北师大版高中英语必修模块一 Unit1 Lesson3 语言点精品学案

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Unit1 Lesson3 语言点参考学案

学习目标:学习Unit 1 Lesson 3课文中的语言点。

学习内容:Unit 1 Lesson 3 Language Points

学习难点:Lesson 3的有关单词、短语的用法。



Don’t complain to your parents about money.


Li Ming is always the first person to get to the classroom every day.


We are bored with doing the same exercises.


I can’t stand the hot weather.


Every day when he wakes up, he has to suffer from this pain.


It won’t take up too much of your time to tell a story to the child.


The children like to take turns to .tell a story


Put the medicine on the top of the shelf so that the children can’t reach it.

二、Language Points

1. volunteer n. 志愿者/ vt. 自愿去做;自告奋勇去做

(1) volunteer (vt.) to do sth. 自告奋勇去做某事

e.g. He always volunteers to help others. 他经常自告奋勇去帮助别人。

(2) voluntary adj.自发的,自愿的,志愿的,义务的

e.g. a voluntary teaching team 一支义教队


1). The road cost the villages nothing; it was built by the volunteers.(由志愿者们)

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2). Tom volunteered to help me (自愿帮我) to water the flowers after school.

2. graduate vi. 毕业

(1) graduate from… 从……..毕业

e.g. They just graduated from Zhongshan University. 他们刚从中山大学毕业

(2) graduation n. 毕业

e.g. After graduation, I become an English teacher. 毕业后我成为了一名英语教师。【练习】1).我已经大学毕业了。

I have graduated from university.


What are you going to do after graduation?

3. challenge n. 挑战v. 向…挑战

(1) face a challenge面对挑战

e.g. I am facing a challenge now. 我正在面对挑战。

(2) meet the challenge of 遇到……的挑战

e.g. Schools must meet the challenge of new technology.学校必须迎接新技术的



(1) It is a challenge for him (对他来说是个挑战) to learn swimming in a month.

(2) Don’t challenge him to (向他挑战) play basketball, he is really good at it.

4. support vt. & n. 支持;支撑;养活

(1) I support you. 我支持你. = I am beside you. = I am on your side.

(2) win support (from sb.) 赢得支持


He is in trouble. He needs our support.

If you want to get this job, you had better win support from your patents(赢得你父母的支持).


1. 凯特去年毕业于医学院,现在在一间大医院工作。

Kate graduated from a medical college last year and now she is working in a big hospital.

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2. 我在体育馆的工作纯粹是自愿的,我跟很多志愿者一起工作。

My job at the gym is purely voluntary and I work together with many volunteers.

3. 玛丽目前正受疾病折磨。

Mary is suffering from illness at the moment.

4. 让玛丽养活整个家是不公平的。

It’s not fair to let Mary support the whole family.

5. 作为一个高中生对我而言的确是一个新的挑战。

It’s really a new challenge for me to be a senior high school student.

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