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语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21.—Would you _____ a game of table tennis, Cathy?

—I?d love to, but I still have piles of homework to do. A.care for

B.care about

C.care to

D.take care of

22.—Does David often come to school ____ bus?

—Yes, but sometimes he comes ____ his father?s car. A.take; in

B.by; by

C.by; in

D.in; with

23.—What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

—_____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A.It just depends C.All right A.since


B.It?s up to you D.Glad to hear that C.before


24.Scientists say it may be five or six years ____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. 25.We were in _____ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.

A.a rush so anxious C.so an anxious rush A.are; want A.be stayed

B.is; wants B.stay

B.a such anxious rush D.such an anxious rush C.is; want C.be staying

D.are; wants D.have stayed

26.The number of the stamps _____ limited, so a number of people _____ to have a look at them. 27.Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ fresh for several days. 28.—Mr. Johnson, would you have some more ice-cream?

—No, thanks. It?s very good, but I have to _____ my weight, you know.

A.remain A.So as to

B.watch B.In order to

C.notice C.So that

D.care D.In order that

29._____ meet his sister at the airport, he had to get up early.

30.In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where

his son was supposed to be, only that the building was as flat as a pancake.

A.to discover literature.

A.Good knowledge; study C.Good knowledge; studying A.run A.except A.happens

B.running B.except for

B.A good knowledge; study D.A good knowledge; studying C.being run C.except that

D.to run D.besides

B.to be discovered C.discovering


31.English is more and more important in our daily life. _____ of English is helpful if you are to _____ English

32.Don?t leave the water ____ while you brush your teeth. 33.The boy has a handsome face _____ the scar on his forehead. 34.He hasn't come yet. What do you consider ____ to him?

B.has happened C.happening D.to happen

B.especially; especially D.specially; especially

35.Though the weather was _____cold and windy, I came _____ to see you.

A.specially; specially C.especially; specially

21.A care for 喜欢,爱好;care about 在意,在乎,关心;care to 想,愿意(仅用于疑问句用否定句,to

是不定式符号,其后接动词原形);take care of 照顾,照看。

22.C表乘坐方式用by +名词,中间不用冠词,如果名词前有a/ one?s 则用介词in或on。



24.C 此题考查连词以及对句式的理解。It is + 一段时间+before,意为“要(多长时间)……才能……”。 25.D so和such都有“如此”的意思,但so修饰形容词,正确词序是:so anxious a rush。such修饰名词,

正确词序是:such an anxious rush。

26.C the number of +复数名词,主语是number,谓语用单数。A number of +复数名词,谓语用复数。 27.B stay在此为系动词,既没有被动语态,也没有进行时或完成时,与will一起构成将来时,表示即将

发生的动作或状态。句意为:为什么你没有把肉放在冰箱里?(在冰箱里)它可以保鲜好几天。 28.B watch意为“注意,提防”;remain“仍然是”;notice为“注意到,觉察到”;care“介意,计较”。 29.B 目的状语位于句首时,常用in order to而不用so as to。so that/ in order that其后接句子。 30.A only + 不定式结构表结果,表“出乎人的意料之外”。

31.B 在knowledge前加上不定冠词a,表示“懂得……,了解……”,或加a + adj.表示“对……某种程度的


32.B 本句的意思为“让水一直流”。leave…doing…相当于使役动词的用法“让……做……”或“让……保持

一种……状态”。 33.B except多用于同类事物中被排除的的一项。except for用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。except that

其意义与except for相同,但必须接句子;besides“除……之外,还……”。

34.B 有些同学可能受consider的误导而选择C。我们不妨把do you consider看作插入语成分,去掉后很

明显句子缺少谓语部分。此句的意思是“他还没有来,你认为他发生什么事情了?”happen动作尽管是过去发生的,但强调对现在的影响,需用现在完成时,所以答案为B。 35.C specially“特意地,专门地”强调目的;especially“特别地”强调程度。



21.What _____ it is to travel around the world by sea.

A.a fun


C.fun and a pleasure _____August.

A.The; the; /

B.A; /; /

C.A; the; the

D. The; /; /

23.Scientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and _____ more

than 10,000 years ago.

A.this is Alaska A.nothing A.at; to

B.Alaska is now B.none B.to; for

C.is now Alaska C.some C.at; in

D. what is now Alaska D. neither D. to; on

24.Some people would rather ride bicycle as bicycle riding has ____ of the trouble of taking buses. 25.The temperature has risen _____ 34 degrees centigrade. It is quite hot _____ May. 26.—Are you satisfied with her answer?

— Not at all. It couldn?t have been _____.

A.worse A.undertake

B.so bad B.conduct

C.better C.perform

D. the worst D. accomplish

27.The best method to _____ this goal is to unite as many people as possible.

D.a fun and a pleasure

22._____ new teaching building in our school was completed in _____ October of 2003, not in

28.—Is there a basketball match between the Lakers and the Huston Rockets this evening? —There _____ be. I?ll phone the gym and find it out.




D. can

29.—The thread of my kite broke and it flew away.

—I told you it would easily break _____ it was the weakest.




D. where

30.—I?m disappointed with the officer elected in our town.

—I am too, but there?s no point _____ about it.

A.we worry

B.in worrying

C.to worry

D. with us worrying

31._____, Iraq is facing much trouble.

A.The U.S. has air-stuck many weeks B.Having been air-struck many times C.The U.S. air-strike last many weeks A.pick up

B.wake up

D. Having air-struck many times C.grow up B.treating badly

D. to have been treated badly

D. show up

32.Under good treatment, she is beginning to _____ and will soon come back to work. 33.He claimed _____ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A.being badly treated C.to be treated badly

34.—Look! How long _____ like this?

—Three weeks! It?s usual here that rain _____ without stopping these days of the year.

A.has it rained; pours C.is it raining; is pouring — ______, Alice?

A.Who is that speaking

B.How about another cup of tea

C.Why, what?s up D. What can I do for you 21. C 此题考查名词词义的辨析能力。抽象名词fun不可数,不可与a/an连用,也不可加-s。而pleasure作不可数名词时,意为“快乐、娱乐、满足;意志、愿望”,也可作可数名词,意为“使人快乐的事,乐趣”,可与不定冠词连用。

22. A 第一空填入定冠词the,特指我们学校的新教学楼。一般月份前不用冠词,但第二空是特指某年的几月要用定冠词。

23. D 宾语从句what is now Alaska“现在叫阿拉斯加的地方”。what引导的从句含有“所??的(东西)”之意。

24. B 句型have none of the trouble of “不会惹??麻烦或事端”;have none of“与??无关、不理睬”。 25. B rise to“上升到”;for表示“就/相对??而言;”。

26. A “否定词+比较级”表示最高级含义。答语中Not at all暗示了不能选C。 27. D undertake“担任、约定、许诺”; conduct“指导、指挥”;perform“表演”; accomplish“成功地做完、实现(目标,任务)”,与goal搭配,意为“达到目标”。

28. A 根据下文中的I?ll phone the gym and find it out.可判断,应答者是没有多大把握的,所以选might来表示“把握性不大的可能”。

29. D 从语境可知,这是一个由where引导的地点状语从句,意思是:在风筝线最细的地方容易断。其他三项无论是引导时间状语从句还是原因状语从句均不符合题意。

30. B 此题含有一个固定结构there is no point (in) doing sth.,意为“做某事没意义”。类似表达还有:There is no use ( harm, hurry…) + (in) doing sth.

31. B 分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,表示“伊拉克已经多次遭受空中打击”。 32. A 根据句中的信息词good treatment和come back to work可知,她现在正逐渐好起来/恢复。pick up

B.has it been raining; pours D. does it rain; pours

35.— Hi, Jack! I?m glad I came across you here.

“逐渐好起来/恢复”;wake up“醒来”;grow up“长大”;show up“暴露,出现”。

33. D 此题考查不定式的完成式。不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,且含有被动意义,所以用不定式的完成被动形式。

34. B 从语境上分析,说明这雨已经下了三星期并且还一直在下着,所以第一空用现在完成进行时。第二空是对经常发生的习惯性的客观事实进行陈述,所以用一般现在时。

35. C “Why, what?s up? ”用于口语,相当于“What is going on / happening?”,意为“(最近)怎么样?/ 近况如何?”。其他选项不符合语境。


21.The number of coins found in the ancient tomb ______ two thousand.


B.added to

C.added up B.Considering D.Providing that

B.make; anyone; everywhere D.make; anyone; anywhere B.Not only does Vitamin C provide D.Vitamin C, which not only provides B.was; have D.was; has

B.entertaining; relaxing D.entertained; relaxing

D.added up to

22._____ his wife had just recovered from a bad cold, he decided not to take her to the party.

A.Considered that C.Provided that

23.Mobile phones _____ it possible for us to talk to _____ from _____.

A.makes; everyone; everywhere C.makes; everyone; anywhere A.Vitamin C not only provides C.Not only vitamin provides A.be; should have C.should be; had A.entertaining; relaxed C.entertained; relaxed

24._____ to the ability to fight against disease, but also helps us build our body.

25.Jane?s pale face suggested that she _____ ill and I suggested she _____ a medical examination.

26.I think there are only a few sports that are both ____ and ______.

27.-- I began to work in this company after graduation.

-- Sorry, manager. My car _____ on my way to the office.

A.broke down A.drove A.respond A.turned out A.fit A.lived A.that A.need

B.broke up B.had driven B.to keep B.turned off B.match B.living B.whatever B.desire

C.broke out C.would drive C.force C.turned down C.suit C.to live C.how C.feel

D.broke off D.was driven D.to stop D.turned around D.adapt D.been living D.no matter what D.idea

28.If only he ______ so fast on his way home yesterday.

29.We students should do what we can _____ the environment being polluted.

30.Little Tom was very nervous in front of so many strangers, so he _____ and ran to his mother. 31.The people who are out of work should ______ themselves to the new situation quickly. 32.You can?t imagine what difficulty that deserted cats will have _____ through the frozen winter. 33.Putin hopes his daughters can do _____ job suits their interests and personalities. 34.The young man works very hard from a(n) _____to become rich. 35.We believe _____ you have devoted yourself _____sure to come true.

A.that; is; to B.all that; to; be C.that all; are D.what; to; is

21.D 考查动词。add 添加;add to 增添??;add up 把??相加;add up to总计,共计。

22.B considering 常用作介词或连词;意为“鉴于;考虑到”。 23.D 此处是“主语+make +it +n./ adj. +不定式短语”结构。

24.A 考查连词。Not only…but also用于连接两个对等成分,此处连接两个并列谓语。B项看上去似乎是




26.B 考查形容词。说明体育所具有的特征要使用-ing形式的分词形容词,而不是-ed 形式的。 27.A 考查动词短语。break down 在此处是“(车辆等)抛锚”;break up“拆散,拆开”;break out“爆发”;

break off“停止,中断”。

28.B 考查if only 结构。此结构常用虚拟语气,意为“要是??就好了”。 29.D 考查句式。do what one can (do ) to do sth. 意为“尽力做某事”,其中to do something 是目的状语。

此处to stop意为“防止,阻止”,from doing sth.中from被省略了。

30.D 考查动词短语。turn out 生产;结果是;turn off 关掉;turn down把音量关小;turn around转身。 31.D 考查动词。adapt oneself to使适合;使适应。其它三个选项没有这种搭配。

32.B 考查固定结构。前面的difficulty与后面的谓语构成固定结构have difficulty (in) doing something. 33.B 根据句子结构,选项that 无词义;how 不能用来修饰名词; no matter what只能引导让步状语从句,


34.B need 需要;desire愿望;idea 想法;feel感觉。本题的意思是:因为渴望富裕起来,这们年轻人努


35.D 考查复合句。what you have devoted yourself to是从句作宾语从句中的主语,is sure to come true是谓



21.This box _____ all the books you need, _____ an English-English dictionary. A.contained; included B.contained; including C.included; contained D.included; containing

22.—Do you think I ought to apologize for what I?ve done?—In my opinion, you _____. A.ought B.need C.do D.should 23.As is known to all, our eating habits have changed, _____ has our way of life. A.that B.while C.as D.which

24.The mother didn?t know _____ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. A.who B.when C.how D.what 25.The tower ____ the Warring States is well worth visiting. A.dated from B.dated back from C.dating from D.to date from

26.He is not ______ with his English teacher, for the English teacher looks down upon him. A.on good terms B.on watch C.on the way D.on the sly 27.Yesterday afternoon, I had a bad headache, so I _____ the doctor?s. A.called on B.called off C.called at D.called for

28.Many drivers stood in line in the gas station all the night, as _____ came ____ the price of oil would go up. A.words; that B.word; which C.a word; that D.word; that 29.—How are the team playing?

—They?re playing well, but one of them _____ hurt. A.got B.gets C.are D.were 30.Tom, the winter holiday is on the corner; where _____ you to spend the vacation?

A.will B.shall C.are D.were

31.The house rent is expensive. I?ve got about half the space I had at home and I?m paying _____ here. A.as three times much B.as much three times

C.much as three times D.three times as much 32.--What _____ the boy who fell off the bike?

--Nothing serious. The doctor says in a day or two, he can come back to school. A.has become of B.has happened with C.has occurred D.has become with

33.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_____ his boss. A.serves B.satisfies C.promises D.supports

34.The speaker is giving rather an ____ speech, as I can judge from the ____ look of all the listeners. A.inspiring; inspiring B.inspired; inspired C.inspiring; inspired D.inspired; inspiring

35.Harry Fields said they wanted to make as much noise as possible to force the government officials to realize

what everybody was having to ____. A.bear B.accept C.share D.settle 21.B后一个空白处应使用including,由此可推断此B项正确。 22.D 如选择A项,需要在后面加to。

23.C as表示“象??一样”,全句意为:众所周知,我们的饮食习惯发生了改变,我们的


24.A 需要注意的是,blame有“责备,责怪”之意。be to blame为一固定结构,意为“该受

责备,应负责”。如:I am to blame. 是我不好。

25.C 句中已有谓语动词,故填空处应用分词作定语。date from意为“始自(某时

期)”,不能用被动形式,故用现在分词作定语。 26.A be on good terms意为“与某人关系好”,符合句意。

27.C the doctor?s是“医生诊所”之意,指的是地点,故用call at。 28.D word在此是不可数名词,“消息”之意。后面是一个that引导的同位语从句,修饰




30.C are to do sth.在此表示“打算做”之意。注意you后面有一个to故不能选A和B。 31.D 比较结构中涉及倍数词时,倍数词应该放在最前面。此题倍数的完整表达为“?I?m

paying three times as much here as I pay at home。”故选D。 32.A what has become of…意为“??怎么样了?”。

33.B serve为??服务;promise允诺;support支持;satisfy使满意。句意:尼克正在找另

一份工作。因为他觉得他做的一切都不能使老板满意。根据句意,答案为B。 34.C 第一空修饰speech,表达主动意义,故用现在分词形式 inspiring;第二空修饰


35.A bear在此是“忍受”之意。句意:Harry Fields说他们要弄出尽可能大的噪声,使政府 官员意识到他们不得不忍受的噪声之苦。

5 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

21.---What present shall we make Xiao Li for his birthday? What kind of things does he like, football, pop music,

model plane or ships….

---_____ Let?s make him a model plane.

A.It?s a good idea B.That?s it

C.That?s true

D.That?s right

22.--- John, would you lend me some money?

---Unless you _____ to pay the money back within six months. A.understand




23.--- What time would you like me to _____ his evening for the concert?

--- I think 6:30 will be OK. A.pick you up A.It is well known

C.It is well known that A.not more than

B.less than B.pick you out

C.pick you out B.We all know D.As is well known C.more than

D.no more than D.pick you off

24. _____, the materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.

25.History is _____ a subject that not only let us know something in history; it also tells us a lot of truth.

26.In the evening the car broke down _____ and the heavy rain added to the helplessness of the girl driver on the

country road.

A.unexpectedly A.scared; into A.that; what A.careful A.turned up hand.

A.as A.that

B.through B.when

C.with C.as

D.by D.while

32.---When were your legs injured? -- It was one Sunday last month ____ my father and I spend at the seaside. 33.It?s always difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don?t speak the language.

A.extremely B.naturally C.specially A.more than twice C.twice as many as


34.Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

B.as twice as many D.more than twice as many

B.all of a sudden B.scared; out of B.what; what B.anxious B.turned down

C.unfortunately C.scared; away C.what; that C.curious C.turned off

D.immediately D.scares; out of D.that; that D.crazy D.turned out

27.News of the robberies _____ many people _____ fitting new locks to their doors. 28.It is not _____ you have said but what you have done _____ made us very disappointed.

29.---What do you think of Mr. Wang? -- He is a man full of curiosity. He is always _____ about my work. 30.Her parents had had a very anxious moment but everything _____ all right in the end.

31.I often think of those winter days when we spent time reading books together, ____ a cup of hot chocolate at

35._____ the heavy rain, we might have arrived there at midday.

A.If it were not for C.Had it not been for

B.Hadn?t it been for D.But with

21.B根据Let?s make him a model plane.这句话可知。That?s it 意为“那就是的”。

22.B understand 意为“明白,理解”;undertake“同意,保证”;underplay“对??不够重视”;underline


23.A pick up 意为“驾车去接”;pick out“选出,分辨出”;pick over“仔细检查”;pick off“摘取,采取”。 24.D as引导非限制性定语从句时,as代表整个主句或主句的一部分内容, 并在从句中作主语、宾语或


25.C more than 意为“不仅仅”;not more than“不多于”;less than“少于”;no more than“仅仅,只”。 26.B Unexpectedly 意为“没有预料到地”;all of a sudden“突然”;unfortunately“不幸运地”;immediately


27.A scare … into意为“吓得某人去做某事”;scare …out of 意为“吓得某人不敢做某事”scare away/off


28.C 此句是强调句型,强调what you have done,意为“你所做的”。 29.C be curious about意为“对??感兴趣(好奇)”。

30.D turn up“出现,露面”;turn down“关小,拒绝”;turn off“关掉电源等”,turn out“证明是,结果



32. A从句中spent为及物动词,故用关系代词that作其宾语。as 在从句中也可用作关系代词,但先行

词前常有such, the same , as, so修饰。

33.D extremely意为“极端地”; naturally 意为“自然地”;specially“特意地,专门地”;especially意为


34.D 表示倍数时,语序为“倍数(twice)+ as many as + …”,若是分数或其它副词如almost, just 等也

要置于第一个as 之前。句中more than twice 意为两倍多。 35.C题干中省略了if,应用倒装句式,此处是与过去事实相反。

6 21.She is the only one among the _____ authors who _____ detective story.

A.woman; writes a C.women; writes a

B.women; write a D.woman; write a

22.---How do you like the lecture last Friday?

---Terrible. Though _____ to stop, the _____ speaker kept on talking at the meeting.

A.being told; exciting C.to be told; exciting

B.telling; excited D.told; excited

23.— She shouldn?t have done that sort of thing.

--- Whatever she did was reasonable, _____ to what you had done. --- Besides, it?s none of your business. Get down to _____ your lessons.

A.comparing; doing C.compared; doing

B.comparing; do D.compared; do

24.---This is the first time I _____ my first picture with my own hands.

--- It is time that you _____ a picture for me.

A.took; took

B.have taken; took C.took; will take D.will take; have taken

25.--You were so brave. It _____ great courage to raise objections at the meeting.

-- Well, but now I regret having done so. It might _____ me a good chance to get a rise.

A.took; took

B.needed; cost

C.took; cost

D.cost; cost

26.In the early 1920s, thousands of people went to Australia to _____ their fortune.

A.seek A.Nor am I A.What; that




27.---I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. --_____.

B.Neither would I C.Same with me D.So do I B.It; that

C.What; where

D.It; where

28._____ puzzles me most is that I don?t know _____ the difference between those two lies.

29._____ to give up smoking, he threw away his _____ cigarettes.

A.Determined; remained C.Determining; remained

B.Determined; remaining D.Determining; remaining

30.You will find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.





31.Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

A.What is it that B.What it is that C.How is it that A.when



D.How it is that D.the moment

32.Most of the Europeans refuse to accept GM food _____ Americans regard it as the fruit from high tech. 33.---It?s an unlucky thing that two paper-making factories have been built in this area.

--- Yes, but to _____ the river _____ being polluted, the government requires them to operate their firms by the environmental law.

A.make sure; of B.ensure; against C.keep; 不填

D.protect; for

34.---Shall we go and help them with their work?

--- We?d better not. They said we?d just be _____ if we tried to help.

A.in a way

B.by the way

C.on the way D.in the way B.possibly; probably D.probably; likely

35.You may _____ remember some idioms in the texts but you couldn?t _____ remember all the words in them.

A.probably; possibly C.likely; possibly 其保持一致。


23.C compare with / to 意为“将??与??相比较”,如果单独使用时,常采用过去分词形式作状语,置

于句首或句末。短语get down to中的to是介词,常接名词、代词或动名词。

24.B This / It is the first /…time (that)…中that从句中,谓语动词应用现在完成时,译为“这是第一次??”,

It?s time that…从句中动词应用过去时(即虚拟语气),译为“该??的时候了”。

25.C take表示“花费,需要”,句型为:It takes sb./ sth. to do sth.意为:“某人做某事用了多少时间或需要

什么”。cost表示“花费”时,句型为:sth. cost sb…主要用于 于金钱、时间等,主语是物,不能是人。cost还有“使付出(代价);使丧失”,如:Dangerous driving could cost you your life. 26.A. seek意为“寻求财富”,B、C、D项均无此义。 27.B从语境中判断与上下文相同的语气,“我也不会这么做”。

28.C第一空是what 引导的从句作主语,第二空由where 引导宾语从句。 29.B第一空是过去分词作状语,第二空是现在分词作定语。

30.C of +n.= adj., price (价格)和cost (成本)不合题意;D项中use可作名词。 31.A此句是强调特殊疑问词what,其语序应为倒装语序。

32.C while在此处表示“对照,比较”,意为“而,却”。A、B、D项没有此义。

33. B ensure sb. against (from)…保护某人免受危险;keep sb. from…中的from 不能省略。protect与from


34.D in a way意为“在某种程度上”,by the way“顺便”,on the way“在路上,即将”,in the way“阻碍,


21.C one among the women = one of the women, 由于one 前有the only 修饰,定语从句中的谓语动词应与

35.A probably表示可能性大,十有八、九的可能,possibly 表示可能性较小,十有三、四的可能。likely是形容词,可能性比probably小,比possibly大。

7 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


B.none, had expected D.none, would expect

C.not being filled D.not having filled

21.Mary won the first place, though ______ of us ________ it. A.no one, expected

C.nobody, was expecting

B.not filled

22.Any applicant form ________ properly will not be accepted by the company. A.not to be filled

23._______ is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be ________ to her.

A.So, too thankful B.Such, so thankful C.So, that thankful D.Such, thankful enough danger. A.On

25.It is said that there are plenty of hotels in that town.There _______ be any difficulty for you to find

somewhere to stay. A.wouldn?t

_________? A.doesn?t it

B.wasn?t it

C.mustn?t it C.has written

D.hadn?t it D.was writing

27.Mary ________ a book about China last year, but I don?t know whether she has finished it. A.has been writing B.wrote

A.a much happier time

28.If there were no hungry problem, the people of the world should have ________ in their daily life.

B.a more happier time D.much happiest time C.do we C.are going to

D.will not you D.went

C.the happier time 29.Let?s clean the classroom, ________?

A.won?t you A.will

B.shall we B.shall

30.It?s high time we _______ to the theater.

31.Mr. Brown, _______ works as manager of the company. A.we got here in his car

C.in whose car we got here

B.a lot of

B.we got here by his car D.by whose car we got here C.a great many

D.a number of




26.I telephoned him twice and I couldn?t get through to his home.The line must have been out of order,




24.______ a dark night, they took the sick boy to the hospital.And after an hour?s curing, the boy was out of

32.Maggie lives next door, we see each other _________. A.a great deal

33.By the time I saw the angry expression on his face, I ______ exactly what I was having to face.But not for a

moment _______ I should quit.

A.had known; I thought C.would know; I would think



known; had I thought

D.knew; did I


34.It?s politely requested by the hotel management that radios after 10 o?clock at night.

A.were not played C.not be played

B.not to play D.did not play

35.He knows a lot about films.No one in our class can _______ him in that knowledge.

A.catch B.suit C.compare D.match

21.答案:B 解析:no one 与nobody的后面一般不接of短语,所以A、C两个选项可以先排除。though


22.答案:B 解析:本句的意思是“公司不会接受没有填好的申请表”。选项A是不定式的被动形式作定


23.答案:D 解析:本句考查结构“such … that”, 并且使用了倒装结构,正常语序应该是“The kindness

of the nurse is such that the patient can never be thankful enough to her”。句中的that为代词,意思是“象那样的事 / 东西”。

24.答案:A 解析:表示具体的某个、或者有表示天气状况的形容词修饰时,morning, noon, afternoon,

evening, night等表时间的名词要与on连用。

25.答案: C 解析:这个句子用shouldn?t表示“不应该 … ”,是一种推测。

26.答案:B 解析:must表示对过去发生的动作的推测时,用“must + have + done”结构,其后面的反

意问句部分不能用must,要用did, was, were, has,have等形式适应不同的需要。本句指的是过去的时间(当时打电话的情况),所以用过去时,另外,由于must后含有be动词,所以用be的过去时形式。 27.答案:D 解析:本句的第一个分句有表示过去的时间状语,所以不能用表示现在的时态;由于第二

个分句表示“但是我不知道她现在是否完稿了”,说明这本书在去年并没有完成,只是那个时间正在写。 28.答案:A 解析:本句考查虚拟语气,表示一个与事实相反的假设;另外,还考查词组“have a … time”,

本词组中的a不能省略或者换成the;happier本身为比较级,故不能用more修饰。 29.答案:B。解析:本题的“Let?s do sth.”结构表示建议(我们大家)做什么事,包括听话一方在内,

故用shall we。如用“Let us do sth.”结构,则往往表示不包括听话方,就要用will you表示请求对方允许。

30.答案:D。 解析:“It?s (high/about)time that + 从句”的结构中,其谓语动词多用过去时,有时也用

should + do,这是一个虚拟语气句,其中,用“should do”时,should不可以省略。 31.答案:C 解析:本题考查非限制性定语从句。词组“in one?s car”表示“坐某人的车”。

32.答案:A 解析:本题考查同义词辨析。B、C、D项的后面都要接名词,而a great deal此处后面没有


33.答案:D。 解析:本题考查时态。尽管句中有by the time引导的时间状语从句,但主句谓语所表达

的动作不是发生在从句谓语所表示的动作之前,而是几乎同时发生,所以用一般过去时即可。by the time此处接近at the time。此题容易误选A。 34.答案:C。 解析:本句的意思为“饭店管理部门恳请客人晚上10点以后不要开收音机。” 某些动词,

如:ask(要求),advise, demand, desire, determine, decide, insist, propose, order, recommend, require, request, suggest等后面的从句要求用虚拟语气。句中的play同radios之间为被动关系,空白处相当于should not be played。

35.答案:D。 解析:本题主要考查动词词义辨析。本句意思是“他有丰富的电影知识,在电影知识方面,没有人能与他匹敌”。match vt.意为“匹敌, 与...相对应; 使协调”。



从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.—Would you like to go to the park with me? —I?m afraid I can?t go with you.__________!

A.Let?s go B.Please go C.Bye D.Enjoy yourself

22.—Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?

—I have got no interest in it; _________, I have lots of work to do. A.otherwise




23.—Put these glasses away before they _________.

—OK, I?ll put them in the cupboard.

A.have broken B.are breaking C.will be broken —OK, I will come back in a few minutes. A.No, we need more time. C.Yes, here it is.

B.In my opinion B.That

B.Sure, we?d love to. D.Could you bring me the bill? C.To my mind C.It

B.where, hasn't it D.that, isn't it B.Every few metre D.Every a few metre C.anybody

D.nobody D.All the above D.This D.get broken

24.—May I take your order now? —__________

25.________, this kind of works can?t represent Chinese culture, so it?s not worth publishing. A.For me A.What

26._______ is well known that the area is rich in oil. 27.It is from the sun _______ we get light and heat,______ ? A.which, aren't we

C.in which, doesn't it

28.________ there is a tree on either side of the road. A.Every few metres

C.Every a few metres


29.I am, just as is sung in a song, a __________.I live on my own. A.someone

30.—My son failed to be accepted by the firm after the interview.

—Now that he wasn?t well prepared, he might as well __________. A.not try during the day. A.should have done

C.must have done A.opens

B.would have done D.may have done


B.not to have tried C.not have tried

D.not to try

31.Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _________

32.The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once ________, bicycles are not allowed to go along it.

B.having opened C.opening

33.—She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain.

—Never _____ she'd ever have that much energy. A.I had thought C.could I have thought A.dares say job?

— ____ my students have a try?





B.dares saying

B.I would have thought D.will I have thought C.dare say

D.dare to say

34.No one ____ that to his face.

35.—The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding.Who do you think can do the

21.答案: D 解析:此题考查口语的用法。当别人说要去公园玩、看电影、欣赏演出等的时候,你应该

说“Enjoy yourself”作为答语,意思是“祝你玩得愉快”。

22.答案:B 解析:对别人提出得邀请,如果不答应,就应该说出理由。本题答语的意思是“我对音乐

会不感兴趣,而且我还有很多工作要做”。选besides表示“除 … 之外,另外 还 …”。

23.答案:D 解析:表示“玻璃杯被打破”的意思,用词组 get broken,表示被动。此句的before引导

一个表示时间的状语从句,用现在时态代替将来时态。 24.答案:A 解析:B、C选项与后面的答语矛盾;D项没有回答对方的问题;A项与“OK, I will come back

in a few minutes”才是相呼应的。

25.答案:D 解析:A、B、C三个选项都可以表示“对于我来说,按照我的观点”等意思。所以都对。 26.答案:C 解析:“It is well known that …”是一个固定句型,其中,it为形式主语。英语中的形式主


27.答案:D 解析:此句考查强调句型以及其后面的反意问句用法。第一个空选择that,为强调句的构

成部分,为固定结构;第二个空选择“isn?t it”,为反意问句的结构。

28.答案:A 解析:此句考查every表示“每隔 …”的意思。常用结构为“every + 基数词 / few + 复数

名词”或者“every + 序数词 + 单数名词”。every后不能接冠词,所以C被排除。 29.答案:D 解析:此题考查不定代词nobody的意思,即“平凡人”;另外,someone为“某个人”,somebody

为“伟人”,anybody为“重要人物(通常用于疑问句、否定句和if从句)”。 30.答案:C 解析:此题的答语“Now that …”表示“既然 …,就 …”。由于“试”这个动作已经发生,

所以用完成形式。另外,要注意词组may as well,它的意思是“不妨,干脆”。

31.答案:D 解析:此句的意思是“研究表明,不管我们白天做了什么事,晚上都会做两个小时的梦”。

“情态动词 + 不定式的完成式”表示对过去发生的事情的推测。Should have done sth.表示“过去应该做某事而没有做”,表示一种责备的语气;must have done sth.表示“肯定做了某事”,通常用于肯定句,may have done sth.表示“可能已经做了某事”,可以用于肯定式和否定式。 32.答案:D 解析:此句选opened表示被动,是“once it is opened”的省略形式。

33.答案:C。 解析:本题考查倒装句和情态动词的用法。否定副词never位于句首时,主句用部分倒装;

因是“过去未曾想到”,故用could have done结构。

34.答案:C。 解析:此题考查情态动词dare的用法。Dare作为情态动词表示“敢,胆敢,竟敢”,用


35.答案:A。 解析:本题考查情态动词shall的用法。第二、三人称作主语,表示征求意见时,用shall。

9 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A.sweated A.that whichever

B.to be sweated


D.being sweated

21.George works hard.He is often seen ___________ heavily before his teammates have even arrived. 22.The captain gave the order _______ could be done should be done to save the ship.

B.anything that D.that whatever

C.anything whatever

23.—This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

—Yes, I know him very well.He ______ in African with wild animals for eight years. A.has worked

B.had worked


D.has been working

24.At present more and more people try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, but this

_________ creates further problems. A.in turn

B.once again

C.in case

D.after all

25.What a shame that you _________ such an excuse to get absent from school yesterday morning! A.should have made up

B.have to make up

C.should make up D.would make up

26.The book is of great value.________ can be enjoyed from it until you have a deep understanding of it,

however. A.Nothing

A.drop in at

B.Few B.call on

C.Something C.drop in on

D.Much D.drop in

27.When we lived in the countryside, we would ______ their house and have a talk with them. 28.—I didn't go to see the doctor yesterday.

—But you________.

B.ought to have

C.oughted to

D.ought to


29.—Do you feel like ________ there or shall we take a bus?

—I?d like to walk.But since there isn't much time left, I'd rather we________ a taxi. A.walking; hire

B.to walk; hire

C.to walk; hired

D.walking; hired

30.—Miss White has decided to explore in the forest by herself.

—She ________ ask her boyfriend to if she ________ go walking in the forest.

B.doesn't need; dares D.needn't; dare B.must have told D.might tell

C.need not to; dare to A.could have told C.should tell

A.needn't to; dares to

31.I ____ you, but I didn?t think you would listen to me.

32.His failure in the exam suggested that he __________ the teacher?s instructions.

A.can?t have followed B.needn?t have followed C.mustn?t have followed D.shouldn?t have followed —Set the alarm at 5 o?clock, _______ you will make it. A.but




33.—How can I wake up so early?

34.The rain is plentiful in the southwest of the country, ________ yearly.

A.as much as seventy inches

B.as seventy inches much as D.as much seventy inches as

C.seventy inches as much as

35.Was it _________ she said or something that she did ________ you were angry at so much?

A.what, which B.that, which C.that, what D.what, that

21.答案:C 解析:此题考查动词see的用法。当其用于被动结构时,后面如果接不定式,就表示动作


22.答案:D 解析:本题考查同位语从句的用法。That引导一个同位语,进一步说明名词order的具体

内容,所以可以先排除B、C两个选项;这个同位语从句又包含了一个主语从句,而且该从句缺少主语;whichever表示“(从句子里提供的范围中选择)无论哪一个 …”,但该句没有提供这个范围;所以选whatever表示“不论什么”。

23.答案:C 解析:本句的意思是“这位归国的中国学者已经成为这个领域的顶级专家”,说明了这位学

者已经不在非洲工作了,所以不能用现在完成时态。这里选择一般过去时指过去的情况。 24.答案:A 解析:本题考查词组的区别。In case的意思是“以防,以免”; once again表示“再次”; in

turn表示“转而”; after all表示“毕竟”。

25.答案:A 解析:本句的句型“What a shame that …”意思是“ … 真是太丢人了”,that后接的从句

谓语动词常用“ should + 动词原形”构成虚拟语气结构,表示语气的委婉;本句指过去的情况,所以用“should have made up”。

26.答案:A 解析:本句的意思是“这本书很有价值。然而,你只有深刻地领会这本书,才能欣赏其中

的奥妙”。其中,nothing与until连用表示“直到 …,才 …”。

27.答案:A 解析:本题考查固定词组的用法。call on somebody表示“拜访某人”; call at a place表示

“到某处拜访”; drop in on somebody 表示“随便拜访某人”;drop in at a place表示“随便去某处”。本题的空后为地点,所以用A。注意drop in中的in为副词。

28.答案:B。 解析:本题的关键是对时间的理解、把握。从句中可以看出来双方谈论的话题是过去的

事,故应用“ought to have +过去分词”结构,在省略结构中,须留下have。错选D者主要是没注意到句中的状语yesterday。

29.答案:D。 解析:“would rather + 动词原形”是一个固定结构,但此句的后面不是不定式,而是个

从句。此题的考查点是would rather接从句,从句中应用虚拟语气。

30.答案:D。 解析:本题中的need和dare都是作为情态动词使用的。它们作情态动词使用时,否定

式直接在其后面加not,无第三人称单数形式。 31.答案:A。 解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。此处意思是“我当时本应该告诉你(could have told you),


32.答案:A。can用于否定句和疑问句;肯定句中用may。 33.答案:C 解析:此句考查句型:“祈使句 + and / then / or / otherwise + 陈述句”。前面的祈使句相当


34.答案:A 解析:此题中的as much as 表示程度,意思是“(雨量)多达 …”,后面接表示数量的词。 35.答案:D 解析:本句考查强调句型。其结构为“ It is / was + 被强调成分 + that + 其他成分”,所以


10 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A.had been going B.is gone —OK, I?ll take it.

B.in washed, lasted D.is washing, lasting C.of which C.no more

D.of that D.no less

C.washes, is lasted A.that


C.has gone

D.has been gone

21.The little boy ________ for ages.Where do you think he is? 22.—The cloth _______ well and ________ long. A.washes, lasts

23.The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient?s fear ________ he would die of the disease. 24.Although he sometimes loses his temper, his students like him ______ for it.

A.not so much B.not so little A.with his hands were fast tied C.his hands fast tied A.Cleans

B.To clean

25.The robber was brought to the judge, ________ .

B.his hands to be fast tied D.his hand having been fast tied C.While

D.While I was cleaning

26._______ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly. 27.—When will the game begin?

—It will begin later than usual _________ 15 minutes.

A.in —________.




28.—It?s said that you went to Macao last year.

A.making C.taking A.centered A.took care D.let out A.at


B.picking D.doing C.fixed B.made sure

22.When he was making a speech in Beijing University, thousands of eyes were _____ on him.


C.made out

23.He accidentally _____ that he had been laid off and had to make a living away from home.

24.As far as I know, he pulled through all kinds of hardships _____ length.

B.in B.surprise

C.on C.challenge

D.by D.shame

25.The child has a talent for music and should be trained properly—it?s a _____ to waste such talent.

A.joy to school.

A.stopped A.to work


C.pushed B.working D.being worked B.to make



27.Every minute is made full use of _____ at our lessons.

C.having worked A.makes D.had made A.不填;不填 D.a; the ______.

A.intention A.wonder D.thought A.stick daily life. A.advocates C.obtains

B.distributes D.declines





C.purpose B.suspicion



31.The disguise was so good that I had no _____ of his real identity. As a result, I was cheated.


C. the; the

26.Being poor, many students in western areas have _____ out of school. I think it?s our duty to help them return

28.What have we said _____ her so unhappy?

29.The most important thing about cotton in history is _____ part that it played in _____ Industrial Revolution.

30.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first

32.I don?t think he is a good writer; he specially writes books to _____ to low tastes.

33.The use of water is becoming tense in north China and the government _____ that we should save water in our

34. _____ two world-class athletic tournaments in three days, Olympic gold medalist Liu Xiang firmly

established his status as China?s latest sporting sensation. A.To win C.Winning

B.Having been won D.Won

B.What is required

35. _____ in the school regulation that teachers shouldn?t use cell-phones in class is often ignored.

A.What requires

C.It requires D.It is required 21.D make up“弥补”;pick up“挑选”;take up“拿起;占据”;do up“化装”。

22.C 本句话考查短语fix one?s eyes on。 23.D take care“当心”;make sure“保证”;make out“认出”;let out“泄露”。本句话意思是“他无意中

透露他下岗了,不得不离家去谋生。” 24.A at length为固定短语“最终”。

25.D joy与surprise不符合语境;challenge在此意思不太贴切;shame“遗憾的事”。本句话意思是“这孩

子有音乐天赋,应该得到正确的训练—浪费那样的才能是一件遗憾的事。” 26.B 本句话考查短语drop out of“辍学”。根据语境I think it?s our duty to help them return to school.可知。 27.A 此题of 的宾语实际上是 Every minute。如果把它变为主动式,答案就显而易见了。We make full use

of every minute to work at our lessons.

28.B 此题容易误选C,有些学生相当然地认为线前的一部分是what引导的主语从句,此处选 made用

作谓语。同学们仔细看看:横线前是 what have we said ,而不是what we have said(注意其中的词序);句末是问号,而不是句号。假若选C,使横线前成为主语从句,那么该从句就应该是 what we have said,且句末为句号。其实,此题应选 B, to make her so unhappy为结果状语。

29.C part后面被一个定语从句(that it played)修饰,应为特指,故用定冠词the。Industrial Revolution为

专有名词,习惯上要加 the。 30.B attempt“尝试”;intention“意图,目的,打算”;purpose“目的”;desire“渴望”。 31.B 根据前面的句子The disguise was so good可知“我没有怀疑他的真正身份”。 32.D stick to“坚持”;turn to“转向,求助于”;refer to“指,参考”;cater to“迎合”。 33.A advocate“提倡”;distribute“分发”;obtain“取得,获得”;decline“拒绝”。根据意思“政府提倡


34.C winning的动作是Liu Xiang发出的,所以用主动形式,同时该动作已经结束。 35.B What is required在句中充当主语,谓语为is often ignored。

18 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21.Peter will _____ as managing director when Bill retires.

A.trip over A.desperate A. Even if A.evident A.adequate

B.take over B.hopeful B. For B.considerate B.excessive

C.hand over C.eager C. Now that C.elegant C.accurate

D.look over D.anxious D. Though D.innocent D.simple

22.Having been busy working for a long time, she is _____ for a sightseeing on weekends.

23._____ you have a strong desire to go to college, work as hard as you can. That's the only way. 24.The lady dressed in fashionable clothes is _____ in her appearance, but rude in her speech. 25.Your work is _____ but I?m sure you could do it better. 26.--Has he started off? He said that he would come here.

--I _____. He is a man who keeps his word. A.can?t set off

B.could have set off D.won?t set off C.for which C.gifting; a gift

D.which D.gifted; a gift

C.must have set off

A.of which A.gifted; gift A.torn down

B.to which B.gift; gifted B.tearing out

27.I gave him a warning, _____ he turned a deaf ear.

28.Someone told me that the _____ boy has _____ for painting.

29.With the old stone bridge _____, a new steel one was going to be built there.

C.was torn away D.being torn off

30.He?s never done this type of work before; I?m not sure how he?ll _____ with the other employees.

A.fit in A.as for

B.come up B.thanks to

C.end up C.apart from

D.fill up D.along with

31.You can ask the others, but _____ myself, I?ll be busy in the office. 32. --Does anyone force you to do so?

--No, I _____ for this work. A.offer --_____.

A. It?s a pleasure C. Take your time A.fixed


B. Well, it just depends D. OK, just in case C.had been fixed

D.had been fixing




33.--The weather is changeable here. Please take more clothes.

34.The day for the sports meet _____, they set out to get everything ready for the coming event. 35.I have only _____ the book, but I find it rather interesting.

A.look through B.dipped into C.dipped through D.taken into 21.B 由句子when Bill retires推测Peter会“接管”的。take over“接管”。 22.A be desperate for“非常需要”,为固定短语。 23.C Now that 引导状语从句,意为“既然”。

24.C 根据but 连接的两个部分表示意思的转折来判断rude与elegant“优雅”对应。

25.A 由句子I?m sure you could do it better可知“工作做得好”,只有在“好”的前提下,才能更好。 26.C must have done用来表示对过去事情的推测。 27.B turn a deaf ear to意为“对??置若罔闻”。 28.D have a gift for意为“有??天赋”。

29.A 在with结构中,宾语同宾补存在逻辑动宾关系。 30.A 本句话意思是“他以前从未做过这种工作,所不太确信他能否与其他雇员配合好。”fit in with“与??


31.A as for“至于,就”。本句话意思是“你可以问他人,但是就我来说,会在办公室很忙”。 32.C 从No来判断“没有人迫使我做这个活”,所以说“我是自愿的”。 33.D just in case“以防万一”。

34.A 独立主格结构,在句中作状语。 35 B dip into意为“浏览”。



21.Something ________ wrong with the car, and it ________ not start.

A. being; could B. going; should C. was; might D. went; would 22.________ the plan has been made, let?s get down to ________ it out.

A. Now that; carry B. Because; carry C. Since; carrying D. Now; putting 23.Before Tom left home, his mother kept telling him to ________ his manners at the party.

A. mind B. notice C. watch D. care

24.Dad is used to smoking and drinking. There?s no chance ________ I'm able to talk him into ________.

A. whether; giving it up B. of whether; giving them up C. that; getting rid of them D. which; stopping it

25.________ a mobile phone can you ring ________ you want to talk with anywhere.

A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whatever D. With; anyone 26. The train ________ arrive at 11∶30, but was an hour late.

A. was about to B. was likely to C. was supposed to D. was certain to 27. — What an amazing film! It?s the most interesting film I?ve ever seen. — But I?m sure it won?t interest ____.. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 28. — Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call? — Sorry, I?m a stranger here. — ____.

A. Thanks a lot B. That?s a pity C. Thanks anyway D. I?m sorry to hear that

29. English is a language that many people around the world __ not speak perfectly but __ at least understand. A. may; can B. would; might C. will; must D. could; might 30. It seems water _____ from this tap for some time. We?ll have to take it apart to put it right. A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking

31.The recent information has been put forward _ more high school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. as B. which C. while D. that 32. — Mike, what did our monitor say just now?

— Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who ______ to visit the museum _____ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is

33. After __ seemed an endless effort, the patient was finally able to carry out __ seemed a perfect normal walk. A. what; what B. that; that C. it; that D. which; it 34. — Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most? — ____. They are both expensive and of little use. A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All 35. — We didn?t find the Blacks _____ the lecture.

— No one had told him about ____ a lecture the following day.

A. to attend; there to be B. attending; there being C. attended; there be D. attend; there was 21. D. 题中and说明是并列句,排除了A、B。后空would表示“倾向”。 22. C. 23. A. mind one?s manners 意为“注意礼貌”。Mind your steps “当心走好。” 24. C. 25. B. 考查倒装.

26. C. be supposed to do “理当、应该” A项不与时间状语连用 B,D意思不对。

27. D。根据上下文语境及答话人的意思:我敢肯定这部电影不可能使每个人都感兴趣,说明该句为部分否定。

28.C。根据对话情景可知,对话发生在两个陌生人之间,一人请求他人帮忙,但因为都是陌生人,未能提供帮助。对这种情景的回答,也要表示感谢,但在后面常用anyway 或all the same。

29. A。第一空表示一种可能性,用may not speak \可能不会说\;第二空表示有某种能力。

30. D。根据句中时间状语for some time以及后一分句的动词时态可知,选项动词动作强调到现在为止并仍在继续,故排除A、C。由于选项B现在进行时不可与一段时间状语连用,选D现在完成进行时。

31. D。空格后的从句是说明句子的主语The recent information 的内容,故该句是同位语从句,应选that连接主从句,且不可省略。

32. D。该题为一个带有定语从句的复合句,句中作定语的关系代词who指代先行词teachers,为复数,故谓语动词该用are; as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词要根据前一个主语决定;由 every, no, each 等限定的并由and连接的两个并列名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。

33. 为A。分析句子结构和句子意思可知,空格所需的选项均为两个句子的主语,第一空作介词after的宾语;第二空作动词短语carry out 的宾语;根据四个选项,只有what可在句中作此成分。

34. A。根据问话人所用的most可以知道,句中 electronic dictionaries 应为三者以上,再根据答句意义判断,选项应为否定,故应选none。该句答句部分both...and很容易迷惑考生,使之误认为是两者的否定形式,而误选 neither。

35. B。第一空动词attend为及物动词,表主动,根据感觉动词find所跟复合结构,不可使用to attend,过去分词attended表被动,意义也不成立,可选用attending或attend,但根据句意,此处强调状态,故attending现在分词为最佳选项;第二空介词about 后应使用动名词形式there being。


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但有些同学,虽然记住了单词,到完形整篇文章做题时,不会运用,甚至可能遇到2-3个高频答案词同时出现,而自己又不会翻译,这时提分的幅度就会大打折扣!今天吴军老师总结了139个暗示点(600-800个单词的语境串联与并联),将20年内高考真题或模拟题内全部高频词汇进行了汇总,通过语境串联及并联的方式,彻底解决了您“记不住单词”,尤其是“不会运用”的问题,让各种答题技巧,高频考点,单词记忆法及生硬的高频答案词不再受宠! 以后妈妈再也不用担心你的学习了,so easy! 左手拿着“吴军高分英语www.sypeterwu.com”打火机,右手拿着高考真题及模拟题,哪里不会点哪里,.!!!

名师吴军暗示点1 相同的、类似的 / 不同的

(答案解析详见购买的自学教案,此处省略) same similar

different / various / separate / alone / apart / not……but…… / change(able) difference / similarity(between……and……)/ a variety of / a range of


〖2013江苏卷〗I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us 36 chasing the same thing. One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell 37 . I found myself homeless and alone. I had my truck and $56.

36. A. separately B. equally

37. A. off

B. apart

C. violently C. over

D. naturally D. out

〖2013浙江卷〗I love how peole 37 seem so different, but end up being so 38 . The most valuabe lesson I gain from studying in France wasn?t just to respect the French people 39 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away.

38. A. generous

B. independent

C. similar

D. distant

gave out分发,用完。

〖2011·浙江卷〗He led me 35 the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it.He placed his large hand 36 on his treasure and said. “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your 37 and I?ll record them for you .That should get you started.”

36. A. Unhappily B. lovingly C. pitifully D. gratefully

36.感情色彩法,此法多用于解决形容词或副词。下文出现treasure财宝,是正面词汇,B和D是正面积极的,但店主对自己的宝物应该是爱不释手,心爱地触摸,故选B. lovingly。

〖2010·全国Ⅰ卷〗He replied that she 46 knew who he was ,that she had not been able to 47 him for five years now. I was 48 and asked him,” And you 49 go every morning, even though she doesn?t know who you are?”

46. A. so far

B . neither

C . no longer

D . already

46.结合后文,49空那句话给出了很好的对应。neither 表示否定2者。C. no longer。

〖2010·江西卷〗But then, something __51_ happened. The car began changing. First, its color__52__from black to silvery-grey. Then,the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, __53__ just above the ground.

52.A developed


上面我们提到了方向的正负及中性,每个词汇也可分作+、-、0(中性,用0表示)。在完形填空里面,最终的内容都是正面的,积极的(因为我们是祖国的花朵, 在中国的应试教育里面是不允许有负向消极的词汇,想必这个您懂)。

关于逻辑,举一个例子(...of course ...but...)。一个女孩要和她男朋友分手了,于是按照中国含蓄的习惯来说都是说.其实呢,你很好啦,对我也挺好的。(这是男孩倍夸得心花怒放,嘿嘿),这时女孩说了,但是你太丑了(这是男孩的心沉入了谷底,心情糟糕透了),女孩见状,忙说,其实你还是可以找到更好的啦,没事的啦。套用上面的词组(+)of course(-) but (+)。

You are friendly ,of course you are ugly ,but I believe you can find a better one . 于是我们可以了解到正负向的用处,而在完形填空中,描述主人公的一切都应该是正向的。区别了正负向,我们可以在每个句子里面标出正负向,便于答题。


〖2013北京卷〗Lola never thinks about 51 . She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her 52 is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she?s learned to other kids 53 she grew up.

51. A. defending B. quitting C. winning D. bargaining

B appeared

C spread D faded


〖2013天津卷〗 26 , the disastrous effects of the drought(旱灾)were felt all over our country. It was a challenging time for everyone, 27 Dad remained optimistic.

26. A. Thankfully B. Hopefully C. Unfortunately D. Strangely

〖2005·湖北卷〗In the first two year of the __40__ in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫),28 reporters and photographers were killed. Hundreds more were __41__. What kind of people put themselves in danger to __42__ pictures to our TV screens and __43__ to our newspapers? Why do they do it? 41. A. injured

B. buried

C. defeated

D. saved

〖2005·江西卷〗Whatever their bills came to, he 53 gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨).


51.B。通过本段下文可知,Lola还会继续努力,从目前的体操7级达到九级,因此她没有想过放弃。defend 防卫;

辩护; quit 停止;放弃; bargain讨价还价。

26.C。本句的意思是:这次干旱的灾难性影响在全国都能感受得到。这是坏事,所以应该用unfortunately. 其他三个选项的意思分别是:谢天谢地;满怀希望地;很奇怪,均与句意不符。

28 reporters and photographers were killed。更多的人应该是受伤。A。

53.下文they thought he was very generous (慷慨).可知他“总是”多找一些零钱。故选D.always。

B.ever C.seldom D.always

名师吴军扫描选项点破法一 相反项有答案!

〖2013安徽卷〗Learning a new language is never __53__. But with some work and devotion, you?ll make progress. And you?ll be __54__ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in __55__ own language. Good luck!

53. A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy

〖2013天津卷〗From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to 31 our family. He always puts our happiness 32 his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games 33 his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and 34 , putting others first. 32. A. after

B. before

C. beside

D. under

〖2013上海卷〗A study carried out by the U.N.-sponsored World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization shows that only a few developing countries have actually 58 from integration into the world economy and that the poor, the uneducated, unskilled workers, and native peoples have been left behind. 59 , they maintain that globalization may eventually threaten emerging businesses. 58. A. suffered

B. profited

C. learned

D. withdrawn

〖2013江西卷〗“What are you doing ?” a voice asked. Diane jumped. She did not know that the man was there 44 he spoke .

“I?m going diving, ” she answered.

“You shouldn?t swim that day, ” the man 45 . “There is a storm coming up.” “You should mind your own 46 !” Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves. “If you go out there you?ll be 47 ,” the man called after her. She did not bother to reply.

Diane slipped into the water and dived 48 until white caps began rolling in and it became harder to

49 against the current (水流). Saltwater hit against her face, making it 50 to breathe. Oh, why had she not listened to advice. 48. A. nervously

B. sadly

C. shyly

D. happily

〖2013新课标II卷〗In winter, Mr.Greenberg does not 20 like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and 21 the street. He looks around at 22 .He stops when he 23 someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he 24 , looking for more people with cold 25 . On winter days, Mr.Greenberg 26 gloves. During the rest of the year, he 27 gloves. People who have heard about him 28 him gloves, and he has many in his apartment. 27. A. borrows

53. D。 根据下文暗示解题。根据下文“But with some work and devotion, you?ll make progress”可知,学习一门新的语言从来都不容易(easy)。其余三项分别意为:令人厌烦的;困难的,努力的,坚硬的;有趣的,均不符合题意。


58. 答案:B。本句是说只有一部分发展中国家实际上受益于融合进世界经济,根据后面的the poor, unskilled…可知这是对比。解题关键是抓住only一词。



B. sells C. returns D. buys

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什么北京XX高分突破,60分钟高考英语提分秘诀,2012高分核按纽,选择 题高分模板等层出不穷,到底哪个才有效啊?与吴军高分密码有什么区别?




比如,2011年高考的时候就有人假借吴军老师的名义实施骗局!他在网上贴吧和博客上出卖的教案根本不是吴军的核心授课教案,是免费公益版的;另外淘宝网上卖的也是假的,是武汉某某在沈阳吴军高分英语家教网站上或百度文库,英语周报英语教师网及新浪爱问共享资料上免费下载的,是可以免费得到的,然而他却卖你3000元,但其并非吴军本人核心授课教案!声明:没有与沈阳吴军本人联络,且未将款项打入沈阳吴军个人银行帐号的交易与吴军无任何关系,其后果自负!已经上当的家长,请看一下你得到的是类似如下吴军高分教案吗? 不要图便宜,还是与吴军本人亲自交易吧!

