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Unit 1 Living well

一、单句语法填空 1.(2017年江苏卷·阅读理解C)The giants' success has ________ (benefit) consumers. 2.Do you know anyone with a mental or physical ________ (disable)?

3.Although some people may think the cinema is ________ (noise), it is suitable for Sally's condition.

4.I was ________ (ambition) to be admitted to a key university.Therefore, I did everything in my power to review all my subjects.

5.He was beginning to get very ________ (annoy) with me about my carelessness. 6.(2017年新课标Ⅰ卷·阅读理解B)Now all that was needed were the parents,but they were ________ (absence).

7.All roads were blocked and the only access ________ the earthquake-stricken areas was by water.

8.Bob is said________ (resign) and to be teaching in a private school recently. 9.George returned after the war, only ________ (tell) that his wife had left him.

10.While the scientist doing the research, he met ________ a problem difficult to solve. 二、单句改错

1.Just as I stepped into the shower the phone rang.It was so annoyed.

________________________________________________________________________ 2.From the flats we have an easy access to shops and schools.

________________________________________________________________________ 3.We offer our congratulation to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination. ________________________________________________________________________ 4.(2017年新课标Ⅰ卷·阅读理解A)Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and bring inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all

over Washington State.

________________________________________________________________________ 5.(2017年江苏卷·阅读理解D)So even if emissions were to begin to decrease today,we would still face the challenge of adaptation to climate change.

________________________________________________________________________ 6.I think it will be such sunny a day as it was yesterday.

________________________________________________________________________ 7.My little brother is like a bull in a china shop, always knock things over.

________________________________________________________________________ 8.While doing my homework, I met a problem difficult to solve.

________________________________________________________________________ 9.He is buried in writing his novel; in some words, he can't spare us even a minute to take a trip.

________________________________________________________________________ 10.Look, this is an excellent article that I have cut down of the magazine.



(2017届湖南师范大学附属中学高三下学期高考一模) When I was in hospital and had just given birth to my first child, a lady named Margot Frank used to come in to sweep and __1__.I would greet enthusiastically, but she would __2__ answer.

I did this __3__, but it seemed that I was __4__ a one-man show time and again.I thought she might be __5__.But I was told she was mute and had been so for a long time because she had been in a concentration camp and that her younger sister Anne Frank died of typhus (斑疹伤寒症) within days of her __6__.She had __7__ but some children threw “crackers” at her window, letting off very loud “bangs”, and she never spoke from that day on.

On the __8__ I was going home, I asked her if she would be my friend.I still didn't get any answer.I left her some __9__ and told the staff to give them to her.I left the hospital with my husband and newborn child.

Then I realized I had forgotten to ask the obstetricians (产科医生) something.I __10__ with my baby and husband.They said the lady had __11__ she wanted to see me.She hugged me very tightly.She just couldn't help but sob.The hospital was in silence.Not a __12__ passed her lips.

Two years later I heard a conversation on the radio which stopped me in my tracks! They were talking about that __13__ and the magazines and the events.__14__ to me, she __15__ for the first time later that day in all those years.They said the psychiatrist said it was the first time she had __16__ someone, and that broke her __17__. I heard that conversation on the radio, and my husband did, __18__.I thought it was __19__, and I was especially __20__ to know that this lady could speak again.

1.A.dust B.fix C.greet D.sleep

2.A.warmly B.always C.never D.coldly

3.A.immediately B.naturally C.unexpectedly D.repeatedly 4.A.taking on B.putting on C.carrying on D.trying on 5.A.cautious B.deaf C.blind D.friendly 6.A.suffering B.death C.deafness D.birth

7.A.realized B.reflected C.responded D.recovered 8.A.bus B.subway C.day D.way

9.A.candies B.readings C.clothes D.fruits

10.A.ran away B.went back C.set off D.left for 11.A.indicated B.said C.announced D.stated 12.A.word B.smile C.drop D.cry

13.A.obstetrician B.nurse C.baby D.lady

14.A.Uncertain B.Unknown C.Undoubted D.Unsure 15.A.wrote B.read

