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4. 英译汉

1.On christmas eve,excited children hang

up stocking at the foot of their beds ,they believe that santa sluas would put gifts into their stockings.Many people like to spend christmas quietly at home. 在圣诞节前夕,孩子们兴奋的把长筒袜挂在他们的床脚上,他们认为圣诞老人会把礼物放在娃子里。这天,也很多人喜欢在家安静的过圣诞节。 2.The Britsh Isles consits of two large

islands. One is called Ireland and the other Britian. Britain is the larger of the two islands, and it is divided into theree parts.


3.Hobbies also ofter interesting activites

for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor,old or young, sticks or well, can follow a satisfying hobby.


4.The word “okay” is kown and usee by

million of people all over the world. Still, languwge experts do not agree on where it came from.


5.At first, they took the bicycles up the

mountains in trucks. Then one keen cyclist, carry fisher, put extra gears on his bike. He began using it to ride uphill as well as downhill.

起初,人们是用卡车将自行车运到山上,后来,一个叫加尔费歇尔的狂热自行车迷,在他的自行车上安装上附加的齿轮,这样他可以骑着自行车上山又下山。 6.At last, both men crossed safely. The

crowd sighed with relief- and so did poor Mr.Colcord!


7.Now, mountain bikes have wide,heavy

tyres and straight handlebars. They are also built on smaller, stronger frames than other bikes. On rough and bumpy ground, they are the best choice for riders.

现在,山地自行车有着宽有厚的轮胎以及笔直的车把手,且其车架要比其他自行车小巧,坚固。在崎岖颠簸的地面上,山地自行车是棋手们最好的选择。 8.In parts of the Middle East, several

years may pass between rainstorms. There is thus a severe shortage of water, so desalination plants have to be used to make fresh water from see water. 在中东的一些地方,两场暴风雨之间要间隔多年,这样变出现了严重的缺水,所以人们必须使用水净化器将海水净化成淡水。

9.The United Kingdom is that part of the

Britsh Isles ruled ocer by the Queen. It consists of Scotland, Wales and England , and also about one-sixth of Ireland, the northern part.


还有爱尔兰北部大约六分之一的地方。 10.Easter Monday used to be the day on

which the ladies would parade in the parks, wearing new dresses and hats. Although this custom is dving out, the tradition still provides Iadies.


5. 汉译英

1.他五十多岁,不是吗? He is in his fifites, isn’t he? 2.我可能大约十点三十去看牙医。

I’ll probably go to the dentist’s around 10:30. 3.你明天什么时候到达?

What time are you going to arrive tomorrow morning? 4.依我看,她也有个非常好的想法。

In my opinion, she also has a marvollous idea. 5.在下个拐角向右转,然后笔直向前走。

Turn right at next corner, then go straight forward. 6.你的发烧消退,但你还会头疼。

Your fever is gone, but you still have a headache. 7.我的表哥还是单身,但是我的外甥已


My counsin is still a bachelor, but my nephew has been engaged for 3 months. 8.但从不在星期天工作。 but never worked on Sunday. 6. 对话

以下每组中包含两个不同的句子,两个句子意思想近选A,不一致选B 1.A dog is bigger than a mouse,but smaller than an elephant A 2.Jane is English but Jenny isnt,Shes American A 3.He is the oldest man is the world B 4.You cant come without a ticket B 5.Andrea is looking after the children A 6.They only have one car for the family B 7.What does Momica like? B 8.He hopes to go home,but he may go to work. B 9.I want you to clean the car when you come back B 10.She used to smoke cigarettes B 选择题

11.Kates house A two bderom 12.I dont agree with you ,in C

13.Christmas is cdlebrated in differentways, But the spirit is C 14.Will you C tell him the time for the movies. 15.You look C today

16.Will you C tell him the for the movies 17.This is my laptop,and that is A 18.What C is it ?

19.I would rather have some beer,if you do not A 20. I have to go now because somebody C

Waiting for me over there. 在每一句中找出一处错误

21.At that time,people were very busy making a living to have any hobbies 22.Blondin asked his manager to climb on his back 23.He was also partially deaf because the old age 24.Easter Monday is generally regarded as a unofficial celebration for the spring.

25.As an au pair,she will has to pay a fee, about25 pounds 阅读并做出一个最佳选择

26.Now,language experts still dont agree on B 27.Where did the Chocktaw tribe used to live? A 28.C languages have given many words to

29.When the tribes leaders and chief discussed,they cat B 30.About how many states does U.S.A. most probably have according to the text. C 为每个表达式做出最佳搭配

1.How do you do ?Pleased C. to meet you 2.Its very kind H. of you to invite me. 3.How long have you A. been here in the 4.Excuse D. me.Can I change this toy dog 5.I Keep on E. joogging every morning 6.May J. I help you ,sir ? 7.Well done,Peter! G. Congratulations! 8.Well done ,Peter! B. coming with me ? 9.Many happy returns I. of the day 10.Are you interested F. in playing musical

11.I dont agree C.with you 12.The stop is just around .H. the corner 13.Just go straight A. till you reach acrossro 14.Its ten I. to five 15.You look F. prety tonight 16.The food is E. so delicious 17.What J. about Saturday? 18.Whats the date B. today? 19.Could you do me. G. a favor 20.Its the fourth. D. of April 2.在每个空格中填入一个单词

1.England is the largest, most populous,for to ,and 2.Look! What a nice, and it , at, to, enjoyourselves

3.Adam is a visitor to Shanghai.Today, he likes to visit the newly off, the, an, on 4.The favorite place to buyhamburgers is, a, is, more, of 5.It is very important to sleep, he will, to, up, in 6.Robert Edward was blindde, ago, was, to by 7.One year has four seasons. each, a, and, about 3.在每个句子中填入一个单词,使其完整

1.As soon as I got to office, I began to work.

2 .My friend spent his early childhood in the small town. There have been many changes

3. I asked her if she knew anyone in Tokyo.

4. Jean is working in the kitchen, and her children are sleeping in the bedroom 5. Nancy and James are hungry, but nobody gave them any food. 6. I am on the bus, and I will arrive at the 7.What is your office address? Do you live

8. I go to office by metro every morning. How do you go to work? 9.The littel boy is wet, for he has stayed in

10.You also have a car! Sams is black,and what about yours? 11 .Some of our pets are quiet, and a are 12.Next week ,I will buy a new mobile 13.You like to read that interesting ,don’t 14.John will arrive in the afternoon. when

15.I beg your pardon

16.Eddy goes to school on foot But how 17.The littel dog didn’t need any food it had

