜坡), they found a man lying in the snow. ―He‘s going to d 5 ,‖ Peter looked at John and said, as if he would help the man. ― Leave him by himself and just follow me! But if you bring the burden(累赘)with you, I‘m a 6 you will lose your life.‖ John warned Peter. Then he turned around and walked forward a 7__ . It was too cold. After thinking for a w 8__ , Peter made up his mind to help the dying man. He carried the man on his back and made his way forward. Little by little, Peter‘s temperature made the man w 9 . The man came to himself! And soon he could move all by himself. Together they moved side by side.

About two hours later, they kept up with John. To their surprise, they found that John was almost d 10 in the snow. He had been frozen to death.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 3 Online travel (综合练习1)


三.根据汉语或所给英文写出单词的正确形式。(共10-20题) 1. The computer doesn‘t work now. We must __________ (重启) it. 2. I‘ve got some very ___________ (令人兴奋的) news for you. 3. The church performs a valuable social ____________ (功能).

4. You can ____________(定购) what you want by calling 800 hotline. 5. My favourite ____________(频道) is CCTV 6.

6. Reading is one of the best way to improve your ___________ (词汇). 7. Zhou Enlai is a great historical _____________( 人物).

8. She is a good teacher who has ___________(控制) of her class. 9. The chair on the balcony is a ____________(塑料制品).

10. The ___________(目标) of that good football player is to be in the World Cup. 四.根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。(共10-15题) 1. 一个工作单刚出现在屏幕上. (appear on the screen)

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 这题如此简单,那个小男孩五分钟就把它算出来了.(so simple that…)

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 你会在网上定购你喜欢的物品吗? (order sth. online)

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 这门课程包括了许多话题. (cover)

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. 你能教我怎样开始网上的澳大利亚之行吗? (show sb how to do sth.)

___________________________________________________________________________ 6. 天天英语是来自澳大利亚的一门新的课程. (a new English course from…)

________________________________________________________________________ 7. 这个课程适用于旅游者和学生. (be good for…)

________________________________________________________________________ 8. 话题包括旅游、宾馆、食品、饮料、购物和货币. (include…)

________________________________________________________________________ 9. 光盘上有短途到澳大利亚和新西兰的网上旅游. (short online tours of…)

________________________________________________________________________ 10. 这门课程学习使用电话、问答问题、谈论天气和时间.( learn about…)





A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. So she was 1 happy. She always stayed at home alone and didn‘t talk to 2 . However, one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip. When she wore it, she looked 3 prettier than before. She decided to go to school in the beautiful hair clip.

On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her. 4 of her


schoolmates said ?hello‘ to her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip had 5 her them all. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. 6 all her classmates wanted to know what had happened to her, she didn‘t want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip.

When she went back home after school, her mother asked her, ―Did you know you 7 your hair clip at home? I found it by the door this morning.‖

She was 8 to hear what her mother said. She understood that she hadn‘t worn the hair clip to school at all

It‘s not important what we wear or how we look. The most important thing is how we think about 9 . If we want to do a thing successfully, first try to be 10 . If we think we can, we can.

( )1. A. often B. usually C. seldom D. always ( )2. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody ( )3. A. far B. more C. very D. so ( )4. A. None B. Most C. Few D. Either ( )5. A. taken B. bought C. caught D. brought ( )6. A. So B. Because C. Though D. But ( )7. A. forgot B. left C. hid D. threw ( )8. A. angry B. surprised C. excited D. happy ( )9. A. us B. me C. ourselves D. myself ( )10.A. confident B. honest C. modest D. practical



1. 今天你看了哪些英语文章或电影,请你仔细回味,写出自己的(读/看)后感或摘抄下你认为经典的语篇.


2. 今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 3 Online travel(综合练习2)



1. I have to prepare food for seven people, ___________ (include) me. 2. The factory will begin ______________ (produce) next month. 3. The information you gave me was ______________ (incorrectly). 4. They have changed the ____________ (appear) of the whole building. 5. He isn‘t doing his job ____________ (proper).

6. She has got a teddy bear with ____________ (move) arms and legs. 7. I am sure he has a college ____________ (educational). 8. I think this is a badly ___________ (design) office. 9. The mountains are beautiful natural ___________ (set). 10. Thousands of people cross the bridge ___________ (day). 二、单句改错。

1. I hear many ships are produced by Shanghai every year.________ A B C D

2. The main character of the story called Snow White.__________ A B C D

3. Every time you will pass a level, you will get some points.________ A B C D

4. Passing each level will spend you about an hour.___________ A B C D

5. Does the game start from the main character having breakfast._______ A B C D



The truth is that the diet and lifestyle of teenagers are often a headache to adults. But, the good news is that you can feel better, look better and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise regularly.

Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit. Diets just don't work in the long term, yet 19% of the teenagers say they have tried dieting and skipping meals to control their weight! If you take in the correct number of calories and exercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit, and feel great.

During your teenage years, it is important to give your body the energy it needs. If you skip meals, you don't get enough calories, and then you feel tired. By the way, ?calorie' is just another word for energy. Teenage girls need about 2,200 calories a day and boys need a bit more―doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys. 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Water helps keep your system clean. Drinking enough water will make your skin better and give you healthy hair.

Exercise is something that can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week. That is easy


to do! Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports. Often, teenagers give up on sports, saying they have no time left after their studies. Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals(化学物质) that make you feel relaxed and increase your ability to focus on your study. These chemicals can even help you sleep better at night.

If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all. 1.19% of the teenagers succeeded in controlling their weight by dieting and skipping meals. 2. If you want to be fit, you need both healthy eating and regular exercise. 3. Teenage girls need fewer calories a day than teenage boys.

4. We can get our calories from rice, bread, vegetables, fruit, and water.

5. When you exercise, you may feel relaxed and this will be good for your study.





2.今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 3 Online travel(综合练习3)



A. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. This dress is very popular this year. Do you know who the ________(design) is? 2. English Classroom is an _______(education) program on CCTV. 3. Many people use computers in their ______(day) lives.

4. Thousands of ______(tour) come to the Great Wall every year. 5. The desk is not __________(move), you cannot take it anywhere. B. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。

6. Can you tell me the ______(主要的) idea of this passage? 7. Yong people like to chat with their friends_______(在网上). 8. He didn’t ______(出现) until ten o’clock last night. 9. Which _______(话题) shall we talk about today? 10. Please give my best ______(问候) to your parents. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.刘德华将在这部电影中演主角。

Liu Dehua will ____ _____ _______ ____ in the film. 2. 这些单词须写在黑板上面。

These words must_____ _____ _____ the blackboard. 3. 我想了解一下伦敦的博物馆。

I ______ ________ ____ ____ the museums in London. 4. 错误用鲜红色标出。

The mistakes are _____ _____ ______ red.

5. —你介意告诉我如何用这个功能吗? —不介意。 —Do you _____ _____ me how to use this______. —No,______ _____ _____.


阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项

There are many things we need to know, but we do not learn them at school. For example, if we want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to compare(比较) the prices of the things in different shops. We also need to know how to make the best choice when we shop.

Knowing how to make such choices is a life skill, and we need to practice it in our daily life.

Supermarket W Supermarket M

Business hours: 6:00 a.m – 10:30 p.m. Business hours: 5:30 a.m – 10:30 p.m. Eggs (1 kilo): ? 6.50 Eggs (1 kilo): ? 6.60 Apples(1 kilo): ?3.80 Apples(1 kilo): ?3.96 Pork ( 1 kilo): ?18.20 Pork ( 1 kilo): ?18.20 Tomatoes (1 kilo): ?1.58 Tomatoes (1 kilo): ?1.50 Environment: Very Environment: Very good good Service: Good Service: Good


Supermarket Y Business hours:6:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m. Eggs (1 kilo): ? 6.20 Apples(1 kilo): ?3.30 Pork ( 1 kilo): ?17.20 Tomatoes(1kilo):?1.30 Environment: Need improving Service: Just so-so Supermarket T Business hours: 6:00 a.m – 9:30 p.m. Eggs (1 kilo): ? 6.90 Apples(1 kilo): ?3.90 Pork ( 1 kilo): ?18.60 Tomatoes (1 kilo): ?1.60 Environment: Just so-so Service: Bad 1. Which supermarket has the longest Business Hours? A. Supermarket W. B. Supermarket T. C. Supermarket Y. D. Supermarket M. 2. The price of the pork in ___________ is the same as that in ___________.

A. Supermarket W; Supermarket M B. Supermarket Y; Supermarket T C. Supermarket W; Supermarket Y D. Supermarket M; Supermarket T 3. If you want to spend the least money on eggs, which supermarket will you go to?

A. Supermarket W. B. Supermarket M. C. Supermarket Y. D. Supermarket T. 4. From above, which supermarket may have the fewest shoppers?

A. Supermarket W. B. Supermarket T. C. Supermarket M. D. Supermarket Y. 5. What may be the reason if a shopper usually shops in Supermarket Y?

A. The Environment. B. The Service. C. The Business hours. D. The Price.





2.今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 3 Online travel(综合练习4)




1. The old man has bad m . He often forgets things. 2. TV is short for t . 3. How many c do you study at school? 4. 1. There are always some football matches on C 5 of CCTV. 5. I often have d at night, so I can‘t sleep well. B. 动词填空

6. So far, a number of doctors __________(send) to help the sick people in the area. 7. The letter _______________(write) in French, I can‘t read it. 8. ---What a nice garden! It _____________(clean) every day.

9. If he ____________(give) enough time, he will do better in the exam.

10. Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _____________(stay) in China since 2002. 二、句型转换。

1. Who designed the CD-ROM.(改为被动语态) _____whom _____ the CD-ROM_____?

2. Is French spoken in Canada?(改为主动语态) ____ people in Canada_____ French?

3. I’ll give you a general description of this game.(改为同义句) ____ me give you ____ _____ of this game. 4. Everything seems OK now.(改为同义句) Everything seems____ ____ OK now.

5. I think it’s an interesting CD-ROM, is that right?(改为同义句) I think it‘s an interesting CD-ROM, _____ _____?


Taiwan appears in newspaper headlines more often these days. On April 26, 2005 Kuomintang leader, Lien Chan, visited the mainland and three days later, President Hu Jintao held talks with him. This is the first meeting in 56 years and may help to bring peace across the Taiwan Straits(海峡).

How much do you know about this beautiful island? The island faces Fujian. The shortest distance from Taiwan to Fujian is 130 kilometres across the Taiwan Straits. A ship can cover it in four hours.

As the biggest island, Taiwan is still only about one-sixth the size of Hunan. Around it, there are also lots of smaller ones, like Penghu Islands and Diaoyu Islands.

Taiwan is rich in natural resources (资源). Half of the island is covered with forests, and it has many kinds of agricultural products(农产品), like rice and tea.

Taiwanese people are mostly descendants (后代) of people from Fujian and Guangdong. They still use the language from their old hometowns. They also celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the Spring Festival, they even eat dumplings!

Once, communications across the Straits were not so good. In 1979, Beijing put forward an idea that Taiwanese people should use better ways of communicating and build better business and


transportation. There is now more business and tourism(旅游业) across the Straits. On July 4, 2008, the first direct flights between Taiwan and five mainland cities such as Beijing, Shanghai Nanjing, Guangzhou and Xiamen started up.

As we all know, Taiwan is always an important part of our country. We are one big family. But some top leaders in Taiwan like Lee Tenghui and Chen Shuibian have been trying to make Taiwan an independent(独立) country. This made people on both sides angry, because it goes against the history and the wishes of all the Chinese.

1. What will Hu Jintao‘s talk with Lien Chan bring across the Taiwan Straits?

A. Resources. B. Meetings. C. Tourism D. Peace. 2. How long does it take to go to Taiwan from Fujian by ship?

A. 56 years. B. 26 days. C. 4 hours. D. 130 hours. 3. Why do most Taiwanese celebrate Chinese traditional festivals?

A. Because they like eating traditional Chinese food very much. B. Because they are Chinese in fact.

C. Because they would rather celebrate Chinese festivals than Western festivals. D. Because Chinese traditional festivals are popular in the world now. 4. What made people on both sides angry?

A. There were no important meetings between the leaders on both sides. B. There was no business and tourism across the Straits for many years. C. People on both sides couldn‘t visit each other by air.

D. Some top leaders in Taiwan have been trying to make Taiwan an independent country. 5. Which of the following is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. The Beautiful Island B. We Are One C. The Rich Island D. You and Me





2.今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 3 Online travel(综合练习5)



1. The course ___________(涉及) many topics and we are interested in all of them. 2. The policeman ___________(出现), so the thief ran away quickly. 3. The bird was set f_________ and it flew away back to the forest. 4. We have a writing ______________(竞赛) every term. 5. Look at the _____________(屏幕). There is nothing on it. 6. English is important in our _________(日常的) life.

7. Do you know where this game is ____________(设置)?

8. Paris has many fantastic sights, ____________(包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Cathedral. 9. The computer can be _____________(控制) by mouse.

10. ---Have you c___________ the keyboard to the computer? ----Yes. 二、翻译句子

1. 昨天妈妈回到家时,你正在干什么?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我已经在树人国际学校读书两年多了。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 经常看到他在这条河里游泳。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 自从Eddie出生以来,它一直和Hobo生活在一起。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 南京在最近的十年里变化很大。

_____________________________________________________________________ 【阅读训练】


Who's building the new China? It's not the factory owners or the business men and women of China. It's someone else. It's the people who have left their homes to follow their dreams, the dream of a better life.

We see them every day, on every street corner, on every construction site(建筑工地) in cities. They work day and night in the terrible working conditions and weather. They build the roads, the theaters, the cinemas, and the supermarkets. They even clean up our rubbish. They are China‘s migrant workers(民工). Young and old, these men and women are building the new China from the ground up.

More than 140 million workers have left their homes in the countryside to look for jobs in big cities all over China. They hope to be rich, but they realize they have many difficulties in making enough money for their family. And the biggest difficulty that these workers have is the pride and discrimination ( 歧视) from the people in cities. When night falls, everywhere I look I see the sad faces of the migrant workers. We can see them playing cards along the streets. Many are living far away from those whom they love. I can sometimes feel their pain(痛), knowing exactly what it feels like to live so far away from home in a city where they walk a different walk and talk a different talk. Yes, they dress differently, they speak differently, and they have different habits, but they work hard to make money. The people in cities consider them as


outsiders, and some local governments refuse to give them medical care and public schooling for their children.

If China hopes to move into the future, many things need to be changed. The first is discrimination! We need to stop our discrimination against the migrant workers of China! They may not make as much money as some people in cities, they may not have everything we have, but they are good honest people just trying to survive this game of life. These workers are very important to China's economic (经济的) development and have become an important force ( 力量) for the change of Chinese society. They are building the new China, so we should lend our hands and help them.

1. Who does the writer think are building the new China?


2. What should China do first according to the passage if it hopes to move into the future ? ________________________________________________________________ 3. How many people in the countryside have come to big cities all over China for jobs? ___________________________________________________________________

4. Translate the underlined sentence ―I can sometimes feel their pain, knowing exactly what it feels like to live so far away from home in a city where they walk a different walk and talk a different talk.” into Chinese.

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What does the article mainly tell us?





_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.‖

( )1. How much does the boy‘s father make an hour?

A. $10.

B. $20.

C. $30.

D. $40.

( )2. In this passage, the word ―furious‖ means .

A. very angry

B. quite happy

C. too excited

D. a little nervous

( )3. At first, the father refused to give the boy any money because .

A. the boy always asked for money from him B. he did not have enough money at that moment C. he thought the boy would buy something of no use D. he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself

( )4. The boy wanted to buy with twenty dollars.

A. a new book for himself

B. a nice present for his father

C. a toy for his own birthday A. didn‘t love his son at all C. often played with his son

D. an hour of his father‘s time B. spent little time with his son D. often came back home early

( )5. From the passage, we can infer(推断) that the boy‘s father ______.




______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



8B Unit 1- Unit3 (综合练习4)


一. 根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。(共10题) 1.我的父母已经和老师面谈过了。

______________________________________________________________________________ 2.他们为这份工作面试了二十人。

______________________________________________________________________________ 3我得说这是我见过的最好的老师。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.你能告诉我如何学好英语吗?

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.这本书将会告诉你如何更健康。

______________________________________________________________________________ 6.我喜欢街道两旁长长的行道树。

______________________________________________________________________________ 7.我有没完没了的家务活要做。

______________________________________________________________________________ 8.当她听到这个消息时, 她高兴得跳起舞来。

______________________________________________________________________________ 9.当妈妈告诉山姆爸爸很快要回家时,他高兴得叫了起来。

______________________________________________________________________________ 10.当孩子们看到他们最喜欢的人物时,高兴得拍手尖叫。


【阅读训练】 二.阅读理解

The most unusual museum in London is the Science Museum. In most museums, there‘s no shouting and no running, and you aren‘t allowed to touch the exhibits(展品). But the Science Museum is different, because it‘s noisy! People talk about what they can see and do there, and some of the machines are noisy as well. Visiting the Science Museum is fun and it‘s a great way to learn about science because you can work things out and try out ideas.

When I visit the Science Museum, I go to the Launch Pad. This is my favourite room because you can do physics experiments. For example, if you want to fill a bag with falling sand, you have to move a kind of truck on wheels into the correct position. I also go to the Rocket Show. You can learn how we travel into space and back again.

Then I go upstairs to Human and Nature room. You can compare your speed with animals there. You hear a noise and push a button(按钮). If you aren‘t fast enough, the lion catches you! I‘m faster than all my friends, but the lion still catches me.

There are also rooms on transport, the environment and space technology(技术), as well as maths, physics and chemistry.

You can do a lot of things in this museum, but you have to obey(遵守) some rules as well.


For example, you mustn‘t take photos of the exhibits in the museum. But you can buy postcards of them in the museum shops.

Above all, the Science Museum is free. That means you can drop in for a few minutes or you can stay as long as you like—it‘s open every day, from 10 am to 6 pm. So if you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. It‘s my favourite museum in the whole world. ( )1. What is the writer‘s favourite room? A. The Launch Pad.

B. The Rocket Show.

D. The rooms on space technology.

C. The Human and Nature room. ( )2. What can‘t you do in the Science Museum? A. Touch the machines.

B. Do chemistry experiments. D. Talk loudly about what you see.

C. Take photos of the exhibits.

( )3. How much does it cost to go into the Science Museum? A. $10 for adults.

B. $6 for children. D. Free for everyone.

C. Only free for children.

( )4. How long can you stay at the Science Museum? A. 6 hours.

B. 8 hours.

C. 10 hours.

D. 12 hours.

( )5. In what way is the Science Museum different from other museums? A. We can see a lot of exhibits in the Science Museum. B. People can talk to each other in the Science Museum.

C. There‘s no shouting and no running in the Science Museum.

D. You can work things out and try out your ideas in the Science Museum.




______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________


_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8B Unit 1- Unit3 (综合练习5)


一. 根据汉语提示,翻译下列各句。(共10题) 1.做了这么远的路, 你一定饿了。

______________________________________________________________________________ 2.她现在一定很开心。

______________________________________________________________________________ 3.他的演讲涉及两次世界大战之间的历史。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.这一套产品包括一本书和五张光盘。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.屋子里包括老师在内有二十人。

______________________________________________________________________________ 6.当你爬到山顶上,空气就会变得更加清新。

______________________________________________________________________________ 7.她的新书何时出版?

______________________________________________________________________________ 8.香港的天气跟北京大不一样。

______________________________________________________________________________ 9.傍晚,鸟瞰香港这个高楼林立灯火辉煌的现代化城市,感觉真是美好。

______________________________________________________________________________ 10.在某种程度上我同意你的观点。




As with facial(面部) expressions, people everywhere use hand gestures(手势) to communicate(交流). Around the world, these have different meanings. A friendly hand gesture used in one culture might be unfamiliar or even rude in another.

Gestures for ―hello‖ and ―good-bye‖ differ around the world. In North and South America, and many parts of Europe, people often shake hands to greet others—especially in business. In North America, men and women shake hands firmly. This shows respect for the other person. In many Asian countries, it is often more common to nod the head once, or bow(鞠躬) when meeting for the first time.

To gesture good-bye in North America, many people wave their hand from left to right many times quickly. Americans also do this to greet someone in a friendly, casual way. In many Asian countries, this gesture often means ―no‖.

In many countries, to gesture that something is ―okay‖ it is common to join the thumb(拇指) and forefinger together to make a circle, with the other three fingers standing up. In Brazil this gesture is very rude. In some countries, like France, it means ―zero‖.

In the Unites States, it is common to beckon(召唤) a person to you by raising your hand with


the palm facing you, and moving the forefinger from one side to another. This gesture is considered rude in some countries, so more often people will hold their hand with the palm facing down, and move the whole hand from one side to another.

Hand gestures, like facial expressions, communicate important messages. When traveling or meeting someone from another country, be careful how you use them. 1. Do hand gestures have the same meanings in different countries?

2. How many gestures for greeting are mentioned(提及) in the passage?

3. What‘s the meanings of ―waving one‘s hand from left to right‖ in many Asian countries? 4. What does ―forefinger‖ mean in Chinese?

5. What do you think of hand gestures?




_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 今天你过得愉快吗? 或者有什么有趣的事发生吗?请你用英语记下这一难忘的时刻吧。同学们,练练笔,写写日记,没准你也会成为英语达人呢! Date__________ Weather_________ Mood______________



