大学英语4单选题库 北京工商大学

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Multiple choices

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Unit 1

1. He pushed open the door and left Catherine ____________ to complain about her misery.

A. preceded

B. proceeded

C. processed

D. propelled

Key: B

2. Furthermore, many pensioners who are struggling ____________ do not qualify for income


A. emotionally

B. physically

C. financially

D. spiritually

Key: C

3. As in any mathematics teaching, clever use of questions can ____________ people along.

A. pull

B. extend

C. punch

D. nudge

Key: D

4. The sister said that her brother ____________ the psychiatrist after feeling depressed,

homesick and lonely.

A. consulted

B. highlighted

C. sympathized

D. proceeded

Key: A

5. The first priority is to ____________ a good reference book to identify the pest and choose

the most effective control.

A. concede

B. concise

C. consent

D. consult

Key: D

6. It is therefore orientated towards the young and is not intended to provide adults with

channels of communication with the police for joint ____________.

A. concession

B. conciseness

C. consumption

D. consultation

Key: D

7. The investment will provide the hotel with some of the most ____________ and up-to-date

training and presentation facilities in North Yorkshire.

A. tricky

B. comprehensive

C. upcoming

D. detached

Key: B

8. Picking the select few to make the ____________ from a successful playing career in football

to television reporting has become a minor entertainment in itself.

A. show

B. display

C. illustration

D. transition

Key: D

9. My injuries have not yet completely ____________ from the last fight with bully McNab —

only three weeks previously.

A. cured

B. treated

C. healed

D. diagnosed

Key: C

10. Despite strong objections, Mr De Silva said the government would ____________ with plans

to increase the number of seats in the Legislative Assembly.

A. precede

B. programme

C. proceed

D. process

Key: C

11. From a personal point of view, the best interviews are the ones which become conversations,

which ____________ on an equal basis, that are informal but still retain some kind of shape.

A. conduct

B. precede

C. develop

D. proceed

Key: D

12. This broadcast was immediately ____________ by a report where predictions were already

showing that the Conservatives were very likely to gain an overall majority.

A. proceeded

B. described

C. preceded

D. followed

Key: C

13. Then life ____________: when the children at least are independent, aging or ill parents and

other relatives need their attention.

A. comes full circle

B. takes a hard line

C. strikes the right note

D. exceeds their expectations

Key: A

14. The House of Lords shows every sign of adopting a hard ____________ against trade unions

when interpreting the new legislation.

A. pose

B. attitude

C. line

D. policy

Key: C

15. It is a bizarre tale, and Cobb makes it memorable by striking just the right ____________ of

horror, amusement and disbelief.

A. note

B. tune

C. tone

D. band

Key: A

16. Once you have added up the figures in the budget planner, you will have to ____________

income tax to arrive at the net spending amount available to you.

A. divide

B. deduct

C. multiply

D. add

Key: B

17. Crisis ____________ are to help the borrowers pay for things needed urgently because of an

emergency or a disaster.

B. investments

C. repayments

D. loans

Key: D

18. For a formal theme, neat-growing trees such as the green pines can be planted at

____________ intervals along a brick path to create a little avenue.

A. average

B. regular

C. ordinary

D. medium

Key: B

19. Students eligible for a mandatory award from a grant awarding authority should bring a

____________ of their offer of award letter to hand in at enrollment.

A. certificate

B. passport

C. licence

D. photocopy

Key: D

20. The almost wordless scene in which Ma Joad, packing her ____________ for the last time,

comes across a pair of old earrings and tries them on, recalling some long forgotten happiness, is as touching as anything he ever directed.

A. loans

B. belongings

C. photocopies

D. antidotes

Key: B

21. Fignon said in a statement that he had asked for a second test at a different laboratory but his

request had been ____________.

A. turned down

B. turned up

C. looked on

D. looked up

Key: A

22. Initially the administration would be asked to ____________ about $325 million per year for

Landsat and weather information.

A. turn up

B. cheer up

C. fork out

Key: C

23. I wouldn’t ____________ a university that would be cut off from the society.

A. highlight

B. sympathize

C. harmonize

D. advocate

Key: D

24. This was pretty clearly an attempt to ____________ the Americans towards saying yes to an

aid programme for the Soviet Union.

A. repay

B. redirect

C. nudge

D. advocate

Key: C

25. This is a ____________ and thoroughly investigated article and is probably the first extended

account of situationist film in English.

A. tricky

B. detached

C. comprehensive

D. demanding

Key: C

26. The Association has recently purchased a large, ____________ house in a residential area of

Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.

A. detached

B. transitional

C. testing

D. dead-end

Key: A

27. The main market for Japan’s semiconductor makers — the American computer industry —

has been sinking deeper into ____________ since August 1990.

A. slump

B. boom

C. prosperity

D. hassle

Key: A

28. When they were talking about work of this type, policemen stressed the importance of

remaining ____________ and emotionally cold.

A. chilling

B. sympathetic

C. tricky

D. detached

Key: D

29. With a shoe ____________ in each hand, he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones

that might have saved him from disaster.

A. detached

B. nudged

C. clutched

D. reverted

Key: C

30. The objective of World Health Day is to raise global awareness of a specific health theme to

____________ a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization.

A. advocate

B. emphasize

C. highlight

D. stress

Key: C

31. This is the kind of work which requires an emotional coldness but which can on occasions be

so ____________ that detachment is difficult to maintain.

A. tricky

B. testing

C. pushy

D. demanding

Key: D

32. The ____________ of the anniversary ceremonies was the visit of the Queen to bestow the

Royal Charter.

A. transition

B. slump

C. highlight

D. evaluation

Key: C

33. According to my granny, the ___________ are that it will rain today.

A. plans

B. odds

C. opportunities

D. results

Key: B

34. He didn’t tell us about his coming, he just showed up ____________ one day.

A. at this rate

B. in the same boat

C. by all means

D. out of the blue

Key: D

35. Though the house is satisfactory, its price ____________ our budget.

A. excels

B. exceeds

C. expects

D. expels

Key: B

36. The ____________ of the gardens is an impressive Baroque fish pond that most definitely

should be seen, even if there is occasionally just a little too much rubbish in the water.

A. highlight

B. inland

C. photocopy

D. stress

Key: A

37. They would ____________ certain characteristics of human beings, such as emotions or the

capacity to make moral choices, as characteristics that they wish to value above all others.

A. advocate

B. consult

C. harmonize

D. highlight

Key: D

38. As soon as they stopped farming, the land ____________ to wilderness.

A. recovered

B. retreated

C. restored

D. reverted

Key: D

39. The company went through a lot of troubles in 2008. The CEO Schmidt expected that to be a

____________ year for the company.

A. traditional

B. transcontinental

C. transitional

D. transnational

Key: C

40. Although she lives in Brazil, Ms Bueno remains active in tennis through ____________

personal appearances in several countries.

A. ordinary

B. average

C. regular

D. medium

Unit 2

1. On my first day at work I was ______ with the task of chairing a meeting.

A. met B. tackled C. confronted D. encountered

Key: C

2. Death, for us, is the sorry end of the human story, not the ______ prelude to a new one.

A. mystery B. mysterious C. mythology D. mythological

Key: B

3. What is truly ______ about the story is the result of the fall, and the divine purpose behind it.

A. disconcerting B. embarrassing C. puzzled D. disapproving

Key: A

4. There is also a games room with table tennis, pool and video games and ______ some sort of activity or entertainment goes on.

A. normally B. actually C. formerly D. typically

Key: A

5. He becomes absorbed with the search for answers, not from an ______ curiosity, but out of a deeply felt need to find out why people live.

A. ideal B. absolute C. isolated D. idle

Key: D

6. The measures we have taken to ______ the crisis are starting to work.

A. deal B. challenge C. tackle D. oppose

Key: C

7. The packing must be strong enough to ______ rough handling.

A. withstand B. resist C. repel D. ensure

Key: A

8. Up the garden path, there is no house, but a ______ of a majestic lake.

A. vision B. prospect C. image D. vista

Key: D

9. Venice ______ each visitor as soon as their arriving.

A. attracted B. enchanted C. charmed D. captivated

Key: B

10. The Sherman Act was amended in 1982 to ______ trade or commerce with foreign nations.

A. expel B. remove C. exclude D. eliminate

Key: C

11. He was off to have a good time in where Lydia used to live, and this would ______ envy in her.

A. deduce B. reduce C. introduce D. induce

Key: D

12. He was held overnight in police cells but freed without bail yesterday to ______ trial.

A. await B. expect C. wait D. look forward to

Key: A

13. It is this environment of faith in the home that Western society needs so ______ to recover.

A. desirably B. desperately C. admirably D. definitely

Key: B

14. When Jane awoke from the car accident, she had lost all ______ in her legs.

A. sense B. emotion C. sensation D. feeling

Key: C

15. They can recognize also that the joints of a tie must ______ tearing, whereas those of a strut must resist buckling.

A. withstand B. tolerate C. stand D. hold

Key: A

16. As in Germany, the intention in 1945 had been to deprive Japan of the economic resources to

______ a war in the foreseeable future.

A. combat B. wage C. mobilize D. wager

Key: B

17. They tried to put _______ in the way of our negotiation.

A. defeats B. restrictions C. entanglements D. obstacles

Key: D

18. Such a move would undermine standards in schools and ______ teachers.

A. defeat B. distrust C. dissolve D. demoralize

Key: D

19. It was some time after making his first ______ that he bumped into the pupil in Addison’s Walk.

A. confirmation B. frankness C. confession D. assurance

Key: C

20. Our special price will ______ your appetite for the dry season’s gardening essentials.

A. wet B. stimulate C. increase D. whet

Key: D

21. These government restrictions are going to ______ our trade.

A. throttle B. control C. suppress D. contain

Key: A

22. The world was divided into the ______ rich and the labouring poor.

A. idle B. redundant C. scattered D. unused

Key: A

23. The Prince of Wales is an ______ font of great ideas, a classic entrepreneur.

A. irrepressible B. uncontrollable C. unsurpassed D. unrepressed

Key: A

24. Student demonstrations developed an ugly edge of _____ violence.

A. unreasonable B. gratuitous C. groundless D. unbiased

Key: B

25. Accepting that the rhythms of children in a structured environment appear to develop more

quickly, is this ______ to the child?

A. advanced B. advantageous C. advisable D. additional

Key: B

26. He had acted ______ in coming here, but now he was here and yet he found he could do nothing to help.

A. rudely B. improperly C. rashly D. impolitely

Key: C

27. Without seeing her for three months, it can be seen how ______ he longs to reach her on the telephone.

A. insistently B. constantly C. faithfully D. earnestly

Key: D

28. They may often have to ______ social evenings and holidays because of their busy work.

A. forgive B. forgo C. abandon D. forfeit

Key: B

29. She had no workshop, nobody to help her and no business ______.

A. capability B. smartness C. intelligence D. acumen

Key: D

30. Although Schubert died when he was only 32, he composed a ______ amount of music.

A. prodigious B. gigantic C. tantamount D. titanic

Key: A

31. Overall it was a good tour and several players grew both in _____ and confidence.

A. stature B. position C. status D. height

Key: A

32. Our history — national and imperial — provides a wonderful ______ of film drama.

A. storehouse B. database C. storage D. warehouse

Key: A

33. He was probably one of a number of bishops whom Guntram intended to ______.

A. dispel B. deport C. exile D. exclude

Key: C

34. Even if he cared, he probably wouldn’t believe her anyway, she thought _____.

A. smartly B. decisively C. bitterly D. diligently

Key: C

35. These are men whose masculinity does not conform to ______ images of the unfeeling male.

A. typical B. stereotypical C. statistical D. obvious

Key: B

36. Robots are used in ______, monotonous tasks in which human performance might degrade over time.

A. varied B. repetitive C. boring D. bored

Key: B

37. You will be tested on the material by the hackers who will _____ attempt to penetrate your site.

A. doubtfully B. uncomely C. undesirably D. indubitably

Key: D

38. Diligence means work ______, but it doesn’t mean work day and night.

A. consistently B. insistently C. persistently D. constantly

Key: B

39. We hope this meeting will help ______ friendly relations between our two countries.

A. foster B. encourage C. induce D. formulate

Key: A

40. I believe that we should all ______ investors who understand exactly what we are doing and why we are doing it.

A. search out B. find out C. seek out D. look out

Key: C

Unit 3

41. We do not favour overstressing the importance of literature and art, but neither do we favour

____________ their importance.

E. underestimating

F. overstating

G. appreciating

H. depreciating

Key: A

42. Don’t ___________ the seriousness of the problem, actually it’s no big deal.

A. underestimate

B. degrade

C. overestimate

D. emphasize

Key: C

43. I was totally mixed up by his ____________ and ambiguous remarks.

A. ubiquitous

B. unsettled

C. daring

D. elusive

Key: D

44. Most of the iceberg’s bulk is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out

far beyond the ____________ top.

A. visible

B. obvious

C. predominant

D. elusive

Key: A

45. Rapid energy consumption will not only ____________ the environment, but also trigger

serious social problems.

A. extract

B. spoil

C. dispose

D. deteriorate

Key: D

46. Do you think Chinese actors are ____________ to kungfu films in order to succeed in


A. disposed

B. exclusive

C. ubiquitous

D. restricted

Key: D

47. The cost of his ____________ lifestyle took a tremendous toll on his fortunes.

A. informal

B. lavish

C. respectable

D. luminous

Key: B

48. His extremely original and ____________ designs focus on the effect of the dress rather than

the wearer, making him a true loner in the Italian fashion world.

A. elusive

B. magic

C. lavish

D. daring

Key: D

49. Despite a lack of ____________ education, she was far from stupid.

A. higher

B. regular

C. formal

D. college

Key: C

50. We don’t want to rule over others, ____________ to them, or try to control their beliefs.

A. preside

B. dispose

C. dictate

D. predominate

Key: C

51. The consumer price ____________, a key inflation measurement, rose 2 per cent in urban

areas and 1.7 per cent in rural areas, the bureau said yesterday.

A. commission

B. figure

C. power

D. index

Key: D

52. There are no ____________ dietary rules necessary to begin the practice of yoga.

A. boom and bust

B. prim and proper

C. hard and fast

D. safe and sound

Key: C

53. Once the impression had been made, it remained with time until it ____________, leaving a

smooth surface once more.

A. wore away

B. wore up

C. turned away

D. turned out

Key: A

54. It ____________ that there had been two Marines with the same name and similar number in

the camp.

A. showed up

B. happened to

C. turned out

D. sparked off

Key: C

55. Sometimes when making plans, things don’t always ____________ as we have planned.

A. turn out

B. tune out

C. show up

D. turn up

Key: A

56. Our washing machine ____________ yesterday and flooded the kitchen.

A. turned on

B. broke down

C. collapsed up

D. fell apart

Key: B

57. For most ____________ dinners, you should wear comfortable and casual clothes.

A. formal

B. banquet

C. casual

D. informal

Key: D

58. This is her first time cooking without a recipe and she cannot predict how it will


A. work out

B. turn out

C. figure out

D. make out

Key: B

59. Mary has no outside interest at all. Her whole life ____________ her husband and the


A. centres on

B. turns on

C. concentrates around

D. revolves around

Key: D

60. By admitting that he had not thoroughly studied the facts, the speaker ____________ his

opponent’s hands.

A. fell into

B. played into

C. fell into

D. ran into

Key: B

61. As Jim approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been

____________ on the beach and, one at a time, he threw them back into the water.

E. washed up

F. washed away

G. moved up

H. turned up

Key: A

62. ____________ cycles are inherent in market economies and cannot be prevented completely.

A. Prim and proper

B. Hard and fast

C. Boom and bust

D. Life and death

Key: C

63. On the other hand, people might ____________ their children after a respected older relative

or even a famous person.

A. call

B. entitle

C. address

D. name

Key: D

64. He hoped the damage had not occurred through ____________ in the hotel garage.

A. deterioration

B. mindfulness

C. negligence

D. disposal

Key: C

65. The TV series ____________ how investing in a home becomes an issue for extended family

as well.

A. underestimates

B. dictates

C. dramatizes

D. revives

Key: C

66. The survivor of a shipwreck was ____________ on a small, uninhabited island.

A. washed up

B. washed away

C. found out

D. showed up

Key: A

67. The ____________ has approved a defense report that urges the country to quickly finish

building a missile defense system to counter the potential threat from other countries.

A. cabinet

B. cupboard

C. closet

D. chamber

Key: A

68. Urban problems ____________ meeting the needs of the existing inhabitants and replacing

old and obsolete facilities, especially housing.

A. centre around

B. turn around

C. concentrate around

D. revolve around

Key: D

69. But, as any machine, a robot can ____________ and even cause disaster.

A. break up

B. fall down

C. break down

D. collapse apart

Key: C

70. Scientists, on the other hand, know that their job is never finished and that even the best

theory can ____________ to be wrong.

A. find out

B. try out

C. turn out

D. work out

Key: C

71. The explosive was ____________ by someone striking a match to light up a cigarette.

A. put off

B. broken out

C. started out

D. sparked off

Key: D

72. Friction ____________ metal in the moving parts which shortens their working life.

A. erodes away

B. eats away

C. wears away

D. tears away

Key: C

73. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight illustrates the

____________ power of the press.

E. rapid

F. dramatic

G. huge

H. enormous

Key: B

74. Your choices are yours to make and can never be ____________ by others.

E. empowered

F. presided

G. disposed

H. dictated

Key: D

75. You need not ____________ kindness on those ungrateful people.

E. suspend

F. lavish

G. engage

H. render

Key: B

76. A second session of the summit dealt ____________ with the world’s poorest continent.

A. exclusively

B. vastly

C. loosely

D. exactly

Key: A

77. A round-the-clock television channel devoted ____________ to aging, dying and death is to

be launched in Germany.

A. entirely

B. predominantly

C. successfully

D. exclusively

Key: D

78. What you do is important to you, for it will be your creation and expression of your


A. identity

B. character

C. individualism

D. individuality

Key: D

79. Website claims that no members shall use the relevant documents for illegal purposes, or else

it would ____________ the service.

A. stop

B. halt

C. suspend

D. cease

Key: C

80. In this country, the scale of alcohol is ____________ to people over the age of 18.

A. restrained

B. restricted

C. resumed

D. restored

Key: B

