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第十一讲: 动词的-ing形式


1. 定义; 动词的-ing可用作现在分词,也可用作动名词,现在统称为动词的-ing形式。

2. -ing分词的一般式和完成式:

一般式: doing(主动),being done(被动);

完成式:having done(主动式),having been done(被动式)。如:

Being a student, he was interested in books. 作为一个学生,他对书本很感兴趣。

Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。

The question being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。

He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter. 他从来没谈起过他被记者采访的事情。

注意:在need, want, require, be worth等动词(短语)后,作宾语的-ing分词常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如:

Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。

This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看。 3. -ing分词的语法作用:




Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。

Saying is easier than doing. 说比做容易。 在下面两种结构中,-ing分词也作主语。


It is no use crying over spilt milk. 作无益的后悔是没有用的。

It's a waste of time arguing about it. 辩论这事是浪费时间。

②在There is no结构中,通常用-ing分词。如:

There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。

2) -ing分词(短语)作表语:

His hobby is collecting stamps. 他的爱好是收集邮票。 The problem is quite puzzling. 这个问题很令人困惑。 3) -ing分词作宾语: ①–ing分词作动词宾语。如:


I suggest doing it in a different way. 我建议用另一种方法做这件事。

I'm against inviting him to dinner. 我反对邀请他来吃饭。 4) -ing分词作定语:

①单个的分词作定语一般放在被修饰词的前面。如: reading room 阅览室;a sleeping child一个酣睡的孩子 ②-ing分词短语作定语应放在被修饰词的后面,也相当于一个定语从句。如:

Who is the comrade standing by the door? 站在门边的同志是谁?


The words, usually dealing with current work, were mostly written by himself.歌词一般讲当前的工作,大部分是他自己写的。 5) -ing分词做状语:


While reading the book, he nodded from time to time. 他一边看书,一边不时地点头。

Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him. 因为不知道他的地址,我不能把这本书送给他。

His father died, leaving him a lot of money. 他父亲死了,



They stood there for half an hour watching the stars in the sky. 他们在那儿站了半小时,观察着天上的星星。

A person standing at the foot of a high mountain will find himself very small. 一个人如站在大山的脚下会发现自己很渺小。 6) -ing分词作补语:如:

I noticed a man running out of the bank when I got off the car. 我下车的时候注意到一个男人匆匆忙忙地从银行里跑出来。 Last night the shopkeeper caught a child stealing some food in the shop. 昨晚,店主在商店里抓到一个小孩在偷东西。 难点释疑

1. –ing分词作主语和表语时与不定式的区别:

在表示比较抽象的一般的多次性行为时多用-ing分词;在表示具体的或一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。如: Smoking is forbidden here. (泛指吸烟)这里禁止吸烟。 It’s not good for you to smoke so much. (指你吸烟)吸这么多烟对你的身体不好。

My job is teaching. 我的工作是教书。

My job is to teach you English this term. 我这一学期的工作是教你们英语。 2. -ing分词作表语的两种不同含义:

Their job is building houses. 他们的工作是盖房子。


The problem is quite puzzling. 这个问题很令人困惑。 3. 不定式和-ing分词作宾语补语的区别:

在see, hear, feel, watch, notice等感官动词后,用-ing分词时,表示动作正在进行;用不定式时,表示动作发生了,即动作的全过程结束了。如:

Do you hear someone knocking at the door? (Someone is knocking at the door.) 有人在敲门你听见了吗?

Do you hear someone knock at the door? (Someone knocked at the door just now.) 你听见有人敲门了吗?

4. 高中阶段常见的带介词to的短语,后接-ing分词或名词。如: admit to(承认), contribute to(捐助、贡献), get down to(着手做), give way to(让位于),keep to (坚

持、遵守), lead to (导致),look forward to(期待), take to(从事), turn to (求助于), stick to(忠于、坚持), point to(指向、表明), see to (注意、处

理), be used to (习惯于), devote oneself to (献身于), be equal to (胜任的、等于), be familiar to (为??熟悉). 高中阶段有一些固定的-ing分词短语,如generally speaking(一般来说), judging from?(根据??来判断), considering?(考虑到??), talking of?(谈到??,提到??), supposing?(假如??)等,它们的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一致。这种短语可以被称之为句子的状语,也可当作一个插入语。如:


arrived 。那些被邀请参加宴会的人已经到达。

5. (2009上海35) Bill suggested _____ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.

A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold 答案:C。

解析:主要测试动词的固定搭配。由语境可知译文:比尔提议举行个假期期间为上海世博会做些什么的会议。可以说此类试题主要测试平时的记忆:动词suggest + v-ing ,故此答案一目了然

6.(2009浙江7) There is a great deal of evidence, _______ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating 答案:B。


7. (2009全国Ⅱ16) They use computers to keep the traffic smoothly.

A. being run B. run C. to run D. running 答案:D

解析:考查非谓语动词Ving,这儿构成(keep sth. doing。 8. (2009江苏32) Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, ______ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this


morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

A. Attend B. To attend C. Attending D. Having attended 答案:C。

解析:此句是倒装句,attending非谓语动词做谓语。本句的正常语序是:Our alumni (校友) from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning。

9. (2008北京32) I feel greatly honored _________ into their society.

A. to welcome B. welcomingC. to be welcomed D. welcomed 答案:C

解析:welcome与“I”之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故welcome须用被动语态形式。该句语意相当于I feel it a great honor to be welcomed into their society.。

10. (2008天津4) _________ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. A. To throw B. ThrownC. Throwing D. Being thrown 答案:C。

解析:throw与句子主语the fans之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。A项表示动作还未发生;B、D两项表示被动,均不符合句意。 11. (2008江西24) I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t


mention _________ when we talked on the phone.

A. to promote B. having been promotedC. having promoted D. to be promoted 答案:B

解析:句意为:我听说他们提拔了汤姆,但我们在电话中交谈时汤姆并未提及被提拔之事。mention后跟名词或动名词作宾语,此处要用动名词的完成被动式表示,“被提拔”的动作在mention前发生。 12. (2008湖南34) Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried _________ alone,but she didn’t like it and moved back home.

A. living B. to live C. to be living D. having lived 答案:A。

解析:句意为:苏姗不想依赖父母。她试着一个人生活,但不喜欢这样,又搬回家去了。try doing sth.试着做某事;try to do sth.尽力去做某事。

13. (08陕西14) _________ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show 答案:C



构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故该空格处用现在完成时的被动形式。 14. (2008四川14) We had an anxious couple of weeks, __________for the results of the experiment.

A. wait B. to be waiting C. waited D. waiting 答案:D


15. (2008重庆29) _________ to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead.

A. Fail B .Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 答案:D


16. (2008福建22)_________ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.

A. Waiting B. To waitC. Having waited D. waited 答案:C

解析:逗号前的部分是时间状语,不定式一般不作时间状语,首先排除B、D两项;wait的动作在realize之前,故用分词的完成式。 17. (2008辽宁27) He was busy writing a story, only _________ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.


To have

A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped 答案:B。


18. (2008山东35) Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made ________ in the restaurant.

A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 答案:A。

解析:working in the restaurant为现在分词短语在句中作状语。 19. (2008北京24) _________ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed. A. Seeing B. To see C. See D. Seen 答案:A

解析: see这一动作由句子的主语“I”发出,故空格处须用现在分词。

20.(2009北京市海淀区高三二模) _____ the chapter four times, I finally understood the author's theory.

A.Reading B.Having read C.To read D.Read 答案:B。



之前,故用现在分词完成式作状语。A项不表示动作先后关系。 21.(2009北京市海淀区高三二模)It's always better to tell the truth.Lies have a bad habit of _________ you!

A.catching up with B.calling on C.taking care of D.looking for 答案:A

解析:此处非谓语动词做介词的宾语。It's always better to tell the truth. Lies have a bad habit of catching up with you。整句话的意思是,说出真相才是更好的,谎言有一个习惯,它们会赶上你,其实意译过来就是,说谎的话,迟早都会有不好的结果等着你。 22.(2009北京市西城区高三二模)Henry can’t attend the party _________at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing tomorrow’s presentation.

A.hold hold be held D.being held 答案:D

解析:考查非谓语动词作定语,与the party构成被动关系。 23.(2009北京市宣武区高三二模)Try _________the green button to see if the machine will start. press C.pressing have pressed 答案:C

解析:try doing ? 表示“试图做某事”,try to do ? 表示“努力做某事”。


24.(2009山东省莱芜二中高三二模检测)_________ all the required papers, he didn’t answer the questions fluently in class.

A.Having not read B.Not having read C.Not read D.Not to read 答案:B


25. (2009山东省诸城市高三二模) As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not ______,and asked myself what I was going to do.

A.moved B.moving move D.being moved 答案:B


26. (2009天津市河北区高三年级总复习质量检测(二)) _____that she was going off to sleep,I asked if she'd like that little doll on her bed.

A.Seeing B.To see C.See D.Seen 答案:A

解析:考查非谓语动词作状语,与主语构成主谓关系。 27. (2009天津市河西区第二学期高三年级总复习质量调查)


Scientists are working on components for mobile phones. A.


C.radiation-reduced. D.radiation-reducible 答案:B

解析:考查非谓语动词作定语,与修饰的名词构成主动关系。 28. (2009天津市红桥区高三英语二模) We saw piles of goods containers lie on the port, _______ away.

A.waited to be carried. wait to carry C.waiting to be carried D.and waited for carrying 答案:C


29. (2009天津市南开区高三年级质量调查(二)) ———Who was the man talking to the general manager in the hall yesterday? —— A man ____________ himself a popular singer. A.being called B.calls CD.calling 答案:D


30. (2009河北省邯郸市高三第二次模拟) The flowers_______ sweet




in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt 答案:B

解析:考查非谓语动词作定语,与flowers构成主谓关系。 31.(2009辽宁省沈阳二中高三二模) A Turkish Airlines plane crashed while _________ to land at Amsterdam's Schipol Airport. A.having attempted be attempted C.attempting D.attempted 答案:C

解析:考查非谓语动词作状语,与句子主语构成主动关系。 32.(2009辽宁省沈阳二中高三二模) “_________to Michelle and having two beautiful girls in my house, never allows me to look down upon women, ”said Obama.

A.Marrying B.Being married C.Having married D.Married 答案:B


33.(2009临沂市高三教学质量一模) With no central government,the island was ruled by kings,_________ a different region of the country.

A.each controlling B.each controlled C.each to control


D.each was controlling 答案:A


34.(2009福建省厦门市高三一模试题)Joined by their Mends,Troy and Gabriella staged a musical _________ heir experiences,hopes and fears about the future.

A. reflecting B.reflected C.being reflected D.having reflected 答案:A

解析:考查非谓语动词作定语,与musical构成主动关系。 35. (2009江苏省南通市高三一模试题) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my program. ________ me this evening is Dr. Gray. A. To join B. Join C. Joined D. Joining 答案 D

解析:此句是倒装句,joing非谓语动词做谓语,表示正在进行。本句的正常语序是:Dr. Gray is joining me this evening 36.(2009山东省滨州市高三一模试题) The manager finished the whole day's work and stood up, ______ himself.

A.stretching B.stretched C.stretch stretch 答案:A



37. (2009北京市东城区高三一模试题) The pop star walked out of the stage, _______ her hands elegantly to her fans. A. waving B. was waving C. waved D. to wave 答案:A


38. (2009高考北京市东城区高三一模试题) With their son ______a foreign college now, the parents have some financial problems mow and then.

A. to attend B. attending C. attended D. having attended 答案:B

解析:考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语,与their son构成主动关系。 39.(2009北京市高三4月抽样试题)—Does Shelly like shopping? 一Well,she would rather spend time _________ at home than _________ in the street.;wander B.reading;wander reading;to wander D.reading;to wander 答案:B

解析:此处spend time doing ? 为固定句型。Would rather do ? than do ? 也是固定句型。


40.(2009北京市高三4月抽样试题) The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years_________ trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value. planting plant C.plant D.planting 答案:A

解析:此处devote ? to ? 后面节动名词,to 是介词。 7. 分词

7.1 分词作定语


We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日 He is a retired worker. 他是位退休的工人

分词后置 (i.分词词组;ii. 个别分词如given, left; iii. 修饰不定代词 something等)

There was a girl sitting there. 有个女孩坐在那里 This is the question given. 这是所给的问题 There is nothing interesting. 没有有趣的东西 过去分词作定语

与其修饰的词是被动关系,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。 Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.


Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa. 典型例题

1) The first textbook ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. have written B. to be written C. being written D. written

答案D. 书与写作是被动关系,应用过去分词做定语表被 动,相当于定语从句 which is written

2)What's the language ____ in Germany?

A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 答案B. 主语language与谓语动词之间有被动的含义。

spoken是动词speak的过去分词形式,在句中作定语,修饰主语language, spoken 与 language有被动关系。该句可以理解为: What's the language (which is) spoken in German?

7.2 分词作状语

As I didn't receive any letter from him, I gave him a call. -> Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.



If more attention was given, the trees could have grown better.

-> Given more attention,the trees could have grown better. 假如多给些照顾,那些树会长得更好。 典型例题

1)_____ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed

答案B. Napoleon 与follow 之间有被动的含义。being followed除表达被动之外,还有动作正在进行之意。 followed by(被?跟随)。本题可改为: With some officials following, Napoleon inspected his army.

2)There was a terrible noise ___ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed

答案B. 由于声音在闪电后,因此为声跟随着光,声音为跟随的发出者,为主动。用现在分词。

3)_______, liquids can be changed into gases. A. Heating B. To be heated C. Heated D. Heat


答案C. 本题要选一分词作为状语。现在分词表主动,正在进行的;过去分词表被动的,已经完成的。对于液体来说是加热的受动者,是被动的,因而选C。它相当于一个状语从句 When it is heated,? 注意: 选择现在分词还是过去分词,关键看主句的主语。如分词的动作是主句的主语发出,分词就选用现在分词,反之就用过去分词。 (Being ) used for a long time, the book looks old. 由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。 Using the book, I find it useful. 在使用的过程中, 我发现这本书很有用。

7.3 连词+分词(短语)

有时为使分词短语与主句关系更清楚,可在分词前加连词。 连词有: when,while,if though,after, before, as. 但分词的主语和主句的主语必须为同一个,如:

While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.

waiting 和saw 的主语相同。

7.4 分词作补语



I found my car missing. 我发现我的车不见了。 I'll have my watch repaired. 我想把我的手表修一下。

7.5 分词作表语

现在分词: 表示主动,正在进行 过去分词: 表示被动,已经完成

She looked tired with cooking. 她由于忙着做饭,看上去有些疲倦。

He remained standing beside the table. 他依然站在桌旁。

7.6 分词作插入语

其结构是固定的,意思上的主语并不是句子的主语。 generally speaking 一般说来 talking of (speaking of) 说道 strictly speaking 严格的说 judging from 从?判断


all things considered 从整体来看

taking all things into consideration 全面看来

Judging from his face, he must be ill. 从他的脸色看,他一定是病了。

Generally speaking, dogs can run faster than pigs. 总的来说,狗比猪跑得快。 (speaking 并不是dogs 的动作)

7.7 分词的时态


Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 听到这一消息,他高兴得手舞足蹈。

Arriving there, they found the boy dead. 刚一到那儿,他们就发现那男孩死了。 典型例题

The secretary worked late into the night, ___a long speech for the president.

A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing 答案B. 此处没有连词,不能选D,否则出现了两个谓语动词worked和was preparing。 只能在B,C中选一个。又因前后两个动作同时发生,且与主语为主动关系,应用现在分词。



While walking in the garden,he hurt his leg. 在花园里散步时他伤了腿。

分词作时间状语,如果先与主动词的动作,且强调先后, 要用having done。

Having finished his homework, he went out. =As he had finished his homework, he went out. 做完作业后,他出去了。 典型例题

___ a reply, he decided to write again.

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received

答案C. 本题考查分词的时态与分词的否定式。根据题意判断,分词的动作(接信)发生在谓语动词的动作(决心再写信)之前,因此用分词的完成式。分词的否定式的构成为not +分词,故选C。该句可理解为:Because he had not received a reply, he decided to write again.

7.8 分词的语态



He is the man giving you the money. (= who gave you?) 他就是给你钱的那个人。

He is the man stopped by the car. ( = who was stopped by?) 他就是那个被车拦住的人。


gone, fallen, retired, grown-up, escaped, faded, returned 例: a well-read person. 一个读过许多书的人 a much-travelled may 一个去过许多地方的人 a burnt-out match 烧完了的火柴

5. 动名词

5.1 动名词作主语、宾语和表语 1)作主语

Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。 2)作宾语

a. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth

admit 承认 appreciate 感激,赞赏 avoid 避免


complete 完成 consider 认为 delay 耽误 deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱 prevent阻止

fancy 想象 finish 完成 imagine 想象 mind 介意 miss 想念 postpone 推迟 practise 训练 recall 回忆 resent 讨厌 resist 抵抗 resume 继续 risk 冒险

suggest 建议 face 面对 include 包括

stand 忍受 understand 理解 forgive 宽恕 keep 继续 举例:

(1) Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?

(2) The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. b. 词组后接doing

admit to prefer?to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to be busy look forward to to为介词)

no good, no use, It's worth?, as well as, can't help, It's no use /good be tired of be fond of be capable of be afraid of be proud of think of / about hold off


put off keep on insist on count on / upon set about be successful in good at take up give up burst out prevent ? from? 3)作表语

Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.

5.2 worth 的用法

worth,worthy,worth-while都为adj. 意为\值得\。

1. worth: be worth + n. 当名词为金钱时,表示\?? 值得??\

be worth doing sth. \??某事值得被做\

The question is not worth discussing again and again. 2. worthy:be worthy of +n. 当名词为抽象名词时表示\??值得??\

be worthy to be done \某事值得被做\

The question is not worthy to be discussed againand again.

3. worth-while: be worth-while to do sth \值得做某事\ worth while: It is worth while doing sth


It is worth while sb to do sth. 典型例题

It is not ____ to discuss the question again and again. A.worth B.worthy C.worth-while D.worth while

答案C. 由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worth-while to do sth.。因此选C。


