academic study is more important than practice in college(大学理论学习比实践更重要)
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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, members of this house, dear educators and Mr.speaker. As the first debater of my team, I am very glad to stand here to put across our opinion on this argument. And as the first spokesman in this debating competition, I have the obligation to give you some definitions first. So here they go.
Our topic is academic study and practice, which one is more important? So in the first place, what is academic study?
Academic study means you study something that is taught to develop your mind. It informs you of the mechanism and tells you how the things are working. It tends to be a bit more theoretical. Practice is your actual doing of something. You are applying what you have learnt such as knowledge and theory to some real work. For example, you are majoring in mechanical engineering, so academic study for you in college means you learn some knowledge that helps build up your professional mechanical theory system. However this kind of learning not only concentrates on the very mechanical field but also some related subjects such as math, physics, or even philosophy. The whole things you have learnt help you build up your comprehensive system. Practice is to apply what you have learnt to some more real work. For instance you actually use your mechanical knowledge to design a machine. And also we have a limitation here. It’s all in college. College is one place you come to get higher education. It’s the place where you can conduct the systemic learning and establish your academic foundation, which is very important for your future developing. And attention please ladies and gentlemen, here I am not saying practice is not important. Of course in college, you are supposed to conduct some necessary practice, but you should pay more attention to academic study, because academic study is more
important than practice in college.
My argument is based on the following three points.
Firstly, there are many excellent scientists in the file of science. They have made great achievement in a certain field such as physics, chemistry, math, and so on. But these famous scientists are not concentrating on merely one field. They have a great range in their knowledge. We all know Albert Einstein one of the world most famous scientists, who have greatly achieved in physics, have proposed the theory of relativity. But he is not only a physics scientist, he is more than a Mathematicians and a Philosopher.
So we can see from that, to make a difference, or secure a decent living in the future, you are supposed to build a comprehensive knowledge system especially academic knowledge. Academic knowledge gives you’re a summary of problems, gives you a profound understanding of the problem, helps you develop your minds, strengthen your thinking, and these are the purpose of the college education, this is the requirement of the society. So when you come across with a real challenge, knowing the mechanism, you can easily find the crux of it. For example, a machine broke down. if you are a mechanical engineering, and you are very well qualified inner, not only can you can you solve the immediate problem, but also you may give a overall improvement to the whole machine to promote the efficiency. Because you are academic educated, you fully understand the whole thing. Standing in front of you is not only lots of screws or metal, it’s the product of a theory. So the academic helps you easily understand it. So we can see the importance of academic study.
Secondly as for college, it is the last station before you step into society. And during
your senior high school, middle school, or primary school even kindergarten, seldom did you have a chance to conduct a systemic professional learning. And it’s the college. Maybe for you it’s the last time to have so much time to do this job, because when you are actually working in a company, you can’t have enough time to do so. And considering the lack of the academic knowledge, you will come across a career bottleneck. It’s not good enough for your self-developing.
Thirdly in our Liaoning Technical University, 所以它包含了academic study and practice,但是更重要的是academic study。 这也是为什么大学四年中,有三年甚至三年半的时间你是在进行知识性的学习,最多有一年的时间去参加专业实习。因为我们大学要培养出的人才是well qualified inner 而不是单单只“知其然而不知其所以然”,这也是college education 和 training school 根本不同的地方所在。倘使你更加地倾向于职业技术性质的训练的话,那么why you are here in this college to attend so many course related or unrelated to your major? Why not you go to a training school or a vocational school? And if you think practice in college is more important than your academic study, why not we pull down this Liaoning technical university and build a factory here so that everyday you can go to your “classroom” and conduct your practice? We are not, and we are never going to do this. It’s ridiculous. We are organizing a school, a college. We are educating people, we are not just producing someone who can fit the requirement of society for the time being. We are doing something that you can greatly benefit in the long run.
Based on the three arguments, we are so proud to propose this argument.
academic study is more important than practice in college(大学理论学习比实践更重要)10-01
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