
更新时间:2023-11-16 05:22:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1. I bought a series of Shakespeare in a second-hand market at a (reason)


2. To my great surprise, the couple who were (Germany) spoke fluent


3. (concern) about the future of our country, we should study hard. 4. The soldiers were warned to remain (hide) and not to expose themselves. 5. It is (nature) that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. 6. The two brothers have (entire) different temperaments (性情). 7. She redeemed(挽回)her reputation with a (power) speech to the public. 8. He gave me some (advise) on how to solve that problem.

9. Our review of this week’s papers is presented by the (edit) of The Times.

10. The Smiths invited a lot of guests to their wedding party, my father


11. There are great (culture) differences between the east and the west. 12. The company developed (rapid) under his administration. 13. (polite) costs nothing but gains everything.

14. Only in the (south) part of Tibet have I seen such scenery as this. 15. I’m learning French, but I still can’t speak it (proper).

16. She is a very (determine) woman who always gets what she wants. 17. Everybody saw his (brave) when he saved the girl in the big fire. 18. The egg must have gone bad because it’s so (smell).

19. The driver received serious (injure) to the legs and arms in the accident. 20. He was the only (survive) in the serious air crash in Russia last year. 21. Hopes are fading for the (survive) of the missing climbers. 22. It’s (use) to argue with them on such a stupid question. 23. (judge) by his accent, he is not a native.

24. The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in (Europe) history. 25. It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for (peace) purpose. 26. Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a (law). 27. The road looks beautiful covered by (gold) pine needles. 28. Wars, whether big or small, are flooded with (cruel) to people. 29. I (sincere) hope that he can accept the criticisms of others. 30. He made up a (wonder) story to explain his absence.

31. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool


32. The roof of the tunnel was supported by (wood) props. 33. When the land was seen, the (sail) let out a whoop of joy. 34. The design of the building is model on classical (Greece) form.



35. Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of (physics) situation. 36. I felt rather (fool) when I couldn’t answer the teacher’s question. 37. He knew he had behaved badly and he seemed (true) sorry. 38. We have no (choose) but to wait till he turns up. 39. He chose Germany, but (person) I’ prefer to go to Spain. 40. She is a talented (music) as well as being a photographer. 二、介副词搭配:(70×1’ = 70’)

41. Once you get the habit of smoking, you won’t be able to give it up easily. 42. I came up quite a good idea of how to spend the coming holiday. 43. I insist your taking immediate actions to put this right. 44. I am deeply impressed by his attitude work.

45. We won’t go wrong, because I’m quite familiar the streets here.

46. The way to her home is so familiar me that I can go there even with eyes


47. On hearing the sad news, she burst tears. 48. I was shocked the news of her death.

49. The monument is honor of those who sacrificed in the Chinese Civil


50. It’s our supreme dream that all peoples in the world can live peace. 51. Many people have become of work because of the recent economic


52. The terrorists are threatening to blow the hijacked airliner. 53. After he came power, many former policies were abolished. 54. They rewarded the winners gifts of fruits and flowers.

55. Roadblocks were set by the police to catch the escaped prisoner. 56. He was sentenced life imprisonment because of voluntary manslaughter. 57. He was a poor state after a series of operations on his brain. 58. A committee was sent to look the murder case. 59. That the little child had a gift music amazed us a lot.

60. He was always ready to help others; return, he was liked by everyone. 61. He mentioned the names of a few judges whom he did not think highly . 62. The twins were born with similar appearances but had nothing common. 63. Have you any concrete (实在的) thoughts on how to deal this difficulty? 64. You should take advantage the chance and try to make some progress. 65. Pay increases will not always make up poor working conditions. 66. _________the help of my classmates, I found my lost book.

67. Species must change as the environment changes, or they die . 68. You are danger of catching a cold if you don’t take any medicine.



69. Whoever meets all the listed requirements can apply the job. 70. We should protect the environment being polluted any more. 71. Nobody knows how time and space come being.

72. If you tell the truth, other people are more likely to be honest you. 73. He likes playing jokes his classmates.

74. After knowing his dishonesty, I decided to break with him.

75. I met her quite chance at the train station so many years after our last meet. 76. It is necessary that he should sort the information for my reference. 77. We must stick our post no matter what happens.



