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- 陕西最有名的小吃有哪些推荐度:
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陕西特色小吃 The Shaanxi characteristic snack
Steamed dumplings
Noodle with pork
cruded pancake in mutton soup
It is one of the most famous snacks in xi’an . You have to break the steamed bread into small pieces and add other material. Then drink a small bowl of fresh soup , you will find the fragrance mouthful, long aftertaste. There is varies material in it , such as green onion(青葱), garlic(大蒜), coriander(香菜), red brown beef and mutton and so on . It is very delicious .
Wooden cages mirror cake is a kind of traditional snack in xi’an; Its making process is very simple . First ,choose high quality glutinous rice(糯米) flour and put it into a small wooden steamer , second, sprinkle with some red or green bean as an auxiliary material, then stove it over steam blown; The feature is , white color, small and round, rather like a small mirror, hence it’s called ‘mirror cake’;
After payment, the customers can select the brown sugar, white sugar or orange flour and put it on the cake according to their tastes; soft, sweet, fragrant smell, the taste is very good..
Steamed dumplings
Delicious tender meat, soft skin, exquisite shape, rich soup, and oil but not greasy(不 油腻).
Shaanxi Liangpi秦镇米皮 岐山擀面皮
Making process condiment
Shaanxi Liangpi ,according the raw(生的,未加工的) materials, can be divided into: skinned, bran, black rice, konjac skin, vinegar, vermicelli and so on. Liangpi can be eaten in different method, cold or hot.
5.biang biang 面thick noodles
Chinese-style hamburgers is very famous in all of Xi'an snacks. Actually it is a wonderful combination of the two foods: Dried juice meat, steamed white bread. Many Chinese and foreigners like it very much .People often eat liangpi with it together.
贾 三 灌 汤 包
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