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1. He wished he were at home. Ordinarily, he would have been there three hours ago. 他真愿那时候已在家里了。要是在往常的日子里,他早已到家三小时了。 2. illogically, she had expected some kind of miracle solution. 3. 她想会有某种奇迹般的解决办法。这是不合情理的事。

4. But, occasionally, through haste or carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of

business day one teller would be short on cash, the other long.

5. 但是,偶尔也会有这种情况,由于匆忙或者粗心,而造成错误,结果当天停业结算时,


6. Characteristically, Mr. Li concealed his feelings and watches and learned. 7. 哈罗德先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心神领会。这是他的特点 8. He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. 9. 他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十分苦恼。

10. The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupant. 11. 每个帐篷的内部怎样布置,要看各个居住者的性格了。 12. He was lying on his side watching her. 13. 他侧身躺着,注视着她。

14. Doctors and men both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe. 15. 医生们和几个男的不停地谈论一种神奇的药物,面目严肃。

16. John still smiled but his voice had a little bit of irritation in it, unusual to Rob. 17. 约翰仍然面带微笑,但是不同于罗布的是他言语里面略带愤怒。 18. He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally. 19. 他来到华盛顿时,就国际形势而言,是个好时机。

20. His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. 21. 他没有遵守安全守则从而导致机器出了事故。

22. As a place to live, it left much to be desired. As a secret training base for a revolutionary new

plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity...

就住而言,它还需要改进。作为一个新型的革命飞机,它是一个极好的秘密训练基地,因为它地势偏远,有效地掩盖了飞机飞行活动。 翻译下列定语从句,

23. He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each. 24. 他竟然奇迹般种出了200个西红柿,每个重达2英镑。

25. There was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of


26. 这个计划里有新颖,独立,英勇的想法,他们非常满意。

27. My assistant,who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment,

could not obtain satisfactory results,because he followed them mechanically。

28. 在未做实验之前,我的助手认真的读了说明,但是却没得到满意的结果,因为他只是机


29. The imperialist states maintain enormous armies and gigantic navies which are used for

oppressing and exploiting the people in distant lands。

30. 帝国主义国家为了镇压和剥削遥远地区的人们,保持了大量巨大的军队和海军。

31. Men become desperate for work,any work,which will help them to keep alive their families。 32. 男人们为了任何能使他们家人生活的工作变得拼命。

33. He would be a short-sighted commander who merely manned his fortress and did not look


如果一个指挥官只守住要塞,不长远考虑,那么他就是目光短浅。 34. He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.. 35. 他坚持另建一幢对他毫无用处的房子。

36. But Miggle’s laugh, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 37. 但是麦格非常有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。

38. We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see

clearly in the night.

39. 我们知道猫的眼睛比我们能吸收更多的光,因此猫在黑夜看的清。

40. He was not at ease with those who make diplomacy their profession, particularly


41. 他与外交界的人,特别是使者相处时总感到不自在。

42. He will show her the place where they could make her look a proper dame—for next to


43. 他会找个适当的地点带她见见老夫人,这钟机会是很少或没有的。

44. Occasionally there would be the days when my depression would dissipate temporarily. 45. 偶尔有这样的时候,我的沮丧会暂时消失。

46. A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 47. 燃料是一种在适当的温度下会燃烧并放热的材料。

48. He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent


49. 他发出同情的声音,对于那些有独立收入的人很容易。

50. There has never been a man around me who wrote so many memos. 51. 我身边从来没有那样的一个男人,写了那么多备忘录。

52. There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity. 53. 有一些金属能导电。

54. The ambassador, who had long been interested in Asian affairs, was flattered. 55. 那个长期关注亚洲时事的大使被奉承了。

56. I knew that John would tell his mother, who would probably tell Mary. 57. 我知道约翰会告诉他妈的,他妈很有可能告诉玛丽。

58. He took the idea to Admiral King, who liked it and ordered a secret study make to see if it

could be done.

59. 他告诉了金上将这个想法,金上将喜欢并下令秘密研究看其是否可以实施。 60. He said that this was a good suggestion, which he would look into. 61. 他说这是个好的提议,他会看看的。

62. He give me a fountain pen, which I kept to this day. 63. 他给了我一个钢笔,我保留至今。

64. Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully, which showed that the computations were


65. 然而问题得到了圆满解决,这说明预算是正确的。

66. One was Newman himself, who laughed as he recounted how he had hidden in that basement

for several days.

67. 其中笑的一个是纽曼他自己,他讲起他在地下室藏了几天。

68. But his did not talk at length about the matter, which was not considered by the White House

to be a particularly important question.

69. 但是他没有细谈这个事,白宫政府认为容易的问题。

70. He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. 71. 他希望写一篇文章,旨在引起公众对这个事情的关注。

72. Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge

is an idealist.

73. 任何人认为理性的知识不是来源于知觉的知识是唯心主义的。 74. He lived his life apart from the workers on whose skill he depended. 75. 他过着一种生活,这不需要工人技术。

40. Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegantes. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting.


41,When a neighbor's dismally unattractive daughter announced her engagement, Imelda remarked, \know what they say, Senora: 'There is no pot so ugly it can't find a lid.'\And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, \听到邻居说他那其貌不扬的女儿订婚了,伊梅尔达说,“你知道大家说的么,太太:再丑的罐也不愁找不到塞子”当初她的女婿吹嘘他将如何报复扣他工资的老板时,银梅达尔冷冷地说,小鱼吃不了大鱼。

