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Uint1II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptW: Ok. It’s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time. M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It’s definitely your turn. Q: What is true according to the conversation?

2. ScriptM: I’m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can’t memorize all the vocabulary. W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart. I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over. Q: What does the woman prefer?

3. ScriptW: Oh look! There’s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He looked great in his kit, remember? M: Him? I don’t remember him. I’ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I’ve been introduced to. Q: According to the conversation, what is the man’s problem?

4. ScriptM: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says “keys”? W: It’s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I’m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn’t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door?

5. ScriptM: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible! W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be! Q: What is true of David?

Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.C


III. Listening InScriptM: Tell me your secret. You’re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and you used to be a bottom-of –class student just like me. W: Simple enough. I read an article in a scientific journal that studying with remembering, based on recent research into the brain. M: Aw, that stuff’s old hat: study at the same time every day, be sure your clothes are comfortable, and make sure you have enough light, blah-blah-blah. W: Not so fast, wise guy. I’m talking about principles like “Mental Visualization”, creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered. M: Ok, that dies sound different. Id “Association” a principle—you know, you connect what you want to remember with something you’re familiar with? W: Right on! ‘Consolidation” is another. I review my notes right after class and consolidate—or absorb—the new material into what I’ve already learned. M: You’re moving ahead fast with those principles. I swear this weekend I’m going to study sixteen hours a day both Saturday and Sunday. W: Whoa, big guy. That’s not the way. Follow the principle of “Distributes Practice”. Shorter study sessions distributes over several days are better. M: That system is all very well for you; you’ve got a good memory. But what about me? I’ve got a memory like a sieve. W: You’re too modest. There’s nothing wrong with your memory. But memory is like a muscle; it needs exercise. And don’t forget it.

While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, sh

e says she read an article on studying and remembering. It talks about principles like “Mental Visualization”, that is, creating a picture in one’s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle of “Association”, which means connecting what one wants to remember with something one is familiar with. Then the woman adds the principle of “Consolidation”, or reviewing one’s notes after class and absorbing the new material into what one has already learned. When the man promise to study sixteen hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of “Distributed Practice”, which favors shorter study sessions distributed over several days. Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like a muscle, and that it needs exercise.


Task 2: You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left. Later that night while watching TV, the old woman said to the old man, “Honey, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?” Before the man left, she added, “Why don’t you write that down so you won’t forget?” “Nonsense,” said the husband, “I can remember a dish of ice cream!” “Well,” said the wife, “I’d aslo like some strawberries on it. You’d better write that down because I know your memory is failing.” “Don’t be silly,” replied the husband. “There’re only two things: a dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can surely remember that!” With that, he rushed into the kitchen. After about twenty minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs. The wife took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband, and said, “Hey, you forget the toast!”


Task3: Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced her. First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer, if you work with sales, and learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that I t continues to function. Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don’t try to3


memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its

color, and so on. Don’t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen. Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous. So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly. Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if you cannot remember a person’s name, you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his mane.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What’s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one’s memory? What seems to be the best way to focus your memory? How can you concentrate on a pen? How can you relax yourself according to the passage? What is the main idea of the passage?

Kes: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.D

IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 It slipped my mind!Amy: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party. Bill: That’s good. Now what should we do? Amy: We’ve got to plan the menu. Bill: Oh, that’s right. Do you have anything in mind? Amy: I think I’m going to make the chicken salad we had at the Christmas party. Remember I sled the chef for the recipe? Bill: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn’t eat chicken? Amy: Linda? Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite Linda! It just slipped my mind. She’ll be mad at me. Bill: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. It’s not too late yet. I’ll make a phone call. Don’t worry. Amy: Thanks! You see, I’m getting forgetful. I think I’m getting old! Bill: Looks like you are, sweetheart


Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA: I’m going to throw a party, and I’ve sent out the invitations to my friends and relatives. B: That’s good. But don’t forget to invite everyone you should invite. A: I think I’ve invited everyone. Do you have anybody in mind? B: Did you invite John? He’s lost his job after recent quarrel with his boss. A: Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite him! He’ll be sad, thinking we look down on him. He just slipped my mind. B: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. Don’t worry. It’s not too late. Make a phone call right away. A: Did I forget anybody else that I should incite? B: There’s yet another person you should invite—Julia. She’s just moved to the city and feels lonely. A: Oh, good heavens, I forgot all about her. She’s our new friend. You see, I’m getting forgetful. I think I’m getting old! B: Looks like you are, buddy. You’d better start writing things down if they’re important.

MODEL2 Script

I can’t think of it off the top of my head.

John: Hey, Sue. Do you know what Jack’s home phone number is? Susan: I can’t think of it off the top of my head. I don’t have my address book on me, and I don’t have my mobile phone with me, either. John: That’s too bad! I’ve got to find him now. It’s urgent! If I can’t find him today, I’ll be dead! Susan: You might want to look it up in the phone book. John: I’ve checked already, but it seems that hid phone

number is unlisted. Susan: Maybe it’s under his roommate’s name. John: Well, I guess so. Susan: Well, why don’t you call Jane? She has his phone number. John: I’ve tried, but no one answered! Susan: Maybe call his office and ask his secretary. John: I’ve already tried. She won’t tell me. She says it’s private. Susan: Oh, that’s right. They usually don’t release private information over the phone.5


John: It’s a pity. You usually have a powerful memory, but you can’t help today. What’s wrong with you? Your memory seems to be fading early. Susan: It’s not my memory is fading. I do have memory for face and names, but a poor one for number and dates

Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA: Hey, do you remember when is the lecture on the value of information by Professor Smith? B: I can’t think of it off the top of my head. Maybe we can look it up in our notebook, but I don’t have mine with me. A: That’s too bas! I don’t have it with me, either. Do you remember the number of the lecture hail? B: Sorry, I can’t think of it off my head. A: I’m terribly interested in the lecture. I can’t miss it! B: Well, why don’t you call the dean who arranged the lecture? A: I’m afraid it’s not very wise to ask the dean directly. B: Then maybe you can call the office if the department and ask the secretary. A: I’ve already tried, but no one answered. B: Oh! A: You usually have a powerful memory, but you can’t help today. You memory seems to be fading early. B: It’s nit that my memory is fading. I do have a good memory for faces and names, but a poor one for numbers and dates.

MODEL3 Script

What’s wrong with your memory?

Bill: Hi, honey! My trip to London was wonderful. Amy: Tell me what thrilled you most. [The telephone rings and Bill answers it....He hangs up.] Bill: Er, where was I? Amy: You were talking about your tour in London.6


Bill: Oh, yeah. Amy: I bet you had a great time. Bill: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the tower of London. Amy: How did you get there? By bus or underground? Bill: Let me see….Sorry, I can’t remember any more. Amy: What’s wrong with your memory? Bill: I hope it’s not Alzheimer’s disease. I don’t want to forget my own name. Amy: I don’t think so. Perhaps it’s just temporary forgetfulness. You’ll be right after a good sleep. Bill: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I must go to see a doctor and get some pills Amy: It’s not as serous as that. Anyway, I wish you had a good memory for happy events, and a bad one for unhappy things.

Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hey, my trip to Beijing was fantastic. B: Tell me what thrilled you most. [The door bell rings and A answer it….A comes back.] A: Where was I? B: You were talking about your tour in Beijing A: Oh, yeah. B: I bet you had a great time. A: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, though the admission fees were a bit too high for me. B: What were

the fees? A: Let me see….Sorry, I can’t remember any more. B: What’s wrong with your memory? A: I hope it’s not Alzheimer’s disease. I don’t want to see a lot of new people everyday.B: I don’t think so. Perhaps you only forget things momentarily. You’ll be right after a good sleep.

A: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I have to see a doctor. B: I don’t think it’s so serious. Anyway, a bad memory helps you forget your trouble.


V. Let’s TalkScriptStudent: Professor, thank you for graining me this interview. I’m Susan, a reporter from the Student Union magazine. Many students have difficultly memorizing things. Since you‘re an outstanding psychologist, could you give us some tips on how top improve our memory? Professor: Well, some people have better memories than others, but that’s largely because they are better at creating mental images. Student: If I’m not good at creating images, what can I do? Professor: Practice helps. And the mind remembers things better if they are connected with other images. For example, I you have to pick up several items at the grocery store, say, carrots, egg, bananas, and milk, you can create a picture in your mind of a giant carrot, and hanging from it, a banana. Student: Then I could have a giant milk carton pouring milk over the carrot and banana. Professor: Certainly. Then what would you do with the egg? Student: Hmmm. I’d visualize an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky. Professor: There you go. The more you apply the ideas, the easier it gets. Besides creating pictures, there’s another technique that is very useful. Student: What is it? Professor: Establishing an association. Suppose you are looking for lost keys. Relax, and let your mind look for all the images connected with those keys--their feel, the sounds they make. Student: How will that help? Professor: You might remember the sound the keys made when you placed then in a drawer or cold touch of the keys in your jacket were you left them. Student: Oh my gosh! I have to run. It’s time my English class. I see an image of my teacher staring at my empty seat in the classroom. Many thanks, Professor. Professor: Not at all, and good luck with your memory.


Ways of Improving One’s Memory

Examples Images that you may help: 1.a giant carrot and a To remember the items to banana hanging from it buy sat the grocery store 2. a giant milk carton such as carrots, eggs, pouring milk over the bananas, and milk carrot and banana 3. an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky Associations with sound touch that may help: 1. The sound of the keys might remind you of y\having placed then in To find your lost keys a drawer. 2. The cold touch of the keys might remind you of them in your jacket.

Creating images

Establishing associations

DiscussionSAMPLEA: As we just heard from the interview, the technique of associating certainly important in promoting memory. B: And according to the interview, cr

eating images helps remember things. If your shopping list includes eggs, you might visualize an egg or an egg-shaped UFO flying across. A: Another important factor in improving memory can be of interest. If you get interested in something, you can remember it better. B: Yeah. And if you recognize facts into meaningful groups, you can remember them better. For instance, if you want to memorize all the names of American presidents, it is not easy. If, however, you arrange them chronologically into three periods: those before Abraham Lincoln, those between Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, and those after, then the task will be less difficult. A: It is common sense that if you glance at something quickly, you tend to forget it quickly. If you stuffy it slowly, you can remember it better.9


B: Another technique is intensive practice or repeating. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. If you repeat something again and again, you will eventually learn it by heart. A: But we should not work too hard. When we get tired, our learning efficiency declines. We need breaks so the mind can rest and absorb what has been learned.


Further Listening and Speaking

Task1: The Role Memory Plays in Our Life ScriptSince memory plays a significant role in our life, scrientists are increasingly interested in research on how to improver memory, Here are some factors they believe to be important to expanding memory capacity. To begin with, you must take special care in your daily life. Food for example, is very important. Some vitamins are essential foe your memory to work properly. They are found in bread, cereal, vegetables and fruits. Some experts say that synthesizes vitamins improve memory, but others have doubts about this, arguing that the studies have not confirmed they do work. Another essential factor is water. It helps to maintain the memory systems, especially in older persons. According to Dr. Roswell, lack of water in the body has an immediate and strong effect on memory; it can cause confusion and other thought difficulties. Sleep also plays a significant role. To be able to have a goof memory, we must allow the brain to have plenty of rest. While sleeping, the brain no longer controls the senses, and starts to revise and store the information one has receives. Lack of sleep would make one feel exhausted and would weaken one’s ability to concentrate. Also, one’ ability to store information would be affected. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the passage mainly about? Why are foods important in promoting memory according to the passage? To whom is water especially important in maintaining the memory system? What problem can a lack of water cause? Why is sleep important to memory?

Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C


Task 2: Where did the professor go?ScriptThis is a true story, while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this par

ticular spring night, they have invited a retired professor to super. During the evening, it began to pour with rain, and the heavens really opened. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that by staying overnight, he did not need to go to out in the bad weather. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were washing the dishes after supper, the forgetful professor disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after40 minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain, he replied that because he was going to stay there overnight, he had gone home to get his pajamas and toothbrush.

Task3: How to Remember NamesScriptYou just called the TV repair shop, and the voice on the other end of the line tells you, “This is Don Smith”. About 5 minutes later you tell your wife that “this guy”will be out to fix the TV in the morning. You can’t think of his mane although you know he mentioned it on the phone. This happens all the time to just about any of us unless we have learned to concentrate and implant a name in our memory, right at the time we hear it. To do this, you must make a habit of repeating the name back to the person. This action will remind you to store the name in your “memory bank” each time you hear someone’s name, and within a short time the “repeating” process can be discontinued When you meet someone in person, use the same procedure, and in addition, visualize something different, unusual or ridiculous about hid or her appearance, position, or actions that “ties in “with his or her name. Later, you may write the descriptive information on one side of a card and the name in the other side. Look at it repeatedly, see the “picture” in your mind’s eye as you look at the name; or when you see he11


name, visualize the “picture” you have assigned to the name. Getting this system to work will require changes in your thinking, and it may take several days or several weeks to become proficient.

News ReportA Dolphin Exhibition ScriptA recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as man’s most intelligent friend, the dolphin. The “Dolphins on Parade” exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized decorates dolphin paintings made of wood and the cost of materials. The dolphins were shown at area business and along the beach. Sponsors paid U.S. $750 to cover the artists’ fee and the cost of materials. There were more than 100 dolphin themes, including a beer-belly dolphin. They showed the work of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for. Probably the most unique was special because of its artist, Pandora. Pandora the dolphin painter is area dolphin, art the Dolphin Research center, in Marathon, Florida. The playful artist stre

aks colors across a dolphin painting holding a brush in its mouth. The exhibition was held by the Monroe [Florida] Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts center. The paintings were to be auctioned off in March, with the money earned going to community art programs.

Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice3. ScriptW: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking French writing again? M: Yes I am, but it’s compulsory for us next semester. So I think I’m gong to do marketing as an elective instead. Q: Which class will the man choose as his elective?

4. Script12


M: Did you go to that businesses lecture on Friday? I missed it and need to copy your notes. W: I’d say you could borrow my notes, but Sarah’s got them. Be careful not to miss Professor Brown’s seminar; he takes attendance in that. Q: What is the woman telling the man?

3. ScriptW: Wow, Steven! In the library! What brings you here? M: I’m enjoying the view. All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for an exam on Monday. Q: Why is the man in the library?

4. ScriptW: How’s your group doing with this statistics presentation? Mine’s terrible. M: Yeah, mine too. David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesn’t pull his weight and Suzie’s never around. I don’t see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realize that this is their last chance. Q: What is the true of Steven and Suzie?

5. ScriptW: You took an MBA at Harvard Business School, didn’t you? What’s it like? M: It’s expensive, about U.S. $ 40,000 a year, plus the costs of food and housing. But the teaching is first class. The professors have a lot of practical experience. They use the case system of teaching; that is, you study how actual businesses grew or failed. Q: Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class, according to the conversation?

Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A

III. Listening InTask1: On the First Day ScriptHarrison: I’m Harrison. Good to meet you. So you’ve bought the books for this biology class. Jenny: Sure, I think everyone had to before class started. Harrison: No. Usually no one does much on the first day because it’s still add-drop. Jenny: What’s that? Harrison: Changing from class to class to find out which one is best. Hey, where are13


you from? Jenny: Poland. Have you has this teacher before? I’ve heard he is really good. Harrison: He’s good if you’re a hand-worker. He expects a lot. Jenny: Oh, I guess that’s good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class. Harrison: You’re welcome. … Professor: All right. See you guys next week. Student: See you. Jenny: Harrison, wait up! Harrison: So what do you think about the professor’s lecture? Jenny: I think half of what he said went over my head. Harrison: That’s all right. A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/ Jenny: Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look t

hem over? Harrison: No problem. We don’t have class until Wednesday. Here you go. Jenny: Thanks. I just want to make sure I’m prepared for the seminar. Harrison: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.

Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class, Harrison says nobody does much on the first day because it’s still add-drop, which means students are changing from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is really good. But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are hand-workers, for he expects a lot. After class, Jenny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head, and Harrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading. When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes, he says “on problem”, for they don’t have class until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says participation in the discussion at the seminar is an important part of the education there.

Task 2: Money for CollegeScriptRobert is a university student. He likes to have fun. But having fun was expensive, so he was rapidly running out of money. There was nothing to do to try to call his mother for help. “Hi, Mom. I certainly miss you and Dad. I…uh…got a big surprise this week in my physics course. We have to buy two new textbooks. I’m going to need $100.” “I understand,” said his mother, “I’ll send you the money right away. You left your calculus book here when you were home two weeks ago. Shall I mail that at the same time?” “Oh, yeah. Thanks,” Robert said.14


Robert’s mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks, and mailed it to Robert that very day. When she returned from the post office, her husband was waiting for her. “Well, how much did you give the boy this time?” asked Dad. “I send two checks: one for $100 and the other for $1, 100,” answered Mom. “You’re outing your mind,” yelled Dad, “That’s $1,100. He’ll just spend that in a couple of weeks. He’s never going to learn the value of money that way.” “Don’t worry, honey,” Mom said, “I taped the $100 check to the cover of his book, but I put the $1,000 one between the pages in Charper13!” Keys: TFFFT

Task3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers. First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation. Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he post

ed a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination. Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.” Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A’s, the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author’s message”. 6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting to15


study? 7. What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam? 8. What is the good thing all top students agree on? 9. What does the speaker mean by “an active reader”? 10. What is the main idea of the passage?

Kes: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.D

IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 You’re just going to have study hardNora: Only our first day back at school, and already I feel like I’ve learned a lot. Chris: Only our first day back at school, and I already feel like I’m up to my ears in homework. Nora: You’re going to have to hit the books if you want to keep your grades up. Chris: Tell me about it! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms. Nora: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit would rub off on you. Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me. Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating. Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. Can you recommend any articles and books? You’d better find me the exact pages where I can find what I want. Nora: You could borrow ideas from references, but if you quote without giving the sources, you’re plagiarizing. Chris: The quiz next week will be a headache. If you don’t help me, I’ll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test. Nora: Oh, no! If you’re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. Probably, you will have to repeat the year. Chris: All right, I’ll take your advice. The library is going to be my new home, and in the dorm I’ll be burning the midnight oil.

Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA: We’re going to have a test, and I also have a term paper to finish. But I haven’t16


done a thing. I’m really worried now. B: You’re going to have to have to hit the books if you want to get good grades. A: But this course is so difficult that I already don’t understand it at all. B: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit can

help you. A: Better yet, maybe you could write a term paper for me. B: Forget it! That would be cheating. A: All right, all right. I have yet to write it myself. Maybe I can download some articles from the Internet and piece them together. B: You could borrow ideas from those articles, but if you quote without giving the sources, you’re plagiarizing. A: Also, the test next week will be a headache. If you don’t help me, I’ll have to prepare a cheat-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test. B: Oh, no! If you’re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. A: I’ll try to be careful. B: But if the professor catches you, you’ll have to repeat the year. You’re just going to have to study hard. A: Ok, I’ll take your advice. The library’s going to be my new home, and in the dorm I’ll be burning the midnight oil.

MODEL2 Script

Which class do you prefer?

Chris: First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don’t know how am I going to stay awake? Nora: I like Mr. Wood. He’s interesting. Chris: He’s boring! He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Who do you have for economics? Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. She’s smart. Students really learn a lot from her. Chris: She’s tough! You have to work hard in her class, or you’ll probably fail. Nora: No pain, no gain. Chris: Nonsense, You could have learned even more with Mr. Sharp. But not many students opt for his class. Nora: What’s wrong with him? Chris: Often, the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+, and he usually fails half of the students. Nora: No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr. Shark. Well, how about PE? What are you doing this semester? Chris: That’s the worst part. In PE, we’re learning t’ai chi. I’m bored to death. Nora: Ha-ha! Not to rub salt into the wound, but our class is playing your favorite sport: basketball. Chris: Oh…that figures! This is going to be a terrible semester.17


Nora: This is going to be a great semester!

Now Your Turn SAMPLE DIALOGA: The history class is really boring. How am I going to stay awake? B: I like the history teacher. She’s knowledgeable. She told us a lot of interesting historical events in class. A: Bur I find her boring! She could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Which class do you find dull? B: I hate the economics course. The teacher always talks above my head. So I’ve lost interest in the course. A: Bur economic is my favorite. The professor is smart. Most students really learn a lot from him. B: But he’s tough! He expects a lot. You have to work hard in his class, or you’ll probably fail. A: No pain, no gain. B: Actually not many students opt for his class. A: What’s wrong with him? B: Often the highest grade he gives on a term paper is B-. Last seme4stwe he failed more than a third of the students and I was one of them. A: Oh, that’s too bad. B: Well, how do you find your English teacher? I don’t think much of her

, either. A: I find her kind, always willing to answer my questions; she always gives me high marks. B: You’re rubbing salt into my wound. She failed me last semester.

MODEL3 Script

Publish or perish

Tell us, Professor Grant, What are your primary duties as a professor? Professor Grant: Well, I do a lot of research and writing. It’s rough being an associate professor. It’s publish or perish. Chris: So you spent a lot of time in your office?18



Professor Grant: Yes, but I also have to prepare class motes, give lectures, hold office hours. Teaching is an important part of being a professor. Chris: With all those responsibilities, you must make a lot of money. Professor Grant: I wish. Actually, I spend a lot of tome applying foe grants to fund my research. Then I can offer assistantships and scholarships to the worthy graduate. Chris: I see why they call you “the boss”. But being a professor sounds pretty competitive. Professor Grant: Actually, I think you were in one of my classes… Chris: Um….I think you’re mistaken, Professor Grant! Professor Grant: No, I remember very clearly now! You owe me an essay! Chris: Sorry, I have too much work to do for the Student Union Newsletter, and I have to work two jobs to pay for school. Professor Grant: So you get an F in this course.

Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Professor Smith, I’m from the Student Union newspaper. Many students want to know a western professor’s main duties and compare them with a Chinese professor’s duties. B: Well, I do a lot of research and writing. It’s tough to be a professor. A: Chinese professor are also facing increasing pressure, as they are required to do more research than before. Professor Smith, do you spend al lot of time on teaching? B: Yes, I have to prepare class notes, give lectures, host seminar, and hold office hours. In fact, teaching is an important part of being a professor, though some professors believe that research is more important than teaching. A: With all those responsibilities, you must make a lot of money, I suppose. B: I wish. Salary is a sensitive topic in the west. Let me say something about research funds. Actually I spend a lot of time applying for grants to fund my research. A: How are you going to use the grants? B: With that money, I can offer assistantships and scholarship to graduate students who can help with my research project. A: Now I see why they call you “boss”. But being a professor sounds pretty competitive. B: That’s true. A lot of young teachers want to be promoted to a professorship. A: What you said has given us a fairly clear picture of a western professor’s primary responsibilities. Thank you very much for your time. B: You’re welcome19


V. Let’s TalkScriptHi, everybody. My topic today is “Problems with Our Educational System”. There are a lot of things in our educational system that I don’t agree with. It seems that educators just want to give standardized tests, which focu

s only on academic performance but neglect students’ abilities and interests in other areas. I think there’re a lot of people who are very intelligent, but haven’t had the opportunities they could’ve had, had they been educated in a broader-minded educational systems. I feel that a lot of courses that students are focused to take in high school are too academic, and, as a result, many kids lost their interest in learning. Educators have failed to recognize various kinds of intelligence. They often exert a lot of pressure on students to be as well-rounded as possible. I think being well-rounded isn’t really possible. And as a consequence some students who are believed to be intelligent can’t get into good colleges if they, for example, haven’t scored well on the math section, even if they ate brilliant writers. Another thing that disturbs me is that the so-called “weak students” are separated from the rest of the school. Some kids are kept in a separate class id their grades are lower then others. And they’ve very aware of their social position, you know. I think it causes them to act in a way that is not really positive. They’re just acting in a way that they are expected to act. Often their grades go from bad to worse. And that’s pretty sad to me. I think that many of the kids in those classed are intelligent, but never actually realize their potential because of the way they are treated very early on in their education. Problems Results Educators just want to give standardized Kids lose interest in learning. tests. They only focus on academic performance but neglect students’ abilities and interests in other areas. Educators often exert a lot of pressure on Some intelligent kids can’t enter good students to be as well-rounded as colleges. possible. “Weak” students are separated from the Their grades go from bad to worse. rest of the school.


DebateSAMPLEA: Many ads about English classes for children say, “Don’t let your kids lose the competition just because they start later.” I quite agree. I hear young children often learn a foreign language faster then adults. B: It’s hard to say. Kids may learn the pronunciation better than adults, but adults usually learn vocabulary and grammar faster. A: You can learn vocabulary and grammar later on; but when you grow up, you can hardly change your pronunciation. B: But if they learn the wrong pronunciation from the beginning? If they don’t learn English when they are young in the right way, it’ll affect their English studies A: Anyway, some good or “key” schools give English tests to kids before admitting them. B: English is important, bur other subjects like Chinese and math ate equally important. If kids spend too much time on English, they have little time left for other subjects. A: Some people say that learning a foreign language can help develop children’s mental abilities such as memory, attention span and concentration, which will e of help

in learning other subjects. B: But too much time for studying and too little left for playing, children’s moral and physical development will be affected. A: Well, it’s difficult for me to convince you, and vice versa. Let’s agree to disagree.


Further Listening and Speaking

Task1: Harvard University ScriptHarvard University is the oldest institute of highest learning in her United States. Founded 16years after the arrival of the Pilgrim at Plymouth, the university has grown from 9 students with a single master to the present enrollment of more than 18,000students, including undergraduates and students in 10 graduate and professor schools. Over14, 000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculties. Harvard has produces six presidents of the United States and 34 Noel winners. During its early years, Harvard offered a classic academic course based on the model21

