
更新时间:2024-06-02 05:48:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




but, choice, color, direct, fly, high, important, instead, it, many, quick, slow One day, a father and his son went to a kite flying festival. When they arrived, there were already many adults and their children playing in the park. When the son saw the sky filled with 1 kites in different shapes, he was excited and wanted to get one too. His father agreed to buy one for him. So they went to a kite shop and 2 a beautiful one.

With the string(线)in hand, the son started 3 the kite. Soon, the kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, \it?” The father didn’t reply, but just cut the string off the reel(线轴). Suddenly, the kite began to go 4 , which made the son

much happier.

However, to his surprise, the kite was coming down. They waited for quite some time. 5 , it fell onto the grass. The son felt upset and asked, \that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?”

The father smiled and said, “The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher, 6 helping it stay in the sky, because the kite 7 can' t fly up. By using the string you help the kite go up in the right 8 . When you cut the string, it could not support the kite. In our life, we may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us_ 9 . We can really grow up and become stronger by realizing the 10 of these things. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 2017

come, different, excite, go, good, live, loud, low, mean, nature, time, west

An old saying goes, \(罗马), do as the Romans do.\ 1 of this when I studied in Russia. One day I invited some of my Chinese friends to a famous local restaurant in Moscow. My guests and I were 2 from visiting Red Square and happy about our meeting. We had a warm chat until the waiter told me that we were being too loud. We turned our voices 3 . But this didn’t last long. The waiter came over to us two more 4 with the same message. How bad an impression(印象)we must have left on the local people! In China, it’s 5 and important for a host to make a 6 atmosphere(气氛).

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