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√ □简易多媒体教学环境 □交互式多媒体教学环境 □网络多媒体教学环境果是?)200 字

□移动学习 □其他


1、主要使用的技术: PPT、AudioPal 、Tagul 文本云图定制、Screedbot、Voki 平台和 wikispaces 平台。 2、Warming up 环节,借助 PPT, 展示 Tagul 文本云图,鼓励学生仔细观察,自然引出本节课的词汇及句型。新授环 节,利用 AudioPal 、Screedbot、Voki 平台和 wikispaces 平台导入一个谈论旅游经历的情景,建构问题支架。在巩 固拓展运用环节,利用 PPT 课件,结合所学,分组介绍五个地方的旅游资源。

六、教学流程设计(可加行) 教学环节 (如:导入、讲授、复习、训练、 实验、研讨、探究、评价、建构) 教师活动 学生活动 信息技术支持(资源、方法、手 段等)

1. Greetings 2.Interest stimulation T:OK, children, let’ s enjoy a picture. What’ s the picture about? Warming-up T:Today we’ll talk about travel. Do you like travelling? Ss: Yes. Look picture l”. at the and 借助 PPT, 展示 Tagul 文本云图, 鼓励学生仔细观察,自然引出本 节课的词汇及句型。

answer ”



Ste p1 T:Now, Let’s listen and

Watch dialogue


answer my questions. T:Who can answer my question? Q1:What has Lingling got?

fragment animation demo S: Lingling has got photos. some 多媒体整体播放课文第一部分 are 场景并用 Screedbot 英文滚动 打印显示工具和 AudioPal 录制 工具,呈现问题。

Q2: What are they talking about?

S:They photos.

talking about

Step2 T:Boys and girls, where did Lingling go? T: Very good. Look here, Lingling is in Xinjiang . This is Lingling’s photo. (Learn the word: photo.) Now she is in Xinjiang . T: Look, this is a photo of Hainan.Where is Hainan? T: Wonderful! Now, please read the text and fill the blanks. Lingling’s Hainan children. Lingling’s cousins ____Beijing in June last year. They are __ people. Who can fill the blanks? ____lives his in Answer questions. 利用 Voki 平台和 wikispaces 平 台构建课文第二部分的场景,为 学生提供词汇学习的情景支架。 the with three S: It’s in the south China. of S:Lingling went Xinjiang. to


Look and say 1. Last year, she went to Look answer questions. at the and the 运用 PPT 整体呈现 Listen and say 部分场景 ________and _________________. Practice 2. Last year, he went to _________and _________________. 3. Last year, he went to _________and _________________. Introduction places. Weifang Wall Fair) Make a survey. Where did you go last year? Did you Where go is it? When did you go there? with…? Who did you go with? What did you do there? 用多媒体出示 homework, 描述 Describe your own trip My Travel I went to ___last year . I Homework went there in ____. It’s in the ____of China . I went there with my ____.I went there by ____.It was ___. 自己的一次旅行,用 E-mail 发 送给老师。 Work in in the groups and fill questionnaire about five 将全班学生划分为五个学习小 组,用多媒体课件出示几个地点 的图 片 , 每 个小组任选三个 图 片,根据提示完成一个小语篇, 锻炼学生运用语言的能力。 pictures

( Qingdao , Fuhua Park ,

Mountain Tai, the Great Shouguang , Vegetable Shouguang Consolidation and Extension


七、教学特色(如为个性化教学所做的调整,为自主学习所做的支持、对学生能力的培养的设计,教与学方式的创新 等)200 字左右 在 Warming-up 环节, 运用多媒体技术,利用 Tagul 文本云图, 激发学生兴趣。 进入 Presentation 环节, 借助 AudioPal、 Voki 平台和 Screedbot 英文滚动打印显示工具, 让学生通过大屏幕观看活动内容并在教师引导下模仿, 节省教师的讲 解与示范时间,提高学生动作准确性和学习效率。在 Consolidation and Extension 环节,用多媒体课件出示几个地 点图片, 每个小组任选三个图片,根据提示完成一个小语篇,锻炼学生自主学习、合作学习和运用语言的能力。

