
更新时间:2023-04-08 16:00:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






Ⅰ. 单项选择

〔〕1. _______ everyone here today?

A. Be

B. Are

C. Is

D. Am

〔〕2. Harry is older than I. But he ____younger than I.

A. look

B. looks

C. looked

D. looking

〔〕3. It _______ like the singing of the birds.

A. sounds

B. looks

C. smells

D. tastes

〔〕4. This kind of cake tastes _______.

A. good

B. well

C. to be good

D. to be w ell

〔〕**5. The children all looked _______ at the broken model pl ane and felt quite _______.

A. sad, sad

B. sadly, sadly

C. sad, sadly

D. sadly, s ad

〔〕*6. This kind of paper _______nice.

A. feel

B. felt

C. is feeling

D. feels

〔〕**7. This math problem is ______and I can do it _______.

A. easy, easily

B. easily, easily

C. easy, easy

D. easily, easy

〔〕8. Coffee is ready. How nice it _______! Would you like so me?

A. looks

B. smells

C. sounds

D. feels

〔〕9. In winter the days _______ colder and colder.

A. gets

B. getting

C. got

D. get

〔〕10. My brother ____ a teacher. He ____his pupils very much.

A. is, like

B. is, likes

C. are, likes

D. are, like

〔〕11. —How many days ____ there in a week?

—There ____ seven.

A. is, is

B. are, are

C. is, are

D. are, is

〔〕*12. I ____ tired last night.

A. became

B. felt

C. looked

D. am

〔〕13. You ____ pale. What’s wrong with you?

A. turn

B. seem

C. look

D. become

〔〕14. The boy ____ ill today.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. am

〔〕15. Which ____ bigger, the sun or the moon?

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. ×

〔〕**16. Neither she nor I ____ a doctor.

A. am not

B. am

C. are

D. is

〔〕17. Her voice ____ like my mother’s.

A. sounds

B. sound

C. looks

D. look

〔〕**18. It often rains and the crops ____ fast.

A. get

B. turn

C. grow

D. become

〔〕**19. —How are you ____ now?

—Much better, thank you.

A. getting

B. feeling

C. making

D. turning

〔〕20. The teacher’s smile made me ____ better.[来源:Z+xx+k. Com]

A. feel

B. to feel

C. feeling

D. felt

〔〕21. My English teacher ____.

A. all look young

B. looks young

C. look young

D. all looks young

〔〕**22. Come to my office if you ____ free tomorrow.

A. are

B. will be

C. was

D. is

〔〕**23. Neither of us ____ a policeman.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. were

〔〕24. The girl’s face ____ red.

A. turned

B. got

C. feel

D. look

〔〕25. He ____ very glad.

A. looked

B. turned

C. feel

D. looks

〔〕26. The flowers ____ fragrant〔芳香的〕.

A. get

B. smells

C. smell

D. feels

〔〕*27. The table ____ very smooth.

A. look

B. turn

C. feels

D. smell

〔〕28. Jack ____ younger than Tom.

A. look

B. feel

C. feels

D. looks

〔〕29. She looks ____.

A. happy

B. to be happy

C. happily

D. that she is hap py

〔〕30. His answer _____ right.

A. seem

B. look

C. seems

D. looks

Ⅱ. 用smell,taste,go,get,become,grow,seem,look,feel,turn 的适当形式填空

1. You ______ very young.

2. At first those questions ______ easy, but later I found them diffic ult.

3. After the sports meeting, he ______very tired.

4. My younger brother _______ a student last year.

*5. When we_______ up, we’re going to help build up our country.

6. The flowers ______ very sweet.

7. Her face______ red.

8. Jack _______ very happy.

9. The mooncake ______ good.

10. The soup ______ bad.

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成以下各句

*1. 天色渐黑,咱们回家吧。

It’s _____dark. Let’s go home.

2. 为什么他感到悲伤?

Why _____ he ____sad?

3. 约翰成了一名好学生。

John _____ a good student.

4. 工作一整天后,汤姆感觉又饿又累。

After a whole day’s work, Tom ____ hungry and tired.

5. 听到这个好消息时,她的脸变红了。

When she heard the good news, her face ____ red.

6. 他的工作似乎有趣。

His job _____interesting.

7. 别出声,请保持安静。

Don’t make noise. Please ____quiet.

8. 那听起来是个好主意。

That _____ a good idea.

*9. 我们的国家正变得越来越强大。

Our country is _____ stronger and stronger.

10. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。

Soccer _____ my favorite sport.

1—5 CBAAD 6—10 DABDB 11—15 BBCBB

16—20 BACBA 21—25 BACAD 26—30 CCDAC


5. 题干中的look是行为动词,故其后用副词修饰;feel是连系动词,后接形容词作表语。应选D项。句意为〝孩子们难过地盯着那架破损了的飞机模型,感到很难过〞。

6. 根据句意〝这种纸摸起来〔感觉〕很好〞可知是一种实际情况,故用一般现在时。

7. 连系动词is后接形容词作表语;do是行为动词,用副词修饰。句意为〝这道数学题很容易,我能很容易地做出来〞。

12. A项意为〝变得〞;B项意为〝感到〞;C项意为〝看起来〞;D 项时态与原句不符,排除;根据句意〝昨天晚上我感到很劳累〞可知B项符合句意。

16. neither …nor…意为〝既不……也不……〞,连接并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的选取要根据就近原那么,此题中I离谓语近,故根据I判断用am。句意为〝我和她都不是医生〞。

18. 根据句意〝天经常下雨,庄稼生长得快〞可知只有grow有〝生长〞之意。

19. 根据答语〝好多了,谢谢你〞可知问句询问〝你现在感觉怎样?〞,应选B项。

22. 此题考查if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来。句意为〝如果明天你有空,来我的办公室〞。

23. neither作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。

27. 根据主语和谓语的一致,可判断选C项。句意为〝这张桌子摸起来很滑〞。

1. look

2. seemed

3. felt

4. became

5. grow

6. smell

7. turned

8. gets

9. tastes 10. goes


5. grow up意为〝长大〞,句意为〝当我们长大了,我们打算去帮助建设我们的国家〞。

1. getting

2. does; feel

3. became

4. felt

5. turned

6. seems

7. keep

8. sounds

9. becoming10. is


1. 根据It’s中的is可知后接动词的现在分词形式。

9. 根据is可知,后接v.-ing形式。

