外研版高中英语2004版必修 四 module 1 life in the future 词汇强化练习

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Module 1 Life in the Future


1.p______________ n. a statement made about the future

2.a______________ adj. being one of the things from which only one can be chosen

3.o______________ n. a patient who does not reside in the hospital where he is being treated

4.r______________ n. a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on

5.s______________ adj. of, relating to, or determined by the sun.

6.u______________ adj. in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.

7.l______________ n. a place to dispose waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil

8.d______________ adv. without doubt (used for emphasis), certainly, surely

9.c______________ n. a country or area under the political control of another country

10.c______________ n. a person who has committed a crime.

11.d______________ n. a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities

12.r______________ n. activity done for enjoyment

13.o______________ adj. hopeful and confident about the future.

14.e______________ adv. in the end, finally, at last

15.r______________ v. depend on with full trust or confidence.


1.We have the ___________(可替换的)alternative plans of having a picnic or taking a boat trip.

2.Most people have come to accept the need for conservation of natural ___________(资源).

3.It was necessary for him to show that he was under a ___________(残疾) on and from the date of the


4.Built of reinforced cement ___________(混凝土), the house is fireproof.

5.It was the Greeks who ___________(塑造) the thinking of Western man.

6.Without reliable data, ___________(预言) has no foundation.

7.It is virtually impossible ___________(预言) the future accurately.

8.This country used to be a British ___________(殖民地) in Asia.

9.One of the advantages of ___________(城市的) life is the opportunity of finding employment.

10.You see, he works partly ___________(在户外) and partly indoors and has quite a bit of walking to do.

11.In other words, we had better take sufficient ___________(娱乐) to relax after work.

12.We planned to build an ___________(联机的) database.

13.The prices in this ___________(目录) are subject to change without notice.

14.It is possible for us to imagine a society in which no one committed ___________(罪行).

15.Novels have always been a rich source of ___________(材料) for the film industry.

16.With his guidance, the village took a ___________(冒险的) experiment.

17.___________(太阳的) power may provide a more economic solution.

18.We must protect the environment on which we human beings ___________(依赖) for existence.

19.We must use mechanical hoisting ___________(装载) the goods.



20. A similar survey carried out in 1999 showed the average cost of disposing of a ton of waste to

___________(垃圾填埋场) was approximately £60.

21.Mr Ashcroft said 352 people ___________(被捕) in the investigation.

22.The officer ___________(命令) his men to fire.

23.The army is under the king's direct ___________(命令).

24.For a year she has refused to pay the £8 a week ___________(费用) for the service, claiming she does not

need or want it.

25.___________(提供动力) your camera you will need some rechargeable batteries.

26.I'll help as much as I can, but there is a ___________(限度) to what I can do.

27.Please don't ___________(轻弹) ash on the carpet!

28.I wish to turn on the light, where is the ___________(开关)?

29.He is a plastic ___________(外科) specialist.

30.I will go to see a doctor at the ___________(门诊病人) department.

31.His ___________(诊所) is near the newly-built railway station.

32.Individuals differ in the weight they ___________(认为有) to various aspects of a job.

33.Previous estimates of whale numbers may be wildly ___________(乐观的).

34.I shall ___________(肯定地) be at the airport to meet you.

35.He looked pretty sick at that, but he ___________(终于) agreed.


1.If I may refer back to the problem we discussed, I think we shall stress on the ___________(conserve) of our

natural resources.

2. He would not have succeeded in such a _______(risk) business if he had not been such a clever entrepreneur.

3. He ___________(arrest) on a charge of armed robbery.

4. For a year she has refused to pay the £8 a week charge for the service, _______(claim) she does not need or want


5. In 1994, the then prime minister Tomiichi Murayama apologized personally to all Asian peoples for Japan's

________ (colony) rule and wartime actions.

6. Three people ___________(arrest) but released without charge.

7. None of the ___________(crime) escaped the punishment of law.

8. We need somebody ___________(resource) to deal with them.

9. ___________(alternative), you may telephone us direct if you wish.

10. As long as you are still alive, you will ___________(definite) encounter the good things in life.

11. She couldn't risk anyone ___________(see) it and spreading new rumors.

12. She is a well-trained ___________(surgery). Don’t put her in the office. We should use her where she is most needed.

13. The road is dirty and ___________(mud). It’s hard to set foot in it.

14. There is no doubt that he is a ___________(rely) person.

15. The children were scared into silence by the new teacher's ___________(command) presence.

16. By the middle of this century, more people __________(live) in cities than in the countryside.

17. Ten years from now, people ___________(wear) smart clothes.

18. People will buy house kits__________(contain) a basic house structure,with moveable walls,doors and


19. In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length increases steadily


