大连海事大学老题库翻译学习 第一章

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0001 Your vessel is underway when ①the anchor is dragging. ②the anchor is used in docking. A. ① only. B. ② only. C. Either ① or ②. 当①拖锚 ②靠泊用锚时你船在航。

D. Neither ① nor ②.

0002 Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should ______.

A. Back your engines.—倒车

B. Stop your engines and drift.—停车漂流 C. Answer with one prolonged blast.(规则要求) D. Sound the danger signal.—鸣放危险声号


0003 Your vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents. To check your position you take a round of bearings, one of which is a range in line. One hour later the bearing on the lights in range opens up. This indicates ①The ship is swinging. ②The ship is dragging her anchor. A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Either ① or ②. D. Neither ① nor ②.


0004 Your ship must speed up. A. Reduce speed.—减速 B. Increase speed.—增速 C. Change speed.—变速 D. Stop engine.—停车 你船必须加速。

0005 Your explanation ______all right. A. Sounds. B. Have sounded. C. Is sounding. D. Is sounded.


0006 You’d better ______ your course to port to avoid collision. A. To alter.

B. Alter.(动词原型) C. Altering. D. Altered.

你最好向左改变你的航向以避免碰撞。(You’d better + 动词原型)

0007 You should stop your vessel instantly. A. In a moment. B. On time. C. At once. D. Late on.


0008 You should report you ETA in advance. A. At once. B. Before hand.

C. Early.

D. Immediately.


0009 You ought to have known we (us) never ______ lies. A. Say. B. Talk. C. Tell.

D. Speak.


0010 You must ______ your cable to 5 shackles. A. Cut. B. Short. C. Be short.

D. Shorten.


0011 You may use my cabin ______ you clean it up afterward. A. As far as---远到, 直到, 至于 尽;就;至于 B. As well as---也, 又 既?又 都 C. As soon as---一...就

D. So long as---只要, 在?之时;当?时


0012 You may rely ______ our company. A. On. B. In. C. At.

D. Up.


0013 You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist. You must ______.

A. Begin a radar plot. B. Stop your engines.

C. Take all way off, if necessary.

D. All of the above.


0014 You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist. You must ______.

A. Stop your engines.

B. Take all way off, if necessary

C. Begin a radar plot. D. All of the above.


0015 You can indicate that your vessel is in distress by ______. A. Displaying a large red flag.

B. Displaying three black balls in a vertical line.

C. Sounding four or more short rapid blasts on the whistle. D. Continuously sounding the fog whistles. 你可以通过连续的雾号表示你船遇险。

0016 You can get your agent _______ it for you. A. Do. B. To do. C. Doing.

D. Done.


0017 You are to join the convoy(护航队) at 1745 hours. A. Leave

B. Sail for---乘船往?,开往 C. Take part in---参与,参加 D. Make.


0018 You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must ______. A. Stop your engines.

B. Sound two prolonged blasts of the whistle.

C. Sound the danger signal. D. Slow to bare steerageway.



0019 You are getting too old for seaman. You’d better ______ a job ashore instead. A. Take in---接收 接待 B. Take for---认为 以为 C. Take up---开始从事;专注于 D. Take over---接受 接管


0020 You are approaching another vessel and are not sure whether danger of collision exists. You must assume ______.

A. There is risk of collision. B. You are the give way vessel. C. The other vessel is also in doubt.

D. All of the above.


0021 You are advised to enter the traffic route at about 1730 hours, because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time when you intended to enter. What can you understand from this sea-speak? A. It’s a warning of navigation for my vessel.(这是对我船的航行警告)

B. It’s an advice from port control to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harbor.(这是港口控制命令我船不要进入港口航道的通知)

C. It’s an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic route.

D. It’s an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route.(这是来自VTS指出我船沿着航道行使的命令)


0022 You are ______ danger. A. Run in. B. Running into. C. Run into. D. Running in. 你正处于危险中。

0023 Whom are you looking ______? I want to see your chief mate. A. On. B. In. C. For.

D. At.


0024 While underway, in fog, you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel ______.

A. Not under command.

B. Being towed. C. On pilot age duty. D. Aground.


0025 While underway at night you observe a vessel’s range lights in line off your starboard beam. You should ______. A. Come right.

B. Sound the danger signal.

C. Continue on your course. D. Come left.


0026 While steaming slowly in the harbor, no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited. A. Assumed.

B. Appreciated. C. Promised. D. Permitted.


0027 Which vessel, when anchored at night, is not required to show anchor lights? A. A power-driven vessel.

B. A vessel engaged on pilotage duty. C. A vessel dredging.(疏浚作业)

D. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.


0028 Which vessel sounds the same fog signal when underway or at anchor? A. A sailing vessel.

B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. C. A vessel constrained by her draft.

D. A vessel not under commands.


0029 Which vessel should not impede the navigation of a power-driven vessel? A. A vessel not under commands. B. A vessel engaged in fishing. C. A sailing vessel.

D. A seaplane.


0030 Which vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safety navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway?

A. A vessel of less than 20 meters in length.

B. A vessel sailing. C. A fishing vessel. D. All of the above.


0031 Which vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can only navigate inside a narrow channel?

A. A vessel of less than 20 meters in length. B. A vessel not under commands. C. A vessel engaged in surveying.

D. All of the above.


0032 Which vessel shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft? ______.

A. A vessel not under commands. B. A sailing vessel.

C. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. D. All of the above.


0033 Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel? A. Vessel engaged in fishing. B. Vessel not making way. C. Vessel sailing.

D. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. 根据定义,哪种船不能给他船让路?操限船

0034 Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel? A. Vessel engaged in fishing.

B. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. C. Sailing vessel.

D. Vessel towing.


0035 Which vessel is underway under the rules of the road? A. A vessel at anchor with the engine running. B. A vessel with a line led to a tree onshore. C. A vessel drifting with the engine off.

D. A vessel aground.


0036 Which vessel is underway according to the rules? A. A vessel made fast to a single point-mooring buoy. B. A vessel engaged in towing, not making way. C. A pilot vessel at anchor.

D. A vessel which has run aground.


0037 Which vessel is to keep out of the way of the others? A. A vessel constrained by her draft.(限于吃水的船舶)

B. A vessel engaged in underwater operations.(从事水下作业的船只) C. A vessel engaged in trawling.(从事拖网的船只) D. A vessel not under commands.(失去控制的船舶)

哪种船是让路船?限于吃水的船舶(因为限于吃水船为机动船) wtda xxh

这里书中答案只所以为C(Page 20-63),可能是将trawling理解为曳绳钓,而事实上1972年的国际避碰规则的曳绳钓单词为trolling line。

0038 Which vessel is not restricted in her ability to maneuver? A. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation. B. A vessel constrained by her draft.

C. A towing vessel with tow, unable to deviate from its course. D. A vessel engaged in dredging.


0039 Which vessel is directed not to impede the passage of a vessel, which can only navigate inside a narrow channel?

A. A vessel of less than 20 meters in length.

B. A vessel not under commands. C. A vessel engaged in surveying. D. All of the above.


0040 Which vessel is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver under the rules? A. A vessel mine clearing. B. A vessel engaged in fishing. C. A vessel at anchor.

D. A vessel not under commands.


0041 Which statement it true concerning a vessel constrained by her draft? She is hampered because of her work.

She is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance. She may by a vessel being towed. She must a power-driven vessel.


0042 Which situation would be a special circumstance under the rules? A. Vessel at anchor.

B. More than two vessels meeting. C. Speed in fog.

D. Two vessels crossing.


0043 Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision? A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vessel. B. Systematic observation of objected by radar.

C. Long-range radar scanning. D. All of the above.


0044 Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog? A. Both vessels. B. Neither vessel. C. The vessel on portside.

D. The vessel on starboard side.


0045 Which one of following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision? A. Each shall keep her course and speed. B. Each shall alter her course to starboard.

C. Each shall pass on the portside to the other.

D. Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle.


0046 Which of the following statements is (are) correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes? ①A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes. ②If obliged to cross traffic lanes, shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow. A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 关于操纵在分道通航制水域附近的船舶,以下哪个陈述正确?①船舶尽可能避免穿越通航分道。②假如必须穿越通航分道应尽可能接近垂直于船舶交通总流向穿越。

0047 Which of the following radar contacts will present the most immediate danger? A. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is changing and range is decreasing B. A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is steady and range is increasing

C. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is steady and range is decreasing

D. A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is changing to the left and range decreasing 以下哪个雷达物标将出现最紧迫危险?在左舷船艏方位不变且距离减小的船

0048 Which of the following meets the definition of the word vessel as set forth by the rules? ①A gravel scow. ②A lifeboat. A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 以下哪个符合规则阐明的船舶的定义?①载沙驳船。②救生艇。

0049 Which of the following is true when navigation with radar during restricted visibility? ①Radar may not indicate small vessels and icebergs. ②Radar may mean that safe speed is even slower due to the indication of other vessels on the scope. A. ① only. B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 能见度不良其间使用雷达导航,以下哪个陈述正确?①雷达可能不显示小船和冰山。②由于有其他船舶显示在屏幕上,雷达可能意味着安全航速会更小。

0050 Which of the following is (are) correct when posting a proper lookout on a vessel? ①It is the responsibility of the watch officer to instruct the lookout as to the procedures of notifying the bridge of a sighting. ②When a vessel is going astern, a lookout must be posted on the stern. A. ① only. B. ② only. C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②.


0051 Which of the following is (are) correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes? ①Normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane. When joining or leaving from the side you shall do so at as large an angle to the general direction of the traffic flows as practicable. ②A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes, but if obliged to do so shall cross as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow. A. ① only. B. ② only. C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 关于操纵在分道通航制水域附近的船舶,以下哪个陈述正确?①一般地,在通航分道的端口离开或进入航道。当自航道边上离开或进入航道时,应以尽可能与交通流的总流向成尽量大的角度进入。②船舶应尽可能避免穿越通航分道,但假如必须穿越时,应尽可能以垂直交通流的总流向成直角穿越。

0052 Which craft would be considered a power-driven vessel under the rules of the road? A. An auxiliary sail vessel, using her engine.

B. A canoe being propelled by a small outboard motor. C. A tug powered by a diesel engine. D. All of the above.


0053 Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other ______. A. Shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed. B. Shall not keep her course and speed C. Shall keep her course but change her speed.

D. Shall keep her course and speed.


0054 Where does the lookout man stand?

A. In positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal and the man can see clearly.

B. In positions in which the noises in the ship are much likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal.

C. In positions in which the hearing of a signal is reduced to a minimum.

D. In a position in which the man can see clearly


0055 When your vessel enters thick fog, she should ______ every 2 minutes in accordance with these Rules.

A. One short blast.

B. One prolonged blast. C. Two short blasts.

D. Three short blasts.


0056 When you doubt the existence of risk of collision, ______ A. Such risk shall be deemed to exist.

B. Such risk shall not deem to exist.

C. You needn’t take any action to avoid collision with any vessel. D. You should accelerate your speed ahead.


0057 When winds of force reach 10 ~ 11 in Beaufort scale, usually we call such winds as ______. A. Hurricane---飓风 12级以上

B. Breeze--- light breeze轻风2级 gentle breeze微风3级 moderate breeze和风4级 fresh breeze劲风5级 strong breeze强风6级

C. Storm---storm狂风10级 violent storm暴风11级

D. Gale---near gale疾风7级 gale大风 8级 strong gale 烈风9级 当风力达到蒲福风力等级10~11级时,通常我们叫这风为风暴。

0058 When visibility is restricted ______, we can say it is restricted visibility.

A. By long distance.

B. By the darkness night. C. By a vessel in front. D. By fog or falling snow.


0059 When underway in a channel, you should keep to the ______. A. Middle of the channel.

B. Starboard side of the channel. C. Port side of the channel.

D. Side of the channel that has widest turns. 当在航道中航行时,你应保持在航道的右侧。

0060 When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must ______. A. Abandon ship.

B. Assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collision.

C. Hold course and speed. D. Sound a distress signal.


0061 When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course so as to involve risk of collision, they shall be deemed to be in ______. A. Crossing situation. B. Head-on situation. C. Restricted visibility.

D. Overtaking situation.


0062 When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course ______ involve risk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard. A. As far as to. B. So as to. C. So that.

D. So far as.


0063 When two power-driven vessels are meeting head-on situation and there is a risk of collision, each shall ______. A. Stop her engines. B. Alter course to starboard. C. Sound the danger signal. D. Back down.


0064 When the changing of a VHF channel/frequency is accepted, say ______. A. I am going to change to VHF channel.

B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel. C. Changing to VHF channel.

D. VHF channel has been changed.


0065 When taking action to avoid collision, you should ______ A. Make sure the action is taken in enough time. B. Not make any large course changes

C. Not make any large speed changes. D. All of the above.


0066 When ship at anchor she shall be deemed to be ______. A. Not underway.

B. Not under command.

C. Restricted in her ability to maneuver. D. A non-displacement ship.


0067 When one of two vessels ______ is required to keep out of the way the other must keep her course and speed. A. In sight of another. B. Sights another.

C. Not in sight of the other. D. In sight of one another.


0068 When my ship arrived there, their ship ______. A. Has left already. B. Left already.

C. Had left already. D. Would left already.


0069 When it is accepted to remain on the frequency indicated, you should say ______. A. Standing by on VHF frequency. B. Coming to VHF frequency.

C. VHF frequency is the best place for you to stay by. D. Remaining in frequency and do not change.


0070 When in sight another vessel, any action taken to avoid collision must ______. A. Be accompanied by sound signals.

B. Not result in another close quarters situation. C. Include a speed change.

D. All of the above.


0071 When a wind blows round clockwise, it is ______. A. Variable. B. Changing. C. Backing.

D. Veering.


0072 When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead, by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelights, ______ shall be deemed to exist. A. Head-on situation. B. End-situation. C. Crossing situation.

D. Close-quarters situation.


0073 When a vessel navigates in an area with a small under keel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she ______.

A. Should not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught.

B. Should be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught.

C. Shall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. D. Should be regarded as a non-displacement vessel.


0074 When a vessel is aground, she is ______. A. Restricted in her ability to maneuver。 B. Not underway. C. Not under commands. D. Constrained be her draught. 当船舶搁浅时,则不在航。

0075 When a vessel ______, that vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking.

A. Is coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam. B. Is coming up with another vessel from a direction less than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam. C. Is leaving another vessel from direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam.

D. Is leaving another vessel from direction less than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam.


0076 When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the letter ______ must be hoisted. A. G. B. H. C. B.

D. N.


0077 When ______ clean ballast water from any vessel, an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval. A. Discharging. B. Recycling.

C. Loading. D. Taking in.


0078 What would not be a distress signal? A. Mayday sent by radiotelephone. B. Continuous sounding of foghorn.

C. Green star shells fired from a launcher. D. Square flag and ball in a vertical line.


0079 What would be a special circumstance under the rules? A. Vessel at anchor.

B. Two vessels meeting. C. Speed in fog.

D. More than two vessels crossing.


0080 What weather forecast can do is to give a statement of expected condition in ______. A. Every area. B. A certain area. C. Some areas.

D. Many areas.


0081 What type of engine _______ she? A. Have. B. Has. C. Is. D. Will.


0082 What speed can the ship make ______? A. At full speed of the propeller. B. At full load of the propeller.

C. At maximum horsepower of the propeller. D. At maximum revolution of the propeller.


0083 What is your ______ tropical storm warning information? A. Latest. B. Lately.

C. Last.

D. Nowadays.


0084 What is the position of the vessel ______ distress? A. On. B. At. C. In.

D. By.


0085 What is not a distress signal? A. Red flares or red rockets.

B. Continuous sounding of fog signaling apparatus. C. International Code Flags November and Charlie. D. Basket hanging in the rigging.


0086 What is a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver? A. A vessel not under commands. B. A vessel constrained by her draft. C. A vessel underway in fog.

D. A vessel towing unable to deviate from her course. 什么是操限船?船舶拖带无法偏离航向

0087 What draft has she _______ full load? A. On. B. Of. C. At.

D. With.


0088 What does the word breadth mean in the rules? A. Breadth on the uppermost continuous deck. B. Molded breadth. C. Greatest breadth.

D. Breadth at the load waterline. 规则中的船宽指什么?最大宽度

0089 What does the abbreviation VHF stand for? A. Vessel’s Hoisting Flag. B. Very High Safety.

C. Vessel’s Homing Frequency. D. Very High Frequency.


0090 What do you mean ______ this term? A. On.

B. By. C. For. D. With.


0091 We’re not ______ to waste any time. A. Wanted. B. Wanting. C. Want.

D. Be wanted.


0092 We’re not ______ agreement on that point. A. In. B. At. C. By.

D. With.


0093 We shall change course to starboard and _______ with the coming vessel. A. Pass starboard to starboard. B. Pass port to port.

C. A is right, B is wrong.

D. Neither A nor B is wrong.


0094 We prepare to work ______ 2 gangs at Hatch No.2 and No.3. A. In. B. By. C. For.

D. With.


0095 We have no steel wire. You had better _______ us one. A. Borrow. B. Lend. C. Take. 我们没有钢丝绳。你最好借给我们一根。

0096 We do things in accordance ______ facts. A. By. B. On. 我们做事根据事实。

0097 Visibility will not be reduced by ______. A. Fog. B. Mist. 能见度将不因云而被减小。

C. Snow.

D. Cloud.

C. To.

D. With.

D. Let.

0098 Visibility is ______ by rain and mist within the strait. A. Getting improved.

B. Becoming satisfied. C. Getting worse. D. Being poor.


0099 Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another when ______. A. The other vessel’s lights are seen at night.

B. The vessel’s fog signal is heard in reduced visibility. C. The other vessel is plotted on the maneuvering board. D. The other vessel is sighted on radar.


0100 Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another when ① one can be seen visually from the other. ② the other’s lights are seen at night. A. ① only. C. Both ① and ②.

B. ② only. D. Neither ① nor ②.


0101 Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when ______ from the other. A. Can be observed visually. B. Can be observed by radar.

C. Can be located on the radar. D. Can be heard.


0102 Vessels reporting their position should always quote their bearing _______ the mark. A. To. B. Against. C. From. D. On. 船舶报告他们的位置应总是引用自物标的方位。

0103 Vessel’s provisions refer to ______ of the vessel. A. Fuel oil.

B. Vegetable and food. C. Spare parts on board.

D. Ballast water.


0104 Vessels must ______ pilot at waiting anchorage. A. Wait. B. Wait for. C. Be waited.

D. Be waited for.


0105 Vessel underway means that a vessel is ______. A. On the way---在路上 B. At anchor.

C. Made fast to a terminal.

D. Moving against water.


0106 Vessel shall normally join or leave a traffic lane _______ of the lane. A. From right side. B. From left side.

C. At the termination. D. From either side.


0107 Vessel shall be deemed to be in sight of one another when one can ______. A. Be observed by radar from the other. B. Be observed visually from the other.

C. Be observed visually or by radar from the other. D. Communicate with the other through VHF.


0108 Vessel on fire is ______ position of 123’32’’N, 10’13’’E. A. On. B. In. 船舶着火在位置123’32’’N, 10’13’’E。

0109 Vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft is called ______. A. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. B. A vessel not under commands.

C. A vessel constrained by her draught.

C. At.

D. Of.

D. A vessel not under way.


0110 Vessel constrained by her draught is ______. A. A non-power driven vessel. B. A sailing vessel. C. A power driven vessel.

D. A power driven vessel or a non-power driven vessel. 限于吃水的船舶是一艘机动船。

0111 Underway vessels shall at all time maintain a proper lookout ______. A. By sight and hearing only.

B. By all available means besides sight and hearing. C. By all available means except sight and hearing.

D. By none of above means.


0112 Under which of the following circumstances would a steam-vessel indicate by whistle that her engines are going astern? ① On visually sighting another vessel. ② On hearing the fog signal of another vessel. A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 在以下什么情况下,汽船在主机倒车时将用气笛显示?①在视觉上看到另一船时。②听到另一船的雾号。

0113 Under the rules, the term vessel includes ______. A. Non-self-propeller raft.

B. Seaplane. C. Hovercraft.

D. All of the above.


0114 Under international rules ______.

A. All vessels must carry an after range light.

B. Vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range light. C. Vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lights.

D. Vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise. 在国际规则中,长度小于50米的船舶不需要后桅灯。

0115 Two short blasts of the whistle have all of the following meanings except _____. A. I intend to meet you starboard to starboard. B. I do not intend to hold course and speed. C. I intend to overtake you on your port side. D. I intend to alter my course to port.


0116 Traffic separation schemes may be ______ by the organization for the purpose of these rules. A. Adopted. B. Adapted. C. Adjusted.

D. Admitted.


0117 To determine if risk of collision exists, a vessel, which is fitted with radar, must use ______. A. Radar scanning. B. Radar plotting.

C. Compass bearings. D. All of the above.


0118 To ______ sanitary water from any vessel, an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval. A. Discharge. B. Recycle. C. Load.

D. Take in.


0119 Three vertical lights at the masthead of a tug indicate ______. A. More than one tows.

B. A tow in excess of 200 meters in length. C. A vessel aground. D. SOS.


0120 Three short blasts mean ______. A. I am altering my course to starboard. B. I am altering my course to port. C. I am operating astern propulsion. D. I am operating ahead propulsion. 三短声气笛表示我船正在倒转推进器。

0121 This is ______ where we shall anchor. A. The lights-house. B. The anchorage. C. The pilot station. D. The light-buoy. 我们应在这锚地抛锚。

0122 This is ______ where we shall anchor. A. The lights-house. B. The anchorage. C. The pilot station. D. The light-buoy. 我们应在这锚地抛锚。

0123 This is ______ ocean-going vessel. A. The. 这是一艘远洋船。

0124 These vessels are all sailing for Shanghai. A. Arriving. B. Bound. 这些船全部开往上海。

0125 There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse. A. Ample. B. Sufficient. C. Enormous. D. Incredible. 以灯塔为中心的周围区域没有足够的水深。

0126 There is a provision to depart from the rules, If necessary, to avoid ______. A. A close-quarters situation. B. An overtaking situation. C. Immediate danger. D. Any of the above.


0127 There is a possibility that small vessel; ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range. A. Reflect. B. Shown. C. Detected. D. Defected.


0128 There are some navigational instruments _______ the bridge. A. In. B. On. 有一些助航仪器在驾驶台上。

0129 The word vessel, in the rules, includes ______. A. Sailing ships.

B. Non-displacement craft. C. Seaplane.

D. All of the above.


C. At.

D. Of.

C. Loading.

D. Discharging.

B. A.

C. An.

D. Large.

0130 The word vessel, in the rules, includes ______.

A. A barge permanently affixed to the shore. B. Non-displacement craft.

C. A drilling unit attached to the outer continental shelf. (大陆架) D. All of the above.


0131 The word vessel includes every description of watercraft and seaplanes, used or capable ______ as a means of transportation on water. A. Of being used. B. To be used. C. To use.

D. Of using.


0132 The word “breadth of a vessel” in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.

A. The molded breadth. B. The registered breadth. C. The breadth amidships.

D. The maximum breadth.


0133 The weather was ______ in Dalian. A. Lovable. B. Lovely. C. Loving. D. Lovingly.


0134 The VTS has been designed to aid in ______. A. The prevention of collision. B. The promotion of the traffic flow. C. The complying of port regulation.

D. The development of navigational technique. VTS已经被用于帮助避免发生碰撞。

0135 The vessel on the same course wills ______ on your port side. A. Cross.

B. Overtake.

C. Catch up---赶上

D. Run down---驶过去


0136 The vessel arrived at this port ______ the morning of July 1st. See 0202

A. In. B. At. C. On. D. Till. 船舶到达本港是在七月一日早晨。(特定的某一天用on 某年某月用in)

0137 The vessel ______ there yesterday. A. Ground.

B. Grounded.

C. Grounding. 船舶昨天搁浅在那。

0138 The two ships will pass port ______ port. A. On. B. To. C. In. 两艘船将左对左通过。

D. Of. D. Has grounded.

0139 The term short blast means ______. A. A blast of about three seconds’ duration. B. A blast of about four seconds’ duration. C. A blast of about two seconds’ duration. D. A blast of about one seconds’ duration.


0140 The term-restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is restricted by ______. A. Fog, mist.

B. Fog, mist, falling snow

C. Fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms.

D. Fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms or any similar causes.


0141 The term-restricted visibility as used in the rules refers _______. A. Only to fog.

B. Only to visibility of less than one-half of a mile. C. To visibility where you cannot see shore.

D. To any condition where visibility is restricted.


0142 The term-prolonged blast refers to ______. A. A blast of from five to seven seconds’ duration. B. A blast of from five to six seconds’ duration. C. A blast of from four to six seconds’ duration.

D. A blast of from six to seven seconds’ duration.


0143 The term power-driven vessel means ______ in these rules. A. Any sailing vessel with propelling machinery. B. Any vessel propelled by machinery.

C. Any sailing vessel with or without machinery for propelling. D. Any sailing vessel with propelling machinery not in use. 规则中,术语机动船意思是任何用机器推进的船舶。

0144 The term moderate speed was previously interpreted as meaning a speed, which would enable a vessel ______ within half the range of visibility. A. Stopping. B. To stop.

C. To be stopped.

D. To be stopping.


0145 The term engaged in fishing includes ①All vessels fishing. ②vessels trawling. See 0037 A. ① only. B. ② only. C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②. 术语从事捕鱼的船舶包括①所有渔船。②拖网渔船。

0146 The term power-driven vessel means ______. A. Some vessel propelled by machinery

B. Any vessel propelled by machinery or under sail. C. Any vessel propelled by machinery. D. Some vessel propelled by machinery.


0147 The term length of a vessel in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.

A. The length between perpendiculars. B. The registered length. C. The length overall.

D. The length of water plane on summer draft. 1972年国际海上避碰规则中的船长是指总长。

0148 The ship’s bearing is 145 degrees ______ the lighthouse. A. In.

B. On.

C. For. 船的方位是自灯塔145度。

0149 The ship, which strikes any other vessel, is called the ______. A. Ship in the wrong. B. Responsible vessel.

C. Vessel to be responsible.

D. From.

D. Wrong ship.


0150 The ship should reduce speed in ______. A. The poor visibility. B. The good night. C. The fast speed.

D. The good sight.


0151 The ship must be trimmed to a slightly deeper draught ______ so that the vessel can be easily operated. A. At the bow.

B. On the port side.

C. On the starboard side. D. At the stern.


0152 The ship is now down ______ head. A. On.

B. By.

D. For.

C. In. 船舶现在艏倾。

0153 The ship is a moored ______ buoy. A. Of. C. Alongside. 船系在浮筒上。

B. On. D. To.

0154 The ship is going to get ______ wharf. A. On. C. From. 船舶正开去靠码头。

B. In. D. Alongside.

0155 The ship is equipped with DF. A. Discharging facilities. C. Log indicator. 船舶配备有无线电测向仪。

B. Direction finder. D. A kind of radar.

0156 The ship is bound ______ Japan. A. For.

B. By. D. To.

C. At. 船舶开往日本。

0157 The ship is ______ of these ships.

A. Larger. B. The large.

C. The largest. D. Largest. 这些船中最大的一艘。(形容词最高级前应加the)

0158 The ship has an overall length ______ 160 meters. A. On.

B. By. D. At.

C. Of. 船舶的总长有160米。

0159 The ship has a speed of more than 14 ______ at 120 ______. A. Miles/r.m.p. C. Knots/r.p.m. 在120转/分钟时船具有超过14节的速度。

B. Miles/r.p.m. D. Knots/r.m.p.

0160 The ship has ______ of more than 10 meters at full load. A. An engine. B. An overall length. C. A displacement. 满载时船舶具有超过10米的吃水。

0161 The ship arrived ______ the anchorage yesterday. A. At.

B. Into. D. For.

C. On. 船舶昨天到达锚地。

D. A draft.

0162 The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the rules when ______. A. There are no other vessels around. B. Operating in a narrow channel.

C. The master enters it in the ship’s log. D. Necessary to avoid immediate danger.


0163 The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the rules when ______. A. Operating in restricted visibility. B. Operating in a narrow channel.

C. Necessary to avoid immediate danger. D. The master enters it in the ship’s log.


0164 The rules require which factor to be taken into account when determining safe speed? A. The construction of the vessel. B. The experience of the vessel’s crew.

C. The location of vessels determined by radar. D. All of the above.


0165 The rule, conduct of vessels in restricted visibility, applies to ______ when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.

A. Power-driven vessels in sight of one another. B. Power-driven vessels not in sight of one another. C. Vessels not sight of one another.

D. Vessels in sight of one another.


0166 The rule regarding lookouts applies ______. A. In restricted visibility. B. Between dusk and dawn. C. In heavy traffic.

D. All of the above.


0167 The quays are connected ______ the railway system. A. For. B. To. C. With. 码头被连接到铁路系统中。

D. From.

0168 The quartermaster is ______ the wheel. A. At. C. On. 舵工在操舵。

B. In. D. For.

0169 The purpose of inboard screen on sidelights is to _______. A. Protect the lights from wind or sea damage.

B. Support the lights to prevent damage from vibration. C. Prevent the lights from being seen across the bow. D. Increase the visibility range of the lights. 舷灯内舷挡板的用途是防止灯光超过船艏。

0170 The port of sailing means ______. A. The port of destination---目的港 B. The port of call---挂靠港

C. The port of registry of a sailing vessel---船籍港 D. The port of departure---出发港 起程港意思是出发港。

0171 The pilot station is situated close W of the breakwater. A. To. B. Near. C. Distant. D. On.


0172 The pilot motor launches are ______ blue, with the pilot in white. (穿着方面用in) A. Furnished. B. Painted. C. Prepared. D. Written.

引航船被漆成兰色,引航员穿着白色. Be painted blue 被漆成兰色

0173 The pilot is on board, _______? A. Is it? C. Is he? 引水员在船上,不在吗?

0174 The officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times in ______ waters.

A. Congesting. B. Congested. C. Congestion. D. Congest. 值班驾驶员应使用雷达当适当的和一直在拥挤的水域。 在航海英语中常用复数形式以表示大片的水面,水体

0175 The officer of the watch should use radar _______ and at all times in congested waters. A. When appropriate.

B. When possible.

C. At regular intervals. D. Every 4 hours. 值班驾驶员应使用雷达当适当的和一直在拥挤的水域。

0176 The morning newspaper was ______ by the agent. A. Directed. C. Derived. 早晨的报纸已经由代理送到。

B. Discharged. D. Delivered.

B. Isn’t it? D. Isn’t he?

0177 The master shall be ______ the marine environment when taking collision-avoiding action. A. Aware of. B. Clear of. C. In charge of. D. Interested with. 船长应知道海上周围环境当他采取避碰行动时。

0178 The man ______ you saw yesterday is in the hold now. A. Who. B. Whom---Who 的宾格 C. What.

D. Whose---Who 的所有格


0179 The lookout must be able ______ full attention to the ______ of a proper lookout. A. To give/keep.

B. Giving/keeping.

C. Giving/keep. D. To give/keeping. 了望人员必须能够全神贯注以保持适合的了望。

0180 The lookout must be ______ give full attention to the keeping of a proper lookout. A. Able to. B. Capable of. C. Can. D. Possible of. 了望人员必须能够全神贯注以保持适合的了望。

0181 The lights required by the rules must be shown ______. A. From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility. B. At all times.

C. Only from sunset to sunrise.

D. Whenever a lookout is posted.


0182 The lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited _______. A. From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility. B. At all times.

C. From sunset to sunrise, and at no other time.

D. Whenever a lookout is posted.


0183 The length and breadth of vessel mean her ______. A. Length between perpendiculars and molded breadth。 B. Length between perpendiculars and greatest breadth. C. Length of overall and molded breadth. D. Length of overall and greatest breadth.


0184 The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 ______ while carrying out search and rescue operation. A. Apply fully. B. Apply half. C. Apply in part. D. Not apply. 1972年国际海上避碰规则全部适用于海上搜救作业。

0185 The International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 shall apply to ______ upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. A. Some vessels. B. All vessels.

C. All vessels except sailing vessels

D. All vessels not less than 20 meters in length.


0186 The harbor officer doesn’t agree, ______. A. Too. too用于单句的肯定 B. Also. also单句的否定

C. Either. Either用于连接肯定句子Neither用于连接否定句子 D. Likewise.


0187 The following ______ is a standard phrase. A. May I enter fairway? B. Should I enter fairway?

C. Could I enter fairway?

D. QUESTION. Is it permitted to enter fairway? 以下问题:她被允许进入航道吗?是标准用语。

0188 The following ______ is a standard phrase. A. I may enter fairway. B. I might enter fairway.

C. INTENTION. I will enter fairway. D. I will probably enter fairway.


0189 The fire and boat drills for a cargo ship should be ______ once a month under normal conditions. A. Made out.

B. Put up.

C. Taken out. D. Carried out. 在正常情况下,货船上的救生消防演习一个月应被完成一次。

0190 The expression stand-by engine means ______. A. To get the engine ready. B. To respond to the engine. C. To maneuver the engine D. To change the engine.


0191 The expression drop anchor means ______. A. Hold anchor. C. Let go anchor. 措辞落下锚意思是抛锚。

0192 The expenses shall be ______ by the ship. A. Born. C. Borne. 费用应由船方承担。

0193 The effectiveness of the action to avoid collision with another vessel shall be carefully checked ______.

A. Until the other vessel is detected by radar.

B. Bore. D. Bored.

B. Leave anchor. D. Weigh anchor.

B. Until the other vessel can be seen clearly.

C. Until the other vessel is finally past and clear. D. Until the other vessel’s position is fixed.


0194 The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally ______.

A. Past. B. Clear. C. Past or clear. D. Past and clear. 避免碰撞行动的有效性应被小心核对直到他船最后地驶过让清。

0195 The dunnage planks are ______ more enough. A. So. C. Far. 垫舱木板太多了。

More常用much, far修饰

B. Too. D. Very.

0196 The damaged derrick ______ now. A. Has repaired. C. Is being repaired. 损坏的吊杆现在正在被修理。

B. Is repaired. D. Will be repaired.

0197 The bearing of the mark or vessel concerned is the bearing in the 360 degrees notation from ______ (true north unless otherwise stated), except in the case of relative bearings. A. East. B. West. C. South. D. North.


0198 The anchorage is divided ______ 3 zones. A. About. C. With. 锚地被分为三个区域。

B. For. D. Into.

0199 The accident ______ caused damage to my hull. A. Have. B. Is. C. Will. 事故(已经)导致我船壳受损。 完成式

0200 That’s all ______ the time being. A. At.

B. In.

C. By. D. For.

暂时到此结束。 (By一般表示时间结束。For一般表示时间段)

D. Has.

0201 That ship is overtaking us. _______. A. Surpassing. C. Leaving. 那船在追越我。超过的。

0202 That ship arrived there ______ 6 p.m. yesterday. A. At.

B. In.

See 0136

B. Catching. D. Coming to

C. On. D. Of. 那船在昨天下午6点到达那里。(表示在某一时刻,用介词at)

0203 The ship anchored too close ______ my vessel. A. In. B. To. C. On. 抛锚船距我船太近。

D. At.

0204 That is a ______ boat built in Hong Kong. A. Ten-year-old. C. Ten-years old. 那是一艘香港建造十年船龄的船。

0205 Thank you for _______. A. An information. C. Your information. 谢谢你的信息。

0206 Thank you for ______ cooperation. A. You. C. Yours. 谢谢你的合作。

0207 Take tug’s towing line to ______. A. Captain. C. Capital. 将拖缆盘在绞盘上。

B. Capstan. D. Carpenter.

B. Your. D. Your’s.

B. The information. D. Your information’s.

B. Ten-years-old. D. Ten year old.

0208 Stop search and return to ______. A. Keel.

B. Virgin.

D. Base.

C. Origin. 停止搜救返回出发点。

0209 Steam vessels meeting so as to pass the clear starboard to starboard within 0.5 mile of each other shall ______.

A. Pass without making a whistle signal.

B. Blow two short blasts and pass starboard to starboard.

C. Each blow one short blast and alter course to pass port to port.

E. Each blow two short blasts and alter course to port.


0210 Sorry to have kept you ______ for a long time. A. Waiting.

B. Wait. D. To wait.

C. Waited. 很抱歉让你等了这么长的时间。

A. A distress message. B. An urgency message.

C. A safety message. D. A massage of SMCP.


0212 Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______. A. You can stop within your visibility range. B. The vessel is not subject to vibrations.

C. You are traveling slower than surrounding vessels.

D. You can take proper and effective action to avoid collision.


0213 Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______. A. You can stop within your visibility range.

B. You can take proper and effective action to avoid collision. C. You are traveling slower than surrounding vessels.

D. No wake comes from your vessel.


0214 Risk of collision is considered to exist if ______. A. Four vessels are nearby.

B. A vessel has a steady bearing at a constant range. C. There is any doubt that a risk of collision exists. D. A special circumstance situation is apparent.


0215 Risk of collision exists when an approaching vessel has a (n) ______. A. Generally steady bearing and decreasing range. B. Generally steady range and increasing bearing. C. Increasing range and bearing.

D. Decreasing bearing only.


0211 SECURITY is to be use to announce ______.

0216 Proper use shall be made ______ radar equipment if fitted and operational. A. Of. B. To. C. On. 应适当使用(组成的)雷达设备假如安装有并可用。

D. With.

0217 Prolonged blast means a blast ① of from four to six seconds in duration. ② to be sounded when changing course. A. ① only.

B. ② only.

C. Both ① and ②. D. Neither ① nor ②.


0218 Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except ______. A. In a crossing situation.

B. When they are making more speed then the power-driven vessel. C. When the sailing vessel is overtake. D. On the Inland Waters of the United States. 机动船必须给帆船让路除帆船在追越外。

0219 Please tell your captain that your anchor is ______. A. Moving. B. Dragging. C. Dredging. 请告诉你的船长你在走锚。(Dragging---走锚 Dredging---拖锚)

0220 Please standby ______ channel 12. A. In. B. On. 请待机在12频道。

0221 Please send the telegram _______ once. A. At. B. For. 请立即发电报。

C. In.

D. On.

C. At.

D. To.

D. Slipping.

0222 Please let me ______ a set of import manifests. A. To have. B. Have. 请给我(让我拥有)一组进口舱单。

C. Having.

D. To get.

Let somebody have something 使某人得到某物

0223 Please don’t ______ jokes. A. Do. B. Make. 请不要笑话我。

C. Open.

D. Play.

0224 Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me. A. For. B. With. 请收集所有的登陆证并返还它们给我。

C. To.

D. Of.

0225 Please ______ the signal flag. I require a tug. A. Hoist. B. Lift. C. Hold.

D. Carry.


0226 Please ______ me a spanner. A. Take. B. Fetch. 请拿给我一把扳手。

0227 Please ______ a quick decision on this matter. A. Get. B. Take. 请为这事尽快做决定。

0228 Place names used should be those ______. A. Specified by international authorities. B. Specified by national authorities. C. On standard map.

D. On the chart or sailing directions in use.


0229 Our vessel has been ______sea for three months. A. At. B. In. C. Under. 我们船已经在海上三个月了。

0230 Our ship will not sail today, what about ______ ashore? A. Go. B. To go. C. Going. 我们船今天不开航,上岸怎么样?

0231 Our ship will get alongside ______. A. On this evening. C. Today’s evening. 我们船将今晚靠泊。

0232 Our ship is slow in going astern, Please ______. A. Be careful. B. Be kind enough. C. Be nice. 我船在慢速倒车,请小心。

D. Be looked after.

B. This evening. D. In this evening.

D. To going.

C. Make.

D. Find.

C. Carry. D. Have.

D. For.

0233 Our ship is more than 150 meters in ______. A. Height. B. Breadth. 我们船的长度超过150米。

A. Pay attention to.

C. Depth.

D. Length.

0234 Our ship is ______ take additional cargo in three ports on the way home.

B. Planned to.

C. In order to. D. Have to. 我船(被)计划返航途中在三个港口补充货物。

0235 Our ship ______ at the anchorage the day before yesterday. A. Arrives. C. Arrived. 我船在前天抵达锚地。

0236 Our agent has probably already told you the news, ______? A. Isn’t he? B. Doesn’t he? C. Hasn’t he? 我们的代理大概早已把消息告诉你了,他没有吗?

A. Vessel on her port side that is crossing her course. B. Vessel that is overtaking her. C. Seaplane on the water. D. Sailing vessel.


0238 Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others? A. A vessel constrained by her draft.

B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. C. A vessel on pilot age duty.

D. A vessel engaged in fishing.


0239 Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others? A. A sailing vessel.

B. A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver. C. A vessel not under commands.

D. A vessel fishing.


0240 Nothing in these rules shall _______ any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any precaution, which may be required by the ordinary practice of seaman, or by the special circumstances of the case. A. Exonerate.

B. Exhaust.

D. Didn’t he?

B. Has arrived. D. Will arrived.

0237 On open waters, a power-driven vessel shall keep out of the way of a ______.

C. Exercise. D. Examine.


0241 Nothing in the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 interfere ______ the operation of special rules made by appropriate authority for special water areas. A. In. B. On. C. At. D. With.


0242 No assumptions ______ on the basis of scanty information, especially scanty radar


A. Should not be made. B. Are not to be taken. C. Should be taken. D. Shall be made.


0243 My ship will sail ______ time. A. At. B. On.

C. By.


0244 My ship will leave here ______ Hong Kong tomorrow. A. To. B. In.

C. For.


0245 My ship met ______ heavy weather in the Indian Ocean. A. Against. B. With.

C. For.


0246 My ship is going astern. A. Forward.

B. Inward.

C. Outward.


0247 My ship is bound for Shanghai, with dangerous cargo on board. A. Without. B. Loading. C. Discharging. 我船装载着危险货物开往上海。

0248 My ship ______ that port next month. A. Calls at. B. Has calls at.

C. Call at.

call at.


0249 My ship ______ here since July 24. A. Is. B. To be.

C. Has been. 我船自七月二十四日起就已经在这了。

0250 My position has been obtained ______ astronomical observation. A. With. B. From.

C. On.


0251 My drafts are 28 feet ______ and 29 feet aft. A. Fore. B. Advance. C. Before.


D. With.

D. During.

D. On.

D. Backward.

D. Carrying.

D. Will

D. Were.

D. By.

D. Beforehand.

0252 My captain is trying to ______ the pilot station before the ebb tide. A. Steam. B. Proceed. 我们船长正试图在退潮前到达引水站。

0253 My anchor is clear _______ the bottom. A. Away. 我的锚离开海底。

B. From.

C. Off.

D. Of.

C. Approach.

D. Reach.

0254 More exact assessment of visibility when ______ is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in vicinity.

A. Radar. B. Omega. C. Satellite navigator. D. DF. 对能见度(获得)更准确的估计当使用雷达确定周围的船舶或物标的距离时。

0255 Before your vessel gets alongside, every one must be ______ immediately. A. In station. B. Stationing. 在你船靠泊前,每一个人必须立即到位。

0256 Mooring lines both ______ were let go. A. For and aft. B. From and aft. aft.


0257 Midships refers to rudder to be held ______. A. In position to starboard. B. In position to port.

C. In position to anywhere. D. In position fore and aft.


0258 Mayday is to be used to announce ______. A. A distress message. B. An urgency message.

C. A safety message. D. A message SMCP.


0259 May I have a copy of the cargo plan? Certainly, here _______. A. Is it. B. Are you. C. They are. 能给我一份货物计划的复印件吗?当然,给你。

0260 Masters are ______ to make themselves well acquainted with these regulations. A. Binding. B. Bound. 船长有义务知道这些规定。

C. Bounded.

D. Bounding.

D. You are.

C. On station.

D. At station.

C. All and after. D. Fore and

0261 Let’s have a good rest before sailing, ______?

A. Don’t we. B. Shall we. C. Don’t you. D. Won’t us. 我们在开航前好好休息,是不是?(Let’s与shall we为固定搭配)

0262 Let ______ the real fact of the accident. A. I tell you. B. Me to tell you. 让我告诉你事故真相。

C. I to tell you.

D. Me tell you.

0263 Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______. A. Leeway.

B. Leeside.

C. Leeward.





0264 Keep the engine ______ good order and condition. A. For. B. At. 保持主机处于良好状态中。

C. Of.

D. In.

0265 Keep ______ to that point, said the pilot. A. Straight. B. Direct. 保持对着那点直走,引水员说。

C. Forward. D. On.

0266 Keep ______between the passing vessels. A. Well areas. B. Good clear. C. Water spaces. 在经过的船之间保持足够的水域。

D. Ample room.

0267 It’s requested that all ships are ______ the rules for preventing collision at sea. A. To conform to. B. To draw up. C. To comply with. D. To determine. 所有船舶被要求符合海上避碰规则。

0268 It’s not worthwhile ______. A. To argue. 不值得去争论。

B. Arguing.

C. Being argued.

D. For arguing.

0269 It’s all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______. A. To allow port authorities to board. B. Allowing port authorities to board. C. To allow port authorities boarding.

D. Allowing port authorities to be boarded. 在下风舷正确装上引水梯以让港口当局上船。

0270 It was reported in 1990 that 100 vessels _______ lost due to collision. A. Was. B. Are. C. Have been. 被报告在1990年有100艘船由于碰撞的损失。

D. Were.

0271 It was demanded that the injured crewmembers ______ at once. A. Was treated. B. Would be treated. treated.


0272 It is very kind ______ you to help us.

A. Of. B. For. C. To. 你非常友好的帮助。(Kind of连接人物。 Kind for接物)

A. To conform to. B. To draw up. 要求船员遵守港口规定。

D. At.

C. Being treated.



0273 It is requested that the ship’s personal are ______ the port regulations.

C. To comply with.

D. To be applicable to.

0274 It has often been stressed in the courts that the lookout man should, preferably, be stationed forward, unless weather conditions make this ______. A. Possible. B. Practicable. C. Impossible. D. Probably. 除非天气原因不可能这样做,否则了望人员应更适宜被安排在船首。这点在法院中经常被强调。

0275 It has nothing to do ______ you. A. To. 这与你无关。

B. For.

C. With.

D. Against.

0276 Is the pilot ladder all right at this ______? A. High. B. Highly. 引水梯放在这位置(高度上)可以吗?

0277 Is it safe ______ a rocket? A. To shoot. B. To fire. 这样点燃火箭安全吗?

C. Height. D. Height.

C. To let go. D. To send to sky.

0278 International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972, shall apply to ______ upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith-navigable seagoing vessels. A. All power-driven vessels. B. All vessels.

C. All ocean-going vessels.

D. All non-displacement vessels.


0279 Inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side defines ______. A. Tip. B. Capsize. 船舶向左或向右倾斜定义为横倾。

C. List.

D. Trim.

0280 In view of ______ bilge water from any vessel, an application shall be made to harbor authorities for approval. A. Discharging. B. Recycling. C. Loading. 鉴于任何船舶污水的排放,应向港口机构申请并获批准。

0281 In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be ______ enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship. A. Too low to. B. Too high to. C. Too high for.

D. Too low for. 在能见度受限水域,没有可操作雷达的船舶速度可能被降得太低以至于影响到在看到他船而采取避碰的措施。

0282 In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including ______.

A. Long-range scanning. B. Radar plotting.

C. Equipment systematic observation of detected object.

D. All A, B and C.


0283 In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including ______. A. Long-range scanning. B. Radar plotting.

C. Equipment systematic observation. D. A, B and C are all right.


0284 In order to maintain a safe speed at all times, any necessary alterations of speed must ______.

A. Be instantly put on.

B. Be instantly put into use. C. Be instantly put into effect.

D. Be put immediately.


0285 In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be ______. A. Underway.

B. Using gear, which extends more than 50 meters outboard. C. Using a seine of some type.

D. Taking in.

D. Using gear, which restricts her manoeuvrability. 为了使船舶符合从事捕鱼船(的条件),她必须使用使其操纵性受到限制的渔具。

0286 In international waters a fishing vessel shows sidelights when ① underway. ② making way.

A. ① only. C. Both ① and ②.

B. ② only. D. Neither ① nor ②.


0287 In determining safe speed, all of the following must be taken into account except the ______. A. Maximum horsepower of your vessel. B. Presence of background lights at night.

C. Draft of your vessel.

D. Manoeuvrability of your vessel.


0288 In determining if risk of collision exists, if there is any doubt, such risk shall be deemed to ______. A. Exist. B. Exists. C. Existing. D. To be existed. 在确定是否存在碰撞危险时,假如有任何怀疑,应认为存在这样的危险。

0289 In determining if risk of collision exists the following consideration shall be among ______. A. These taken into calculation. B. Those taking into account. C. That taken into account.

D. Those taken into account.


0290 In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account. A. The characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment.

B. Any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use.

C. The effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of interference. D. The safe working load of the cranes both on board and shore.


0291 In determining a safe speed ______ shall not be among those taken into account. A. The presence of the background light at night. B. The state of wind, sea and current. C. The number of crew on board.

D. The draught in relation to the available depth of water.


0292 In determining a safe speed ______ shall not be among those taken into account. A. The state of visibility.

B. The power of the vessel.

C. The traffic density.

D. The manoeuvrability of the vessel.


0293 In dense fog a vessel without operational radar may not be justified ______ at all but should anchor if it is safe and practicable for her to do so. A. To be underway.

B. On under way condition. C. To stop engine.

D. In being under way.


Be justified in doing something 有理由做某事(被证明做什么事是正当的)

0294 In complying with the rules, of what must the mariner take due regard? A. Limited backing power of his vessel. B. Radar information about nearby vessels. C. The occupation of the other vessel, if known.

D. All of the above. 在遵守规则的时候,航海者必须适当的注意些什么?船舶倒车功率的限制,附近船舶的雷达信息,他船的类型(所从事的事情)假如知道

0295 In a weather report GMT stands for ______. A. Greenwich Mean Time. B. General Mean Time. C. Government.

D. General Management Treaty.


0296 In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal. This means that ______. A. The vessels to be overtaken shall sound appropriate signal first. B. The overtaking vessel shall sound appropriate signal first. C. The overtaking vessel shall take action to permit safe passing.

D. The vessel to be overtaken shall take action to permit safe passing before hearing appropriate signal.


0297 In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally ______. A. Take action to cross ahead of the other vessel B. Take action to pass astern of the other vessel.

C. Maintain course and speed.

D. Change course and increase speed.


0298 In a crossing situation, vessel fishing must keep out of the way of a vessel, which is ______. A. Under sail. B. Towing.

C. Restricted in her ability to maneuver. D. Engaged in pilot age duty.


0299 In a crossing situation, a stand-on vessel which is forced to take action in order to avoid collision with a vessel on her own port side shall, if possible, avoid ______. A. Turning to port. B. Turning to starboard. C. Decreasing speed.

D. Increasing speed 在交叉局面中,被强制要求为了避免与在其左舷的船舶发生碰撞而采取行动的直航船如可能应避免向左转向。

0300 If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of ______ may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation. A. Speed and course. B. Speed alone. C. Course alone. D. Speed or course. 假如有足够的水域,仅凭转向可能是避免紧迫局面的最有效的措施。

0301 If the circumstances of the case admit, any vessel ______ in a narrow channel. A. Shall have the liberty to anchor. B. Shall avoid anchoring.

C. Shall moor to a buoy when necessary.

D. Shall keep anchoring.


0302 If the circumstances admit, ______ of small alteration of course and speed shall not be taken to avoid collision. A. Depression. B. Oppression. C. Succession. D. Possession. 假如情况允许,连续的少量变化航向和航速不应被采取用于避免碰撞。

0303 If obliged to cross traffic lanes, a vessel shall do so on a heading as nearly as practicable ______ to the general direction of traffic flow. A. At small angle. B. At large angle. C. At right angle.

D. In same direction as.


0304 If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision, she shall not, if possible, ______. A. Decrease speed. B. Increase speed.

C. Turn to port for a vessel on her own port side.

D. Turn to starboard on her own port side.


0305 If it ______ fine tomorrow, we shall start loading. A. To be. B. Is. C. Will be. 假如明天晴天,我们应开始装货。 从句中用现在时,主句中用将来时

D. Has been.

0306 If a vessel of special construction cannot fully comply with the rules, her degree of compliance shall be determined by ______. A. IMO.

B. The owners of the vessel. C. The government.

D. The builder.


0307 If a vessel is engaged in fishing according to the definitions in the rules, it will have ______. A. Gear extending from the side or stern. B. Gear that restricts manoeuvrability. C. Less than 50 percent trolling lines.

D. None of the above.


0308 If a seaplane is not used as a means of transportation on water but is capable of being used so, it shall ______.

A. Be regarded as a vessel not under command. B. Be regarded as a vessel underway.

C. To regarded as a vessel.

D. Be regarded as a sailing vessel.


0309 I’d like to apply ______ its extension. A. To. B. With. 我想申请它的延期。

C. On.

D. For.

0310 Ice situation expected to ______ in your position. A. Deteriorate. B. Bad. C. Heavy.

D. Serous.


0311 I’m sorry ______ my temper. A. To have missed. B. To have omitted. dropped.


0312 I’d like to know something about the cargo condition at the loading port ______ detail. A. At. B. By. C. In. D. On. 我想知道一些关于货物在装货港的详细情况。

0313 I’d like to know ______ your maximum speed is. A. How many. B. How much. 我想知道你船的最大速度是多少。

C. About.

D. What.

C. To have lost. D. To have

0314 I saw the cargo surveyor ______ the cargo on deck just a minute ago. A. Examine. B. To examine. C. Being examined, 刚刚一分钟前我看见货物检验员在甲板检查货物。

0315 I regret ______ the trouble I have caused you. A. To. B. At. 我为给你带来麻烦感到抱歉。

C. For.

D. On.

D. Examining.

0316 I read you with signal strength ______. A. Barely perceptible. C. Barely perceptibly. 我仅能听到一点你的信号。

B. Bare perceptible. D. Bare perceptibly.

0317 I read you ______. A. Good. B. Gooder. 我听到你的信号很好。

C. Goodly. D. Goodest.

0318 I read you ______ signal strength 5. A. In. B. On. 我听到你的信号强度为5。

0319 I know nothing ______ about it. A. Whatever. B. Whichever. 关于它,我无论什么都不知道。

C. With. D. By.

C. Whoever. D. Whomever.

0320 I immediately telephone the engine room to tell ______ was happening to the C/E. A. It. B. This. 我立即把所发生的事情告诉轮机长。

C. What.

D. That.

0321 I haven’t seen the harbor officer ______. A. Yet. B. Still. 我还没见到港口官员。(现在完成时)

C. Already.

D. Just now.

0322 I have to be responsible ______ my ship owner. A. Against. B. For. 我必须对我的船东负责。

C. To.

D. With.

0323 I have been ______ that we are to shift from the wharf to buoy No. 12 and No. 13. A. Noted. B. Noticed. C. Notificated. 我已被通知从码头移泊到第12号和第13号浮筒。(被动语态完成式)

0324 I have ______ with unknown vessel. A. Collision. B. Collided. 我和一不知名的船发生了碰撞。

0325 I have ______ to tell you. A. Particular nothing. B. Particular something. C. Something particular. D. Anything particular. 我有特别的事情告诉你。

Something, anything, nothing 等词的定语必定后置

0326 I have ______ damage below water line. A. Small. B. Little. 我船水线下有较小的损坏。

0327 I have ______ damage below water line. A. Large. B. Big. 我船水线下有较大的损坏。

0328 I have ______ below water line. A. The leaked. B. Leaked. 我船水线下有泄漏。

C. Leaking.

D. Leak.

C. Important.

D. Major.

C. Colliding.

D. Collide.

D. Notified.

C. Unimportant. D. Minor.

0329 I found the bosun sitting in his chair, crying ______. A. Strongly. B. Heavily. C. Bitterly. 我发现水手长正坐在椅子上,沉痛地哭泣。

0330 I expect to ______ when tide rises. A. Aground. B. Refloat. 我预计涨潮时脱浅。

D. Deeply.

C. Stranded. D. Hit the rock.

0331 I don’t swim now, but I _____ when I was a kid. A. Used to it. B. Used to. C. Used to doing it.

D. Used to do.


0332 I don’t know ______. A. When will our ship sail. C. When our ship will sail. 我不知道我们船什么时候开航。

0333 I did find a lot of damaged cargo ______ respect to the inward cargo. A. On. B. By. C. For. D. With. 关于进口货我找到许多的破损货物。

0334 I cannot take any actions to avoid close quarters situation with you, because your navigation lights ______. A. Is not visible.

B. Are not invisible.

C. Are not visible.

D. Can easily

B. Will when our ship sail. D. Will our ship when sail.

be seen.


0335 I am ready ______ your message. A. To receive. B. Receiving. 我准备好接受你的信息。

0336 I am proceeding ______ reduced speed. A. At. B. With. 我船正前进在减速(准备停车)状态。

0337 I am not ______ command. A. In. B. On. 我船失控。

C. Under.

D. At.

C. On.

D. Within.

C. Received. D. Receive.

0338 I am ______ fire and have dangerous cargo on board. A. On. B. In. 我船失火并船上有危险货物。

0339 I am ______ attack of pirates. A. On. B. In. 我船在海盗袭击下。

0340 How many life buoys has your ship been exactly ______? A. Produced by. B. Met with. C. Offered of. 你船被确切地配备了有多少个救生圈?

0341 How many life-buoys ______ on board with self-igniting light? A. There exist. B. There is. C. There are. 船上有多少配有自亮灯浮的救生圈?

D. Are there.

D. Provided with.

C. At.

D. Under.

C. At.

D. With.

0342 Heave up both anchors. A. Drag. B. Dredge. 起双锚。

0343 He never works on the bridge, ______ he? A. Doesn’t. B. Does. 他从未在驾驶台工作,有吗?

0344 He has come ______ this morning. A. Already. B. Since 8 a.m. 他今天早上8点就来了。

0345 He has been a captain _______ 1990. A. After. B. Since. 他自1990年就做了船长。

C. Before.

D. For.

C. Yet.

D. But.

C. Has.

D. Hasn’t.

C. Weigh.

D. Lie.

0346 Get everything ready ________ sailing. A. On. B. Ahead of. 在开航前一切准备就绪。

C. Prior to. D. In front of.

0347 Get everything ready _______ mooring. A. Of. B. On. C. To. D. For. 系泊的一切准备就绪。 Ready to 后接动词 Ready for 后接名词或动名词 均表示准备作??

0348 Gale warning are usually issued when winds of ______ 8~9 are expected. A. Wind speed. B. Air force. C. Wind velocity. force.


0349 Four years ______ my ship called at this port. A. Ago. B. From. 四年以前我船曾挂靠过本港。

C. After.

D. Before.

D. Beaufort

0350 Forward station, single up forward ______ headline and spring. A. In. B. On. 船艏,用首缆和首倒缆单绑。

C. To.

D. By.

0351 For the purpose of ______ tank or hold washings from any vessel; an application shall be made to harbor authorities for approval.

A. Discharging. B. Recycling. C. Loading. C. Taking in. 任何船舶对于液舱或货舱清洗水的排放,应申请港口机关并获得批准。

0352 For a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision she shall, if possible, not ______. A. Decrease speed. B. Increase speed.

C. Turn to port for a vessel on her port side.

D. Turn to starboard for a vessel on her port side.


0353 Fire is under control, and ______. A. Lifeboat is no longer needed. B. Lifeboat is needed badly. C. Lifeboat is needed not more. D. Lifeboat is urgently needed. 火灾受到控制,救生艇不再需要。

0354 Finally, when your ship is alongside, don’t forget ______. A. Having rat guards properly mounted on your moorings.

B. To have rat guards properly mounted on your mooring. C. To have rat guards properly mounting at your mooring. D. Having rat guards proper mounted on your mooring.


Forget to do something 忘记做某事 Forget having done something 忘记了曾做过某事

0355 Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, ______ action to keep well clear. A. Take earlier and substantial. B. Take early and substantial. C. Take early and large.

D. Be to take earliest and substantial.


0356 Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, ______ action to keep well clear. A. Be taking earlier and definitive. B. Take earliest and substantial.

C. Take early and substantial. D. Be to take early and large.


0357 Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine ______. A. If risk of collision exist. B. If exist risk of collision. C. If exists risk of collision. D. If risk of collision exists.

