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金戈铁骑 整理制作

Unit 2 After school 教学内容 Story time 课型 新授 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today,go and…,come and …,a football match; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday, Saturday; 教学目标 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;He/She has…;We don’t have…;What day is it today?及回答It’s…;What a pity!;All right; 4.初步感知第三人称单数形式has的用法 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday, Saturday; 教学重点 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;He/She has…;We don’t 难 点 have…;What day is it today?及回答It’s…;What a pity!;All right; 3.初步感知第三人称单数形式has的用法 教学资源 多媒体课件、录音机 教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello,Miss Zhang. 2.Rhyme time----Subjects 导 入 3.Play a game----Fast response(快速反应,举一反三) (1)快速出现单词: (2)快速出示词组 金戈铁骑整理制作


Step 2 Pensentation 1.教授单词:Monday 教授句型:What day is it? It’s… T(指着课表):We have so many interesting subjetcs.Look, what day is it? 出示句型板书,并且教读:What day is it? S:It’s Monday. 出示单词板书,并且教读 T:We can write this word by this way too. Learning tips:出示Monday缩写MON MON=Monday What lessons do you have? 提示学生lessons课 S:We/I have… T:Do you have…? 导 学 S:Yes,we/I do. No, we/I don’t. 2.Story time (1)引出课题Unit 2 After school T:You know more about our timetable.Today, let’s continue to discuss it.Let’s learn unit 2. 引出课题Unit 2 After school,并且板书以及教读 教读after 出示afternoon-after 在……之后 after school 放学后 (2)Watch and answer(3)Read and match. 自读课文,并且连线 Mike have a swimming lesson Su Hai have a football match on Wednesday. Su Yang have a swimming lesson Step 3 Consolidation Retell a.Fill in the blanks 应用评价 It’s Wednesday today.Liu Tao would like to play table tennis.But Mike has a football match.Su Hai and Su Yang have a swimming lesson.They don’t have any lessons on Saturday.So(所以)they will go and 金戈铁骑整理制作


教后记 play table tennis on Saturday. b.Read it together Step 5 Homework a.Copy the phrases after school, go and play table tennis, what day have a football match … b.翻译句子 1.放学后我去打篮球。 2.她有许多的好书。 3.我们在星期六没有课。

Unit 2 After school 教学内容 Vocabulary & Fun time 课型 新授 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Sunday,Tuesday, Thursday,Friday 2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday, Saturday; 教学目标 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;He/She has…;What day is it today?及回答It’s…; 4. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… 5.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Sunday,Tuesday, 教学重点 Thursday,Friday 难 点 2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… 卡片,PPT 教学资源 金戈铁骑整理制作


教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. 导 入 S:Hello,Miss Zhang. 2.Say rhymes and read Story time (1)Let’s learn (2)Subjects Step 2 Pensentation 1.教授What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… T:Good.On different days, we have some different lessons. 出示单词lesson-lessons 课(强调课程,某一节课) T:Now,let’s continue to look at the timetable. What day is it today?(指着星期一) S:It’s Monday. T:What lessons do you have? S:I have… Work in pairs.(Wednesday) 出示范例: A:What day is it today? 导 学 B:It’s… A:What lessons do you have? B:I have… 2.教授单词Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday Play a game:根据课猜星期几 先猜星期一和星期三的课,接着讨论星期二的课 T:We have…What day is it? S:It’s… 教授Tuesday,并且板书(同法教授Thursday和Friday) Tuesday = TUE Thursday = THUR Friday = FRI T:We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and… S:Sunday. 教授Sunday, 并且板书 sun 太阳-日 Sunday 星期日-SUN T:Let’s read them together 金戈铁骑整理制作


教师领读单词,或者学生领读,加深学生对单词的记忆。 3.Fun time----Play a game T:Look, here’s a big turntable.Let’s play the game now. 示范: T:What day is it today? S:It’s Monday. T:What lessons do you have? I have Chinese and Maths. T:You did a good job.Let’s enjoy a song now. The song’s name is Days of the week. (1)欣赏歌曲,让学生掌握基本曲调 (2)个别歌词教学:That makes a week. (3)集体唱,小组唱 (4)Show time (这首歌曲里也有第三人称单数形式:makes) Step 3 Consolidation and practice 1.归纳曾经出现的第三人称单数形式 looks,makes… 2.练习与测试 应用评价 注意听力题的完成,笔试题目要求学生独立完成,个别难题在学生做完后进行讲解 作业设计: Copy the new words and phrases. 教后记

Unit 2 After school 教学内容 Cartoon time & Rhyme time 金戈铁骑整理制作

课型 新授


1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 教学目标 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you…?及回答I…at… 4.熟练会唱歌曲:Dauys of the week 5.能明白Cartoon time的幽默之处 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 教学重点 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 难 点 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you…?及回答I…at… 教学资源 磁带、录音机。 教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello,Miss Zhang. 2.Free talk 导 入 T:What subjects do you have? S:We have… T:What subjects do you like? S:I like…I can…It’s interesting. Step 2 Presentation Happy time 出示一个大转盘,让学生选择数字。每个数字后面都有相应的任务,完成的好久能得到奖励卡。 1.Say a rhyme:Let’s learn We learn Maths,one two three. … 2.Say a rhyme:Subjects 导 学 Music,Mucic, they like Music. … 3.Sing a song:Days of the week 注意曲调,和makes的发音,让学生注意“s” 4.Reading time:Story time 根据不同的难度(读、演、背)作出不同的奖励 T:Who can read it? 小组角色扮演 a.Read after the tape 金戈铁骑整理制作


注意语音语调的纠正 b.Read together c.Act it. Step 3 Consolidation and practice Show time 角色扮演 根据图片说出句子 T:You are Su Yang now.You can describe it by this way. 出示句型:I… at…,并且板书 at+时间 在……点 Work in pairs 应用评价 A:What day is it today? B:It’s… A:When do you…every day? B:I…at… A:What lessons do you have on…? B:I have… A:What subjects do you like? B:I like… I can…It’s interesting. 作业设计: 完成练习册。 Unit 2 After school 教学内容 Sound time, Checkout time, Ticking time 课型 新授 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读本单元的三会单词及词组 2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的四会单词及词组 教学目标 3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读的三会句型句型 4.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ ?/ 5.完成补充习题以及相应练习 教学重点 1.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ ?/ 难 点 2.完成补充习题以及相应练习 教学资源 磁带、录音机 金戈铁骑整理制作


教 学 过 程 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello,Miss Zhang. 2.Free talk and work in pairs A:What day is it today? B:It’s… 导 入 A:When do you…every day? B:I…at… A:What lessons do you have on…? B:I have… A:What subjects do you like? B:I like… I can…It’s interesting. Step 2 Presentation 1.Sound time 获得知识宝库的通关密语:完成提示,获得通关密语 提示:把单词补充完整 bag cap hamburger sanwich snack / ?/让学生说出字母a的发音 归纳之前学过的Aa发成/ ?/的单词 cat that…大声读出句子: Dad,Dad,where’s the cat? Where’s my cap and where’s my bag? 导 学 注意语音语调,培养学生语感 2.Revision (1)Story time (2)Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 Checkout time----Listen and tick 让学生先说出图片所表达的动词词组 让学生说出缩写字母所代表的意思 ----What day is it? ----It’s… 二次备课 金戈铁骑整理制作


Step 3 Consolidation and practice 1.Ticking time 自我评价 2.补充习题听力部分 应用评价 作业设计: 1.Listen and read Sound time. 2.Find more words and write down. 3.Review Unit 2. 教后记

教学内容 Practice & Revision 课型 复习

Unit 2 After school

教学目标 进一步复习巩固本单元知识点,通过练习查漏补缺. 教学重点 对知识点的拓展与运用。 难 点 教学资源 磁带、录音机 教 学 过 程 二次备课 金戈铁骑整理制作


Step 1 Revision 1.Review the words。 导 入 2..Review the patterns。 Step2 Exercise Finish off the workbook(练习册、补充习题) 导 学 Step3 Dictation Dictate the new words and sentences in Unit2 应用评价 Step4 Test 作业设计: 完成《练习与测试》。 教后记


