高考英语基本知识点 - 图文

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英语基本知识点考前过关 1. 一个名叫史密斯的先生 a Mr. Smith 26. 采取行动 take action 再一次 a third time 27. 参加班级活动 join in class activities 一个极美的城市 a most beautiful city 28. 实际上 in ( actual ) fact as a matter of fact 同一类的鸟 birds of a kind in reality 2. 放弃做某事 abandon doing sth. = give up doing sth. 29. 适应于新生活 adapt to the new life 3. 使某人能够做--- make sb. able to do sth. = adjust to the new life 4. 登机 go aboard a plane 30. 增加/扩大我们的知识 add to our knowledge 5. 我正要离开这时下雨了。 那增加了我们的困难。 It added to our difficulty. I was about to leave when it rained. 31. 总计为1000 add up to 1000 6. 这个问题我不懂。 The problem is above me. 32. 沉溺于--- be addicted to doing sth. 7. 国内外新闻 news at home and abroad = be drunk with sth. 出国留学 study abroad 33. 除此之外 in addition = besides 8. 缺席会议 be absent from the meeting = what’s more = furthermore / moreover 9. 专心于--- be absorbed in sth. be lost in sth. in addition to sth. be bent on sth. apart from sth. as well as sth. 10. 在---方面丰富 be abundant in resources be rich in vitamin C besides sth. 11. 从他的口音判断,---。 34. 向公众发表演说 address the public Judging from his accent, ---- 35. 钦佩某人的勇气 admire one’s courage 12. 我收到了礼物但没有接受。 36. 承认做过某事 admit (to) doing sth. I received the gift but didn’t accept it. 被大学录取 be admitted to college 13. 有机会得到免费的教育 37. 预先,提前 in advance have access to free education 38. 根据调查 according to the survey 14. 公众可进入的地方 39. 优缺点 the advantages and disadvantages a place accessible to the public 40. 优于--- have an advantage over sb. 15. 偶然,意外地 by accident 41. 对某人有利 to one’s advantage 16. 因为---得理由 on account of sth. 42. 利用--- take advantage of sth. / sb. because of sth. = make use of sth. due to / owing to sth. 43. 一条关于----的建议 a piece of advice on sth. 17. 考虑到--- take --- into account 44. 建议做--- advise doing sth. = take--- into consideration = suggest doing sth. 18. 说明---,占---的比例 account for 建议某人做--- advise sb. to do sth. = suggest sb. doing sth. 19. 指控某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. = charge sb. with sth. 建议--- advise that --- (should) do sth. = suggest that --- (should) do sth. 20. 习惯于做--- be accustomed to doing sth. = be used to doing sth. 45. 提倡做--- advocate doing sth. 21. 一事无成 achieve nothing 46. 影响我们的健康 affect our health = accomplish nothing have an effect on --- have an impact on --- 22. 获得成功 achieve success 23. 做出巨大成就 make great achievements have an influence on --- 24. 从街对面 from across the street 47.(可)负担做---的费用 ( can ) afford to do sth. 游过河 swim across the river 48. 害怕--- be afraid of sth. 25. 担任---职务,充当--- act as sth. 49 反对这个计划 be against the plan 1 逆风 go against the wind 以蓝天为背景 against the blue sky 美元兑换率 rates against U.S. dollars 50. 看起来与年龄相符 look one’s age 51. 同龄 be of an age

52. 在计划上达成共识 agree on the plan 同意某人,与---一致 agree with sb. 一些人同意该计划。 Some people agree to the plan. Some people are for the plan. Some people are in favor of the plan. 53. 达成协议 reach / come to an agreement 54. 远远超过--- get well ahead of --- 55. 向前,请吧,用吧。 Go ahead.

56. 来帮助某人 come to one’s aid/ help 57. 该计划旨在帮助残疾人。

The project is aimed at helping the disabled. 58. 惊慌 get alarmed / panic 59. 被活捉 be caught alive 60. 首先,首要 above all / first of all

毕竟,终究 after all 突然 all at once all of a sudden 全力以赴 go all out 总的来说 all in all in a word in conclusion

61. 允许做--- allow/ permit doing --- 允许某人做--- allow/permit sb. to do --- 62. 几乎没有什么 almost nothing 63. 不理会,更不用说做--- let alone (do) sth. 64. 别无选择除了做---

have no alternative / choice but to do sth. 65. 大量的水 a great amount of water 66. 使某人愉快的是, ---。To one’s amusement, --- 67. 再试一次,你就会成功。

One more try, and you will succeed. 68. 据宣布--- It’s announced that --- 69. 作为对---的回应 in answer to sth. = in response to ---- = in reply to ---

70. 担心--- be anxious about --- =be worried about --- =be concerned about --- 71. 无论如何我们必须完成它。 Anyway / Anyhow, we must finish it. 2

72. 他就是懒惰。 He is nothing but lazy. 他一点都不懒。 He is anything but lazy. 73. 向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for sth. = make an apology to sb. 74. 吸引孩子 appeal to the children 呼吁某人做--- appeal to sb. to do sth. = call on sb. to do sth. 75. 他貌似诚实。 He appears honest.

He appears to be honest. It appears that he is honest. 76. 初次登台露面

make one’s first appearance on the stage 77. 渴求知识 have an appetite for knowledge 78. 申请工作 apply for a job 79. 把知识应用实践 apply knowledge to practice 80. 适用于每个人 apply to everyone 81. 致力于--- apply oneself to doing sth. =devote oneself to doing sth. 82. 与某人约会 make an appointment with sb. 83. 感激做--- appreciate doing sth. 我们很感激--- We will appreciate it if --- 84. ---的(处理)方法 an approach to dealing with it a solution to dealing with it a way to deal with it 85. 他平易近人。 He is easy to approach. 86. 赞同决定。 approve ( of ) the decision 87. 城市占地10000平方公里

The city covers an area of 10000km2.

88. 说服某人做--- argue sb. into doing sth. = persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人不做--- argue sb. out of doing sth. 89. 事故由粗心引发。

The accident arose from carelessness. The accident resulted from carelessness. The accident was caused by carelessness. 90. 抱着孩子 hold the baby in the arms 91. 拿起武器 take up arms 92. 参军 join the army 93. 服兵役 serve in the army 94. 安排某人做--- arrange for sb. to do sth. 做出安排 make arrangements 95. 某人一到达 on / upon one’s arrival 96. 到达学校 arrive at / get to / reach the school 到达北京 arrive in Beijing 到达月球 arrive on the moon 97. 一件衣服 an article of clothing 98. 和---一样大的房间 as big a room as --- 99. 随着时间流逝, ---. As time went by, --- 虽然他只是个孩子, ---. Child as he is, --- 正如大家所知, ---. As is known to all, --- 实际上,事实上 as it is

100. 只要 as / so long as

101. 就我而言 As / So far as I’m concerned, --- 102. She is such a good singer that we all like her. She is such a good singer as we all like. 103. 对---感到羞耻 be ashamed of sth. 104. 把---放在一边,储蓄 put aside --- 105. 向老师请求建议 ask teachers for advice 106. 入睡 fall asleep

107. 睡熟 be fast/ sound asleep 108. 问题的一方面 an aspect of the problem 109. 与---有关系 be associated with --- be connected with --- be related to --- be linked to ---

have something to do with-- 110. 假定--- assuming that ---

111. 以高价 at high prices / a high price 112. 友好的气氛 a friendly atmosphere 113. 附属于---,被贴在--- be attached to sth. 114. 攻击某人 attack sb.= make an attack on sb. 115. 杀人未遂 an attempted murder 116. 上学、参加会议 attend school/ the meeting 117. 照料某人 attend (on) sb.

118. 吸引某人的注意 attract/ draw one’s attention 119. 注意---, 关注--- pay attention to doing sth. fix one’s attention on --- focus one’s attention on --- 120. 对于---的不同态度

hold / take different attitudes towards --- 121. 没票了。 No ticket is available. 医生没空。 The doctor is not available. 122. 平均起来 on ( the) average 123. 避免做--- avoid doing sth. 124. 十分清醒 be wide awake 125. 授予某人金牌 award sb. the gold medal 126. 意识到---,知道--- be aware of sth. 127. 提高节约资源的意识

raise/ increase the awareness of saving resources 128. 还有两周, 两周后 be two weeks away 129. 仰面躺着 lie on one’s back 130. 背靠背 back to back


131. 在房间后面 at the back of the room 132. 不擅长 be bad at sth. 133. 对---有坏处 be bad for sth. 134. 更糟的是 what’s worse

to make the matter worse worse still on top of this 135. 均衡的饮食 a balanced diet 136. 保持 / 破坏生态平衡 keep / destroy the balance of nature 137. 禁止某人做--- ban sb. from doing sth. prohibit sb. from doing sth. forbid sb. to do sth. 138. 与某人讨价还价 bargain with sb. about sth. 139. 以---为基础 be based on 140. 在---的基础上 on the basis of

141. 与污染作斗争 fight a battle against pollution 142. 由他去。 Let him be.

143. 承担重负 bear a heavy burden

忍受做--- bear doing / to do sth. 生孩子 bear a child 佩戴武器 bear arms 144 揍某人,打败某人 beat sb. 拍打海岸 beat the shore 拍打翅膀 beat the wings 感到我的心跳动 feel my heart beating 145. 感受自然的美

experience the beauty of nature 146. 玛丽发生什么事了?

What has become of Mary? What has happened to Mary?

147. 不久 before long

148. It won’t be long ____ she comes back. ( before ) It was not long _____ she came back. ( before ) It’s 3 months ______ she came back. ( since ) 149. 乞求原谅 beg for forgiveness 150. 首先,第一 to begin with

151. 代表我的同学 on behalf of my classmates 152. 注意你的举止。 Behave yourself ! 153. 粗鲁的行为 rude behaviour 154. 遗留某物 leave sth. behind

落后 fall behind

落后时代 behind the times 155. 产生,出现 come into being 暂时 for the time being 156. 难以置信 beyond belief 157. 信任某人 believe in sb.

信不信由你 believe it or not 假装 make believe

Bell was believed to have invented the telephone. 158. 属于某人 belong to sb.

159. 弯腰 bend down / over

160. 有益于做--- be beneficial to doing sth. 161. 对某人有益 benefit sb.

受益于--- benefit from sth.

为了人民的利益 for the benefit of the people 对---有益 be of benefit to sb. 公共利益 public benefit

162. 背叛祖国 betray one’s country 163. 读懂字里行间的意思 read between the lines 164. 某人力所不及 beyond one’s power 165. 骑自行车 ride a bike 166. 生儿子 give birth to a son 167. 计划生育 birth control 168. 一点儿食物 a bit of food 169. 一点点地 bit by bit 170. 尽一己之力 do one’s bit

171. 被蛇咬 be bitten by a snake 172. 遍体鳞伤 black and blue 173. 为某事责备某人 blame sb. for sth. 174. 把某事归罪于某人 blame sth. on sb. 175. 你该受到责备。 You are to blame.

176. 被保佑以--- be blessed with ( luck ) 177. 盲目追随--- follow sb. blindly 178. 走过三个街区 go three blocks 179. 道路被阻。 The road was blocked ( up). 180. 风刮得很大。 It was blowing hard. 181. 爆炸,充气 blow up 182. 沉重的打击 a heavy blow 183. 搭乘(船、飞机) go / get on board 184. 乘船 by boat= in a boat 185. 强身健体 build up one’s body 186. 全心全意地为人民服务

serve the people body and soul 187. 勉强维持生计 keep body and soul together 188. 沸腾的水 boiling water 凉开水,开水 boiled water

189. 预定票、座位 book a ticket/ seat/room 190. 海外旅游的热潮 a boom in overseas travel 191. 对---厌烦 be bored with --- = be tired of --- 192. 天生是诗人 be born a poet


193. 向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb.

把某物借给某人 lend sth. to sb. 194. 麻烦某人,打扰某人 bother sb. 195. 不是两人都喜欢。 Both of them don’t like it. 196. 在---底部 at the bottom of

197. 从心底 from the bottom of one’s heart 198. 一定成功 be bound to succeed 199. 鞠躬 make a bow 200. 集体抵制做--- boycott ( doing ) sth. 201. 绞尽脑汁 beat one’s brains 202. 分局,分店 a branch office 203. 某人做---真勇敢。 It’s brave of sb. to do sth. 204. 在早餐时 at breakfast

205. 屏住呼吸 hold one’s breath 206. 上气不接下气 out of breath

207. 吸入、呼出 breathe in / breathe out 208. 简言之 in brief

209. 光明的未来 a bright future

210. 脱离; 摆脱 break away from

出毛病;失败;中断;分解 break down 破碎;分开;散会;放学 break up 闯入---; 破门而入--- break into --- 打断; 折断 break off (战争,火灾)突然发生 break out 违反规定 break the rule 休息一下 have a break 211. 拙劣的英语 broken English 212. 教育; 培养; 呕吐 bring up

带出来; 使显现 bring out 导致; 产生; 引起 bring about 使---倒下/下降 bring down 引入; 赚进; 收获 bring in 使前进; 使---发展 bring on

213. 被现场直播 be broadcast live 214. 擦身而过 brush past sb. 215. 逐步建立,增进(健康) build up 216. 增加某人的经济负担

increase one’s financial burden

217. 闻到东西烧焦的味道 smell sth. burning 218. 突然大哭 burst into tears = burst out crying 219. 一阵大笑 a burst of laughter 220. 埋头于--- be buried in sth.

221. 不管你的事。 None of your business. 222. 着手办正事 get down to business 223. 因公出差 on business

224.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. 225.忙于某事 be busy with sth. 226.倒数第二 the last but one 227. 不是---而是--- not --- but ---

228. 只有我知道。 Nobody but I know it. 229. 要不是你的帮助,我是不会成功的。 But for your help, I wouldn’t have succeeded. 230. 乘公共汽车/汽车/飞机/火车/轮船

by bus / car / plane / train / ship/sea

由疏忽所致 by mistake

到---的时候为止 by the time +句子 以20%的速度增长 increase by 20% 不久 by and by

231.拜访某人; 号召 call on sb.

拜访某地 call at some place 需要某物; 约请某人 call for 打电话; 唤起, 回忆起 call up 召集; 叫来 call in 取消 call off 232. 保持镇静 keep calm 233. 平静下来 calm down

234. 禁烟运动 a campaign against smoking 235. 去野营 go camping 236. 尽可能快 as fast as one can 237. 情不自禁做--- can’t help doing sth. 不能帮助做--- can’t help ( to) do sth.

238. 你再小心也不为过。 You can’t be too careful. 239. 取消书的订单 cancel the order for books 240. 一只点燃的蜡烛 a lighted candle 241. 固定资本 fixed capital 242.对---介意; 关心 care about 243.喜欢; 照顾 care for

244.照料; 照顾 take care of / look after 245. 开展; 执行; 实现 carry out

继续进行 carry on 夺走, 摘取(奖牌) carry off 246.在那种情况 in that case 247.以防万一; 万一 in case + 句子 248.万一---,在---情形下 in case of sth.

248.绝不屈服。 In no case will anyone give in. 249. 她迟到了,那是常有的事。

She is late, as is often the case. 250. 以现金支付 pay in cash 251.赶上汽车 catch the bus

着火 catch fire


251. 赶上(或超过) catch up with

抓住 catch hold of 抓住某人在做--- catch sb. doing 看见 catch sight of 感冒 catch cold 受欢迎; 风靡 catch on

被(雨,雪)淋到 be caught in --- 252. 迎合---的需要 cater to one’s needs

= meet / satisfy one’s needs 253. 五头牛 five head of cattle 254. 因果 cause and effect 255. 导致某人做--- cause sb. to do sth. 256. 庆祝胜利 celebrate the victory

in celebration of the victory 257. 在二十世纪九十年代

in the 90’s of the 20th century

258. 举行毕业典礼 hold the graduation ceremony 259. 必定做--- be certain to do sth. 260. 很肯定--- It’s certain that --- 261. 某个男子 a certain man 262. 出生证明 a birth certificate 263. 连锁店 chain stores 264. 面对挑战 face the challenge 265. 有可能--- There’s a chance that --- Chances are that ---

There ‘s a possibility that --- 266. 偶然,意外地 by chance = by accident 267. 把---变成--- change--- into ---

用---换--- change--- for--- 改变主意 change one’s mind 随着季节改变 change with seasons 换衣服; 换装 get changed

268. 以零钱付款 pay in small change 269. 主角 a leading character 270. 培养性格 build up character 271. 负责; 主管 take / in charge of sth.

由---负责 in the charge of sb. 免费 free of charge

向某人开价--- charge sb. --- for sth. 指控某人--- charge sb. with sth. 272. 考试作弊 cheat in the exam 273. 登记入住 check in

查明; 结帐 check out 274. 振作起来,打起精神 cheer up 275. 酸雨 chemical rain

在药房 at the chemist’s shop

