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1. pretend v. 假装, 装作, 自以为

pretend that 从句或跟to do 引导的不定式。

She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help.


She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.她闭上眼睛,装作睡着了。

Surely he doesn't pretend to any understanding of music!


2. puzzled adj. 迷糊的,困惑的觉得困惑的(about, as, to)

a puzzled expression

He was quite puzzled about what to do next.


I was puzzled to see her behaving like that.


puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思

This mystery puzzles me.


I am puzzled by the difficult questions.

puzzle out 经过苦思想出; 猜出

puzzle over 苦思苦想

3. absorb Vt. use up much of the attention, interest or time of

吸引…….的注意力或兴趣, 耗费…的时间,使全神关注

absorbent adj. 能吸收的, 有吸收力的, 吸水的

absorption n. 吸收, 专注

He is completely absorbed in his business.


4. attitude n. C way of feeling, thinking or behaving


What is your attitude towards this question?

we must maintain a firm attitude.


5. hesitate

1.Vi. to stop and consider before an action 犹豫; 踌躇

He hesitates at nothing.


2. Vt. 不愿; 不欲( hesitate to do) feel that perhaps one should not do ; not wish to do; be unwilling to do

I always hesitate to advise my friends on what to read.


3. Vt. 怕麻烦别人be unwilling ( to trouble somebody)

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If you have any questions , don’t hesitate to ask me.如果你有什么问题,尽管问我.

hesitation n. 踌躇, 犹豫an act of hesitating

He accepted the invitation without hesitation.


6.base Vt.

base sth. on \ upon 建立在……基础之上, 以……为根据

I base my hopes on the news we had yesterday.


1)The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds____ his arguments in favor of the ne theory. (D)

A. to be based on

B. to base on

C. which to base on

D. on which to base

2)Without fact, we can’t form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge_____ our thinking.(C)

A. which to be based on

B. which to base on

C. on which to base

D. which to base

3)_______an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.(2012年江苏)(B)

A. Based

B. Basing

C. Base

D. To base

7. fun 做名词时不可数, 不能与a连用,也没有复数形式。

1). Her baby is great fun. / Sailing a boat is great fun.

2). I write not just for the pay, but for fun.

We had a lot of fun at the party.

3). They often make fun of me for this.

4)____ it is to swim in the river in summer!(A)

A.What great fun

B. What a great fun

C. How great fun

D. How a great fun

选词并用适当形式填空:have fun; just for fun; make fun of

?The children are _____ so much ____. I don’t want to call them inside. (having… fun)

?We drove all the way to the beach, _______________.(just for fun)

?People ____________her because she wears such strange clothes.(make fun of)

8.Afterwards 以后,后来。

She died in an accident shortly afterwards.


Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.


We saw the play separately and went home afterwards.



1.keep her word: do what one has promised意为“遵守诺言”

She is a good girl and can always keep her word.

You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the cinema.


2. as a result of=because of

As a result of his careless study, he failed the maths test.

as a result=therefore

He didn’t work hard. As a result, he failed his exam.

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3. cannot help doing情不自禁做某事

When thinking of the jokes, I can’t help laughing.


He cannot help talking to his desk mate in class.

can’t help it 没有办法

He just can’t help it. He has to obey orders.

can’t help do sth. 无法帮助做某事

I can’t help do the housework for my mum.

4. feel like doing 想要做某事

I was so upset that I felt like crying.

5.discourage sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

Mum discouraged me from chatting on line.

6.步调一致,与……同步keep pace with

He could not keep pace with the game, and as a result of his careless playing we lost.

7. regardless of 不管.无论

The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships.

8. make it 获得成功

I wonder if they can make it.


9.get through(用电话)接通;完成

I think you can get through the first two chapters.


Look, I can't get through to this number.


10.be determined to do sth 下决心做某事

The best we’ll do is do the best we can and just be determined to do what we have to do to survive.


To change will be a big task but we’re determined to do it.


11. thanks to 多亏,由于;感谢

Thanks to these achievements, China has become an economic and political power, both in its region and in the world.


Thanks to your parents, who brought you into this world.


12.stand(bear) doing sth容忍做某事

I can't stand working with him.


I can't stand doing nothing at all!


13.stay up 熬夜.不睡觉

I will make this computer work even if I have to stay up all night .


I seldom stay up so late.


14.in advance事先.提前

If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us in advance.

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They found to get everything ready in advance impossible.


15.be absorbed in沉浸在….之中

Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.


16.without hesitation毫不犹豫地

She agreed to see him again without hesitation.


17. feel betrayed 感到被出卖

They too feel betrayed and angry.


So why do I feel betrayed?


18. for sure一定/ 确实

No one knows for sure how serious each of these dangers will be.


19. hunt for搜寻;寻求

I've been hunting for you everywhere for several hours.


You have to hunt for them.


20. be accused of/be charged with某人被指控…

There is nothing more awful than to be accused of lying.


She has yet to be charged with any crime.


21.open the floor 自由发言

I would now like to open the floor to questions.


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高中英语-模块五第一单元I'll open the floor to answer any questions you might have.


22. be anchored in 扎根于…..

So peace must be anchored in security.


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