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义乌市摩森服装辅料有限公司隶属于义乌市,成立于2008年。公司座落于有着中国小商品之称的—中国浙江义乌. 本公司是聚生产与销售为一体,电商贸易为核心的综合性实业公司。公司主要生产销售:服装商标洗涤标,布标,水洗吊牌,牛皮纸吊牌,自粘标签,条形码贴纸,热转印标,硅胶热转印,阻燃洗涤布标,(PVC,TPU,EVA)等标签吊牌. 最大限度满足于服装,绒毛玩具,箱包等客户的需求,并与国内外各大知名品牌建立长期友好合作关系。现在我们拥有丰富的生产经验和专业的研发团队,在设备的配置上也实现了国际化。我的实习职位是一个跨境电子商务平台运营商。用英语编辑的主要工作是公司的产品,然后上传产品在敦煌网网站,阿里巴巴全球速卖通和其他网站。我需要与外国客户沟通,解决他们的问题。最后,让客户下订单。

在实习过程中我收到了78份的关于们们店铺的咨询邮件,对客户的询问我都进行了仔细的解答。并成功的接到了43个订单。 第二部分


1,。首先我需要简单的处理公司产品的图片,因为上传到速卖通的图文是需要全英文的,不可以出现中文。 2. 编辑上传产品的英文标题,产品的特性。上传一定数量的产品 3. 优化店铺页面设计、广告设计。


5. 跟踪标杆企业和竞争对手的产品销售情况,结合公司内部的销售情况做出相应的调整。 6.完成店铺的销售目标

7. 维护账户的安全,处理订单纠纷,保持店铺的好评率和良好的信用度。

在完成了前期的工作之后,店铺开始了正常的运营。慢慢的开始有很多人来浏览我的店铺,也开始收到客户的咨询邮件。对于收到的每一封邮件,我都进行仔细的回复。每天的收邮件回邮件都会让我感觉到很快乐,因为每一次的询问就代表着有下订单的希望。很快,就有客户开始下单了,在她们下单后,我就帮她们准备货物,安排装运。 Thought:

速卖通(AliExpress)是阿里巴巴旗下的跨境小额外贸在线交易平台, 旨在帮助中小企业接触终端批发零售商, 小批量多批次快速销售、 拓展利润空间。 它融合订单、支付、物流于一体,于 2010 年 4 月正式上线。通过 4 年多的发展, 速卖通已经成长为全球最大的在线外贸交易平台。 电子商务英语是速卖通平台上 最重要的交际语言。像淘宝一样,把宝贝编辑成在线信息,通过速卖通平台,发 布到海外。 类似国内的发货流程, 通过国际快递, 将宝贝运输到买家手上就这样, 轻轻松松,与 220 多个国家和地区的买家达成交易,赚取美金。


每天海外买家的流量已经超过6000万,最高峰值达到1.5亿;己经成为中国最大国际B2C交易平台。 在这种B2C模式下,我国企业直接面对国外消费者,以销售个人消费品为主,




在实习期我完成了速卖通的一个运营,收到了78 份的客户询盘邮件。成功的接到了43个的订单。对自己在实习有一个这样的成绩,我还是觉得很开心的。 3.总结

在实习期,我的主要工作就是管理公司的速卖通店铺,让店铺有一个好的运营。 但在这个过程中我遇到了很多的困难。



My Internship in Mosen Clothing Accessories Company


Yiwu Moson Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008. The company is located in China Commodity City - Yiwu. The company is in production and sales , and with the electricity supplier's business as the core. In a word, it is a comprehensive industrial company. The company’s main products, including clothing trademarks, washing superscript, subscript cloth, washing tag, kraft paper tag, self-adhesive labels, bar code stickers, heat transfer label, silicone heat transfer, fire-retardant wash cloth (PVC, TPU, EVA, etc.) and so on. To a great degree to meet custermers’ need in clothing, stuffed toys and luggage, as well as to establish a long-term friendly and cooperative relations with other famous brands at home and abroad. Until now we have rich experience in production, possess professional research team and international device configuration. My internship position was an AliExpress

Saleswoman. The main work was to use English to edit the company's products, and then uploaded the products in AliExpress. And I needed to communicate with foreign customers and to solve their problems. Finally, let customers to place orders. In this period of internship, I got 78 inquiry emails about our company’s products. I carefully replied to all the mails, and seriously answered the customer's questions. During the course of practice, I successfully received 45 orders. 2.My Internship: Work, Thought and Achievement Work:

Our company has been on the website of Taobao, Alibaba for many years.From the beginning of this year, they want to be in Dhgate website, and use AliExpress to face with foreign electricity trade suppliers. I'm the first Aliexpress saleswoman in my company and no one can teach me .So I needed to learn to do AliExpress by myself . When I was in school, I often heard of these foreign electricity trade websites. Since many classmates and friends around me are doing these foreign trade websites, and I also once learned some relevant knowledge in the classroom, I have a general understanding about the AliExpress. In the first two weeks of my internship period, my main job was to make the company's AliExpress begin to operate. I developed a simple operational procedures, and used them at work. First of all, I dealt with the picture of the company's products. Because the language must be English in uploading the picture and text to the AliExpress, I needed to modify the wrong pictures. Meanwhile, I must upload English titled products name, and edit product properties. Then I needed to upload the product to the AliExpress. Next I designed the store page and the advertisement of the product. Then I checked the uploaded products to improve the entry flow, product browsing, and conversion rates. After that I surveyed product sales of benchmark companies and competitors, and combined with the company's internal sales to make the appropriate adjustments. Finally, I

maintained the security of the account, dealt with the dispute of order, and kept the store's favorable rate, good credit and complete store sales targets. After the completion of the preliminary work, the shop was able to operate in a normal condition. A lot of people came to browse my shop, and I also began to receive consulting mails from customers. For each received mail, I made a detailed reply. When receiving the mail, I was very happy for each inquiry represented a likely order in the future. In the third week I received the first order and the customers wanted to customize clothing tag. After confirming all the requirements of the customer about the product, I started to arrange the production, packaging and shipping. I treated every order like this. Thought:

I know the AliExpress is Alibaba's online trading platform for small cross-border trade , designed to help small and medium contact terminal wholesalers and retailers , sales of small quantities of multiple batches quickly and expand profit margins. It combines the orders, payment and logistics as a whole, and it was launchedon April 26, 2010 formally. Through many years’ development, AliExpress has grown into the world 's largest online trade trading platform. In the AliExpress, English is the most important language to make communication It is the same as Taobao, which is needed to edite information of products online andreleased overseas by AliExpress platform. Similar to domestic delivery process, it will transport the goods to the buyer’s hands by international express easily. In terms of logistics, air bags, mail, courier and so on are mainly used. The customs clearance is completed by the postal or courier company. Now the Aliexpress has overseas buyers covering more than 220 countries and regions, meanwhile including more than 44 different categories. Every day the flow of overseas buyers has more than 60 million, and the peak value reached 150 million; AliExpress has become China's largest international B2C trading

platform. In this B2C model, China's enterprises directly communicate with foreign consumers,and mainly sale goods to consumers toearn dollars.

I think AliExpress is suitable for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises like our company. The operation is very convenient and simple,and it also can earn substantial profits. Achievement:

In the internship period, I completed the AliExpress operation. I received 78 inquiries mails from customers and received 43 orders. I feel very happy to have such a result in my internship. 3. Summary

In the internship period, my main job was to manage the company's AliExpress shop, and let the shop have a good operation.But I met a lot of difficulties in the process. At first I was not familiar with the company's products,and I had a lot of problems in uploading the products for I did not know how to edit the product title, keywords and features. As a result, I wasted a lot of time in uploading products. Because of this, and I could not directly answer customers’questions. Also due to the time differences, I could not answer their questions promptly, and missed chances to take orders. The most serious problem encountered in my internship was the freight cost. Due to the lack of detailed understanding of the international shipping , I underestimated the cost of freight. So the offer to the customer was low, resulting in a loss of orders. But faced with these problems, I was actively to solve these problems . During this internship, I also learned a lot, such as image processing, aliexpress shop management, operations, and so on. In the company, I also met new colleagues and made new friends. I feel that my internship was very pleasant.

4. Acknowledgment

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all people who helped

me in writing this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Mrs lou, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis,she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not be possible.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to my supervisor Mrs. Zhou Yi, who has given me considerable help by means of suggestions, comments and criticism in my work.

At last, I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents, who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting me without a word of complaint.

My Internship in Mosen Clothing Accessories Company


Yiwu Moson Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008. The company is located in China Commodity City - China Yiwu. Our company is a production and sales as one, the electricity supplier's business as the core of a comprehensive Industrial Company. The company mainly produces sales: clothing trademarks, washing superscript, subscript cloth, washing tag, kraft paper tag, self-adhesive labels, bar code stickers, heat transfer label, silicone heat transfer, fire-retardant wash cloth, (PVC, TPU, EVA, etc.) label tag. The maximum to meet in clothing, stuffed toys, luggage and other customer needs and establish long-term friendly and cooperative relations with all major brands at home and abroad. Now we have a wealth of production experience and professional R & D team, in the configuration of the device also achieved international. My internship position is an AliExpress Saleswoman. The main work is to use English to edit the company's products, and then upload the products in AliExpress. And I need to communicate with

foreign customers and to solve their problems. Finally, let customers to place orders. In this period of internship I got 78 inquiry email about our store products. I carefully replied to all the mail, and seriously answer the customer's questions. In the course of practice I successfully received 45 orders.

2.My Internship: Work, Thought and Achievement Work:

Our company has been on the website of Taobao, Alibaba for many years.From the beginning of this year, they want to be in Dhgate website, AliExpress to do foreign trade electricity suppliers. I'm the first aliexpress saleswoman in my company. In the company no one can teach me .So I need to learn to do AliExpress by myself . When I was in school, I often heard of these foreign trade electricity supplier website. Many classmates and friends around me have done these foreign trade website. I also learned the relevant knowledge in the classroom. so I have a general understand about the AliExpress. In the first two weeks of the internship process my main job is to make the company's AliExpress can begin operations. I developed a simple operational procedures, and use up at work. First of all, I dealt with the picture of the company's products. Because upload the picture and text to the aliexpress must ues in English, does not allow the Chinese. I need to modify the error picture. The second I edit uploaded products English title, and edit product properties .Then upload the product to the AliExpress. Next I designed the store page, and designed the product advertisement. Then checked the upload products to improve the entry flow, product browsing, and conversion rates. After that I Surveyed product sales of benchmark companies and competitors, combined with the company's internal sales make the appropriate adjustments. Finally, maintain the security of the account, deal with the dispute of order, keep the store's favorable rate and good credit and complete store sales targets. After the completion of

the preliminary work, shop began normal operations. A lot of people come to browse my shop, and I also began to receive the customer's consulting mail. For each mail received, I have carried out a detailed reply. Every day back to the mail will make me feel very happy, because every time the inquiry on behalf of the hope of the order. In the third week I received the first order. Customers want to customize clothing tag. After confirming all the requirements of the customer about the product, I started for the customer to arrange the production, packaging and shipping. Every order I have been treated like this. Thought:

I know the AliExpress is Alibaba's online trading platform for cross-border trade of small , designed to help small and medium -contact terminal wholesalers and retailers , sales of small quantities of multiple batches quickly , expanding profit margins. It combines the orders, payment, logistics in one, on April 26, 2010 formally launched. Through years of development, AliExpress has grown into the world 's largest online trade trading platform. English is the speed of e-commerce platform to sell the most important communication through language.Same as Taobao , edited into online information products , by AliExpress platform , released overseas.And domestic delivery process as international courier will transport the goods to the buyer hands on so easily , In terms of logistics, the main use of air bags, mail, courier, etc. The customs clearance is completed by the postal or courier company. Now the Aliexpress has overseas buyers covering more than 220 countries and regions and covering more than 44 different categories. Every day the flow of overseas buyers has more than 60 million, the peak value reached 150 million; AliExpress has become China's largest international B2C trading platform. In this B2C model, China's enterprises directly communicate with foreign consumers,and mainly to sales of Consumer Goods ,then earn dollars.

I think AliExpress is suitable for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises such as our company. The operate is very convenient and simple,and also can earn substantial profits. Achievement:

In the internship period, I completed the AliExpress operation. I received 78 inquiries mail from customers and received 43 orders. I feel very happy to have such a result in my internship. 3. Summary

In the internship period, my main job is to manage the company's AliExpress shop, and let the shop has a good operation.But I met a lot of difficulties in the process. At first I'm not familiar with the company's products,when I uploaded the product I had a lot of problems. I do not know how to edit the product title, keywords and features. So waste a lot of time on uploading products. Because of this, and I can not directly answer the question of customers. Also because of the time difference problem, I can't to answer their questions in the first time, it also makes me miss a chance to take orders. The most serious problem encountered in the course of the internship is the freight cost. Due to the lack of detailed understanding of the international shipping , underestimate the cost of freight. So the offer to the customer is low, resulting in a loss of orders. But in the face of these problems, I have actively to solve these problems . During this internship, I also learned a lot. Such as image processing, aliexpress shop management, operations, and so on. In the company, I also met new colleagues and made new friends. I feel that my internship was very pleasant. 4. Acknowledgement

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Mrs lou, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the

academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to my supervisor Mrs. Zhou Yi who gave me considerable help by means of suggestion, comments and criticism in my work.

Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.

