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(something→sth.;somebody→sb.;noun名词→n.;verb动词→v.;adjective形容词→adj.;adverb副词→adv.;红色加粗部分也是词根) 1、a-/an- :no;without;lack;加强意义

①asocial 不好社交的:a(no) +social(社交的)→asocial 不好社交的 Are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the Antarctic? ②acentric 无中心的:a(without)+centric中心的→acentric 无中心的 At first, the thesis describes the fluid and acentric narrative mode. 首先, 文章阐述的是流动性、去中心的叙事方式.

③aright 正确地:a(表加强意义)+right(正确的)→aright正确地 When I pray, I must seek to know God aright. 2、a- :in;on;at;by;with;to

①asleep 在熟睡中:a(in)+sleep(睡觉)→asleep 在熟睡中 He soon fell asleep with weariness.

②abed 在床上:a(on)+bed(床上)→abed 在床上 I always think of many things abed .

③aside 在一边:a(at)+side旁边→aside在…旁边即在一边 We turned aside from the main road.

④abreast 肩并肩地:a(by)+breast胸部→abreast胸部于胸部相邻引申为肩并肩地

The four of them walked abreast. 3、ab- :from;away from

①absorb 吸收:ab(from)+sorb(吸附、吸收)→absorb(sorb from从…吸附即吸收)

Dry sand absorbs water.

②abnormal 不正常的:ab(away from)+normal正常的→abnormal(away from normal即远离正常→不正常)

We were very surprised at his abnormal behavior.

4、ac- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①accustom 使习惯:ac(to)+custom(风俗、习惯)→accustom(使…慢慢成为习惯→使习惯)

He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friends. ②account 计算,算帐:ac(to)+count(数数、计算)→account(to count the number of sth数…的数量即计算、算账)

He figured up the balance in their checking account.

③accredit 信任:ac(表强调,加强意义)+credit(相信、信任)→accredit (信任)

We accredit the invention of the electric light bulb to Edison. accredit …to 把…归功于某人 5、ad- :to;toward;forward

①admixture 混杂:ad(to)+mix(动词:混合+ure名词后缀→mixture名词:混合、混杂)→admixture(to mix sth混合某物→混杂)

Our club was composed principally of students, with an admixture of young clerks.

②adjoin临近:ad(toward)+join(链接、联结)→adjoin(to join sth together to make them closer→临近) The two houses adjoin.

③adventure 冒险:ad(forward表倾向性行为)+venture(冒险)→adventure(去冒险)

But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure. 6、af- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①affix 附加,贴上:af(to)+fix(固定、使牢固)→affix(to fix one thing on another→附加、贴上)

Please affix your name to my homework.

②affirm 肯定,确实:af(表加强意义)+firm(确定的)→affirm肯定、确实

Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets.

③affright 震惊,恐惧:af(表加强意义)+fright(恐怖、惊吓)→affright(震惊、恐惧)

\affright. 7、ag- :at;to,或表示加强意义

①aggrandize 增大:ag(表加强意义)+grand(宏大的;宏伟的) +ize(动词词根)→aggrandize(增大)

Indeed, it should be pointed out that although women status were greatly improved, we can not aggrandize the improvement.

②aggravate 加重:ag(表加强意义)+grav(=heavy重)+ate(动词词根)→aggravate加重

This will aggravate the current scarcity of natural resources caused by environmental degradation.

③aggrieve 使悲痛:ag(表加强意义)+grieve(悲伤)→aggrieve(使悲痛) I hope I didn't aggrieve her feeling. 8、amphi- :两、双

①amphicar 水陆两用车:amphi(两、双)+car(车)→amphicar水陆两用车 A German - made amphicar is making quite a splash in New Bern, North Carolina.

②amphibian 水陆两栖的:amphi(两、双)+bi(两)+an(表名词和形容词,\……地方,……人或动物等\)→amphibian水陆两栖的


Some famous amphitheaters were built by the Romans. 9、ante- :before

①antetype 先型,原型:ante(before)+type(类型)→antetype(原型) Reporter asked the writer who is the antetype of the character in his article.

②anteroom 前室,接待室:ante(before)+room(房间)→anteroom(接待室) Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor,they stepped into the

windowless anteroom.

③antedate 比实际早的日期;先于、早于:ante(before)+date(日期)→antedate(before the date of …在…日期之前→先于、早于) 10、anti- :against对抗、反对

①antifreeze 防冻:anti(against)+freeze(冰冻)→antifreeze(make sth against freeze使…抗冻→防冻)

Fill the cooling system with antifreeze as a protection against frost. ②antiwar 反战的:anti(对抗、反对)+war(战争)→antiwar(反对战争→反战的)

John and Yoko played key roles in the anti - war movement in the 1970 s. ③antiageing 防衰老的:anti(对抗、反对)+ageing(变老、老化)→antiageing防衰老的

How much faith should we put in anti-ageing products? 11、ap- :加强或引申意义

①appoint 指定,任命:ap(表引申)+point(表明、指向)→appoint(指定、任命)

\—\②appraise 评价:ap(表引申)+praise(赞扬、赞美)→appraise(评价) An employer should appraise the ability of his men. 12、ap-/apo- :离开

①apogee 远地点(远离地球之处)、最高点、最远点 apo(离开)+gee→apogee(最高点、最远点)

The Alliance for Progress reached its apogee during the first half of the decade.

②apostasy 脱党,叛教:

apo(离开)+stasy→apostasy(脱党、叛教) Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure. 背教的人通常是先在道德方面一败涂地。 13、ar- :at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义

①arrear 在后,拖延:ar(at)+rear(后面、背部)→arrear(at the back of sth在某物的背后→在后、拖延)

I'm in arrears with the housework. 我的家务事还拖著呢。

②arrange 安排,布置:ar(表加强)+range(排列、排序,把…分类)→arrange安排、布置

You must arrange these books in alphabetical order. 14、arch- :1)big;chief. 2)ancient

①archbishop 大主教:arch(big、chief)+bishop(主教)→archbishop(大主教)

He was consecrated archbishop last year.他于去年就任大主教之圣职。 ②archaeology 考古学:arch(ancient古老的)+e+ology(表示学科)→archaeology(study some ancient things研究古代的东西→考古学) CSCA is the research center focused on Chinese archaeology. 北京大学中国考古学研究中心是以研究中国考古学为主的实体学术机构。 15、as :to;forward

①assort 分类:as(to)+sort(分类、筛选、选出)→assort(to sort sth out把某物选出来→分门别类)

My daughter will not assort with her peers. 我女儿和她的同龄人不合群.

be assort with … 与…相符、与…一致

②assure 使确信,担保:as(to)+sure(确信、确保)→assure(to make sure sth使某事确信、确保→使确信、担保)

They tried to assure him of their willingness to work.

③associate 联合,结合:as(to)+sociate(联系)→associate(to sociate something with another one把一件事情和另一件事情联系在一起→联合,结合)

The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement. 媒体感到有必要支持绿色运动。 16、at- :at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义

①attest 证明:at(to)+test(测验、考验)→attest(to test sth测验某物→证明)

The child's good health attests to his mother's care.

②attract 吸引:at(to)+tract(拉)→attract(to tract sth or sb→吸引)

The flower show attracted large crowds this year. 17、auto- :self;personally

①autograph 亲笔:auto(self)+graph(写)→autograph(write sth by oneself自己写… →亲笔)

I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs.

②autoalarm 自动报警器:auto(self)+alarm(警报、报警)→autoalarm(自动报警器)

In fire autoalarm control system the fire detector is the key part for the detecting of fire signals.


③autobiography 自传:auto(personally)+biography(传记、个人简介)→autobiography(自传)

Iacocca's autobiography is a best-seller.

18、be- :make or cause to be;加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事);在;加强及引申意义

①befit 适宜:be(make)+fit(适合)→befit(make sth fit …使某物适合…→适宜)

Such actions do not befit you.

②bepowder 在...上撒粉:(be加以…,饰以...+powder花粉→bepowder给某物加以/饰以花粉→在...上撒粉)

If both orders are opposed the block defect frost may be erased when the bottom is bepowdered.

③becloud 遮蔽:[be用...(做某事)+cloud云→becloud用云遮盖某物即遮蔽]

Remorse took hold of the disciples because they had allowed the prevailing unbelief to leaven their opinions and becloud their understanding. 门徒心中觉得非常痛悔,因为他们让当时社会上流行的不信,影响自己的思想,蒙蔽自己的认识。

④beside 在...旁:(be在+side旁边→beside在…旁边) I set a chair beside him and sat down.

⑤bespatter 溅污:be(表加强意义)+spatter溅,洒落→bespatter 溅污 All speeches made to bespatter me in the trial will be punished. 凡是在审判中诋毁我的言论都将被定罪! 19、bene- :well;good

①benevolent 乐善好施的:bene[(well;good)+vol(wish,will,表示\意志,意愿\)+ent→benevolent好的意志/意愿→乐善好施的]

The original designers of the human body were benevolent beings. 人类身体的最初设计者是仁慈的生命体。

②benediction 祝福:bene[(well;good)+dict(say/assert,表示\说话,断言,写\)+ion名词后缀→benediction说好话→祝福] I say the benediction to my father's birthday.

③benefaction 恩惠,善行:bene[(well;good)+fact(do,make 表示\做,制作\)+ion名词后缀→benefaction做好事→恩惠、善行] I will repay your benefaction one day. 20、bi- :two

①bicycle 自行车:bi(two)+cycle(自行车)→bicycle(自行车) Can you ride a bicycle?

②bilateral 双方:bi(two)+lateral(侧向; 外侧 )→bilateral有两个外侧的即双方

Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks. 双边会谈没有结果。 ③bicolor 双色的:bi(two)+color(颜色)→bicolor有两种颜色的即双色的

a bicolor postage stamp双色邮票

21、by- :旁、侧、非正式、副

①byroad 小路,僻径:by(旁、侧)+road(路)→byroad(大路旁边的路即小路)

Xiaoming likes to go back home on the byroad.

②bywork 业余工作:by(非正式、副)+work(工作)→bywork(非正式的工作即业余工作)

To releave the economic burden in the family his wife finds a bywork. ③byname 别名,绰号:by(非正式、副)+name(名字)→byname(非正式的名字、副名即别名)

His classmates would like to call his byname rather than his real name after this case. 22、circu- :around

①circumnavigate 环球航行:circu(around)+navigate(航行)→circumnavigate(navigate around the world环绕着世界航行即环球航行) Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人。

②circumspect 考虑周到的:circu[(around)+spect(look/see,表示\看\)→circumspect环顾四周即考虑周到的]

He was very circumspect in his financial affairs. 他对于自己的财务十分细心。

③circumpolar 在两极周围的:circu(around)+polar(极地的,两极的)→circumpolar(around the polar环绕两级的即在两级周围的) It's commonly considered a single circumpolar species. 这一般被认为是极地地区单一的品种。 23、co- :together

①co-action 共同行动:co(together)+action(行动)→co-action(do sth. together一起做某事即一起行动、共同行动)

It was co-action of government,society and people for China’s recovery from economic crisis.)

②cooperate 合作:co(together)+operate(操作;经营、管理)→cooperate(operate sth. together共同管理某事即合作) I am so happy to cooperate with you.

③coeducation 男女同校:co(together)+education(教育)→coeducation(男女在一起接受教育即男女同校)

Coeducation is very common in North America. 24、col- :together

①collaboration 协作,勾结:col(together)+labor(劳动、工作)+ation(名词后缀)→collaboration(do labor together一起劳动/工作即协作) He wrote the book in collaboration with his colleagues.

②collingual 用同一种语言的:col(together)+lingual(语言的)→collingual(use one language together即用同一种语言的)

United Nations and United Kindom are two collingual countries. ③collocate 并置,并列:col(together)+locate(查找…的地点;确定…的位置 )→collocate(locate two things together使两个事物坐落在一起即并置、并列)

These two words don't collocate. 这两个词搭配不当。 25、com- :together;加强或引伸意义

①compatriot 同胞、同国人:com(together)+patriot(爱国者,爱国主义者)→compatriot(在一起的爱国者即同胞)

He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leaders. 他相信他和他同国的学生是未来的领袖。

②commove 使动乱:com(表加强意义)+move(移动)→commove使动乱 His vibrant voice commove the air. 他响亮的声音振动了空气。 ③commemorate 纪念:com(表引申意义)+memor(memory,表示\记忆\)+ate(v.后缀)→commemorate(记住某人或某事即纪念) A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 26、con- :together;加强或引伸意义

①concolorous 同色的:con(together)+color(颜色)+ous(adj.后缀)→concolorous颜色一样的即同色的

It is monotonous to paint the rooms with concolorous painting. ②confirm 使坚定:con(表示加强)+firm(表示\坚定\)→confirm(使坚定) His letter confirmed everything. 27、contra- :against

①contradiction 矛盾:contra(against)+dict(say/assert,表示\说话,断言,写\)+ion(1. 表示\某种物,用品;人等\表名词,\动作或状态等\)→contradiction与…对着干即矛盾

The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute.矛盾日益尖锐. ②controversial 可能引起争议的:contra(against)+oversial→controversial 可能引起争议的

More controversially, he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talent.

更具争议的是,他声称这些更高的利润可足以支付寻找新人才所花费的成本。 ③contraclockwise 逆时针方向的:contra(against)+clock(钟)+wise[(1、用于名词后构成副词)表示“关于”,“在…方面”;(用于名词后构成副词)表示“像…一样”,“如同”]→contraclockwise向时钟相反的方向转动即逆时针方向的

Turn the key contraclockwise/in an contraclockwise direction.逆时针方向转动钥匙

28、cor- :together;加强或引伸意义

①correlation 相互关系:cor(together)+relation(关系)→correlation(relate two things together两件事关联在一起即相互关系) Are you familiar with their correlation ?

②correct 改正,纠正:cor(表加强意义)+rect(straight/right,表示\正,直\)→correct(make sth. rect使某物正确即改正、纠正) Your answer to the question is correct.

③corrugate 使起皱纹:cor(表引申意义)+rugate(皱的,有折痕的)→corrugate(make sth. rugate使某物有折痕即使起皱纹)

His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking.他皱着眉头用心地思考。 29、counter- :opposite

①counterrevolutionary 反动的:counter(opposite)+revolutionary(革命的)→counterrevolutionary和革命相反的即反动的

The Central Committee of the Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse-tung fought these counterrevolutionary elements resolutely.


②countercurrent 逆流:counter(opposite)+current(电流、水流、趋势)→countercurrent(和趋势相反的即逆流)

Black tea extracts are normally produced by a hot or boiling water extraction process, usually a countercurrent process. 红茶的提取物通常是用热水或沸水通过逆流萃取工艺来制取的。

③counterattack 反攻,反击:counter(opposite)+attack(攻击)→counterattack(attack against sth.攻击某物即反攻、反击) We have launched a counterattack against them.

30、de- :down from; 向下、降低、减少;使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义;not;除去、取消、毁

①deplane 下飞机:de(down from)+plane(飞机)→deplane(down from plane从飞机上下来即下飞机)

Let people that have tight connections deplane first. 请让需要转机的乘客先下飞机。

②depress 压低,压下;使沮丧:de(向下)+press(按、压)→depress(向下按即压低、压下;引申为是某人心情低下即使沮丧) He was depressed by his defeat.

③depopulation 人口减少:de(减少)+population(人口)→depopulation(人口减少)

The village is suffering from depopulation.

④devalue 贬值:de(降低)+value(价值)→devalue(价值降低即贬值) If these measures are insufficient, a country may devalue its currency. 如果这些措施并不适合,那么一个国家将可能对他本国货币进行贬值。 ⑤delimit 划定界限:de(表示加强意义)+limit(限制)→delimit(to limit sth限制某事即划定界限)

The first chapter delimits her area of research.

⑥denude 使裸露:de(使成...)+nude(裸露的)→denude(使...裸露) Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest. 采矿会污染湖水,毁掉森林。

⑦depicture 描绘,描述:de(作成...)+picture(描绘、画)→depicture(作成画即描绘、描述)

CTA can depicture the three dimensional anatomy structure and supply useful information.


⑧denationalize 非国有化:de(not)+national(国家的,国有的)+ize(动词后缀,使...化,使...具有某种性质)→denationalize(not nationalize即非国有化)

denationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations 解除国有化并致于欧洲市场的监督之下

⑨desalt 除去盐份:de(除去)+salt(盐)→desalt(除去盐分) How to let the scar of the operation desalted? 如何让手术的疤痕淡化?

⑩deforest 砍伐森林:de(毁)+forest(森林)→deforest(毁灭森林即砍伐森林)

I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested.


?decontrol 取消管制:de(取消)+control(控制)→decontrol(取消控制即取消管制)

He established a national energy policy that included conservation, price decontrol, and new technology.

他成立了一个包括保护,价格放开,和新技术的国家能源政策。 31、dec(a)- :ten

①decade 十年:deca(ten)+e→decade(十年) Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.

②decimal 英 [?des?ml] 美 [?d?s?m?l] 十进位制的:dec(ten)+imal→decimal(十进位制的)

Most countries have a decimal currency. 大多数国家使用十进制货币。

③decathlon 十项全能:deca(ten)+athlon 'contest'→decathlon(十项比赛即十项全能)

In September 2009, they traveled to Washington to see for themselves what the Solar Decathlon was all about

and, as one student put it, “learn some tips and tricks.” 2009年9月,他们前往华盛顿亲眼看一看太阳能十项全能(Solar Decathlon)的赛事究竟是什么样子。 正如一位同学所说,“要了解其中的行情和奥妙。” 32、deci- :十分之一

①decigram 十分之一克:deci(十分之一)+gram(克)→decigram(十分之一克)

②decimeter 十分之一米:deci(十分之一)+meter(米)→decimeter (十分之一米)

③decilitre 十分之一升:deci(十分之一)+liter/litre(升)→decilitre( 十分之一升) 33、demi- :半

①demigod 半神半人:demi(半)+god(神)→demigod(半神半人)

A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal. 半神半人是神只与凡人所生的后代。

②demi-fixed 半固定的:demi(半)+fixed(固定的)→demi-fixed(半固定的) ③demiwolf 半似狼之犬:demi(半)+wolf(狼)→demiwolf (半似狼之犬) 34、di- :二、双

①diatomic 二原子的:di(二)+atomic(原子的)→diatomic (二原子的) We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules.


②disyllable 双音节的:di(双)+syllable(音节的)→disyllable(双音节的)

The theory about the advantages of disyllable words in modern Chinese is once again proved by pure Chinese character trans-pronunciation words. 现代汉语双音节词占优势的结论,再一次被纯汉字音译词证明。

③dichromatic 两色的:di(二)+chromatic(有颜色的)→dichromatic( 两色的)

The national flag of Canada constituted by dichromatic red and white. 加拿大的国旗由红、白两色组成。 35、dia- :through;between;across

①diameter 直径:dia(through)+meter(=measure,表示\计量,测量\等)→diameter(measure sth through it穿过某物测量它即直径 The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters.

②dialogue 对话:dia(between)+logue(对着说话)→dialogue(logue sth between two persons在两人之间对着说话即对话) The novel contains more narrative than dialogue. ③diagnosis 诊断:dia(across)+gnosis→diagnosis 诊断

Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality. 需要进一步扫描来确诊是否出现异常病变。 36、dif- :1)apart. 2)not;opposite

①diffluence 分流:dif(apart)+flu(流动)+ence(名词后缀)→diffluence (向两个不同的方向分开流动即分流)

Diffluence of editorial team is necessary for ensuring the quality of subject choosing and planning. 实行编辑队伍分流,确保选题策划的质量

②diffident 不自信的:dif(not;opposite)+fid(=trust/faith,表示\信任,相信,信念\)+ent→diffident(not trust sb不信任某人或自己即不自信的) He was too diffident to express his opinion.

③diffuse 散开,散布:dif(apart)+fuse(融化、熔合)→diffuse(融化之后就会分开即散开、散布)

The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

37、dis- :不、无、相反;取消、除去、毁;加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义;分开、离、散; 有时作di-

①dishonest 不诚实的:dis(不)+honest(诚实的)→dishonest 不诚实的 I will not make friends with a dishonest person.

②dispraise 贬损,非难:dis(相反)+praise(表扬)→dispraise (和表扬相反的就是贬损)

He cared for neither the praise nor dispraise of other people. ③disappear 消失:dis(无)+appear(出现)→disappear(没有出现即消失) The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

④disorganize 瓦解:dis(取消)+organize(组织)→disorganize(取消组织即瓦解)

Dynamo's defence looks disorganize. 迪纳摩队的防守看起来已瓦解了。 ⑤disburden 解除负担:dis(除去)+burden(负担)→disburden(除去负担即解除负担)

disburden one's mind 消除思想负担

⑥discourage 使失去勇气:dis(毁)+courage(勇气)→discourage(毁掉某人的勇气即使某人失去勇气)

A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice. 一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提出。

⑦dispart 分离,裂开:dis(表加强意义)+part(分开)→dispart (分离,裂开)

Till death dispart the union. 双方白首偕老.

⑧dissect 切开:dis(分开)+sect(=cut/divide,表示\切,割\)→dissect 切开

In biology class we had to dissect a frog. 上生物课时我们得解剖青蛙。

⑨distract 分心,转移:dis(离、散)+tract(拉、引)→distract(让某人的思想从某事上离开即 使某人分心)

The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while. 38、dys- :不良、恶、困难

①dysfunction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱:dys(不良)+function(功能)→dysfunction(功能不良即功能紊乱)

Political dysfunction has now become perhaps the biggest issue for the economy.


②dyspepsia 消化不良:dys(困难)+peps(消化;胃)+-ia(表名词,\病\)→dyspepsia (有胃病或消化困难即消化不良)

Many people think they have religion when they are merely troubled with dyspepsia.

③dyspathy 反感:dys(厌恶)+pathy(情感)→dyspathy(在情感上厌恶某人即对某人感到反感)

Once you have feeling of dyspathy to another person you will not willing to make friends with him any more.

一旦你对某人有反感情绪之后你就不再愿意和他交朋友了 39、e- :加强或引伸意义;e- :出、外

①evaluate 评价:e(表加强意义)+valuate对...作估价、对...评价→evaluate评价

Let's evaluate the evidence.

②elaborate 精心制作,详细描述:e(表引申意义)+labor劳动+ate动词后缀→elaborate经过一番劳动引申为精心制作、详细描述

In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour. 为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。 The men emigrate to work as seamen.

③emerge 浮出,出现:e出+merg沉,没+e→emerge往外沉、没引申为浮出、出现

Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged. 40、ef- :出、离去

①effluence 流出:ef出+fluence→effluence 流出 A poignant effluence from the object enveloped him. 他被对方流露出的真情所包围。

②effable 能被说出的:ef出+fabl讲、说+e→effable说出来、讲出来即能被说出的

The beauty of a sunset is beyond of effable.或者The beauty of a sunset is ineffable


③effoliation 落叶:ef离去+foliation生叶、发叶→叶子从树上离去即落叶 Effoliation occurs when autumn comes. 秋来落叶归根。

41、em- :表示“置于...之内”、“上...”;表示“用...做某事”、“饰以...”、“配以...”;表示“使...成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”

①embay 使(船)入湾:em置于...之内+海湾→embay把船置于海湾之内即使(船)入湾

You must ensure that all ships are embayed before the storm come or great damage will be incurred.

在风暴来临之前你必须确保所有船只都进入港湾,否则会导致巨大的损失。 ②embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂):em饰以...+balm香油→embalm饰某物以香油即涂以香料

We will embalm him forever. 我们永远怀念他

③embank 筑堤防护:em用...做某事+bank岸→embank用河岸做防护即筑堤防 护

The Analysis of the Design and Construction Techniques of the Critical Banks And Dams along the Yellow River embank 黄河大堤险工堤坝设计与施工技术分析

④embar 上门闩,囚禁:em配以...+bar门闩→embar给门配上门闩即上门闩,后来进一步引申为囚禁

Please embar the door before you go to sleep.

⑤embow 使...成弓形:em使...成某种状态+bow弓、鞠躬→使...成弓的状态即使...成弓形

His strength is so big that he can embow the branch.

⑥empower 使有权力,授权:em致使..+power权利→empower致使..有权利即使某人有权,授予某人权利

I want to empower the businessman.

⑦embitter 使受苦:em致使+bitter苦→embitter致某人使吃苦即使...受苦 The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 42、eco- :ecological生态的、生态学的

①ecosphere 生态圈:eco生态的、生态学的+sphere范围、领域→ecosphere 生态圈

The earth is the greatest ecosphere.All natural resources must be protected.

②ecosystem 生态系统:eco生态的、生态学的+system系统、体系→ecosystem 生态系统

Water is the core of a healthy ecosystem.

③ecocide 生态灭绝:eco生态的、生态学的+cide/cise切、杀→ecocide 生态灭绝

The result of the abusive using ecological resources is ecocide. 43、en- :表示“置于..之中”、“登上...”、“使上...”; make or cause to be,“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”;\用...来做某事\、“饰以...”、“配以...”;加在动词之前,表示“in”,或只作加强意义

①entrain 乘火车:en登上...+train火车→entrain登上火车即乘火车 Our orders were to entrain at 9:15 in the morning at a nearby siding. ②encage 关入笼中:en置于..之中+cage笼子→encage把置于笼子之中即关入笼中

The snake was eventually encaged by the staffs of the zoo after an hour. ③enthrone 使登基:en使上...+throne王位→enthrone使某人登上王位即使登基

The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey. 女王在一所古老的大教堂里举行登基仪式。

④enable 使能够:en致使...+able有能力的、有才干的→enable致使某人成为有能力的、有才干的人即使某人能够...

Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.

⑤endanger 使受危险:en使成某种状态+danger危险→是某人处于危险的状态即使某人受危险

It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

⑥enslave 使成奴隶,奴役:en使之如...+slave奴隶→使某人如奴隶一样即 使某人成奴隶

He is enslaved by love. 他正沉溺于爱情。

⑦enchain 用链锁住:en用...来做某事+chain链子→enchain用链子来锁住某人即用链锁住

Mrs. Penniman's imagination was restless, and the evening paper failed on this occasion to enchain it.

佩尼曼太太的想象又开始翻腾起来,连她手中的晚报此刻也无法使它平静下去。 ⑧enclose 围入,关进:en:in+close关→enclose:close sth in another one把...关入...即围入,关进

Farmers often enclose their land with hedges. 农夫们常用树篱将他们的地围起来。

⑨entrust 信任,委托:en表示加强意义+trust相信、信任→entrust信任,委托

I hope we can entrust each other. 我希望我们能彼此相互信任。 44、endo- :内

①endoparasite 体内寄生虫:en内+parasite寄生虫→endoparasite在人体内的寄生虫即体内寄生虫

Investigation on endoparasite categories about importing Boer goat 进口波尔山羊体内寄生虫种类调查

②endogamy (同族)内部通婚:en内+dogamy→endogamy (同族)内部通婚 Now endogamy is forbidden by law.


The experiment showed that the method could identify acerose endogen weed correctly.

实验结果表明,此方法可有效地识别出玉米苗期田间细长的单叶子杂草。 45、eu- :good;well;easy

①euphemism 委婉语:eu:good;well+phem 言+-ism 表示语言,语风→euphemism 好听的语言即委婉语

\euphemism for \过世\是\死\的委婉语。 ②euphonic 声音优美的:eu:good;well+phonic声音的、声学的→euphonic 好听的声音即声音优美的

For the art of euphonic singing, the speech in the language is the most important part.

对于美声歌唱艺术, 语言中的语音是最重要的部分.

③eupepsia 消化良好:eu:good;well+peps(消化;胃)+-ia(表名词,\病\)→eupepsia 消化良好

46、ex- :out;out of;前任的、以前的;表示“使”、“做”,或作加强意义 ①export 出口,输出:ex:out+port港口→export从港口运出去即出口 Prohibition was laid on the export of coal.

②ex-president 前任总统:ex前任的+president总统→x-president 前任总统 ③exalt 使升高,增高:ex使+alt高→exalt 使升高,增高 He was exalted to the position of general manager.

④excruciate 施刑,使苦恼:ex作加强意义+cruciate十字形的,十字状的→excruciate 施刑,使苦恼

(文化背景:在西方文化中,耶稣基督是被他的第十三个徒弟犹大出卖的,然后被教会绑在十字架上烧死的,所以十字架在西方文化中象征着刑罚) In the following it was the game—excruciate on the newspaper. 接下来是轻松活泼的“报纸上的拷问”游戏活动。 47、exo- :外、外部

①exobiology 外空生物学:exo外、外部+biology生物学→exobiology 外空生物学

Maybe you need a refresher course in theoretical exobiology.

②exosphere 外大气圈:exo外、外部+sphere领域、范围→exosphere 外大气圈

Last is the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of the atmosphere. 最后是散逸层,这是大气的最外层。

③exogamy 异族通婚:exo外、外部+gamy→exogamy 异族通婚 For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews. 两千年来, 异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌. 48、extra- :以外、超过

①extraordinary 格外的:extra以外、超过+ordinary普通的→extraordinary超过普通的即格外的

His extraordinary skill was praised by all.

②extrapolitical 政治外的,超政治的:extra以外、超过+political政治的→extrapolitical 政治外的、超过政治的即政治外的,超政治的 Extrapolitical activities are beyond students’ responsibility. 政治外的活动不是学生们的责任。

③extracurriculum 课外的:extra以外、超过+curriculum课程→超出正常课程外的即课外的

His parents restricted his extracurriculum activities. 49、fore- :ahead;ahead of

①forehead 前额:fore(ahead of)+head头→forehead(ahead of head头的前部即前额)

She lightly touched his forehead.

②foreword 前言,序言:fore(ahead of)+word→foreword在文章之前的词句即前言、序言

She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.

③foretell 预言:fore(ahead)+tell告诉→foretell提前告诉即预言 to foretell the future 预言未来 50、hecto- :百

①hectogram 百克:hecto百+gram克→hectogram百克 ②hectowatt 百瓦:hecto百+watt瓦→hectowatt 百瓦

③hectoampere百安培:hecto百+ampere安培→hectoampere百安培 51、hemi- 半

①hemisphere 半球:hemi半+sphere范围、领域→emisphere 半球 If you cut a round fruit into two, each half is a hemisphere. ②hemicycle 半圆形:hemi半+cycle圆→hemicycle 半圆形

The inner container is stainless steel, hemicycle structure is easy to clean.


③hemicrania 偏头疼:hemi半+cran+ia病→hemicrania 偏头疼

Acupuncture is the most effective treatment for this kind of disease (backache, hemicrania, sleeplessness). 针灸对这种病(腰痛、偏头痛、失眠)最有效。 52、hepta- :七(在母音前作hept-)

①heptagon 七角形:hepta七+gon→heptagon 七角形 ②heptode 七极管:hept七+ode→heptode 七极管

③heptahedron 七面体:hepta七+hedron→heptahedron 七面体 53、hetero- :异

①heteropolar 异极的:hetero异+polar极→heteropolar 异极的

All the objects in the universe are heteropolar objects and the structures of all objects in the universe are formed by the overlapping of the Taiji structure.

宇宙事物都是有极事物,宇宙中一切事物结构都由太极结构重叠而成。 ②heterodoxy 异教,异端:hetero异+doxy→heterodoxy 异教,异端 He was already beginning to display quiet symptoms of heterodoxy. 当时,他已开始暗暗流露出叛离正统的迹象.

③heterosexual 异性的:hetero异+sexual有性别的→heterosexual 异性的 The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married. 54、hexa- :六(在母音前作hex-)

①hexagon 六角形:hexa六+gon→hexagon 六角形

The library with the hexagon shape always attracts students. ②hexode 六极管:hexa六+ode→hexode 六极管 multiplex hexode system 六路复用系统

③hexameter 六韵步诗:hexa六+meter米→hexameter 六韵步诗

Reserving hexameter poetry and Comedy for consideration hereafter. 以后再谈六步格诗和喜剧吧。 55、holo- :全

①hologram 全息图:holo全+gram写,画,文字,图形→hologram 全部的图形即全息图

One may also discover one's hologram swapped out for another. 你也可能发现你的全息图被和别人所交换。

②holography 全息照相术:holo全+graph(y)图表、书写符号→holography全部的图标引申为全息照相术

A quite important application of lasers is in holography. 激光的一个十分重要的用途是用在全息摄影方面。

③holophone 声音全息记录器:holo全+phone(发声或使用声音的)工具→holophone 声音全息记录器

HoloPhone 3D delivers real 3D hologram fun for all ages. 56、homo- :of the same

①homograph 同形异义词:homo(of the same)+graph(y)图表、书写符号→homograph在外形上是一样的,只是意思不一样即同形异义词 There are many homographs in English vocabulary.

②homotype 同型:homo(of the same)+type类型→homotype相同类型的即同型

The youngster replied without blinking an eye:\am afraid it will go with you, because it want to play with its homotype.\


③homocentric 同中心的:homo(of the same)+centric(中心的)→homocentric有同一个中心的即同中心的

The background was comprised of three homocentric white circles. 背景由三个同心白色圆形线条组成. 57、hyper- :above;excessive;too much

①hypercritical 吹毛求疵的:hyper(excessive过度的)+critical批评的,爱挑剔的→hypercritical 吹毛求疵的

He is hypercritical of the local political system. 他对当地政治系统有强烈的批评。

②hypersensitive 过敏的:hyper(excessive过度的)+sensitive敏感的→hypersensitive过度敏感的即过敏的

So its hypersensitive test before injection is important. 故用药前的皮试尤为重要。

③hypercorrection 矫枉过正:hyper(too much)+corrction纠正、改正→hypercorrection改正的太多了即矫枉过正

Hypercorrection,in some sense,is equal to no correction. 矫枉过正在某种意义上说和没有纠正是一样的效果。 58、hypo- :下、低、次、少

①hyposensitize 减弱...的敏感度:hypo下、低+sensitize使某事物或某人敏感→hyposensitize 降低或减少事物或某人对某物的敏感度即减弱...的敏感度 ②hypodermic 皮下的:hypo下、低+dermic皮肤的→hypodermic在皮肤下面的即皮下的

He was frightened at seeing the hypodermic needle. 看到那个皮下注射针头他害怕极了。

③hypothermia 体温过低:hypo下、低+therm热+ia病→体内的热量较低即体温过低

Every winter some old people die from hypothermia. 59、il- :(用在l之前)不、无、非;加强或引伸意义 ①illegal非法的:il非+legal合法的→illegal 非法的

The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。


A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate. ③illustrate 举例说明,图解:il表示引申意义+lust光+ate动词后缀→illustrate使…光明,引申为说明

In this section, I'll illustrate some of these differences.

④illuminate 照明:il表示加强意义+lumin光+ate动词后缀→illuminate使…光明即照明

A sudden smile illuminated her face. 突然的微笑使她容光焕发。 60、im- :(用在b,p,m之前)into;不、无、非;加强意义,或表示“使成...”、“饰以...”、“加以...”


②impossible 不可能的:im不+possible可能的→impossible 不可能的 It's impossible for us to finish the work in one day.

③impel 推动,驱使:im表示加强意义+pel驱动、推→impel 推动,驱使 The President's speech impelled the nation to greater efforts. ④imperil 危害,使处于危险:im使成...+peril危险→imperil使某人处于危险之中即危害,使处于危险

The security of the country had been imperilled.

61、in- :不、无、非;内、入;加强意义,或表示“使...”、“作...” ①inglorious 不光彩的,不名誉的:in不+glorious辉煌的;荣誉的;极好的→inglorious 不光彩的,不名誉的

He wouldn't have accepted such an inglorious outcome.

②intake 入口,输入量,摄入:in 内、入+take拿,取;采取→intake 入口、摄入

Our school is gearing up for an increased intake of pupils. 我们学校正在作好准备以接受更多的学生。

③inflame 燃烧:in使...+flame火焰→inflame 燃烧 The shooting has only inflamed passions further. 枪击事件无疑是火上浇油。

④invigorate 鼓舞:in表加强意义+vig生命+o+ate动词词根→invigorate 鼓舞

The tactic could well help invigorate a struggling campaign. 该策略会非常有助于促进处境艰难的竞选活动。

62、infra- :below

①infrastructure 基础设施:infra(below)+structure结构→infrastructure在正常结构以下的引申为基础设施

Make more investment in infrastructure.

②infrasonic 低于声频的:infra(below)+sonic音波的→在正常音波以下的即低于声频的

Infrasonic is caused by closed automobile compartment or cabin in vibration.


③infrasound 次声,亚音速:infra(below)+sound声音→infrasound 低于正常音速的即亚音速

Scientists have found that in those haunted places often have a large number of infrasound.

科学家已经发现,在那些闹鬼的地方常常有大量次声。 63、inter- :在...之间、...之际; 相互


The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。

②interact 相互作用:inter相互+act活动→interact 相互活动即互相起作用 After initiation, the youths started to interact with the older members. 入会仪式后,这些小伙子与老成员开始互动。 64、intra- :在内、内部

①intraparty 党内的:intra在内、内部+party政党→intraparty 党内的 construction of intraparty democracy 党内民主建设

②intracity 市内的:intra在内、内部+city城市→intracity 市内的 Suggest choosing manners of cash on delivery and intra - city transactions.


③intraregional 地区内的:intra在内、内部+regional 地区的→intraregional 地区内的

To develope interregional and intraregional transport linkages. 发展区域间和区域内的运输线。 65、intro- :within

①introduce 介绍:intro(within)+duce引导、带来→introduce引导…,把…带进来 引申为介绍

She introduced me to her friend. 她把我介绍给她的朋友。

②introspect 反省:intro(within)+spect看→introspect向内看即内省 It is a time to slow down, introspect and avoid making changes in your strategy.

所以这时应该慢下你的节奏,好好反省一下自己,尽量不要改变自己的策略。 ③introverted 内向:intro(within)+vert转+ed→introverte向内转引申为内向的

I'm a rather introverted person. 66、ir- :(用在r之前)不、无;向内、入

①irregular 不规则的:ir不+regular规则的→irregular 不规则的 She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

②irrigate 灌溉:ir向内、入+rig水+ate动词后缀→irrigate向里面浇水即灌溉

We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile. 67、iso- :等、同

①isogen 等角多角形:iso 等、同+gen→isogen 等角多角形 ②isotope 同位素:iso 等、同+tope→isotope 同位素

The isotope ratio is directly used for comparing oils or gases. 同位素比率直接用于比较各种石油或天然气。

③isotherm 等温线:iso 等、同+ther热+m→isotherm 等温线

Dye absorption can be described by a multilayer absorption isotherm curve. 染料吸附可以用多层吸附等温线来描述。

68、kilo- :一千

①kilogram 千克:kilo一千+gram克→kilogram 千克 The instrument is five kilogram's in weight.

②kilometer 公里:kilo一千+meter米→kilometer 公里(一千米等于一公里) The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. 这个地图的比例是用一厘米代表一公里.

③kiloton 千吨:kilo一千+ton顿→kiloton 千吨

Perhaps less than a kiloton, which sounds like a lot but is actually small go.

或许还不到一千吨, 这听起来似乎很多,但事实上用于核装置则是相当少的. 69、macro- :big

①macroworld 宏观世界:macro(big)+world世界→macroworld 宏观世界 Challenge I: Communication between the macroworld and the nanoworld. 第一项挑战是:巨观世界和奈米世界的互通方式。

②macroclimate 大气候:macro(big)+climate气候→macroclimate 大气候 Macro means big, and macroclimate refers to the climate conditions over a big area.

“Micro”这个词的意思是“小”, Microclimate"是指小区域里的气候条件。 ③macroscale 大规模:macro(big)+scale 规模→macroscale 大规模 On a macroscale it can be considered to consist of two surfaces. 从宏观的角度看来,它能被考虑为含有两个表面. 70、mal- :wrong

①malnutrition 营养不良:mal(wrong)+nutrition营养→malnutrition 营养不良

His illness ensued from malnutrition. 他的病是营养不良引起的。 ②maladministration 管理不善:mal(wrong)+administration管理 →maladministration 管理不善

The bankruptcy of the company is caused by maladministration. ③malcontent 不满的:mal(wrong)+content满意→malcontent 不满的

All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent. 这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的 71、meta- :超;变化

①metaphysical 超自然的,形而上学的:meta超+physical自然的→ metaphysical 超自然的,形而上学的

It's wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view. 用形而上学的观点看待问题是错误的。

②metagenesis 世代交替:meta变化+genesis创始、起源、发生→metagenesis 世代交替

This life cycle is also known as metagenesis. 72、micro- :小

①microscope 显微镜:micro小+scope范围、余地→microscope 把范围缩小即引申为显微镜

He focuses the lens of a microscope. 他调整显微镜的透镜以定焦点。 ②microbiology 微生物学:micro小+biology生物学→microbiology 微生物学 His work advanced the science of microbiology. 他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。

③microelement 微量元素:micro小+element元素→microelement 微量元素 Raspberry includes many kinds of amino acid and microelement. 桑葚含多种微量元素及人体所需的氨基酸。 73、milli- :一千/千分之一

①millimeter 毫米:milli千分之一+meter米→millimeter一米的一千分之一即毫米

We measure rainfall by the millimeter.

②milliliter 毫升:milli千分之一+liter升→milliliter一升的千分之一即 毫升

The human mouth contains about 100 million microbes per milliliter of saliva.


③millennium千年:mill一千+enn年+ium名词后缀→millennium千年 I do not expect the millennium to come during my lifetime. 我并不指望我这一生中能碰上太平盛世。 74、mini- :小,迷你

①ministate 小国:mini小+state国家→ministate 小国 A ministate is much more administrated than a bigger one.

②minicrisis 短暂危机:mini小+crisis危机→minicrisis 小危机即短暂危机 Cooperation between all departments is the best method to relieve the minicrisis for the company.


③miniskirt 迷你裙、超短裙:mini迷你+skirt裙子→miniskirt 迷你裙 Miniskirts are starting to come back. 超短裙又开始流行了。 75、mis- :wrong;wrongly;unfavorable

①misuse 乱用:mis(wrong)+use使用→misuse 乱用 It is wrong to misuse our natural resources.

②misfortune 不幸:mis(unfavorably)+fortunate(幸运的)→misfortune 不幸

He had the misfortune to break his left arm.

③misspell 拼错:mis(wrongly)+spell拼写→misspell(spell wrongly即拼错)

I am sorry that I misspell your name which is a clerical error. 76、mono- :one;alone

①monocrat 独裁者:mono(one)+crat统治→monocrat只有一个人的统治即独裁 Hitler is a monocrat. 希特勒是一位独裁者。

②monotonous 单调的:mono(one)+tone声调、语调+ous形容词后缀→monotonous只有一种声调的即单调的

Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.


③monodrama 单人剧:mono(alone)+drama戏剧→monodrama只有一个人的戏剧即单人剧

Yesterday she went out on business. Now, I have to play a monodrama. 77、multi- :many

①multinational 多国的:multi(many)+national国家的→multinational 多国的

He owns a multinational company.

②multilateral 多边的:multi(many)+lateral侧面的,横向的→multilateral 多边的

The project is funded by the World Bank and other multilateral agencies.

③multiparty 多党的:multi(many)+party政党→multiparty 多党的 They made multi-party democracy a precondition for giving aid. 他们把实施多党民主作为给予援助的前提。 78、neo- :新

①neorealism 新现实主义:neo新+realism现实主义→neorealism 新现实主义 Anarchy and complex interdependence are the core concepts of

neoliberalism and neorealism, which are the basis of the theory. 无政府状态与复合相互依赖分别是新自由主义和新现实主义构建其理论的核心概念。

②neolithic 新石器时代:neo新+lithic石的→neolithic 新石器时代 A stone implement of the Neolithic Period. 新石器新石器时代的石头器具

③neoimpressionism 新印象派:neo新+impressionism印象主义;印象派→neoimpressionism 新印象派

Neoimpressionism is a slightly different from impressionism. 79、non- :非;不;无

①nonfiction 非小说类文学作品:non非+fiction小说→nonfiction 非小说类文学作品

I prefer fiction over nonfiction. 我喜欢小说胜过非小说的文学作品。

②nonsmoker 不抽烟的人:non不+smoker抽烟者→nonsmoker 不抽烟的人 My father is a nonsmoker.

③noneffective 无效的:non无+effective有效的→noneffective 无效的 Newspaperman was the last person to tell the advertisement is noneffective.

80、octa- :八(亦作octo-与oct)


②octolateral 八边的:octo八+lateral侧面的、横向的→octolateral 八边的

③October 十月(古罗马八月):octo八+ber→October 十月(见另一份资料) By October 1990, when arrested, he was hopelessly in debt. 到1990年10月被捕时,他已经负债累累。 81、omni- :全、总、公、都

①omnipresent 无所不在的:omni 全+present出席的→omnipresent 无所不在的

Network is omnipresent nowadays.

②omnipotent 全能的:omni 全、都+potent有效的、强有力的、有权势的→omnipotent 全能的

If I were omnipotent for a day, I want world peace, no more hunger. ③omniform 式样齐全的:omni 全、都+form形式、样式→omniform 式样齐全的

Our company owns omniform production facilities, complete inspection means, powerful technical strength, rich production experience. 公司生产装备齐全,检测手段完备,技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富。 ④omnibus 公共汽车omni 公+bus汽车→omnibus 公共汽车

Seeing that the omnibus was crowded to capacity, Madame Curie cabbed it.

由于公共汽车挤得水泄不通,居里夫人坐马车去了。 82、out- :外、出;胜过、超过;过度、太甚;除去

①outburst 爆发:out外、出+burst爆炸→outburst往外爆炸即爆发出来 The President's arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering. ②outrun 超过、比...跑得快:out胜过、超过+run跑→在跑方面超过某人即比某人跑得快

I bet him he could not outrun me.

③outwear 穿旧、穿破:out过度、太甚+wear穿→outwear穿的时间太久就会穿旧、穿破

Drops of water outwear the stone. 滴水穿石。

④outroot 除根:out除去+root根→outroot从根上清除即除根 Corruption can never be outrooted.腐败永远不能被根除。 83、over- :过度、太甚;在上、在外、从上、越过;颠倒、反转

①overwork 过度劳累:over过度、太甚+work工作→overwork过度工作就会导致过度劳累

She was worn down by overwork. 她因过度劳累而垮了下来。

②overbridge 天桥:over在上+bridge桥→overbridge在道路上的桥即天桥 They appear in every corner of the city, on the overbridge, on the street, near restaurants, and even at your door.

③overseas 海外的、国外的:over在外+sea海→oversea在海外的即国外的 She is an overseas student in Britain.

④overlook 俯瞰:over从上+look看→overlook从上往下看即俯瞰 We overlook the church from our house.

⑤overleap 越过:over越过+leap跳过→overleap 越过

Your carelessness will overleap yourself! 你过于粗心大意,这会毁了你!

⑥overturn 傾覆、推翻:over颠倒、反转+turn使转动、旋转→overturn 傾覆、推翻

The boat overturned but didn't sank. 84、paleo- :古、旧

①paleozoology 古动物学:paleo古、旧+zoology动物学→paleozoology 古动物学

Sometimes the subject is divided into paleobotany, the study of fossil plants, paleozoology, the study of fossil animals, and paleoecology. 有时将古生物学分为古植物学(植物化石研究)、古动物学(动物化石研究)以及古生态学。

②paleolithic 旧石器时代:paleo古、旧+lithic石的→paleolithic 旧石器时代

The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to the Paleolithic era.


③paleoclimate 史前气候:paleo古、旧+climate气候→paleoclimate 古代的气候即史前气候

Stalagmite has become an important carrier in studying paleoclimate and paleoenvironment.

在古气候和古环境的研究中,洞穴石笋已成为一种重要的研究载体。 85、pan- :全、泛

①pantropical 遍布于热带的:pan全、泛+tropical热带的→pantropical 遍布于热带的

This kind of plant can be seen in pantropical districts. ②pantheism 泛神论:pan全、泛+theism有神论→pantheism 泛神论 It is thus opposed to all forms of pantheism.

③panchromatic全色的:pan全、泛+chromatic有颜色的→panchromatic 全色的

The making technology of panchromatic holographic plate was supplied.


86、para- :半、类似、准;辅助、副; 旁、靠近、外; 错误、伪;降落伞、伞投、空降

①paramilitary 准军事的:para半、类似、准+military军事的→paramilitary 准军事的

In some countries the police have paramilitary duties.

②paralanguage 辅助语言:para辅助、副+language语言→paralanguage 辅助语言

As for those overseas students,English usually become their first language and Chinese become their paralanguage.

③paracentral 靠近中心的:para旁、靠近、外+central中心的→paracentral 靠近中心的

The objects which are nearer to the center of earth will be affected by greater gravity.

④parachronism 年代记录错误:para错误、伪+chron时间+ism具备某种性质→parachronism在时间上出现错误的即年代记录错误

There are many records of parachronism in this history book.So it is not of high value to historians.

⑤parabomb 空投炸弹:para降落伞、伞投、空降+bomb炸弹→parabomb 空投炸弹

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor sneakly by throwing thousands of parabomb on planes.

87、pen- :almost近似、差不多 (亦作pene-)

①peninsula 半岛:pen(近似、差不多)+insul岛屿+a→peninsula近似岛屿即半岛

His house is located on the tip of the peninsula.

②penultimate 倒数第二的:pen(近似、差不多)+ultimate最后的→近似最后的即penultimate 倒数第二的

November is the penultimate month of the year.

③peneplain 准平原:pen(近似、差不多)+plain平原→peneplain和平原差不多的即准平原

Subaerial erosion occurs often with reduction to a peneplain. 陆上侵蚀常夷平成准平原。 88、penta- :五

①Pentagon五角大楼:penta五+gon→Pentagon五角大楼 ②pentathlon 五项全能:penta五+thlon→pentathlon 五项全能 ③pentangular 五角的:penta五+gular→pentangular 五角的 89、per- :贯穿、通、透、全、遍、自始至终

①perspective 透视:per透+spect看+ive形容词后缀→perspective 透视 Do you agree with this perspective?

②perennial 全年的、常年的:per全+enn年+ial…的→perennial 全年的 Politics provides a perennial subject for argument.

③permanent 永久的:per自始至终+man拿住+ent名词后缀→permanent自始至终拿着一件东西即永久的

I am looking for a permanent career. 90、per- :加强意义;过、高(用于化学名词)

①perfervid 非常热心的:per表示加强意义+fervid充满激情的、热烈的→perfervid 非常热心的

Small-and-medium sized commercial banks find themselves stuck in this perfervid battle facing great pressure for survival.

在这场几近白热化的争夺战中,中小商业银行处境艰难,面临着严峻的生存压力。 ②peracid 过酸:per过、高+acid酸→peracid 过酸 Peracid obstacles is harmful to body. 91、peri- :周围、外层、靠近

①pericentral 中心周围的:peri周围+central中心的→pericentral 中心周围的

The pericentral objects of earth are affected by great gravity.

②periphrasis 绕圈子的陈述:peri外层+phrasis→periphrasis外层的陈述即绕圈子的陈述

He made a periphrasis of the issue to avoid being blamed. 为了逃避责任他闪烁其词,对这件事情做了大致的陈述。

③perimeter 周长,周边:peri周围+meter米→perimeter 周长,周边 Work out how long the perimeter of the playground. 92、poly- :多

①polyclinic 联合诊所、综合医院:poly多+clinic诊所→polyclinic 由多家诊所共同诊断的即联合诊所、综合医院

In recent years, the parking questions in the polyclinic of the city center area had increasingly emerged in our country. 近年来,我国城市中心区综合医院停车问题日益凸显。

②polyfunctional 多功能的:poly多+functional功能的→polyfunctional 多功能的

The polyfunctional wallet wins great favor from customers.

③polydirectional 多方向的:poly多+directional方向的→polydirectional 多方向的

From the correlation with foreland basins abroad it is concluded that Sichuan basin resulted from polydirectional compression stress. 在与国外前陆盆地对比的基础上,得出四川盆地是一个受多方向挤压应力综合作用的前陆盆地。 93、post- :after

①postscript 编后记:post(after)+script手稿、手记→postscript 编后记 He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures. ②postwar 战后:post(after)+war战争→postwar 战后 They got married in the postwar years.

③postgraduate 研究生、大学毕业后的:post(after)+graduate毕业→大学毕业后的即研究生

She is a postgraduate at the University of Chicago.

94、pre- :前; 预先

①premature 未成熟的:pre前+mature成熟→premature在成熟之前的即未成熟的

He feels amused by cheir premature behavior. ②preheat 预热:pre预先+heat加热→preheat 预热

One shall not forget to preheat the components before soldering. 焊接前零件别忘了要预热。

95、pro- :向前、在前;代理、代替;拥护、亲、赞成

①progress 前进、发展:pro向前、在前+gress行走→progress向前走即前进、发展

The student is showing rapid progress in his studies. ②prospect 展望:pro向前、在前+spect看→prospect向前看即展望 I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition.

③prologue 前言:pro向前、在前+logue说;话→prologue说在前面的话引申为前言

The prologue of the book is a famous writer.

④procurator 代理人:pro代理、代替+curator监护人、管理者→procurator 代理人

He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator. 他因向检察长行贿而被警方拘捕。

⑤proslavery 支持奴隶制度:pro拥护、亲、赞成+slavery奴隶制度→proslavery 支持奴隶制度

Proslavery advocates left to join the Democrats and antislavery adherents joined the Republicans.

拥护奴隶制的党员留下来参加了民主党,而反对奴隶制的则参加了共和党。 96、proto- :原始

①protohuman 早期原始人:proto原始+human人类→protohuman 早期原始人 Protohuman moms probably fashioned baby slings, too, they suggest, both for ease of transportation and to keep the young warm by holding them close

to their bodies.

史前的母亲大概也使用背带,因为方便,而且孩子紧贴著母亲容易保持体温。 ②prototype 原型:proto原始+type类型→prototype 原型 Designers have built a working prototype of the car.

③protogenic 原生的:proto原始+genic基因的、产生→protogenic 原生的 Results show that the protogenic geological environment of the survey area is quite good.It is a rare and ideal place for investors both home and abroad to fulfill their ambitious plans.


97、pseudo- :假的false(在母音前作pseud-)

①pseudoscience 伪科学:pseudo假的+science科学→pseudoscience 伪科学 Measurement is one of the characters that distinguish science from pseudoscience.

②pseudology 谎话:pseudo假的+ology科学、学问→pseudology 谎话 Telling pseudology is amoral.

③pseudography冒名作品:pseudo假的+graph写、图→pseudography冒名作品 This passage is proved to be pseudography. 98、quadri- :four(亦作quadru-,在母音前作quadr-)

①quadruple 四倍的,四重的:quadru四+ple→quadruple 四倍的,四重的 Crowding in England is almost double that of Germany and quadruple the population density in France.


②quadrilateral 四边的:quadri四+lateral侧面的、横向的→quadrilateral 四边的

A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry. 风筝是个有一条对称线的四边形。

③quadrennial 四年的:quadr四+enn年+ial→quadrennial 四年的 The highlight of international play is the quadrennial world Cup competition.

国际足球赛的最重要部份是4年一次的世界杯比赛。 99、quasi- :partly;seemingly;not real

①quasihistorical 带有历史性的:quasi(partly)+historical历史的→quasihistorical部分具有历史性的即带有历史性的

The quasihistorical books are favored by great amounts of readers. 100、quinque- :五(在母音前作quinqu-)

①quinquangular 五角的:quinque五+angular有角的→quinquangular 五角的 ②quinquennial 每五年的:quinque五+enn年+ial→quinquennial 每五年的 The success of the quinquennial event was a sign that Byzantine studies are flourishing in almost every corner of the world.


③quinquesection 五等分:quinque五+section部分→quinquesection 五等分 The big apple was cut into quinquesection and each child got one. 101、re- :回、向后;再、重复、重新;相反、反对

①recollect 回忆,忆起:re回、向后+collect收集→recollect 收集过去的东西以供回忆,忆起

She can recollect meeting the king

②reproduction 繁殖、复制:re再、重复、重新+production生产→reproduction 繁殖、复制

Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion. ③reaction 反应、反作用:re相反、反对+action作用→reaction反作用 Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press. 102、retro- :back;backward;behind

①retrograde 退化:retro(back;backward;behind)+grade等级→retrograde 等级退后即退化

The closure of the factory is a retrograde step.

②retrospect 回想,回顾:retro(back;backward;behind)+spect看→retrospect 往回看即回想,回顾

In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong.

③retrogress 倒退:retro(back;backward;behind)+gress行走→retrogress 往后走即倒退

In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.

动摇了中国就要倒退到分裂和混乱,就不可能实现现代化。 103、se- :离开、分开

①select 选择:se离开、分开+lect选择、收集→select把一堆东西分开以收集类似的东西放在一起即选择

She lets her son select his own Christmas present.

②seclude 使隔离:se离开、分开+clude关闭→seclude把人分开起来关闭即使隔离

Moslems seclude their wives in the harem. 回教徒隔绝他们的妻子在闺房中。

③segregate 分离:se离开、分开+greg群+ate动词后缀→segregate和人群分开即分离

Some societies still segregate men and women. 104、semi- :half

①semiliterate 半文盲的:semi半+literate有读写能力的人、有文化修养的→semiliterate 半文盲的

In addition to the high price, the absence of sensationalism also made newspapers not attractive to thesemiliterate working class.


②semiconductor 半导体:semi半+conductor导体→semiconductor 半导体 This is a semiconductor integrated circuit. 这是一个半导体集成电路。 ③semiofficial 半官方的:semi半official官方的→semiofficial 半官方的 Till now,TD has been the extraordinary industry that has semiofficial quality all the time.

“TD成长至今,一向是存在半民间性质的特殊工业。” 105、sept- :七(亦作septi-及septem-)

①septangle 七角形:sept七+angle角度→septangle 七角形

②septennial 每七年的:sept七+enn年+ial形容词后缀→septennial 每七年的

We will hold a septennial conference.

③septempartite 分七部分的:sept七+em使,让+part部分+ite动词后缀→ septempartite使某物成为七个部分即分七部分的 106、sex- :六(亦作sexi-)

①sexangle 六角形:sex六+angle角度→sexangle 六角形

②sexcentenary 六百年的:sex六+centenary百年间→sexcentenary 六百年的 We had a quite happy sexcentenary anniversary. ③sexdigitism 六指:sex六+digitism→sexdigitism 六指 107、step- :后、继

①stepfather 继父:step后、继+father父亲→stepfather 继父 He lives with his mother and stepfather.

②stepchild 前夫或前妻的孩子:step后、继+child孩子→stepchild 前夫或前妻的孩子

Times soon grew very bad for the poor stepchild. 可怜的女孩,她的日子开始不好过了。

③stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟:step后、继+brother兄弟→stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟

Your new stepbrother told me about your problem at school. 108、stereo- :立体

①stereosonic 立体声的:stereo立体+sonic音波的→stereosonic 立体声的 Stereosonic Festival 2012 was hold successfully in Melbourne,Australia. ②stereograph 立体照片:stereo立体+graph写→stereograph立体写生即立体照片

I want to research if the idea of Picasso's stereograph school can be apply into Chinese paper-cut animation.


③stereoproject 立体投影:stereo立体+project放映→stereoproject 立体投影

Our company has a stereoproject room.

109、sub- :下; 次、亚、准;稍、略、微;副、分支、下级;接近;更进一层、再;用于化学名词,表示化合物成分含量少的

①subway 地铁:sub下+way道路→subway地下的道路即地铁 She saw us on the subway.

②subtropics 亚热带:sub亚+ tropics热带的→subtropics 亚热带 Evergreen bush or small arbor distributed in subtropics. 常绿灌木或小乔木。

③subcontinent 次大陆:sub次+subcontinent 大陆→subcontinent 次大陆 Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India.

④subcollege 准大学程度的:sub准+college大学→subcollege 准大学程度的 The degree of a training school is equal to a subcollege degree. ⑤subacid 略酸的:sub稍、略、微+acid酸的→subacid 略酸的 subacid remarks. 酸溜溜的话

⑥subeditor 副编辑:sub副+editor编辑→subeditor 副编辑

In the ensuing years, Sam worked for his brother as foreman, subeditor, and feature writer.

随后的几年里,塞姆在哥哥手下当过工头,助理编辑和特写记者。 ⑦subarea 分区:sub分支+area地区→subarea 分区

On the grounds, homologous subarea management modes were put forward in detail.


⑧subworker 助手,副手:sub下级+worker工人→subworker 助手,副手 The manager has two subwokers.

⑨subcentral 接近中心的:sub接近+central中心的→subcentral 接近中心的

Award prices for subcentral government civil engineering projects are compared before and after the law went into effect.

在法律实施前后,对中央下属 政府民用工程项目的合同价格进行了比较 ⑩subdivide 再分、细分:sub更进一层、再+divide划分→subdivide 再分、细分

You can use sales organizations to subdivide markets into regions. ?suboxide 低氧化物:sub化合物成分含量少的+oxide氧化物→suboxide 低氧化物

In this paper, several methods for preparing titanium suboxide are given and its wide uses in new areas are mentioned.

本文介绍了低价氧化钛的各种制备方法及其在各个新开发领域中的应用。 110、super- :超;上;过度、过多

①superspeed 超高速的:super超+speed速度→superspeed 超高速的 She was punished for superspeed.

②superstructure 上层建筑:super上+structure结构→superstructure 上层建筑

Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure. ③superheat 过热:super过+heat加热→superheat过热 It will not superheat the floor. 111、supra- :超、上

①suprarenal 肾上腺的:supra超、上+renal肾脏的→suprarenal 肾上腺的 ②supramundane 超越世俗的:supra超、上+mundane世俗的→supramundane 超越世俗的

Monks are supramundane.They do not have the sensation as ordinary people. ③supranational 超国家的:supra超、上+national国家的→supranational 超国家的

He will have to wear a heavy crown as the leader of a supranational organization.

112、sur- :上、外、超

①surrealism 超现实主义:sur超+realism 现实主义→surrealism 超现实主义

My picture was inspired by my favorite style of art surrealism. ②surcoat 外套、上衣:sur外+coat上衣、外套→surcoat外面的衣服即外套、外衣

As the weather gets colder she has to wear a surcoat. ③surmount 在...顶上:sur上+mount山峰→surmount 在...顶上 I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 113、sym- :共同、相同

①sympathy 同情:sym共同、相同+pathy感情→sympathy有相同的感情即同情 I felt much sympathy for the blind.

②symphony 交响曲:sym共同、相同+phon声音+y→symphony有共同的声音,声音交织在一起引申为交响曲

This symphony was composed by Beethoven.

③symmetry 对称:sym共同、相同+metr测量+y→两边测量都一样即对称 These values constitute the symmetry waveform. 有这些数据来构成对称波形。 114、syn- :共同、相同

①synonym 同义字:syn共同、相同+onym名字→synonym 名字相同即同义词

Don't mix up this pair of synonyms.



The sound of a film must synchronize with the action.

③synthesis 合成、综合:syn共同、相同+thesis放→synthesis把两样东西放在一起即合成、综合

His work is a synthesis of several ideas.


①tetracycline 四环素:tetra四+cycline环化素→tetracycline 四环素 ②tetrode 四极管:tetr四+ode→tetrode 四极管 high-frequency tetrode 高频四极管

③tetragon 四角形:tetr四+agon→tetragon 四角形 an old - fashioned tetragon on a central pivot 老式的建在中轴上的四角大楼


①transnational 超越国界的:trans越过+national国家的→transnational 超越国界的

Nokia is a famous transnational corporation.

②transcontinental 横穿大陆的:trans横过+continental大陆的→transcontinental 横穿大陆的

I wish I could make a transcontinental trip by Grey hound bus. 我希望我也能搭灰狗巴士做一次横跨大陆的旅行。

③transnormal 超出常规的:trans超+normal正常的→transnormal 超出常规的

In ancientry,not only did the great people have transnormal brightness,but also with gritty will.


④transform 改变...之外形:trans转移、变换+form形式→transform 改变...之外形

The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。 117、tri-:三

①tripod 三角架:tri三+pod→tripod 三角架 Make sure the tripod is stable.

②triangle 三角(形):tri三+angle角度→triangle 三角(形) He outlined the triangle in red.

③trilogy 三部曲:tri三+logy→trilogy 三部曲 He is best known for his trilogy on working life. 他以描写工人阶级生活的三部曲而著名。 118、twi-:二

①twiformed 有二形的:twi二+formed成形的→twiformed 有二形的 ②twifold 两倍:twi二+fold折叠、合拢→twifold折叠两次引申为两倍 The case against is twifold: too risky and too expensive. 反对理由有两点:太冒险而且太昂贵。

③twiforked 有两叉的:twi二+forked叉状的,有叉的→twiforked 有两叉的 119、ultra-:超、以外;极端

①ultrasonic超声的:ultra超+sonic音波的、音速的→ultrasonic 超声的 The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。

②ultramarine 海外的:ultra以外+marine海的→ultramarine海外的 Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism.

麦琪的思想远离天主教而沉入了让人眼花缭乱的深蓝色中. ③ultra-left 极左的:ultra极端+left左→ultra-left 极左的 Ultra-left trend of thought 极左思潮


①unbind 解放,解开:un相反动作、取消、除去+bind约束→unbind 和约束相反的动作就是不约束即解放,解开

The girl started to unbind her braided hair.女孩开始解开编起来的头发。 ②unreal不真实的:un不+real真实的→unreal不真实的 She lives in an unreal world.


The bankrupted company was mergered by another bigger one for unconditional reason.


④unofficial 非官方的:un非+official官方的→unofficial 非官方的 This statement is unofficial and not binding on us.

⑤uncorrected 未修正的:un未+corrected修正的→uncorrected 未修正的 An uncorrected manuscript未经修改的手稿

⑥unearth 从地下掘出:un由...中弄出+earth陆地→unearth从陆地中弄出即从地下掘出

They will unearth the buried treasure here. 121、under-:下;内(用于衣服);不足、少;副、次 ①underline下划线:under下+line线→underline 下划线 Please underline the important items.

②underclothing 内衣:under内+clothing衣服→underclothing 内衣 Underclothing made of this kind of cloth is very comfortable. ③underproduction 生产不足、供不应求:under不足、少+production产品、产量→underproduction 生产不足、供不应求

The factory decides to enlarge its scale for its underproduction. ④underagent 副代理人:under+agent代理人→underagent 副代理人 Working as an underagent,he feels a little unsatisfied. 123、uni-:一

①unilateral 单方面的:uni一+lateral侧面的、横向的→unilateral 单方面的

They cancelled the contract unilateral. ②unify 使统一:uni一+fy动词后缀→unify 使统一 The new leader hopes to unify the country.

③uniform 同样的:uni一+form形式→uniform在形式上是一样的即同样的 The students are wearing school uniforms. 124、vice-:副

①vice-chairman 副主席:vice副+chairman主席→vice-chairman The chairman is ill so his vice-chairman speaks in his place. ②vice-governor 副总督:vice副+governor总督→vice-governor 副总督

They represented their hard life to the Vice-governor. ③vice-consul 副领事:vice副+consul 领事→vice-consul 副领事

What remains unclear are the details, such as what the vice consul said. 125、with-:向后、相反

①withdraw 收回、撤退:with向后、相反+draw拖、拉→withdraw 往后拖、拉即收回、撤退

He wanted to withdraw his name from the guest list.

②withstand 抵挡、反抗:with向后、相反+stand忍受→withstand 抵挡、反抗

Explorers have to withstand hardships.

③withhold 阻止:with向后、相反+hold拿住、握住→withhold 阻止 The readers cannot withhold their admiration.


126、-able. a. ==倾向于…;可能回做…

①acceptable 可接受的:accept接受+able倾向于…→acceptable在心理倾向于接受即可接受的

If these terms are not acceptable to you, we may suggest others. 如果你对这些条件不合意,我们可提出别的条件。

②readable 可读(认)的:read读+able可能会做…→readable可能会读得懂得即可读(认)的

The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated. 这本书明白易懂,可读性强,插图丰富。

③adaptable 可适应的:adapt适应+able可能会做…→adaptable可能会适应的即可适应的

Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else. 较年长的工人的适应能力和学习速度有时并不亚于其他任何人。 127、-age. n. == …的行动、结果、状态

