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絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL東亞銀行職位申請書THE BANK OF EAST ASIA APPLICATION FORM FOR EMPLOYMENT申請職位 Position Applied For 部門 DepartmentA 部. 個人資料 (*以香港身份證/護照為準) Section A. Personal Particulars (*as stated on HKID Card/Passport) 英文姓名 Name in English* 先生 Mr. 女士 Ms. (姓氏 Surname) 中文姓名 Name in Chinese* (名字 Given Name) (別名 Alias) 出生日期 (日/月/年) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)* 只供內部填寫 For Official Use Only香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID Card/Passport No.*護照簽發國家 (如適用) Issuing Country of Passport (if applicable)* 電話號碼 Telephone No. 住宅 Residential 辦公室 Office 流動電話 Mobile 電郵地址 Email Address住址 Residential Address地區 District 區域 Area: 港島 HK / 九龍 KLN / 新界 NT 通訊地址(如與住址不同) Correspondence Address (if different from Residential Address)B 部. 學歷 (按時序列出) Section B. Education (in chronological order)日期(日/月/年) Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 由 From中學或以下就學詳情 Secondary or below至 To學院名稱 (請註明全日/兼讀制) Name of Institution (Please state Full-time or Part-time)獲取的最高學歷 Highest Level / Specialization Attained專上及/或大學就學詳情 Post-secondary and/or Tertiary其他 Others(如需要請自行加行 Please add lines to the table if required.) 年 Year (yyyy) 主要考試 Major Examination 香港中學會考 HKCEE 香港中五程度 Form 5 普通教育文憑試普通程度 GCE O-Level 其他(請註明) Others(please specify) 香港高級程度會考 HKALE 香港高等程度會考 HKHLE 香港中七程度 Form 7 普通教育文憑試高級程度 GCE A-Level 其他(請註明) Others(please specify) PF 49 (11/2009) 成績 Result & Level Attained 英文 English ( ) 中文 Chinese ( ) 數學 Mathematics ( )其他 Others: ________________________________________________英文 English ()中文 Chinese ()數學 Mathematics ()其他 Others: ________________________________________________1of 6


絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL C 部. 中介人考試及登記狀況 Section C. Intermediaries Examination & Registration Status 證券中介人登記狀況 Relevant Individual Registration Status: 本人現在或過去從沒有登記/註冊為有關人士/持牌代表 I have never registered / licensed as a relevant individual / licensed representative. 本人現在沒有,但過去曾經登記/註冊為有關人士/持牌代表 I was a relevant individual / licensed representative in the past. 登記/註冊號碼 Registration / CE No. ___________________________ 持續培訓本年度開始日期 CPT Initial date this year ________________ 登記/註冊的受規管活動類別 Types of regulated activities registered / licensed _________________________________________________ 登記/註冊時段 Period of registration / licensing ___________________ 本人現在有登記/註冊為有關人士/持牌代表 I am currently a relevant individual / licensed representative. 登記/註冊號碼 Registration / CE No. ___________________________ 持續培訓本年度開始日期 CPT Initial date this year ________________ 登記/註冊的受規管活動類別 Types of regulated activities registered / licensed _________________________________________________ 通過考試合格日期 (日/月/年)Date of Passing the Examination (dd/mm/yyyy)保險中介人登記狀況 Insurance Intermediary Registration Status: 從沒有登記 No 現在沒有,但過去曾經登記 Yes, in the past 登記號碼 Registration No. __________________________ 現在有登記 Yes, at present 登記號碼 Registration No. __________________________強積金中介人登記狀況 MPF Intermediary Registration Status: 從沒有登記 No 現在沒有,但過去曾經登記 Yes, in the past 登記號碼 Registration No. __________________________ 現在有登記 Yes, at present 登記號碼 Registration No. __________________________課程考試 Examination Programme試卷 Examination Paper香港證券專業學會證券及期貨從業員資格考試 HKSI Licensing Exam 香港證券專業學會證券及期貨從業員資格考試 HKSI Licensing Exam 香港證券專業學會證券及期貨從業員資格考試 HKSI Licensing Exam 香港證券專業學會證券及期貨從業員資格考試 HKSI Licensing Exam 香港證券專業學會證券及期貨從業員資格考試 HKSI Licensing Exam 香港證券專業學會基本課程考試 HKSI Foundation Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會基本課程考試 HKSI Foundation Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會基本課程考試 HKSI Foundation Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會文憑課程考試 HKSI Diploma Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會文憑課程考試 HKSI Diploma Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會文憑課程考試 HKSI Diploma Programme Exam 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets 香港證券專業學會金融市場專業文憑 HKSI Professional Diploma in Financial Markets卷一. 基本證券及期貨規例 Paper 1. Fundamentals of Securities & Futures Regulation 卷七. 金融市場 Paper 7. Financial Markets 卷八. 證券 Paper 8. Securities 卷十一. 機構融資 Paper 11. Corporate Finance 卷十二. 資產管理 Paper 12. Asset Management 卷一. 金融市場監管架構 Paper 1. Regulatory Framework & Financial Markets 卷二. 證券投資 Paper 2. Securities Investment 卷三. 衍生工具投資 Paper 3. Derivatives Investment 卷一. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Paper 1. Economics & Financial Markets & Analytical Tools 卷二. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Paper 2. Law, Code and Ethics 卷三. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Paper 3. Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 單元一. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 1. Economics 單元二. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 2. Financial Markets and Instruments 單元三. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 3. Quantitative Methods and Accounting for Finance 單元四. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 4. Regulatory Framework: Securities and Futures Industry 單元五. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 5. Corporate Capital, Governance, and Takeovers 單元六. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 6. Advanced Investment Analysis 單元七. (不設中文譯名,請參照英文試卷名稱) Module 7. Portfolio ManagementPF 49 (11/2009)2of 6


絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL C 部. 中介人考試及登記狀況 (續上頁) Section C. Intermediaries Examination & Registration Status (Continued) 保險中介人資格考試 Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Exam 保險中介人資格考試 Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Exam 保險中介人資格考試 Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Exam 保險中介人資格考試 Insurance Intermediaries Qualifying Exam 強制性公積金中介人考試 Mandatory Provident Fund Intermediaries Exam1卷一. 保險原理及實務 Paper 1. Principles and Practice of Insurance 卷二. 一般保險 Paper 2. General Insurance 卷三. 長期保險 Paper 3. Long Term Insurance 卷五. 投資相連長期保險 Paper 5. Investment-linked Long Term Insurance 強制性公積金計劃 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes1D 部. 截至目前為止的全部就業詳情 (按時序列出) Section D. Full Employment Record to date (in chronological order) 日期(日/月/年) Date(dd/mm/yyyy) 由 From 至 To 公司名稱 Name of Company 最後受僱職位 Last Position 最後工資 Last 2 Wages2離職原因 Reason for Leaving(如需要請自行加行 Please add lines to the table if required.)1包括全職、兼職、臨時工、合約、散工、自由業、實習、學徒訓練、自僱等 Include full-time, part-time, temporary, contract, casual, freelance, internship, apprenticeship, self-employed, etc. 2 請將每月基本薪金、津貼、花紅、佣金、超時工作薪酬等分拆填報 Please provide breakdown of the wages, monthly basic salary, allowance, bonus, commission, overtime pay, etc.PF 49 (11/2009)3of 6


絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL E 部. 專業資格 (按時序列出) Section E. Professional Qualifications (in chronological order) 日期(日/月/年) Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 持有的專業資格 Qualification Attained 頒發機構全名 Full Name of Issuing Authority(如需要請自行加行 Please add lines to the table if required.) F 部. 語言及技能 Section F. Languages & Skills 語言 Languages 英文 English 中文 Chinese 廣東話 Cantonese 普通話 Putonghua 其他 Others: _________ 英文打字 English typing _______ 字 / 每分鐘 words / minute 中文打字 Chinese typing _______ 字 / 每分鐘 words / minute 電腦知識 Computer knowledge: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 其他 Others: G 部. 期望薪金及可到職日期 Section G. Expected Salary / Date Available for Employment 期望薪金 Expected Salary H 部. 其他資料 Section H. Other Information 你現在是否香港特別行政區永久性居民?如否,請註明是否需要工作許可及原因。Are you a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region? If no, please state whether a work permit is required and the reason. 你是否曾經更改你的姓名?如有,請註明更改前的姓名及生效日期。Have you changed your name before? If yes, please provide the previous name and the effective date. 你是否現在或曾經受僱於本行集團?如有,請註明所屬部門或公司。Have you been employed by this Bank Group before? If yes, please state the name of the department or the company. 你現在是否有親友受僱於本行?如有,請提供詳情。Do you have any relatives / friends working in this Bank? If yes, please state details. 部門 / 分行 Department / Branch 關係 Relationship 姓名 Name 你是否現在或曾經被前僱主終止僱聘或被要求自動離職?如有,請於適當方格內加上” ” 號。Have you ever been terminated or requested to leave employment by your previous employer? If yes, please tick the appropriate item(s). 僱聘合約期滿 Expiry of employment contract 未能達到銷售目標 Failed to meet sales target 僱主進行裁員 Made redundant by the employer 不同意僱主更改僱聘條款 Not agreed on the variation of the terms of the employment contract by the employer 被僱主解僱 (請詳述) Dismissed by the employer (please state details): 被僱主要求自動離職 (請詳述) Requested by the employer to leave employment (please state details): 其他原因導致被終止僱聘 (請說明) Other reason of termination of employment (please specify): 請就上述情況提供詳情(包括有關的僱主名稱)及原因 Please state details (including the name of employer concerned) and reasons for the above situation(s): 你是否現在有擔任任何兼職或委任工作,即無論是否有薪的受僱、董事職務或商業性職務等?Do you have any outside employment/appointment, i.e. no matter paid or unpaid employment, directorship, or commercial duties, etc.? 你是否現在或曾經在香港或其他地方被裁定或被控干犯任何刑事罪行或涉及任何民事訴訟?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever been convicted or accused in any place of criminal offence or involved in any civil litigation? If yes, please state details. 你是否現在或曾經在香港或其他地方被裁定或被控干犯任何涉及欺詐或不誠實的罪行(包括根據「罪犯自新條例 」下 已失時效的罪行)?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever been convicted or accused in any place of an offence 1 involving fraud or dishonesty (including that has been spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance )? If yes, please state details.1書寫 Written 優良 Excellent 良好 Good 普通 Fair 優良 Excellent會話 Spoken 良好 Good 普通 Fair可到職日期 Date Available for Employment是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 NoPF 49 (11/2009)4of 6


絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL H 部. 其他資料 (續上頁) Section H. Other Information (Continued) 你是否現在或曾經有破產紀錄或涉及任何破產法律程序?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever been declared bankrupt or involved in any bankruptcy proceedings? If yes, please state details. 你是否現在或曾經有任何財務安排及/或面臨任何潛在的財政困難而可能導致你將無能力償還及/或會涉及破產法律程序 (包括與債權人作出債務償還或重整協議)?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever had any financial arrangements and/or potential financial difficulties such that you may be unable to repay your debts and/or subject to any bankruptcy proceedings (including entering into a composition or scheme of arrangement with your creditors)? If yes, please state details. 你是否現在或曾經被香港金融管理局、證券及期貨事務監察委員會、香港保險業聯會、其他專業、監管或調查機構對 你採取譴責、施以紀律處分或進行調查?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever been reprimanded or disciplined or currently subject to any investigation by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Securities and Futures Commission, Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, or any other professional, regulatory or investigatory bodies? If yes, please state details. 你是否現在或曾經擔任某個正在或已經清盤或以其他方式解散,或其牌照或註冊(視屬何情況而定)已經撤銷的認可機構 2 2 的董事、行政總裁或經理 ?如有,請提供詳情。Have you ever been a director or a chief executive or a manager of an authorized institution which is being or has been wound up or otherwise dissolved or its license or registration, as the case may be, has been revoked? If yes, please state details. 是 Yes 否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 NoI 部. 聲明 - 本行以作登記有關人士之用 (如不適用可選擇不填寫) Section I. Self-Declaration - for the Purpose of Registration as a Relevant Individual of the Bank) (Optional if not applicable) 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否被裁定或被控干犯任何刑事罪行(輕微罪行除外 ),不論該項定罪的證據是否可在香 港或其他地方進行的法律程序中獲接納。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere convicted of or charged with 3 any criminal offence (other than a minor offence ) whether or not evidence of such conviction is admissible in proceedings in Hong Kong or elsewhere. 4 5 6 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否成為規管機構 或刑事調查機構 採取紀律行動或進行調查 (視屬何情況而定)的對 6 象。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere subject to any disciplinary action or investigation by a regulatory 4 5 body or criminal investigatory body (as the case may be). 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否成為法院或其他主管當局作出的關於欺詐、不誠實行為或不當行為的命令的對象。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere subject to any order of the court or other competent authority for fraud, dishonesty or misfeasance. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否擔任某個成為或曾成為規管機構或刑事調查機構採取紀律行動或進行調查(視屬何情 7 況而定)的對象的法團或業務的大股東 或董事,或參與管理此類法團或業務。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or 7 elsewhere a substantial shareholder or director of a corporation or business that is or has been subject to any disciplinary action or investigation by a regulatory body or criminal investigatory body (as the case may be), or involved in the management of such corporation or business. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否擔任某個成為或曾成為法院或其他主管當局作出的關於欺詐、不誠實行為或不當行 7 為的命令的對象的法團或業務的大股東 或董事,或參與管理此類法團或業務。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or 7 elsewhere a substantial shareholder or director of a corporation or business that is or has been subject to any order of the court or other competent authority for fraud, dishonesty, or misfeasance, or involved in the management of such corporation or business. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否參與任何司法程序或其他法律程序。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere engaged in any judicial or other proceedings. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否成為與本人的債權人作出債務償還安排或任何方式的債務妥協的一方。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere a party to a scheme of arrangement, or any form of compromise, with my creditors. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否不遵從任何判決或法院命令。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere in default of compliance with any judgment or court order. 7 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否擔任已藉成員自動清盤以外的其他方式清盤的法團或業務的大股東 或董事,或參與 7 管理此類法團或業務。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere a substantial shareholder or director of a corporation or business which was wound up otherwise than by way of a member's voluntary winding up, or involved in the management of such corporation or business. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否擔任已藉全體合夥人同意以外的其他方式解散的商號的合夥人。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere a partner of a firm which was dissolved other than with the consent of all the partners. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否破產或察覺存在有任何可能使本人無償債能力或導致根據《破產條例》(第 6 章)委任 本人財產的接管人的事宜。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere bankrupt or aware of the existence of any matters that might render me insolvent or lead to the appointment of a receiver of my property under the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap. 6). 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否被拒或被限制行使進行交易、業務或專業的權利,而法律規定進行該交易、業務或 專業是須有特定牌照、註冊或其他許可的。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere refused or restricted from the right to carry on any trade, business or profession for which a specific license, registration or other authorization is required by law. 7 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否擔任某個被拒或被限制行使進行交易、業務或專業的權利的法團的大股東 或董事, 或參與管理此類法團,而法律規定進行該交易、業務或專業是須有特定牌照、註冊或其他許可的。I am or have been, 7 in Hong Kong or elsewhere a substantial shareholder or director of a corporation that has been refused or restricted from the right to carry on any trade, business or profession for which a specific license, registration or other authorization is required by law, or involved in the management of such corporation. 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否喪失擔任董事的資格。I am or have been, in Hong Kong or elsewhere disqualified from holding the office of director. 8 本人在香港或其他地方是否或曾否作為《精神健康條例》(第 136 章)第 2 條所界定的病人 。I am or have been, in 8 Hong Kong or elsewhere a patient as defined in Section 2 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136).3是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes否 No 否 No 否 No 否 No是 Yes 是 Yes否 No 否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes否 No是 Yes 是 Yes否 No 否 NoPF 49 (11/2009)5of 6


絕對保密 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL1已自新的個別人士根據《罪犯自新條例》(第297章)所受到的保障,並不適用於其是否適宜作為認可機構的僱員的用以評核的問題。The protection granted to the rehabilitated individuals under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap. 297) shall not apply to any question asked for the assessment of the suitability to act as employees of an authorized institution. 2 「經理」指根據《銀行業條例》(第 155 章)新增附表 14 所指定的獲委任及已通知香港金融管理局的以單獨或聯同他人一起擔任該認可機構的一項或多於一項的事務的主要負責人 的人士。"Manager" refers to an individual appointed and notified to the HKMA to be principally responsible, either alone or with others, for the conduct of any one or more of the affairs or business of the institution specified in Schedule 14 of the Banking Ordinance (Cap.155). 3 「輕微罪行」指根據《定額罰款(交通違例事項)條例》(第 237 章)、《定額罰款(刑事訴訟)條例》(第 240 章)或《定額罰款(公眾地方潔淨罪行)條例》(第 570 章)可判以定額罰款的 罪行,或在香港以外地方所犯的同類性質的罪行。"Minor offence" means an offence punishable by a fixed penalty under the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contravention) Ordinance (Cap. 237), the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance (Cap. 240) or the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap. 570), or offence of a similar nature committed in a place outside Hong Kong. 4 「規管機構」包括證券及期貨事務監察委員會、香港金融管理局、認可交易所(依照《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)附表1的定義)、任何專業團體或社團、考試機構、根據任何成文 法則委任的審查員、以及香港或其他地方的其他同等機構或人士。"Regulatory body" includes the Securities and Futures Commission, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, a recognized exchange company (as defined in Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571)), any professional body or association, an examination authority, an inspector appointed under any enactment, and other equivalent bodies or persons, in Hong Kong or elsewhere. 5 「刑事調查機構」指香港警務處及根據《總督特派廉政專員公署條例》(第204章)第3條設立的廉政公署及香港或其他地方的進行刑事調查的公共機構。"Criminal investigatory body" means the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption established under Section 3 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance (Cap. 204), and public bodies in Hong Kong or elsewhere carrying out criminal investigations. 6 若將關於規管機構或刑事調查機構正在進行的刑事調查的資料披露,是被香港或其他地方任何法律條文所禁止的,則此段並不包括要披露這些資料。然而,若你最終獲本行聘 用,你須在察覺該刑事調查已完成後的7個營業日內通知本行有關的調查結果。This does not include disclosure of information concerning an ongoing criminal investigation by a regulatory body or criminal investigatory body if such disclosure is prohibited by any statutory provision in Hong Kong or elsewhere. You are however required to notify the Bank of the results of the investigation within 7 business days after you become aware of the completion of such criminal investigation if you are eventually employed by the Bank. 7 根據《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)附表1,「大股東」指任何人(單獨或聯同其任何有聯繫者)擁有該法團的股份權益,而該等股份的面值相等於該法團已發行股本的面值的10%以 上;或他(不論單獨或聯同其任何有聯繫者)擁有在該法團的成員大會上直接或間接行使10%以上的投票權或控制該數量的投票權的行使。Pursuant to Schedule 1 under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571), “substantial shareholder” refers to any person (either alone or with any of his associates) who has an interest in shares in the corporation and the nominal value of which shares is equal to more than the nominal value of 10% of the issued share capital of the corporation; or he (either alone or with any of his associates, and either directly or indirectly) is entitled to exercise or control the exercise of more than 10% of the voting power at general meetings of the corporation. 8 「病人」指患有精神紊亂或看來患有精神紊亂的人。"Patient" means a person suffering or appearing to be suffering from mental disorder.本人證實本人已詳細閱讀並明白「個人資料(私隱)條例 – 個人資料收集(僱員)聲明」。本人明白及同意貴行可能將有關僱員及可能成為僱員的人士 之個人資料向聲明內述明的人士披露。I certify that I have read carefully and understood the “The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance - Personal Information Collection (Employees) Statement”. I understand and agree that the Bank may provide the personal data of employees and potential employees to the parties as stated in the Statement. 本人聲明上述資料及遞交之有關文件均屬正確無訛及詳盡。本人明白如有任何虛報、誤導、隱瞞或省略,本人將不被錄用,貴行亦有權撤回向本 人發出的口頭或書面僱聘承諾而毋須負責,而縱獲錄用,亦將構成本人被即時解僱之理由。貴行可保留就情況需要採取其認為適當行動的權利。 I declare that the information given above and the documents provided are correct, true, and complete. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, withholding or omission of material fact / documents shall render myself liable to rejection of my application, revocation of any verbal or written offer of employment from the Bank to me without any liability, or summary dismissal if employed. The Bank may also reserve the right to take such action as it thinks appropriate under the circumstances. 簽署 Signature: 日期 Date:個人陳述 - 請說明你的專長、興趣、短期目標及長遠事業發展抱負。(如需要請自行加行) Personal Statement - Please state your particular abilities and interests, short-term aims and long-term ambitions for your career. (Please add lines to the table if required.)PF 49 (11/2009)6of 6

