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——环球雅思Helen Yjx


第一章 谓语动词 第一讲 时态


(一)一般(现在、过去、将来、过去将来) 一般 现在 过去 将来 主be + v-ing 主will/shall + v原… 主would/should + v原? 主was/were going to+ v原 过去将来 肯定句式 主is/are+… 主v原/v单三+… 主was/were+… 主v-ed+… 主is/are going to v:打算 一般现在(主将从现) 主be about to do sth马上 主will +be + doing sth将要 否定句式 主is/are not+… 主don’t/doesn’t + v原+… 主was/were not… 主didn’t + v原… 主be + not + v-ing 主won’t/shall not + v原 主is/are not going to+ v原 主Was/Were not going to+ v原 主would/ should not+ v原+…/ Would/Should主v原+…? Was/were主going to+v原? 疑问句式 Is/Are主+…? Do/Does主+v原? Was/were主…? Did主+v原? Be主v-ing+…? Will/Shall主+v原? Is/Are主+v原? 将来计划、明确安排; 预测、尚未安排、可能;考虑打算、事实预测 last When, as soon as, after, before, until, as long as; tomorrow…; next…; in+表示将来的重复、习惯;状态,客意义 观;频度,次数;列车、航班 频度副词:always, 动作已经完成;描述一系列动作;过去习惯 过去谈论将来 标志性的时间状语 often, rarely, usually, sometimes, seldom; once/twice/three/four+次数;every evening/ day week/month/year yesterday; night/week/month season / year; …ago; just now; 介词+过去的the next… week/month/season/year/century week/month/season/year… 时态“三字经”: 现在时,并不难;表重复,表习惯;表状态,表客观;有频度,有次数;看主语,定单三。

(二)(现在、过去、将来、过去将来)进行 进行 肯定句式 否定句式 现在 主is/are +v-ing 主is/are not +v-ing 过去 主was/were +v-ing 主was/were 将来 v-ing… not 主won’t be 过去将来 主was/were going to+ v原 + 主Was/Were not going to+ v原 1

主will/shall be + 主would + v原? ——环球雅思Helen Yjx

+v-ing… v-ing… Will主be 主wouldn’t+ v原/ + Would主+v原? Was/were主going to+v原? 疑问句式 Is/Are主+v-ing…? 说话时正在发生的状Was/were主+v-ing…? v-ing…? 将来进行着的动作;纯粹的将来计划或安排 意义 态;目前正在进行的工作 now; at the moment, 为过去某一动作提供场景 过去谈论将来进行着的动作 标志性的时间状语 currently, presently, at present, this week when, while, as by this time tomorrow… by that time; the next day month/year (三)(现在、过去、将来、过去将来)完成 完成 肯定句式 否定句式 疑问句式 意义 现在 主has/have+v-ed… 过去 主had+v-ed… 将来 主will have+ v-ed… 主+won’t have+ v-ed Will主have+v-ed? 将来某时之前完成的动作 过去将来 主would have+ v-ed… 主wouldn’t have+ v-ed… Would主have+ v-ed…? 过去将来某时之前完成的动作 主has/have not v-ed… 主had not + v-ed… Has/Have主+v-ed…? Had主+v-ed…? 过去动作持续到现在; 过去某时之前发生的过去动作影响到现在 for+时间段,since+时动作 when, as soon as, by the time…, sooner… after; 标志性的时间状语 间点; Ever, never, just, no Before, by+固定时Before, by+固定时间; in+某段时间 already, yet; before, till now, than…, 间; in+某段时间 hardly… when…

(四)(现在、过去、将来、过去将来)完成进行 完成进行 肯定句式 否定句式 疑问句式 主现在 has/have been +v-ing… +v-ing… Has/Have+v-ing…? 某种状态或动作持续了多久 for+时间段,since+时间点 主been 过去 主had been +v-ing… had not 将来 主will have been +v-ing… +v-ing… Will主have been + v-ing…? 将来某时之前某个动作或状态存在了多久 by the end of… 过去将来 主would have+ been +v-ing… wouldn’t have been 主has/have not been 主been 主+won’t have been 主+v-ing… Had主been +v-ing…? 过去之前某一动作持续的长短或动作本身 for+时间段,since+时间点 +v-ing… Would主have been +v-ing…? 过去将来某时之前动作或状态存在了多久 意义 标志性的时间状语

by the end of… 二、基本时态演练

Listening to the following conversation.


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

(一) Task One: fill in the blanks. 1. Interviewer: Your name? Peter: Peter __________. (1)

2. Interviewer: ________ (2) you work or _________ (3) you a student?

Peter: I’m studying really hard for my exams this month—I’m doing math’s at university—but I also________ (4) my parents out. They own a _________ (5) and I ________ (6) there as a waiter in the evenings, so I ____________ (7) a lot of free time during the week.

My mom is always saying that I _____________ (8) enough in the restaurant! But I do manage to find some free time most days.

3. Interviewer: Can you look at the _____ (9) and tell me whether you do any of these things and if so, how ____ (10)?

Peter: I love music and I’m learning to play the piano. I ______ (11) really early and practice for an hour or so just about every day. I also play the guitar in a band with some other friends. We used to practice together at least _____________ (12) a week but these days we only manager to meet about once __________________ (13).

4. Interviewer: What about the next thing on the list? -_________________ (14)?

Peter: Well, I used to play them all the time but now I’m too busy studying and I _______ (15) miss them at all.

5. Interviewer: Do you use a computer for other things?

Peter: I use the Internet just about ________ (16) for my studies. And I also use it to _____________ (17) my friends and my family. My cousin is living in Thailand at the moment and he _______ (18) me regular emails to let me know how much fun he’s having! He’s always visiting exciting places.

6. Interviewer: Now, how about _________________ (19)?

Peter: Actually, I joined the local football team when I was at school and I still play _______________ (20) provided I can get to training. I much prefer playing football to watch it on TV, though I do ______________ (21) watch a match if there’s a big final or something. 7. Interviewer: What about going to watch live matches?

Peter: I’d love to be able to afford to go every week because I ____________ (22) my local team, but students don’t ____________ (23) have much money, you know! I can remember the ___________ (24) I went to a live match. Oh, sorry, I can see my friends—I ____________ (25)


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

go now!

(二)Task Two

Read through the conversation and find out: 1. Present simple sentences: 2. Present continuous: 3. Past simple sentences:


1. People should act according to what they are believing.

2. In general, I think our government spent too much money on space travel.

3. Nowadays, many people in my country have sent their children to single-sex schools. 4. These days, more and more people traveling to very distant places for their holidays. 5. I am hoping it is not too late to save the environment. 6. The female hen laying on average 5 or 6 eggs per week. 7. Younger drivers is more likely to be involved in a car accident.

8. Most doctors are agreeing that the only way to lose weight is by doing more exercise.


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

第二讲 语态

一、被动语态的形式 现在 过去 将来 将来完成 情态动词 不定式

一般 主am/is/are + v-ed… 主 was/were +v-ed… 主 will be +v-ed… 主 would be +v-ed… 进行 主am/is/are being +v-ed… 主was/were being +v-ed… × × 完成 主 has/have been +v-ed … 主had been +v-ed… 主 will have been +v-ed… 主 would have been +v-ed… 主 can / could / may / might / shall / should / will / would / must / have to / ought to + be + v-ed… …to be +v-ed…; to have been +v-ed 二、被动语态使用情景


1. I agree with the statement that there should be no government restriction on creative artists who express themselves in the way they do and that they must be given freedom for the same. (IELTS 4, Band 7, p167)

2. There is almost everything good in what is given to us through the media world which is made up of artists. (同上)

3. In conclusion, I strongly agree with that children should be taught to cooperate rather than compete. (IELTS 5, Band 6, p167)

4. It was opened in the year 1863, and it is already 140 years old. (IELTS 5, Band 7, p168)


1. The use of electricity in England is indispensed with. (IELTS 4, Band 6, p164)

2. Demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer is illustrated in the graph. (同上)

3. The use of average English home is shown in the pie chart. (同上)


1. A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which it is thought that


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries. (IELTS 5, model answer, p162)

2. It can be argued that…

It is advised/believed/universally accepted/generally recognized that… It is said/reported/estimated that…


A law was introduced to help protect people in this situation.


In the factory, the shoes are cleaned and packed into boxes ready for sale.


A lot of waste materials could be recycled by large manufacturers.


1. To enrich vocabulary, we should read more authentic materials. 可以改为:(1) (2) (3)

2. It is important for nations all over the world to work hard together to control the environmental pollution. 可以改为:

3. I am not sure whether all the college graduates can find jobs after graduation. 可以改为:

4. 用适当的动词形式完成下列句子:

(1)My home _____________ (locate) in the western part of the city. (2)These funds can _____________ (give) to the poorer people to help them. (3)We _____________ (not tell) that the rules had changed.

(4)Children need to _____________ (teach) the correct way to behave in public.


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

5. 句子改错:

(1)The house was sell for over a million dollars.

(2)The class has allowed to eat in the staff dining room during the renovations. (3)The potatoes carry along a conveyor belt to a room where they wash and peel. (4)The teacher told to take her class out of the school if the fire bell rang. (5)Smoking don’t allow in any part of the aeroplane.

(6)The museum was being renovating when we were there, so we could not visit it. (7)Bus tickets can buy at any newsagents.

(8)New employees have instructed not to operate the photocopier until they are trained.

6. 把下面的句子改成被动语态,并决定是否需要带by-短语 (1)A factory worker checks each box for quality.

(2)The government does not permit children under 16 to work.

(3)The washing machine is washing your clothes at the moment.

(4)A mechanic will repair your car this afternoon.

(5)The agent has sold our house at last.

(6)Something tore the back of my coat.

(7)The employer pay off the staff more for working at the weekend.

(8)Burning tires give off highly toxic chemicals.


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

第三讲 虚拟语气

请欣赏下列一首诗歌: If you were a teardrop in my eye, For fear of losing you, I would never cry.

And if the golden sun should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you would make my whole world bright.


虚拟时间 if 从句谓语形式 主句谓语形式 would (should, could, might) do would (should, could, might) have done/ been would (should, could, might) do 与现在事实相反 did/ were 与过去事实相反 had done/ had been 与将来事实相反 did/were to/should + do 1. 与现在事实相反

(1) If she were sick, she could stay at home and have a rest today. (2) If you watched more and talked less, we would both enjoy our film. 2. 与过去事实相反

(1) If they had studied earlier, they would have passed the IELTS.

(2) Helen would have graduated with her class if she had been able to meet all the requirements in time.

3. 与将来事实相反

(1) If it snowed tomorrow, I would go skiing.

(2) If it should snow tomorrow, I would go to make a snowman in front of our dormitory. (3) If you were to see your tutor, what would you tell him? 4.错综的虚拟语气

(1) If I were you, I wouldn’t have told that to her. (时间错综:从句现在,主句过去) (2) Had I taken my umbrella with me in the morning, I should not be wet now. (时间错综:从句过去,主句现在) 5.虚拟语气的倒装

可以把条件句中的 if 省略掉,同时把 should, were, had 等助动词提前,构成倒装句。


——环球雅思Helen Yjx


(1) (现在) If there were no air, there would be no life around the earth.

(2) (过去) If he had been older, he might have understood this question.

(3) (将来) If this were to happen again, you would be punished severely.

(4)(将来+现在) If you should have any questions, feel free to call me.

二、虚拟语气——特殊名词性从句(从句动词用should + v原形) 1、(动词后面接宾语从句)

词义 词汇 Jian(坚持、建议、推荐) advise 建议 argue 主张 insist 坚持 maintain主张 propose 提议 suggest建议 prefer 提出 urge 敦促 决(定) decree determineresolve 裁决决要(求) ask 要求 desire 要求 plead 请求 pray 恳求 request 请求 beg 恳求 命(令) command 命令direct 命令 order 命令 其他 agree 同意 arrange安排 intend 打算 决意意 demand 要求 stipulate 规定 recommend 建议 rule 裁决 2、名词后面接表语从句或者同位语从句

Jian advice 建议 recommendation suggestion 建议 proposal 建议 motion 提议 建议Jue decision 决定 resolution 决定 determination决定 pray 请求 Yao demand 要求 requirement 要求 propose 要求 desire 要求 preference 提出要求 command 要求 Ming order 命令 command 命令 necessity 必要性 三、剑指考试——虚拟的语气,真实的分数 1、听力中的虚拟语气

(1) Either way we would have been rewarded because we fell upon amazing, high meadows, huge gorges and wonderful snow-capped mountains. (IELTS 2, Listening)

(2) I suppose if we were to do it all again, we’d probably hire donkeys along the way. (IELTS 2, Listening)


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

(3) It is important that you know roles of the jobs. (IELTS 2, Listening)

(4) And if you had to give the new directors some specific advice when they set up the channel, what advice would you give them? (IELTS 2, Listening) 2、写作中的虚拟语气

(1) If they could raise them to be considerate of others and to be social, responsible individuals, the whole community would benefit (IELTS 4, Writing)

(2) High quality nursery schools could be established that would support families more in terms of raising the next generation. (IELTS 4, Writing)

(3) In conclusion, I strongly agree with that children should be taught to cooperate rather than compete. (IELTS 5, writing)

(4) If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born. (IELTS 5, writing)

(5) Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent. (IELTS 7, Writing)

(6) If sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. (IELTS 8, Writing) (7) Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on government using public money to construct and run efficient systems. (IELTS 8, Writing) 3、思考题:

Overall the table suggests that households of single adults and those with children were more likely to be living in poverty than those consisting of couples. (IELTS 5, Writing) 这句是不是虚拟语气?为什么


(1)If I _____________ (buy) a second-hand car, I _____________ (not need) to take out this big bank loan.

(2)It probably _____________ (not be) so bad if the price of petrol _____________ (not double) last month.

(3)If I _____________ (wait) a bit before buying the car, I _____________ (manage) to save quite a bit by now.

(4)If only I _____________ (listen) to him, none of this _____________ (happen).


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

(5)If you _____________ (get) better with him, you _____________ (listen) to him. (6)If I _____________ (take) his advice, I _____________ (own) a small fortune now.

第四讲 主谓一致


advice, advertising, food, furniture, garbage, information, knowledge, money, shopping, time, traffic, travel 等


量 所有 大量的 可数名词 All (of) Lots of/plenty of/a lot of Many (of) Most (of) 不可数名词 All (of) Lots of/plenty of/a lot of Much (of) Most (of) A large/considerable/substantial number of A large/considerable/substantial amount of 中量 Some (of)/a certain number of Some of/a certain amount of No/not any/none of 几乎没有 No/not any/none of


1. My tutor was very helpful; he gave me one very good advice about how to study. 2. I was surprised by the number of times it took us to reach the castle. 3. You need a great deal of knowledges to become a doctor.

4. The informations we were given by the tour guide were not very helpful. 5. When we visited the park, we were upset to see so manage garbages left there. 6. We arrived late because there were so many traffic on the road. 7. I can’t wait to visit the market and do a few shopping.

8. The furnitures in the hotel room were quite old but they were very comfortable.


Listen and answer the question below

1. Which three pieces of furniture are in the room?

a. bed; b. a bedside table; c. a desk; d. a lamp; e. a mirror; f. a wardrobe 2. What does the desk look like?

Listen again and fill in the gaps in the advertisement. Write no more than one word or a number for each answer.

Accommodation for rent Small, furnished 1___________ available. Sunny with a nice view of the ___________. Good


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

location close to two types of ___________. Rent ___________pounds per ___________. Rent includes ___________ and all other bills. 第二章 非谓语动词

第一讲 不定式

一、…verb + to do sth

agree, aim, appear, arrange, attempt, be able, be likely, claim, decide, deserve, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem, tend, try

二、…verb + sb. + to do sth.

Advise, allow, encourage, force, get, persuade, remind, teach, tell, warn

三、…verb + to do sth/…verb + sb. + to do sth

Ask, choose, dare, expect, help, intend, need, prefer, prepare, want

四、Complete these sentences from the recording by using the verbs in brackets. Listen again and check your answers.

1. I decided _______________(do) an animal management course.

2. I chose _______________(study) at Fairfield College because it’s got a good range of animals and everyone’s really friendly.

3. The course is only three days a week, so I’ve already started _______________(work) part-time at a pet shop.

4. I prefer _______________(take) time so I can get to know them. 5. I don’t even mind _______________(clean) them out.

6. They have let us _______________ (treat) some minor problems, like removing splinters from paws.

7. The make us _______________(handle) all kinds of animals including spiders and snakes. 8. I remember _______________ (feel) really scared.

9. As long as you remember _______________(do) it the way you have been taught, it’s fine. 10. Before, if I heard him _______________(bark), I just told him _______________(be) quiet. 11. I’d really like _______________(work) in either a zoo or a safari park.


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

第二讲 动名词

一、…verb + (prep.) + doing sth

avoid, approve of, can’t help/resist/stand, carry on, consider, deny, don’t mind, enjoy, feel like, finish, give up, imagine, include, insist on, involve, keep, mention,, mind, practise, putt off, recommend, resist, suggest, think of/about

二、…verb + to do sth/…verb + doing sth意义差别不大: Attempt, begin, start, bother, continue, hate, like, love, prefer,

三、…verb + to do sth/…verb + doing sth意义有区别的: …verb …remember …forget …regret …go on …stop …try ...need


advise/allow/forbid/permit/encourage doing sth advise/allow/forbid/permit/encourage sb to do sth

五、剑指雅思 1、句子改错

(1)I suggest you going and doing your homework now if you want to watch TV later.

(2)My parents always made me to clean up my room when I was young.


+ to do sth do what you have been told, it’s fine. + doing sth 记得要去做某事:As long as you remember to 记得做过某事:I remember feeling really scared. 忘记要去做某事:I forgot to post my 忘记做过某事:I’ll never forget meeting you that application form. cold winter’s day. 遗憾要做某事:I regret to tell you that I’ll leave. 后悔做了某事:I regret telling him the truth, because he didn’t talk to me any longer. 继续做另一件事情:After university she went 继续做同一件事情:She went on talking even on to get a job as a vet. though the film had started. 停下来去做某事:I stopped to ask the direction. 停止做某事:I’m going to stop studying for a while. 尽力做某事:I try to find out why he’s barking. 尝试做某事:She tried adding a bit more sugar but it still tasted horrible. 需要做某事:I need to mend my jeans. 需要被做某事:My jeans need mending. ——环球雅思Helen Yjx

(3)I think people shouldn’t be allowed using mobile phone in the cinema.

(4)Nowadays, it is forbidden smoking in many restaurants and public areas.

(5)After a lot of efforts, I finally made work my new DVD Players.

(6)The police advised local residents not to leaving their windows open at night.

(7)These tickets will permit you enter the museum and many things as you like it.

(8)Our teacher suggested to go to the park at the end of the party. 2、根据词的正确形式填空

(1)Nowadays, many people want to stop _____________ (work) too hard and enjoy life. (2)Did you remember _____________ (buy) candles for the birthday cake?

(3)The burglar tried _____________ (open) the window with a knife, but couldn’t get in. (4)Don’t forget _____________ (post) the card to your grandmother when you are away. (5)At 12 o’clock every day the builders stopped _____________ (have) a lunch break. (6)I will never forget _____________ (visit) the pyramids on our trip to Egypt. (7)The cook tried _____________ (add) more salt but the soup was too bland.

(8)I remember _____________ (walk) across the road but I have no idea how I ended up in the hospital.

第三讲 分词

一、分词 v-ing 过去分词: v-ed 被动/完成 二、分词的功能 (一)作表语 v-ing

意义 例子 developing countries; falling leaves; boiling water 现在分词: 主动/进行 developed countries; fallen leaves; boiled water 意义 的”,常用来指物 例子 surprising, encouraging, disappointing, exciting, pleasing, satisfying, exhausting, pressing 14

现在分词: 表示“令人??interesting, ——环球雅思Helen Yjx

过去分词: v-ed 表示“感到??interested, surprised, encouraged, disappointed, 的”,常用来指人 excited, pleased, satisfied, exhausted, pressed 1. The fact that many animals are used in medical research is sickening. 2. Playing computer games is time-consuming. 3. Riding a bike is energy-saving.

4. Along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who ride bicycles is decreasing.

5. Our city is becoming increasingly crowded due to the expanding population and the sharp rise in the number of private cars.

6. Our natural energy will soon be depleted / exhausted if we pay no attention to the conservation of it.


1、单个分词作定语,放在被修饰的名词之前;分词短语作定语,放在被修饰的名词之后 an increasing problem? a growing number/concern?

1. The deteriorating environment has aroused people’s wide concern.

2. The worsening health condition of youths has been brought into public focus. 3. The media sometimes give misguiding and cheating messages.

4. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job or promotion opportunities.

5. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems, such as global warming, but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


(1)As a result, the service provided to the guests was below the standard promised to them.

(2)Nowadays, it is common for a TV-broadcast NBA game to have billions of people

sitting in front of that little screen cheering for their favorite stars. 其他:

(3)A pressing(单个现在分词作前置定语) issue facing(which is facing) us is


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

that a growing(单个现在分词作前置定语) amount of trash is being produced day and night.

(4)A problem vexing us (which is vexing us)is that many rare species are on the verge of extinction.

(5)Smoking(动名词作主语) is an addictive menace, posing(现在分词作伴随状语) a health hazard not only for smokers but also for people surrounding the smoker – passive smokers.

(6)Without strict discipline, children are unlikely to be well-behaved and well-cultivated people.

(7)The extra money obtained from part-time jobs will strongly support students to continue(不定式作补语)their study.


现在分词 a good-looking boy on? earth-shaking changes a breath-taking movie a back-breaking job 3、现在分词作定语与动名词作定语的差别

动名词作定语: a sleeping car a walking stick a reading room a swimming pool

现在分词作定语:a sleeping man a walking girl a reading student a swimming frog

动名词作定语,与被修饰的名词构成合成词,表示的是该名词的功能或用途 现在分词作定语,表示的是该名词的现在的状态


1. A homeowner can get hurt trying to use the wrong kind of extinguisher on an a weather-beaten man snow-covered mountains a newly-introduced method/treatment 过去分词 simply-furnished/equipped room far-reaching effects/influence/impacts tailor-made suit/courses electrical fire.

2. Facing the Atlantic, it is on the northeastern coast of the United States, and most of the city is built on islands.

3. Freed from TV, forced to find their activities, they might take a ride together


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

to watch the sunset.

4. Over 800 full-time teachers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses.

5. Spending all their time working to a rigid curriculum, the passing of examinations by their pupils gradually became the whole object of their working life.

6. While helping animals, we are helping ourselves too.(时间状语)

7. Living in the country, people have few social visits and lack entertainment and recreation facilities.(原因状语)

8. We should help the wildlife and bring threatened (过去分词作前置定语) species into captivity to breed them (不定式作目的状语), thus increasing the population of those species. (结果状语)

9. Part-time jobs can produce a far-reaching (现在分词作定语)impact on students, benefiting students, their families and even the society as a whole.(伴随状语) 10. Sent to study overseas, some students are reported to fail to adapt to the local life and even commit suicide. (时间状语)

11. Deeply influenced by excessive pornography and violence on the Internet, some teenagers go astray.(原因状语)


下列动词可以加分词作补语:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动 一听:hear 二看:see,watch 三让:have,have,make


Some parents find their children experimenting with drugs. I find the real situation frustrating.

Television not only presents a vivid world to us, but also keeps us well-informed of the latest development in all fields. We should have the waste properly disposed of.

三、现在分词的完成式:表示它发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作之前 Having finished his homework, he went to see a film.

四、现在分词的被动式:当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,用v-ing 形式的被动式


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

The factory being built now is a big one. 五、现在分词的否定形式是由“not + 现在分词”构成

Not having been invited to the party, she had to stay home.

第三章 句子结构及句子种类

第一讲 句子种类

一、根据句子的功能分类 (一)陈述句 1、肯定陈述 2、否定陈述 (二)疑问句 1、一般疑问句 2、特殊疑问句 3、选择疑问句 4、附加疑问句 (三)祈使句 (四)感叹句

二、根据句子的结构分类 (一)简单句:S+V?

(二)并列句:S+V?, and/as well//but/yet/or/while/whereas S+V? (三)复合句:S+V?从属连词+s+v?;从属连词+s+v?, S+V? 三、根据句子成分分类 (一)S + Vi. (二)S+V+SC (三)S+V+O

(四)S+V+O2+O1=S+V+O1+prep+O2 (五)S+V+O+OC

第二讲 句式结构——五大句式结构



——环球雅思Helen Yjx

(一)S + Vi. (二)S+V+SC (三)S+V+O

(四)S+V+O2+O1=S+V+O1+prep+O2 (五)S+V+O+OC


1. The graph shows the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. (IELTS 5)

2. I am really sorry about that. (IELTS 5)

3. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste. (IELTS 4)

4. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. (IELTS 4) 5. So the notion of “fairness” is not the issue. (IELTS 4)

6. Unfortunately it is all taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly.

7. In spite of some fluctuation of the percentages, the proportion of older people will probably increase in the next decades in the three countries. (IELTS 5)

8. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. (IELTS 4)

9. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. (IELTS 4)

10. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or traveling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. (IELTS 5)

11. It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school. (IELTS 5)

12. Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. (IELTS 4)

13. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are prompted because they have good impacts for the majority of people. (IELTS 4)

14. I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. (IELTS 4)


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

15. Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part of a child’s development that cannot be provided by a computer. (IELTS 4)

第三讲 构成复合句的三大类型从句


主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 从属连词s + v S+V从属s + v +V… 辨认方式 It + be +adj./n./v-ed 主语 take it for granted that… 陈述事实That 结构完整 “是否” Whether … (or not); if不可以引导主语that,或者省略 that… Prep.+ 从属连词s+v S+LV+从属s + 名词+that+ s+v v… that that whether … (or not); 或者if 从属连词的选择从句 主语是人 主语时物 宾语是人 宾语是物 定语是人 定语是物 状语 Who What who, whom what, which whose which 表时间:when;表地点:where;表原因: why;表方式,how 实战:

students should get a job or have a travel for one year before starting their university education. 用主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句重写上面的句子: 主语从句:It is +adj. /n./adv + v-ed that…


表语从句:形容词物主代词+观点名词+is + that…


——环球雅思Helen Yjx

4、Well-known is that energy crisis poses a threat to the society. 5、With globalization have come many problems. (二)部分倒装:助动词+主语+实义动词…

1、否定词或者具有否定意义的词置于句首:not only…but also; by no means; under no circumstances; hardly/scarcely…when; so sooner…than…/on no account/in no case/by no means/at no time

(1)Overall we can see that not only are there very large differences between the two economies but that these gaps are widening. (IELTS 3) (2)Never has this topic failed to fascinate people. (3)Under no circumstance do I agree this point of view.

(4)Not only does studying in school serve academic purpose, but students learn how to handle interpersonal relations.

(5)Seldom can a factory be established without contaminating the living space of our city’s inhabitants to some degree.

2、only +单词、词组、状语从句位于句首,表示唯一条件时,句子进行部分倒装。 (1)Only through education can we rise in the world. (2)Only then can we say that this problem is finally settled.

(3) Only after they have been cheated by irresponsible advertisements do people realize that they should not always rely on whatever these advertisements say. 2以否定意义状语开头,句子进行部分倒装。


(1)Success teaches us something about ourselves. So does failure.

(2)Economic success is not the only factor in achieving happiness, neither is social status 4、always \\ often \\ particularly \\ many times \\ many a time 放在句首时,句子进行部分倒装。

Always am I amazed when I hear people saying that computers can replace teachers. 5、状语从句中的部分倒装

(1)结果状语从句——属于全部倒装:so that 引导的结果状语从句可用倒装。 So severe is this problem that we have no alternative but to take some feasible.

The power of media is so great that they have changed our way of thinking more or less. 改成倒装句


——环球雅思Helen Yjx


If the computer had been invented earlier, our world today would have been more developed.

(3)让步状语从句由though或as引导时可用倒装,将表语放在句子最前面。 Fascinating as computers utilized in education seem, teachers’ roles are more imperative. 把下面两个句子改成倒装:

Although man is clever, he has not yet understood the secrets of his mind.

Although we have tried, we still have a long way to go before we can finally resolve this [problem.


In a typical example, when viewing photographs of food, hungry subjects experience a much larger increase in pupil diameter than sated subjects experience.

In a typical example, when viewing photographs of food, hungry subjects experience a much larger increase in pupil diameter than do sated subjects.


