牛津英语9AUnit 6 Detective stories语法知识点总结及练习(附答案)

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一. 教学内容:

9A Unit 6 Grammar

Unit 6 Detective stories(B)

二. 教学目标:

1. 直接引语和间接引语的基本概念 2. 间接引语中的难点


(一) 间接引语中常用动词辨析 1. take / bring

用 “bring” and “take” 填空:

1). When you go to the party, don’t forget to__________ the wine with you.

2). Look at the cloud. It’s going to rain. You’d better_______ an umbrella with you when you go to work. 3). _____________ the empty box away and _________ me a full one. 4). __________________ this present to your uncle’s house.

5). Don’t forget to ___________________ some CDs when come to visit us on Sunday. 2. listen(to)/ hear

When we listen carefully, we can hear something. 用 “hear” and “listen (to)” 填空:

1). I_________________ a strange noise in the midnight yesterday.

2). He was ______________________ to the radio when I came into the room.

3). I _____________ and ____________ , but I could ______________ nothing at all. 4). Can you _______________ the telephone ringing?

5). ________________ to that noise. It sounds like someone is moving further. 6). It was so noisy that I couldn’t ___________________ the report. 3. look/ see /watch

用 “look”, “see” and “watch”填空:

1). ___________________! There are so many people there. What’s happening ?

2). Would you please ___________________the blackboard instead of reading your book?

3).They went to _________________the birds in the forest once a week and make some notes about it. 4). He _______________the paper for a while ,but________________ nothing on it . 5). __________________ at that dog. It’s so fat. 6). I can’t ________________ the dog. Where is it ?

7). If you ____________________ the program tonight, you will see your favorite singer. 4. come / go

用come and go填空:

1). When will your mother ________________ back from Beijing ? 2). My father will ____________ to Shanghai for business next week.

3). There are so many cars and buses _________________and ______________ on the road. 4). Do you want to _______________ to my house ? We can watch TV together. 5). Sorry, I can’t. I have to _______________ to see my uncle in hospital.

(二)直接引语和间接引语的基本概念: 直接引述别人的原话,叫 ____________;

用自己的话把别人的话陈述出来,叫 _________。 直接引语通常都用____________括起来,

间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个 _______________。 直接引语:

She said, “I like singing. ”

She said, “I am waiting for a bus.” She said, “I visited Europe last year.”

She said, “I have never met an American.” She said, “I will see you next week.” 间接引语:

She said she liked singing.

She said she was waiting for a bus.

She said she had visited Europe the year before. She said she had never met an American. She said she would see me the next week.

(三)间接引语 Reported Speech


1. 直接引语转换成间接引语时应注意几个变化: 1) 不再有逗号,引号 2) 要考虑人称的变化 3) 要考虑时态的变化

4) 要考虑时间状语、地点状语以及指示代词的变化 She said, “I have worked here since 2002. ” She said that she had worked there since 2002 Mum said, “I will be back tomorrow.”

Mum said that she would be back the next day. 2. 难点概括: A .人称的变化

主语为第一人称时,转变为间接引语后,人称要做相应的调整。例如: She said, “I am tired.” She said that she was tired. The headmaster said to us,“ You must study hard now.” The headmaster told us that we had to study hard then。 She said to me ,“They want to help you .” She told me that they wanted to help me . 由直接引语变为间接引语,代词的人称转换可用“一主,二宾,三不变”来概括. B.时态的变化:

1. 主句谓语是现在时,从句的时态不变 He often says, “ China is great.” He often says that China is great. He asks, “Is Tom an Englishman?”

He asks if/whether Tom is an Englishman.

2. 主句谓语是过去时,从句的时态要相应地降一级 一般现在时(do/does)———一般过去时(did)

一般将来时 (will do) ——— 过去将来时(would do)

现在进行时(is/are doing) ——过去进行时(was /were doing) 现在完成时(have/has done)——过去完成时(had done) 一般过去时(did)———过去完成时(had done) I have received the letter. Tom said. Tom said that he had received the letter.

3. 直接引语改为间接引语时时态不变的情况

(1) 当表示的是客观事实或真理的时候,时态不变。


The teacher told us , “The sun rises in the east.” The teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.

(2) 强调的动作或状态现在仍然存在, 时态不变。 Yesterday Jack said to me, “My cousin is still alive.” Yesterday Jack told me that his cousin is still alive.

(3)当直接引语中有绝对具体的过去时间作状语时,间接引语中保持原来的一般过去时。 He said, “ I joined the army in 1934.” He said he joined the army in 1934. C.句子类型的变化

1. 被引用的句子是陈述句, 只需要在句子前面加that ,在口语中及非正式用语中常常省略,如: Dad said to me, “I enjoy cartoons very much.” Dad told me (that) he enjoys cartoons very much.

2. 如果被引用的句子是一般疑问句,否定疑问句,反意疑问句,选择疑问句,这个时候要用if / whether 引导从句。如:

He asked, “Do you like Chinese tea?”

He asked me if/ whether I liked Chinese tea. She said, “Don’t you know his name?” She asked whether/if I knew his name .

“ You are reading, aren’t you?” he said to me. He asked me whether I was reading or not. whether/ if 之异同:

(1) 强调两方面的选择,特别是句中有or not时。如: Let me know whether you can come or not. (2) 宾语从句前置时。如: Whether this is true, I can’t say.

(3) 引导主语、表语、同位语从句时。如:

Whether the football game will be played depends on the weather. (主语从句) The question is whether he can do it. (表语从句)

The question whether we should go with them must be decided at once. (同位语从句) (4) 在介词之后作介词的宾语时。如:

I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll go back home. (5) 在不定式前与不定式一起组成词组时。如: Whether to go or stay is still a question.

(6) 在discuss, decide 等动词后作宾语时。如: We discussed whether we should go there by plane. if引导条件状语从句,是“假如;如果”之意,

whether引导让步状语从句,是“不管;无论” 之意。 If you ask him, he will help you.

I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.

3. 当被引用的句子是特殊疑问句时, 要把特殊疑问句改为以特殊疑问词开头, 并且用陈述句语序,如: Lily asked me, “Who is that man?” Lily asked me who that man was.

Tina wondered, “How long have they stayed in Japan?” Tina wondered how long they had stayed in Japan.

4. 当被引用的句子是祈使句时,改为间接引语时要把祈使句中的动作用动词不定式to do的形式表示,而主句中的动词根据句子意思可以用ask, want , tell , order等表示,如:

Tommy said to Linda, “Go to close the door.” Tommy asked Linda to go to close the door.

The man said to the children, “Don’t play with fire.” The man told / ordered the children not to play with fire. 句子类型变化表格:

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从 句 的 句 式 连接词 陈 述 句 that 一般疑问句 if/whether 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 祈使句 (肯定句) to+动词原形 祈使句 (否定句) not to+ 动词原形

D. 指示代词,地点状语,动词的变化 直接引语 间接引语 指示代词 this that these those 地点状语 here there 动 词 come go bring take “I will come here tomorrow ,”he said . He said that he would go there the next day . E .时间状语的变化

直接引语 间接引语 now then today that day tonight that night this week/year/term that week/year/term three days ago three days before yesterday evening the evening before last week the week before yesterday the day before the day before yesterday two days before tomorrow the next day tomorrow morning the next morning the day after tomorrow two days later/after next week/month/year the next week/month/year



1. Jones said, “I will visit Australia next year.”

Jones said _______________ ___________ __________Australia the next year. 2. Shirley asked Mary, “Are you from America?”

Shirley asked Mary ____________ _____________ ____________from America. 3. He said to me ,“What are you doing over here?”

He asked me ____________ ____________ _____________doing over___________. 4. I asked her, “How long have you had this new bicycle?”

I asked her how long ____________ ___________ ____________ this new bicycle.


5. “I like apples”, he said.

He said that _______ ___________apples.

【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟) 一、用间接引语完成下列句子

*1. “I am doing some important work,” Mr Smith said. Mr Smith said ____________ some important work. **2. “Who are you looking for?” Tom asked Sandy. Tom asked Sandy ______________________ .

*3. “Do you want me to help you with your English?” asked he. He asked _________________ help me with ___ English.

4. “I want to know if you can learn it by yourselves,” the teacher said.

The teacher said _____________ to know if we ___________ it by _________. 5. “Do you know the answer?” our teacher asked. Our teacher asked_______________ the answer. *6. Millie asked, “Where is my book?” Millie asked where ______________. 7. She said, “I’m doing my homework. ”

She said that______ _______ doing __________homework. *8. “I have received the letter,” said Tom.

Tom said that _________ __________received the letter. 9. “I don’t see the cat,” he said.

He said that _____ _________see the cat. 10. “I will be late for school,” said Kate.

Kate said that _______ ___________ ________late for school. 11. George said , “I like maths very much.”

George said that _____ ______ maths very much. *12. Lucy said , “ I’ll come here tomorrow .”

Lucy said that ______________________________. 13. Peter said , “ I can answer this question.”

Peter said (that) ______________________________. 14. They said , “ We are cleaning the classroom.” They said ______________________________. 15. Tom said , “ I will go to the park tomorrow.” Tom said ______________________________.

16. Tony said to the teacher , “ I’m sorry I haven’t brought my maths exercises-book.” Tom told the teacher ______________________________. 17. The teacher asked , “ How did you repair it?”

The teacher asked ______________________________. **18. Mother said , “ Wash your hands before meals.” Mother told ______________________________.

**19. He said to Dr. Bethune , “Don’t go on operating any more.” He told Dr. Bethune ______________________________.

**20. The policeman said to the children , “ Don’t play in the street.” The policeman told the children ______________________________.

* 二、将下列间接引语转换成直接引语:

1. Betty asked me if I had been at home the day before. Betty asked me,“___ ___ at home ___?” 2. She said that she had been back for a week. She said,“___ ___ ___ for a week.”

3. Mr. Smith said that John had told him all about it three weeks before. Mr. Smith said,“John ___ ___ all about it three weeks ___.”

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